Douluo: Don't touch my brother Tang San

Chapter 77 I'm Tang 3, I'm Your Brother

Chapter 77 I'm Tang San, I'm Your Brother
Tang Yan narrowed his eyes, feeling his brother's panic.

She raised her left hand, and a soul ring lit up on her body.

"You want to kill me!" Tang Yan seemed to be forced to take another step back, she looked at the three seniors in disbelief.

"Ahem." He coughed fiercely, as if he had been injured internally.

"Hmph! You have come to my Tang Sect again and again, but you have put my Tang Sect in your eyes!" The second elder snorted directly.

"You are not of my race, you will be punished!" The fourth elder was not polite, he pulled out a sword from nowhere, and slashed directly at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan rolled to the side, still unable to dodge, his arm was accidentally cut, blood soon stained Tang Yan's arm red.

"Little girl, my Tang Sect is also well-known in the Jianghu, but there are few people like you who come and leave whenever they want. When our Tang Sect doesn't exist, they still want to confuse my Tang Sect disciples. It's your fault! If I keep you today, it will be a catastrophe!" Mr. Tang Da became serious at this moment, and he should definitely not let this kind of person who provoked the Tang Sect be let go.

"Heh, what a Tang clan, what a non-my race, his heart must be different." Tang Yan clutched his arms, his soul power surged, and he wanted to use such a big move.

"Second brother, stop her quickly, we will kill her with all our strength, she is not a normal person." The fourth elder directly used his inner strength to press over her.

Even Mr. Tang Da, the head of the sect, and the second elder also exerted their inner strength together, intending to crush Tang Yan to pieces.

"No, she's not." Tang San didn't expect things to change like this, obviously they were happily eating food together just now.

Why kill people.

When he saw the blood, his breathing became oppressed and difficult, he didn't want to...

He doesn't want her to be hurt.

If he had to get hurt, he was willing to block her.

"Tang Yan!"

"Cough." Tang Yan couldn't help coughing, seeing Tang San who was coming over, she said with difficulty: "Don't come over!"

Tang San couldn't figure it out, when he saw Tang Yan blocking three elder-level people by herself, how could her small body be able to block it, but with her stiff back, she persisted in not giving up, and the corners of her mouth began to overflow Bloodshot.

Tang San couldn't wait anymore, he desperately wanted to carry all the weight for Tang Yan.

How could he not pass!

"Master! Elders! You stop!"

Tang San yelled vigorously, at this time he also came to Tang Yan's side, he was lucky with Xuantian Kungfu, and together with Tang Yan, he endured the thick inner strength, sharing a little pain for Tang Yan.

"Tang San! What are you doing?!" Originally the show was fake for Tang San, but when he saw Tang San running out to confront them, the second elder couldn't help but said.

"Tang San! Do you know what you are doing!" Mr. Tang Da couldn't help asking, the head of the sect, he had always believed in Tang San before, believed that Tang San would always be a member of their Tang sect, and would not turn against them .

But now using Tang Sect's exercises, they are facing them!

"Tang San implores the sect master and the elders to stop. Tang Yan is not a gangster, let alone a villain. It is justifiable to sneak into the Tang sect." Tang San was a bit difficult to speak against the internal strength of the three of them, but he still insisted. complete.

"Tang San! Do you know what you're doing? You're going to betray the Tang Sect!" The second elder's violent temper came directly, and the inner strength of his subordinates became even stronger.

"Tang San didn't betray Tang Sect, I just want her to be well."

"Ridiculous!" The Fourth Elder couldn't help it, and after the Second Elder suppressed Tang San, he directly slapped Tang Yan away.

"Pfft." Tang Yan's small body couldn't help but flew out, there was still Tang Yan's vomited blood in the air.

Some blood was directly printed on Tang San's face.

Tang San was startled, he felt the world stopped at this moment.

Looking at the person who was sent flying with a dull gaze... Tang San's eyes were bloodshot unknowingly.

Something went straight to his brain.

'I'm the older sister, you're the younger brother, hahaha brother, your face is so soft, give it to my sister! '

'Haha, my brother is so good! '

'younger brother?Where are you going, brother? '

'Oh, my brother has grown up, is there flesh on his face? '

'Does my brother want to carry my sister?My sister can't walk...'


elder sister……

Tang San desperately caught the falling Tang Yan, that small body seemed to be broken, and the warmth in his embrace lost some.

"Sister, sister, wake up, sister!" Tang San was trembling all over.

"I am... I am your younger brother Tang San, I am your younger brother Tang San, sister, sister, wake up."


It seemed that something cool had landed on Tang Yan's face, and Tang Yan's long eyelashes were still trembling slightly.


Another drop fell on Bai Nen's face, and then a splash landed on Tang Yan's lips.

A little astringent and a little salty.

Tang Yan moved his eyes slightly, then opened them with knowledge.

But with this movement, she felt a breath being pressed against her chest, and she couldn't help coughing out.

Yet another mouthful of blood.

That senior didn't talk about martial arts... She was not prepared for why she said it was a fake show.

"It's my brother, it's my brother." Tang Yan felt the tears on his face, she couldn't help but reached out and touched his brother's face, after getting wet with tears, Tang Yan was startled, it wasn't her illusion.

brother crying...

"Well, I am, I am Tang San, and I am your younger brother." Tang San held Tang Yan's hand and hugged Tang Yan tightly, he was afraid that if he let go, he would disappear: "Sister, I'm sorry, sorry."

"Don't cry, it's not cute if you cry." Tang Yan stretched out his hand and patted his younger brother's head with some difficulty.

"I, I'll take my sister to treatment, let's go home, let's go home!" Tang San didn't know if Tang Yan's current injury would affect Tang Yan himself. If this is his obsession, then he doesn't want it, he As long as my sister is well.

"Okay... let's go home!" Tang Yan felt a little tired, holding his younger brother's hand, with a smile on his lips.

I finally remembered her.

"Tang San! You have to go!" Mr. Tang Da, the master, couldn't believe that Tang San was about to leave with someone in his arms.

"I'm sorry, head, Tang San will always be Tang San of Tang Sect, but Tang San has a new home, new friends, and a reason to go back!" Tang San embraced Tang Yan and bowed to Mr. Tang Da, Turn around and run.

Over there is the ghostly ghost cliff.

"Tang San!"

Tang San didn't stop, every step he took was firm.

"Sister, let's go home!"

After Tang San said these words, he directly jumped off Ghost Sorrow.

In an instant, the entire space changed, and everything here disappeared.

Tang Yan was no longer in his arms.

Tang San who absorbed the spirit ring opened his eyes suddenly.

He still remembered Tang Yan who was covered in blood, when he woke up, he immediately shouted:


"It's Xiao San, Xiao San is awake!"

"Tang San is awake!"

 The second update (~﹃~)~ zZ cuties good night~
  To put it mildly: there is no Kavin... the number is almost enough for a chapter (ov)ノ

(End of this chapter)

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