Douluo: Don't touch my brother Tang San

Chapter 89 I'll Hug You

Chapter 89 I'll Hug You
As soon as Tang San's words came out, everyone also carefully looked at Tang Yan's six figures.

As time passed, they saw something different.

"Although it is said that there are six Xiaoyans, but...the strength of the Xiaoyans seems to be dispersed, and the abilities of each Xiaoyan seem to be different!" Dai Mubai has the highest Soul Power among several people, he First, he saw a slight difference, after his comparison, and then he analyzed the six questions of Tang Yan.

"Yes, they can all fight. However, one skill can only be used on one person, and the second one is useless. If you analyze it in this sister uses the power of multiple elements to use the elements to generate and restrain each other. This way, in such a duel, it can be used more effectively on the opponent."

Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes saw things more clearly, and he quickly came to this conclusion.

Although Tang Yan dealt with three people at the same time, she still kept her mind on the outside world, so she could naturally hear her brother's words. After listening to their discussion, she couldn't help but nodded.

If she only had the clone ability of phantom, although she could be cloned, their movements would become the same, and they would not be like this at all, but...

Don't forget that she also has a psychic ability, which can control a person's brain, or in other words, everything with spiritual intelligence can be affected by psychic power.

Whether it's influencing and controlling one person, or controlling a group, herself or others... she can do as she pleases.

However, she has not used her mental power to control others, because she has not encountered the most dangerous and compelling situation.

Otherwise, she would not use her mental power to control people. This kind of mental power control may turn the other person into a fool if she is not careful.

Or if the opponent's mental strength is too strong, it will bite her back.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun came with another phoenix flame, and Tang Yan, who was fighting Ma Hongjun here, jumped up, and the two Tang Yan overlapped, and then opened the distance between her and Ma Hongjun.

Tang Yan glanced at Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun, their soul power was almost exhausted.

Tang Yan was not ready to continue.

As soon as this thought passed, Tang Yan who was fighting with Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing disappeared, leaving only Tang Yan in the air.

Then they heard Tang Yan's excited words.

"I'll give you a big move."

Everyone didn't know what big move Tang Yan was talking about, but it didn't hinder the excitement of those watching, and the nervousness and vigilance of those fighting.

"Frozen." Tang Yan's voice fell.

The whole place became cold, and soon something of ice and snow floated down around it. When the thing hit the ground, it seemed as if the seal had been released.

Crackling - the sound is not very loud, but the entire site has been covered with ice.

"Second Soul Skill, Phoenix in Fire!"

"It's late." Tang Yan said that she had already landed on a piece of ice crystal.


Just listening to this voice, everyone found that Ma Hongjun's flames were frozen, and even Fatty himself was frozen, turning into an ice crystal.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing haven't made a move yet, if they did, they might turn into ice crystals.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, seeing the surprise and smile in each other's eyes, and didn't attack again.

They have lost.

After fighting for so long, Tang Yan's third soul ability has not been used yet.

Tang Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was tired after beating for so long, she was still very satisfied. She came to the side of Ma Hongjun who had become an ice crystal, and the smile on her mouth did not diminish.

Everyone watched and followed.

Tang Yan noticed that everyone was coming, and the ice on the ground slowly disappeared.

"Wow, this... can still be like this!" Oscar was the first to run over and look around Ma Hongjun in the ice, and he observed it for a long time.

Except that Ma Hongjun couldn't move, his eyes could still move.

Tang Yan did not know when a small ice cube appeared in his hand, and then placed it on Ma Hongjun's head. The ice cube was firmly on top, without any trace of shaking.

"It looks good." Tang Yan nodded in satisfaction.

"Xiao Yan, is this ice cube? Isn't the fat man cold inside?" Dai Mubai knocked on the ice cube, he looked at Ma Hongjun with a look of pleading for help, he didn't mean to tremble at all, presumably he was not affected by these ice cubes influences.

"The fat man is of the fire attribute, the ice can't hurt him, and he can't suppress the phoenix fire in his body, it's definitely good for him to suppress it." Tang Yan is a good man who does things without expecting anything in return. talking.

"Won't this ice cube melt?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at it for a while and then said this.

"It will melt, but the surrounding heat is not enough, it will melt a little slower." Tang Yan said.

"Xiao Yan, you are really good, can you do everything?" Ning Rongrong admired Tang Yan so much, after a few fights, she was about to become Tang Yan's little fan girl.

"It's okay." Tang Yan scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Xiao Yan." At this time, the master called out.

Tang Yan turned his head and greeted the master.

The master nodded. He saw that several children were interested in Ma Hongjun in the ice cube, and he didn't disturb everyone's interest. Although he was very interested, as a teacher, he couldn't be like a group of children.

"You guys rest for a while. After lunch, the next round will start."

Tang Yan followed each other, after several rounds, it was already noon, and the master didn't let everyone continue training.

"Yes." Everyone responded to the master.

Tang Yan also released Ma Hongjun from the ice.

"'s freezing to death." Ma Hongjun shook his body.

"Xiao Yan, next time you deal with me, please say hello to me first, I'm so hard." Ma Hongjun was still a little cold, and couldn't help but want to hug Dai Mubai next to him to keep him warm.

"Go, go." Dai Mubai pushed Ma Hongjun not to let Ma Hongjun approach, he still wanted to hug him now, Zhu Zhuqing almost misunderstood what he said before, he wanted to save face.

"Little Ao." After being rejected by someone, Ma Hongjun went to Oscar's side.

"Why don't you eat a sausage." Oscar said, and soon a sausage appeared.

Ma Hongjun took the sausage and ate it, and said emotionally while eating: "Xiao Ao, you are so kind."

"It's so pitiful, give me a hug from Dad." Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun's small appearance, he couldn't help but reached out and patted Ma Hongjun's shoulder, and was about to give him a hug from his dad.

When Ma Hongjun heard this, he was completely moved, "Fuck you, whose father are you!"

"Aren't you cold? I'll give you a hug!" Oscar said proudly.

"I'm not cold, it's very comfortable to bask in the sun." Ma Hongjun didn't recognize anyone after eating.

Run as far as you can.

 I can't do it~ I'm so sleepy, my mind is blank (~﹃~)~zZ's brain refuses to work (ノへ ̄,)
  I just fell asleep while writing~
  I'm going to bed~ Good night, little cuties~ (>人<;)
  I still love you guys~(ov)ノ Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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