murder with love

Chapter 13 Entertaining

Chapter 13 Entertaining
"What's going on?" Xu Yisheng was curious about what happened to Song Jingchen alone this morning.

Song Jingchen replied: "I was about to investigate Chen Meihan in the morning, but unfortunately, I ran into the policeman. The policeman pestered me for a long time. I was just about to get away when you came..."

"..." She was still wrong.

"What now?" she asked.

"Let's take one step at a time..." Song Jingchen said.

The two walked along the road aimlessly, when suddenly a tall man stood in front of them and blocked their way.

A black shadow fell on their heads, Xu Yisheng raised his head and looked up at the cold and arrogant man.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?" She wondered.

The man indifferently took out a business card from his jacket pocket and put it in front of her: "Hello, my name is Ren Yanxiu, and this is my business card."

Song Jingchen snatched the business card and looked at it carefully: "Are you a lawyer?"

"Yes." He replied.

At this time, another figure appeared beside him: "Hi, kids!" The two looked up instantly, and saw standing next to Ren Yanxiu was the policeman Xu Yisheng splashed water on just now.

"You..." Xu Yisheng was surprised.

"My name is Yan Lu, you should know what I do, right?" He stared at Song Jingchen and Xu Yisheng with a smile, and they felt their hair stand on end.

"Police, hello Uncle Police!" Xu Yisheng greeted tremblingly.

Song Jingchen stood aside without saying a word.

I thought they would be taken to the police station, but they were summoned to a law firm.

Jiangzhou Ren's Firm is one of the best law firms in Jiangzhou. 80.00% of Jiangzhou's lawsuits are won by them, and they are well-known in Jiangzhou.

I really didn't expect that they could meet someone from Ren's law firm.

This Ren Yanxiu was not very old, around thirty at most, but no matter from his words, deeds or demeanor, it could be seen that he was a rigorous and alert person.

Ren Yanxiu asked the pretty receptionist to make two cups of tea and serve them in front of Song Jingchen and Xu Yisheng.

The hot tea was steaming, Xu Yisheng put it in the palm of her hand, the temperature spread from the palm to her restless heart, and she immediately calmed down a lot.

Yan Lu sat next to Ren Yanxiu, and the two of them faced them, as if they were being questioned by the police in the interrogation room.

"Little friend, what are you two doing sneakily?" Yan Lu spoke first.

"This..." Xu Yisheng hesitated to speak, she really didn't know where to start, she turned her head and looked at Song Jingchen, wondering how to answer.

On the contrary, Song Jingchen was very indifferent, he calmly looked at Yan Lu and replied lightly: "I think with your policeman's observation ability, you should have already seen that I came to investigate that woman named Chen Meihan this morning, as for the woman you met. "He said and turned to look at Xu Yisheng, "She is my friend, so naturally she came with me to investigate Chen Meihan's matter."

Seeing his calmness, Yan Lu directly cut to the chase without using interrogation methods: "What I want to ask is why you want to investigate Chen Meihan? What is your relationship with Luo Yihai?"

Song Jingchen pursed his lips and replied calmly: "We just want to know the truth of the case."

"The truth of the case? What kind of detectives do you want to be?" Yan Lu sneered.

"We just don't want to wrongly judge any good person, and we don't want to let any bad person go." Song Jingchen said sonorously.

Yan Lu was amused, he covered his stomach and laughed hard.

"You are still young, you should study hard! The justice of the society does not need you to care about it yet." Yan Lu laughed weakly.

Song Jingchen didn't make a weak rebuttal, and took out a notebook from his schoolbag and patted it on the table: "Look! This is the clue we found, not less than what you found."

Ren Yanxiu was very indifferent, he stretched out his bony hand to pick up the notebook in front of him, he flipped through it carefully, and turned to look at Yan Lv.

"The clues written on it are similar to what we found." Ren Yanxiu said to Yan Lv who was smiling from ear to ear.

Yan Lu couldn't believe it: "How is that possible!" After finishing speaking, he grabbed the notebook and quickly looked through it. He didn't expect that what the two children found in front of him was actually the same as what they found.
 Sorry!The search option of the deduction group was not turned on before, no wonder no one has joined it...

  It finally opened just now, friends who are coming are welcome (▽`)
(End of this chapter)

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