murder with love

Chapter 18 Hard evidence

Chapter 18 Hard evidence
In the Jiangzhou Intermediate People's Court, Luo Yihai stood silently on the bench, waiting for the verdict of fate.

The presiding judge looked at prosecutor Luo Meixiao: "The prosecution, please start asking questions."

Luo Meixiao stood up from the inspection seat and began to question the suspect Luo Yihai: "The defendant, did you kill the victim Gao Lixin?"

Luo Yihai looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "Yes."

"Why did you kill Gao Lixin?"

"Because he published the manuscript I wrote but didn't pay me the manuscript fee, I had a quarrel with him that day, and I killed him in a fit of anger."

Luo Meixiao continued to ask: "Then can you explain in detail how you killed Gao Lixin?"

"The other day after Gao Lixin and I had a quarrel over manuscript fees, I saw a fruit knife on the dining table, so I took the knife and stabbed the victim in a fit of anger."

After hearing this, Luo Meixiao looked at the presiding judge respectfully: "President, my interrogation is over."

Ren Yanxiu stood solemnly on the lawyer's seat, stared straight at Luo Yihai and started his questioning: "Now I want to ask the defendant where you stabbed the victim with the knife?"

Looking into Ren Yanxiu's eyes, Luo Yihai seemed a little flustered: "I remember where I stabbed him in the chest."

"Then can you point out where you are?" Ren Yanxiu continued to ask.

Luo Yihai pointed his right chest with his right hand: "It's here."

Ren Yanxiu: "Judge, I now request to show my No. 3 exhibit, the photo of the victim's murder scene."

Judge: "Allowed."

Photos of the victim were displayed on the projector at the trial site, and it could be clearly seen that the victim was stabbed in the left abdomen.

Everyone at the scene immediately understood everything.

The corners of Ren Yanxiu's mouth turned up slightly, thinking that the prey had taken the bait.

He suddenly raised his voice and began to say: "The defendant has no knowledge of the details of the murder of the victim. I now confirm that he will never be the murderer!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience at the scene began to whisper.

Only then did Luo Yihai suddenly realize that he had fallen into Ren Yanxiu's trap.

Ren Yanxiu smiled slightly and began to say: "I now assert that my client is innocent."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and the presiding judge frowned, picked up the hammer and slammed it a few times: "Silence!"

After a few seconds, the scene finally quieted down. This dramatic reversal was too unexpected.

Ren Yanxiu continued: "And I have evidence that the murderer is someone else!"

Presiding judge: "The defense, please continue."

Ren Yanxiu: "I request to show my Exhibit No. 3."

He presented the evidence to the judge and continued to plead: "Although the cameras near Gao Lixin's home were destroyed, we found video from the surveillance in the vicinity of the crime scene that can prove that the suspect appeared nearby at the time of the crime. "

The video was played at the trial site. In the video, Chen Meihan was walking towards Gao Lixin's house, and left in a panic through the back door of his house about half an hour after the incident.

There was an uproar when the video was played.

Ren Yanxiu paused the video at the moment when Chen Meihan left the crime scene.

The judge asked: "This video can only prove that the suspect Chen Meihan has been near the crime scene, but it cannot directly prove that she has been to the crime scene."

Ren Yanxiu continued: "I have direct evidence here to prove that the suspect Chen Meihan was at the scene when the crime happened."

He submitted the evidence at the crime scene collected by Song Jingchen and the others to the presiding judge.

Ren Yanxiu: "Presiding judge, this is the blood sample of another person besides the deceased that we collected from the gray socket at the scene of the crime. After comparison, we found that the blood belonged to the suspect Chen Meihan."

"If the suspect Chen Meihan rolls up the sleeve of her right arm now, we can find a wound on her wrist, and we can ask experts to compare it with the murder weapon."

The presiding judge nodded: "Please ask the trace inspection experts to conduct an on-site comparison."

Chen Meihan, who was originally sitting in the auditorium, suddenly stood up from her seat: "Enough! Don't talk anymore! I admit that I killed Gao Lixin!"

Luo Yihai turned his head to look at Chen Meihan's choked up roar: "What are you doing here! I told you a long time ago that you don't want to come!"

Chen Meihan suddenly burst into tears and couldn't hold back anymore: "Yihai, don't help me anymore! I did something wrong myself, I should bear it myself!"

 What should I do if I have a stiff neck?
(End of this chapter)

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