Chapter 4
"I admit that I killed Zhou Zihao, but I really don't know why Ling Xue wants to help me take the blame! I really don't know..." Wu Chengjin's psychological defense instantly collapsed, his eyes were red, his shoulders were trembling and he was sobbing.

"Then why did you kill Zhou Zihao!" Song Jingchen asked further while the iron was hot.

Wu Chengjin was emotional and trembling: "Because he killed my daughter!"

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes silently, and he began to tell the little-known truth behind the case.

"My daughter's name is Wu Jinyu." After he finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Ling Xue who was in the dock, and continued: "Speaking of which, if she is alive, she should be the same age as Ling Xue now. What a wonderful age! Young and young , the future can be expected, but she was unlucky. On the way home, she ran into a drunk Zhou Zihao and was forcibly taken away by him..."

Wu Chengjin wiped his tears vigorously: "You should know what will happen when she is taken away by Zhou Zihao... Since childhood, she has always been a sensible child, knowing that I work hard, never complaining, not coquettish, even to let I don’t worry, I don’t say anything about grievances. It’s the same this time, she was so stupid that she didn’t tell me about such a big thing! I didn’t know what happened until I found out that she committed suicide by cutting her wrist at home and saw her diary. What!"

"In the diary, she recorded the injuries she received, how that beast Zhou Zihao hurt her! When I looked at those words, every word seemed to be crying, every word seemed to be crying blood! Can you imagine How painful was my daughter at that time? As long as I think about it, I can't wait to skin Zhou Zihao's cramps! I can't wait to cut him into pieces!" Tears kept pouring out of Wu Chengjin's eyes.

"My daughter is so sensible and obedient, so smart and kind, she has done nothing wrong! Why did she suffer like this! Why did she meet such a scum! Why did a good child like her have to be destroyed by that scum All my life! And those inhuman scum are living so happily! It's not fair! I must kill that bastard Zhou Zihao to avenge her!" Wu Chengjin's veins bulged in anger.

"So I sneaked into the bar, trying to find the right time to kill Zhou Zihao! I finally made me wait and wait for this opportunity!" Wu Chengjin said excitedly.

"Actually, today, I planned to surrender myself, but I didn't expect that Ling Xue would take the blame for me! This is something I never thought of!" Wu Chengjin narrated everything.

After listening to what Wu Chengjin said, the twelve jurors were already sobbing, and many people in the auditorium were outraged by this!

"Beast!" Zhou Yu yelled angrily while sitting beside Xu Yisheng, Xu Yisheng reached out and patted her shoulder to express comfort.

Song Jingchen walked slowly in front of Ling Xue and said softly, "Ling Xue, do you have anything to say now?"

Ling Xue raised her tear-stained cheeks and said in a trembling voice: "Wu Jinyu is my best friend. When I encounter problems that I don't know, she will always teach me carefully. When I encounter sad things, she will always help me." She will accompany me and enlighten me. We are best partners and rare confidants. To me, she is the person who understands me best in the world. We agreed to go to the best university and get married together. We will grow old together... There will be no one in this world who can take her place in my heart. The future we imagined was so beautiful, but then everything was ruined! I blame Zhou Zihao, that beast! I want to avenge Wu Jinyu, but I didn't have the guts. I went to the bar that day because I wanted to investigate Zhou Zihao's whereabouts, but Zhou Zihao caught me all at once. He, after seeing him fell on the ground, I thought he was dead, I fled the scene in a panic, I didn't expect what happened later!"

"Then you decided to take the blame for Wu Chengjin after the court found out that he was Wu Jinyu's father, right?" Song Jingchen asked.

"Yes, because Wu Jinyu once showed me his father's photo, so I recognized him, and I guessed everything. If Wu Jinyu knew what his father did for her, he would be very sad..." Ling Xue burst into tears .

"No, I don't want you to do this for me. If I let you take care of everything, then what is the difference between me and Zhou Zihao? Jinyu won't be happy." Wu Chengjin looked at Ling Xue, tears of relief flowed from the corner of his eyes .

"Jinyu is really lucky to have a good friend like you...Thank you for being by her side..."

When all the dust settled, the door of the court was slowly pushed open, the dark clouds in Jiangzhou dissipated, and the warm and bright sunshine ushered in, and a gorgeous rainbow hung in the sky.

The presiding judge hammered the hammer, picked up the verdict and began to pronounce the sentence: "In view of the facts, the presiding judge unanimously determined that Ling Xue was in self-defense and did not constitute a crime, so she was acquitted in court. The suspect Wu Chengjin confessed to the crime. In view of the cause of the case, the jury and the presiding judge unanimously determined that the sentence was six years in prison."

Song Jingchen stepped out of the gate of the Jiangzhou Trial Court on his shiny leather shoes, and walked to the lobby on the first floor. Luo Yaojun walked towards him, standing under the huge scale that declared fairness.

"Song Jingchen, I have long heard of the reputation of Jiangzhou's No. [-] Song Dazhuang, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation."

Song Jingchen didn't change his face, his attitude was still cold and arrogant. He glanced at Luo Yaojun, evoked a smug smile, and said without humility: "Thank you for the compliment."

"But next time, I won't let you win so easily!" Luo Yaojun smiled confidently, wishing he could immediately press Song Jingchen into the soil.

Song Jingchen pursed his lips and raised a faint smile, and said lightly, "I'll accompany you anytime."

Luo Yaojun brushed past Song Jingchen, her court robe brushed against Song Jingchen's stern suit, and a gust of wind blew up her robe.

Xu Yisheng stood behind Song Jingchen, and she didn't walk in front of Song Jingchen until Luo Yaojun walked away.

"Congratulations, you have won the lawsuit!" Xu Yisheng looked at him and smiled softly.

"Will you buy me a cup of coffee?" Song Jingchen looked at her with deep eyes.

"Okay!" Xu Yisheng immediately agreed.

Ren Yichu and Zhou Yu on the side were like the air, watching the handsome and beautiful couple chatting in front of them, they felt very bright.

Sitting near the window of the coffee shop opened by Xu Yisheng, the milk frother operating in the coffee shop emits hot and dense white water vapor, and the air is filled with the aroma of coffee, which penetrates into the human body with the breath, filling the human body. every cell of the body.

Xu Yisheng brought a cup of freshly made Americano coffee to Song Jingchen: "Drink it! Your favorite Americano."

Song Jingchen pinched the handle of the coffee, hooked his lips, and said in a deep and magnetic voice, "Thank you."

The aroma of coffee spread in Song Jingchen's taste buds, stretching every tense nerve of his and dispelling his fatigue from the day.

"Want to eat cake?" Xu Yisheng asked.

"No need." Song Jingchen refused.

Xu Yisheng sat opposite him and took a sip of the glass of milk in front of her. She turned her head to look out the window at the students wearing school uniforms on the side of the road, a little lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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