I loaded the gods module

Chapter 10 You will pay for what you do

Chapter 10 You will pay for what you do

The girl's appearance is quite stunning, wearing a long lace hat with feathers on her head, long silver-white hair shoulder-length, a pure black corset supported by whalebone, and a gothic long skirt outline her proud curves.

Natalie Campbell.

The flower of the dawn of the Violet Academy, a gifted girl who has inherited the blood of courage, is a well-deserved No.1 in the academy club rankings.

It is also the task target provided by the system.

The eyes of the two met at this moment. The boy's eyes were neither happy nor sad, like a calm sea, but the girl's eyes burst out like a sword unsheathed.

Natalie didn't come to Roy alone. Behind the girl, there were all kinds of handsome men and women in bright clothes. Although the clothes were different, they all had a blue drop-shaped club badge pinned to their chests. .

Obviously, they are all members of the Blue Tears Society.

Everyone stared at Roy casually, with arrogance and disdain in their eyes, as if they were looking at a stupid and dirty bug.The members who can join the Blue Tears Society are all the elites in this mysterious academy, and they don't pay much attention to Roy, a dandy little nobleman.

They dispersed and surrounded the notice board, as if cutting off all Roy's escape routes.

The unrelated students around the boy also dispersed immediately, they took the initiative to let the stage out, and then the crowd formed a bigger encirclement circle around the crowd, obviously full of anticipation for the good show in front of them.

I'm coming!Here comes the good show!The righteous and beautiful aristocratic genius girl descends from the sky, and the rude and rude boy has nowhere to escape!
All of a sudden, the crowd of onlookers became more and more, and some cubs even took out fresh luoluo melons, as if they were going to have a good time watching them.

Good guy, where are you stacking armor?Roy turned his head and looked at the crowds surrounding him, wondering why the other party was so motivating.

Doesn't make sense?

Could it be that they wanted to beat me up because they saw that I was upset?
Heh...you are really admired. Wouldn't it be enough for just two people?Roy thought confidently.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Roy had no choice but to take the initiative to break the silence: "What a coincidence, Miss Natalie, we meet again."

"It's no coincidence, Roy."

Natalie shook her head, as if she was too lazy to look at the boy, she turned her head and cast her eyes on another person.

"Jimmy, do you want to join the Blue Tears Club?"

"Yes, it is!"

An ordinary-looking short student with a flustered and excited expression came out from the crowd: "I swear that I will serve you with all my heart... Please... please let me follow you! Lady Natalie!"

Yo?Isn't this the unlucky guy who was kicked and kicked by the original owner two days ago?I haven't seen you for two days, why are you still so lazy?

Roy recognized the other party at a glance. He was rescued by Natalie that day, but he appeared in front of Roy's eyes again today, clamoring to join some club... What kind of trouble is this?
It's just that Natalie quickly gave an answer.

She said to Jimmy: "Seeing your firm determination to kneel at the door of our club these two days, I decided to give you a chance."

The girl's cold voice echoed: "There is only one threshold to join our Blue Tears Club, and that is to have the courage to face the past and break through yourself."

"Every time a new member joins, everyone in our Blue Tears club will witness his growth. This is an important rule left by our Blue Tears club. There are no exceptions, even if you are just an ordinary person."

"Go, Jimmy, let us witness your courage, this is the trial of joining the blue tears."

With the declaration of the president of Blue Tears, the extremely warm campus path seemed to have fallen into the cold winter. Everyone felt that the surrounding temperature was dropping rapidly, and invisible power was permeating the surroundings.

"Heh...Senior Natalie's words are really hypocritical, creaking...Since there is only one threshold, why make people kneel down for two days?"

At this moment, Verna's vague words came from Roy's earphones, and she seemed to be gnawing on something: "Crack, crack... that's how the nobles are, they say one thing and do another, I think they just lack A servant, right? Hmph, Ka Ka Ka..."

"Hey, you're not eating luoluogua, are you? I didn't expect you to be a spectator!" Roy shouted, "And I'm also a nobleman, so don't spray me too!"

"You dirty bastard! What are you talking nonsense about?!" Jimmy's yelling drew Roy's attention back.

Jimmy stepped forward to face Roy. He clenched his fists and looked at Roy with pleasure and hatred: "Did you get scared by the adults in the Blue Tears Club?!"

"Hey~ The momentum is amazing."

Even though surrounded by so many people with malicious intentions, Roy's expression remained unchanged. He looked at Jimmy in front of him with interest: "Natalie's little game of courage is really not bad."

All the members of the Blue Tears Club frowned, and Natalie's eyes fluctuated in the crowd.

"Shut up! You bastard!" Jimmy immediately yelled, "This is a sacred test of courage for me to join the club! It's not a small game!"

"Okay, okay~ I listen to you, this is an incomparably sacred and gorgeous ceremony, and the supreme goddess of blue tears is watching us~"

Roy smiled unscrupulously: "How is it? Satisfied?"

"You are still that arrogant and unreasonable bastard..." Jimmy blushed: "You..."

"Enough is enough~" "Enough is enough Jimmy."

Roy and Natalie suddenly interrupted Jimmy's words in unison.

Jimmy looked back in a daze, but saw the serious gazes of the silver-haired girl and club members.

"Do what you should do, Jimmy." Blue Tears president said.

"I...I..." Jimmy turned his head back, but saw Roy's excited smile.

"Whether it's a small game or a holy group trial, wasting time with nonsense is an extremely stupid behavior," Roy said.

"It's really interesting..." The young man opened his arms, his eyes flashed with an extremely dangerous light: "So, what are you going to do, Jimmy?"

Why isn't he afraid... Jimmy looked at the black-clothed boy in front of him in panic, and took a step back subconsciously, but the next moment, intense hatred rose from Jimmy's chest.

Why isn't this bastard afraid of Lady Natalie? !This bastard must be pretending to be calm!Wait for me, I must tear your arrogance to shreds!

"You will pay for what you have done! I want you to get on your knees and apologize!"

Jimmy roared, he clenched his fists and ran towards Roy quickly!


First run.

Then it's a brisk walk.

Then walk slowly.

During this period, Jimmy always turned his head subconsciously, looking at the figure of the silver-haired girl Natalie.

I have knelt on my knees for so long... Natalie-sama will definitely help me...

"I am amused by your wretched movements."

Jimmy turned around in astonishment, but saw Roy's face close at hand. The next moment, Jimmy felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and his body flew upside down involuntarily.

"Hmm..." He curled up and fell to the ground, looking at Roy with fear for a moment: "No...no...Master Natalie, save me..."

"That's it?" Roy withdrew his feet and took a step forward. Jimmy immediately crawled back with his hands on the ground, looking... really ugly.

"I don't even have the heart to continue beating you when you look so bad..." Roy's expression was a little painful at this moment. In fact, in his opinion, the other party's anger and fear did not appear out of thin air.

After all, it was the original owner, the hanging man, who made the first move, and he had to clean up the mess left by himself. The young man sighed, and when he was about to help the other party, he was surprised to find that he couldn't move.

A bone marrow chill spread from beneath his feet, and the ice crystals visible to the naked eye were climbing up, covering the boy's waist in an instant.

"Come again..." Roy looked up helplessly, and he saw Natalie's blue eyes shimmering, and the gorgeous blue halo like snowflakes slowly turning under the girl's high-heeled boots, blooming a dazzling light. Fantastic colors.

ice field.Extraordinary strength descended from the courageous blood of the Campbell family.

"I knew it...I knew Natalie-sama would help me...hehehehehehehehe..."

Roy saw Jimmy get up from the ground again.

I saw Jimmy staring blankly at the ice crystals on Roy's legs, his bewildered expression was gradually replaced by happy ecstasy.

It's amazing to say that, looking at Roy who can't move, Jimmy seems to have realized the true meaning of courage in an instant!

Oh oh oh!Coming up!A steady stream of courage surged up!

"Aren't you curious what I'm going to do, Roy?"

Under the eyes of everyone, I saw Jimmy waving his arms excitedly: "I will show you my courage! I will make you regret it in this test of courage!"

Jimmy saw Roy suddenly lower his head.

The boy was forcibly fixed in place by the extremely solid ice crystals, his shoulders shrugged, as if he was suppressing some voice.

Is he crying... is he frightened by my courage... it must be so...

The joy in Jimmy's heart reached its climax, and he couldn't help shouting: "My hard work in the past two days has finally paid off! The trial of the Blue Tears Society is so perfect!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Everyone was stunned to see the desperate young man burst into hysterical laughter as if he had convulsed at this moment.

"Reward...courage...trial...ahhahahahahahahahahahaha!" Roy muttered something, then patted his frozen thigh like a madman, bent down and laughed out of breath .

"You...why are you laughing..." Jimmy froze.

The members of the Blue Tears Club felt inexplicably cold. From the beginning to the end, they never saw even the slightest bit of fear and panic in Roy's eyes.

"Natalie, is this the test of courage you made?" Roy stopped with difficulty, but there was still a smile in his eyes that hadn't faded away.

"The coward beats his inner nightmare with his own hands. This is what the test of courage is all about."

The silver-haired girl looked directly into Roy's eyes. For some reason, seeing Roy's mocking expression, Natalie felt uneasy ripples in her heart. The attitude of the other party was really unpleasant: "Do you have any opinions? Roy ?”

"I have a little question—" the boy dragged out a strange long tune: "May I ask the members of the Blue Tears Club, do they all enter the club through this kind of courage test?"

"This has nothing to do with you..."

"President Natalie, if that's the case—" Roy interrupted the other party's words. At this moment, although the young man was smiling, it seemed that a devil jumped out of his eyes.

"You've really insulted the word 'courage' completely, clowns."

(End of this chapter)

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