I loaded the gods module

Chapter 122 The Red Moon Bringing Nightmares

Chapter 122 The Red Moon Bringing Nightmares

In Roy's bewildered gaze, he saw the silver-haired girl draw the curtains of the room, covering the morning light, and the room instantly became dark.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly moved to the boy's side, staring intently at Roy's eyes. Natalie's beautiful cheeks were blushing at this moment, and her breathing gradually became heavy.

Roy was a little scared at the time, and subconsciously shrank his body back, but the girl grabbed his arm and whispered:

"Roy, have you received the news from the person in charge of Angelo?"

She took out the gleaming Medal of the Storm, and the lightning wings flapped, reflecting the girl's blue eyes.

What a big deal... Roy's eyes were a little weird, and he nodded silently.

"Our... The next goal of our Deep Sea Company is to kill all members of the royal family!" The silver-haired girl let out an uneasy voice from her throat, and her jewel-like eyes were full of fear and anxiety.

Just in the early hours of this morning, when she rubbed her hazy eyes and picked up the shiny storm badge, the person in charge's words were like a basin of icy cold water, waking Natalie's drowsiness head-on.

"We are going to kill all members of the royal family including the king at this king's banquet."

Angelo's face was still so cold: "Next, your goal is to assassinate the prince who will inherit the throne."

The person in charge's understated words almost instantly shook the nobleman's psychological defense. She called her sister's name, but found that the other party seemed to have left, and the red butterfly hairpin did not respond.

Immediately afterwards, the girl suppressed her uneasy emotions and took the initiative to find her companion.

"We're going to kill our king, we're going to make an enemy of the whole country, we...we..."

At this moment, her emotions were finally released. The cold winter nobleman could not help but squeezed Roy's arm tightly, and the girl's tone became weaker and weaker: "Can we do it..."

Roy looked into the other's eyes quietly, and the boy's thoughts surged.

Yes, for him as a time traveler, the king's death is indeed worthless, as long as he is given a chance to swing a knife at the king, I am afraid that Roy will cut off the king's head without hesitation, and then take his soul Throw it into the deepest part of the Black Sea and let it sink.

But for Natalie, a nobleman who was born and raised in the Saffre Kingdom, the title of 'Zacharias' is really too heavy...

The kingship, which represents the Holy Light, has always been an absolute symbol of nobles offering their loyalty and life, and has always been the highest honor that nobles pursue all their lives...

Although Natalie has understood the evil behind the royal power, the employee is obviously not ready to bear the name of regicide.

Of course Roy understood the other party's anxiety.

Because he understands better than anyone that the next task requires not only pure courage, but also a firm determination to break the boat.

At this moment, the boy suddenly laughed, and the Storm Lord stretched out his hand and rubbed the believer's head.

"Are you scared, Natalie?"

Roy asked softly: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the king's power? Or are you worried about the consequences of this operation?"

"As a descendant of a sage who inherited the blood of courage, I have never been afraid of death! But...but..."

The silver-haired girl lowered her head and let the other party mess up her long silver hair. Her words became lowered: "Can we really afford the price of mission failure?"

"Once we fail, the tyrannical royal family will never let everyone we cherish! They will all die!"

Natalie subconsciously clenched her lips: "The family who raised me, the mentors of Violet Academy, the members of the Blue Tears Club, all the employees of Deep Sea Company, and...you..."

Roy's eyes softened as he looked at the blue eyes of the other party who were somewhat disturbed.

Believers in the storm still need to grow, which is a bumpy and long road.

"Don't be so depressed."

Roy withdrew his hand, the boy opened the curtains again, and the morning sun shone in again, illuminating the boy's side face: "We may not fail, you have to believe in the power of Deep Sea Company."

"Besides... even if we stand still, despair will not let us go."

The young man looked at the gorgeous and magnificent Holy Light Cathedral in the distance, and the young man's words seemed a little low.

In the sight of the Storm Lord, he saw countless hair-thin holy lights hanging down from the church, wriggling like twisted living creatures and protruding downward...

Just like silk, the ends of those golden threads are millions of 'cocoons'.

A 'cocoon' that wraps around a mortal.

The civilians in the lower and middle areas worked day and night, eager to change their future, but they didn't know that their tragic fate was already doomed...

Because the invisible cocoon of faith shackled people's souls, even if they died, the pure souls would not fall into the abyss, but would stay in the cocoon, sing the praises of the Holy Light forever, and be trapped in this place forever and ever. in the city...

This is the kingdom of eternal faith belonging to the God of Holy Light, and the 'Yongxin Hall' in the capital of steam is just a tiny branch of the imperial capital.

Roy shook his head and looked away.

"You know what, Natalie?"

He turned his head, looked at the confused face of the silver-haired girl, and said softly: "Once the king's banquet is successfully completed, we will usher in the most terrifying and desperate ending."

"The most terrifying and desperate ending..."

The girl's expression became more and more dazed, but when she wanted to continue talking, Natalie felt more and more sleepy.

The next moment, a red moon imprint appeared on the back of Roy's hand, and the crimson moonlight replaced the sun.

Unknowingly, the silver-haired girl fell into a dream.

In the weird and bizarre world, she saw the king successfully held a banquet, and the fat ninth king crawled into history with his huge body.

The kings laughed wildly, devoured the flesh and blood of all living beings, and celebrated with each other at the never-ending banquet.

Immediately afterwards, the golden starlight completely polluted the history of Sapphire, and the world began to collapse. The strange body of the God of Holy Light descended on the earth. He lifted up the chaotic world and dedicated it to the bright starry sky...

Endless starlight fell down, and everything in the world was endowed with eternal madness...

The silver-haired girl closed her eyes tightly, her face became paler, and fine cold sweat oozes from the girl's forehead.

Undoubtedly, this was a terrible nightmare, but Roy remained indifferent. He saw the holy light thread above the girl's head trembling slightly.

Knowledge from the starry sky will drive people into madness, but as the favored servants of the Storm Lord, the employees of the Deep Sea Company already have the mental resistance against the starry sky.

And at the next moment, in that crimson dream, one after another red butterflies spread their wings, they gathered together, and gnawed off the golden silk thread on the top of the girl's head.

In the next time, Red Moon believer Susanna will be very busy, and this old driver may not have time to drive.

The dream of the silver-haired girl was fleeting, and she woke up from the nightmare, her whole body was drenched with sweat.

"Now you understand."

She turned her head and saw Roy handing over a clean towel: "Someone in this world must stand up against despair, and this is exactly the meaning of our Deep Sea Company."

 The kid Calvin is stuck, let's double update tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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