I loaded the gods module

Chapter 142 The big one is coming

Chapter 142 The big one is coming

"Woo... Holy Spirit... I beg you to forgive my sins... Woo... Woo..."

The star-like holy light crawled on the ground, and the palm-sized, worm-like 'living holy light' was everywhere. They covered all corners visible to the naked eye, and thousands of chaotic prayers and ravings were intertwined. , the souls of the believers of the Holy Light merged into a desperate spiral leading to madness.

The once holy and bright church hall grew more eerie, and the pope's eerie ethereal prayer continued.

"My... Father in heaven... woo..."

The body of the Holy Light Apostle had already swelled up, dense starlight and holy light wriggled on his body, and golden worms crawled in and out of his chaotic face.

"May your... brilliance... fill every dark corner of the world..."

All the souls in the cocoon of faith gathered on the Pope's body, his swollen body curled up, and gradually, the Pope's overall appearance changed...

"I beg you...forgive me my debt...please...teach us to avoid suffering..."

His head swelled, his limbs gradually shrank, and the golden tentacles under the pope's robe merged into a shape similar to an umbilical cord.

The spokesperson of the Holy Light at this moment...

Like a giant golden embryo...

"May your kingdom... come to... the earth..."

At this moment, the will of this pious believer was completely replaced by something strange... Finally, this angelic candidate of the gods finally ushered in his end.

The consciousness of the Pope was lost in the Pentecost of the Holy Spirit, without complaint or regret.

Dense eyeballs piled up on the embryo's head, and the incomparably holy ring of light casting was suspended above it. With the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, six pairs of golden wings spread out behind the embryo!
dong... dong... dong...

The heartbeat of the embryo is getting louder...

That's the pope... no... that's the heartbeat of the Holy Spirit!

That is the heartbeat of the gods!
The embryo of the Holy Light is growing.

Betting the lives and souls of all believers of the Holy Light, betting on the future of sacrificing all living beings, and betting on the approval of the stars, the "Sage of the End" the God of Light has paid almost all the cornerstones of faith laid in this world!

If you can't sacrifice the country and all living beings, then sacrifice all the believers who are loyal to you.

Even if doing so would cause him to lose everything, even if doing so would cause him to lose most of the power of faith, the Holy Spirit would dedicate this land to the starry sky, just for himself to become a member of the stars...


He let out an extremely painful whistle, and the crazy and holy beam of light smashed the dome of the Holy Light Cathedral, pointing directly at the stars!

The mighty power of the Holy God finally descended on this mad city, and that ray of light almost lit up the dark clouds and the sky, and the howling pious souls turned into firewood, and the world burned in the flames ignited by the Holy Light!
At this moment, another crimson moonlight shone on the towering banquet stage.

The peaceful dream soothed the fear in the hearts of the audience, and the figure of the holy god and the screams were all isolated from the stage by Viviana.

The employees of the Deep Sea Company were spared extreme madness and weight.

At the same time, the ritual leading to history has come to an end.

The audience's eyes widened again, and people finally saw the legendary royal paradise, the never-ending paradise on earth hidden in history.

The musicians, dancers, chefs, all of them had piercing permanent smiles on their faces.

They wandered stiffly in the hall, and the chests of the sacrifices were all empty... Thin human skins covered the rotten bones, and the mourning souls could never be relieved...

From the second generation to the eighth generation, seven pale-faced kings dressed in golden robes sat around the round table in the hall.

The dinner plates in front of them were full of blood and organs, and the knives and forks in the hands of the kings had already been soaked red by the residue of food, and the uncomfortable smell of blood rushed into the sky.

Yes... This is indeed a paradise on earth that only belongs to kings.

But today, all the kings finally get rid of the boring eternal life dinner, because...

Every gift of the world has its price.

Roy decided to take all the chips in the hands of the kings.

Next, the kings will be the most outstanding tragedies, presenting the most outstanding performance in the eyes of the audience!

These moths hidden in history are about to regain another layer of eternal life in the hymn of the storm. Of course, the experience of eternal life this time may be a little worse than before.

And at the moment when the kings appeared in everyone's sight, the Holy Light Embryo in the church let out an extremely vicious howl again!
Because this should belong to the ritual of the Holy Light!
The 'Sage of the End' is the planner of this ceremony. He conscientiously completed seven historical rituals, finally completed all the preparations for the sacrifice, and finally emptied the historical support of this world...

The birth of the Star Kingdom is just a step away!

The results of it?
At the most important juncture, He discovered that the last ceremony had been cut off...

"Your pathetic and ridiculous posture is really eye-catching... Holy Light."

The gray-haired boy was sitting in the audience seats. He looked at the weird embryo indifferently. Roy sighed coldly: "It seems that after betraying the abyss, you have even been deprived of the qualification to communicate with the world."

While muttering to himself, the boy closed his eyes.


The storm in the sky is getting heavier and heavier... The rivers of thunder and light created by the angry clouds are connected to each other, forming... pairs of huge eye contours.

Under the guidance of the soul sacrifices of many believers of the Holy Light, as well as the giant dragons and elves, the Storm Lord opened his eyes in this world.

The god in charge of the ocean and thunder sneered: "Holy Light, what is the difference between you now and the livestock raised by the stars?"


Lightning strikes!The rapidly spinning dark clouds gave birth to a thunderstorm that lit up the world, the wrath of the gods fell from the sky, and the majestic Cathedral of the Holy Light collapsed!
Tens of millions of tons of rubble fell down, but were completely swallowed by the pitch-black rainstorm in the dark sky, leaving only the giant embryo suspended in the sky alone.

Now, there is nothing around him.

Under the sky full of thunderstorms, the dazzling electric snake tore apart a part of the holy wings of the embryo, and the human incarnation of the Holy God suddenly let out an incredible howl and roar of pain!

He never imagined that the evil god of the abyss who had bombarded him was waiting for him in this world!

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

The 'evil god' of the abyss gave an evil grin to the holy light of 'justice': "The bigger one is yet to come! You pussy!"

(End of this chapter)

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