I loaded the gods module

Chapter 156 Crazy Chess Game

Chapter 156 Crazy Chess Game
All the voices seemed to come from the mechanical equipment in front of him in a way that Herman could not understand.

There was a dazzling red light flashing on the silver console below the screen, but it was a pity that there was no one else in the room except the adventurer, and no one responded to the words of the commander and the soldiers.

"Mecha...Star Destroyer...what is that..."

Unfamiliar words flooded into Herman's mind. At this moment, all the attention of the adventurer was attracted by the horrifying images on the screen.

Like the end of the day.

The clear sky has been burned red by the falling stars, and the meteorites burning with poisonous fire fell from the sky, and the incomparable impact force shattered the city made of steel.

"Here...is this the kingdom of giants that has not yet been destroyed?" Herman came to his senses in an instant.

Ever since he found the design drawings passed down from his ancestors in the abyss and transformed his body with machinery, the consciousness of the adventurer is often dragged to the ancient world created by the giants.

Although walking in the illusory capital buried by wind and sand has always been a part of Herman's daily life, but this time it is different!

For some reason, time went back. The moment he stepped into the Deep Sea Company, the great adventurer returned to the eve of the demise of the giant kingdom!

The glorious civilization broke at this moment.

The truth buried forever by the abyss is within reach.

The old man hurriedly approached the console, he jumped lightly, and boarded the huge seat.


Looking at those complicated joysticks and mechanical knobs, the adventurer stared at the screen, and Herman called out urgently: "I am a descendant of giants from the future! Can you hear me?!"

It's a pity that no one responded to the adventurer's words.

Accompanied by the roar of the ground, the fearful reports of the soldiers continued, and the unwilling roar of the commander never stopped.

"They can't seem to hear my words... maybe to them, I'm just a phantom..."

Herman fell into deep thought. He stared at the complicated operating table in front of him. Immediately afterwards, the old man stretched out his hand and tried to lightly flip the delicate mechanical knob.

At the same time, the picture on the screen changed, the bird's-eye view shot was zoomed in quickly, and all the scenes were gradually enlarged until...

Until Herman saw the bloody remains of the giants.

Although it had been expected, when he saw the tragedy in front of him, the sadness that flowed from his blood still made the adventurer's body shake.

Herman's eyes widened. He saw the meteor's shock wave shatter the internal organs of the giants.

He saw a large piece of black and dirty sludge, wriggling quickly out of the diffuse deep pit created by the meteorite!
People fell powerlessly on the ground, letting the poisonous fire and black mud swallow all their hopes.

"Black... epidemic..."

The great adventurer squeezed out the word from his throat, and he looked at the world full of despair on the screen in panic.

Collapsing buildings, burning flower fields, melting flesh, wandering faces, the city built by giants is coming to an end.

The technology that has crossed the ages has caused the curse of the stars. There has never been a carefree heaven on earth in this world.

"The reason for the demise of the kingdom of giants...could it be... also the black plague?"

Cold sweat instantly soaked Herman's collar, and the old man panted heavily: "No...no...the black plague is only a part..."

Meteorites, black plagues, poisonous fires... Several kinds of crazy guests from the starry sky are enjoying an unparalleled feast!
He saw that the giants were still fighting.

"All forward! Soldiers, guard our people!"

The five-meter-tall legion commander let out a roar.

Herman watched the mechanical creations that he couldn't understand walking forward, the crawlers were turning, and the fortress-like mechanical creations erected their gun barrels, and they were advancing without hesitation.

Panicked crowds gathered together, and the terrified people passed by the resolute soldiers. The next moment, extraordinary power lit up the dark barrel.

Cannon fire roars!

In the crumbling city, the bright flames covered the crazy flames, and the glare of the artillery engulfed the surging black tide.

"Listen up! Her Majesty's instruction is for us to buy time for the people to evacuate!"

The head of the legion issued a new order: "Everything is for the continuation of hope! We will never retreat!"

At this moment, Herman quietly looked at the young face, and the great adventurer slowly closed his eyes.

The descendants from the future already know the final outcome.

It was as if a healed scar was uncovered again, and the pain that had been buried for a long time was slowly flowing in the heart of the descendant of the giant.

"Hehehehehe...It's really interesting, it's really interesting..."

Suddenly... someone whispered softly behind the adventurer: "They trust you so much, they firmly believe that you can lead them away from misery..."

Herman's eyes widened in astonishment.

"But what's the result? They're just pawns you discarded, haha...hahahahahahaha..."

Eerie laughter echoed through the room.

The great adventurer jumped up from his seat, and he drew out his long cane, ready to deal with unknown dangers at any time.

However, the imaginary attack did not come. The old man turned around and found two more figures in the empty room.

They sat face to face between the tables and chairs, and the exquisite chessboard was placed in front of them.

The chess game has just begun, and the two are playing against each other.

Before he knew it, Herman had already stood in front of the chessboard, and he stared blankly at the player holding the black chess. At this moment, pure madness completely occupied the adventurer's thoughts.

Herman couldn't see its face at all.

All he saw was a black nebula, the hazy starlight flickered crazy colors on its surface, as if billions of desperate howls erupted in the old man's mind in an instant.

A true messenger of the stars.

At this moment, the figure of the adventurer exploded, and the silver-white mechanical parts flew in all directions, scattered in all directions.

But at the next moment, time seemed to flow backwards, and all the parts came together again, outlining Herman's figure. He raised his hand with lingering fear, and tightened the gears on his face.

As a great adventurer who has traveled the abyss, this descendant of a giant still has a little bit of ability to suppress the bottom of the box.

The machine that replaced the flesh gave him the extraordinary characteristics of 'immortality' and 'restart'.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and never dared to look at the chess player holding the black chess again.

On the other side, the blonde princess in a golden layered lace dress was thinking quietly, holding a white 'pawn', staring at the black and white chessboard without saying a word.

The scattered white chess pieces stood alone on the cold chessboard, facing the dark world.

"Why are you still hesitating? A giant princess with hope?"

The envoy from the starry sky still sneered harshly: "Could it be...are you feeling guilty for those chess pieces that you abandoned?"

"I have never abandoned anyone, Messenger of the Black Plague."

The flaxen eyes of the giant princess were so clear and bright. She raised the white chess piece and lightly landed on the black square: "I will fulfill my duty, and I will protect every people."

The screen behind the adventurer suddenly shone brightly. With the advancement of the track, those black plagues that devoured flesh and blood let out piercing howls in the artillery fire, and turned into scorched ashes.

"Duty? Guard? Don't be kidding..."

The envoy of the black plague sneered: "You just let the soldiers face despair. In the face of the black plague that devours everything in the world, your instructions will only let them taste the ultimate fear!"

It raised the black 'war horse', and cruelly and ruthlessly replaced the 'soldier' ​​that the giant princess had just left behind.

The screen changed again.

In an instant, a steady stream of black tides gathered together, they let out crazy screams, and rushed towards the decisive giant soldiers overwhelmingly!

Even with the protection of the fortress, the black tide brought by the meteor is too much!Gradually, the artillery fire of the soldiers stopped...

But...behind him are the people who need to be protected.

Someone always needs to make a sacrifice.

So they didn't retreat a single step until the dark tide that covered the sky completely swallowed all the soldiers, and at the last moment, the legion leader twisted the self-destruct knob of the fortress.

The filthy sludge was lit up by the blinding flames that soared into the sky.

The giant soldiers successfully completed the princess' instructions, and the panicked people have left the collapsed city under the support of logistics.

Although the rescue tactics had achieved results, the blond princess remained silent.

"I'll never understand what it is that drives you."

The Star Messenger picked up the eaten 'soldier', greedily licked the white piece, and swallowed it contentedly.

So weird, so crazy...

"The more you save, the more you lose. You stumble to seek the so-called 'hope', but you will always be dragged into madness by the truth you discover."

It issued a puzzled inquiry: "Why would you rather accept the baptism of suffering than throw yourself into the embrace of the truth and obtain eternal peace?"

"Because we are different from you."

Princess Blonde responded softly, "That's all."

"What an amazing will and determination... I have to say, Your Royal Highness, you are too powerful, so powerful that you don't need gods..."

"To be honest, we never thought that the race of giants would be so difficult..."

The Messenger of the Starry Sky sighed: "You rely on the power of machines, and you have created on the continent... a mechanical heaven that is enough to make even the gods in the abyss fear.


It tilted its forehead back with a smile, and the words it said were out of tune: "Your gods have abandoned you because they were too afraid of you... Hahahahahahahaha..."

"He hasn't given up on us."

The words of the giant princess are still so calm: "One day, he will return from the abyss, and then he will be proud of the giant's achievements and continuation from the bottom of his heart."

Herman held his breath unknowingly. The old man stared blankly at the delicate face of the giant princess. The adventurer firmly remembered the conversation ten thousand years ago.

But the black plague messenger fell silent, and the atmosphere on the chessboard became more and more condensed.

Gradually, the black and white grid chessboard was soaked in pitch black by the crazy force, and those black chess pieces became restless, as if they were yearning for the flesh and soul of all the white chess pieces.

This was an extremely unfair matchup.

The black pieces ignore the rules and rampage on the chessboard, but the white pieces are unable to move an inch in the cold world.

But even so, the giant princess still held on to the white chess piece tightly, and refused to let go no matter what.

"Hurry up, hurry up! I can't wait...My lord princess...Next step, what choice will you make next?"

The Star Messenger finally lost his patience, and it urged.

"What are you afraid of? The messenger of the black plague?"

At this moment, the giant princess chuckled instead: "What made you so flustered?"

"What did you say……?"

The Messenger of the Starry Sky was stunned suddenly, it showed an unbelievable expression, and its crazy power spread: "As the guide of the giant kingdom, what crazy words are you talking about?"

But the next moment, he saw the princess dropped the 'chariot' in her hand and exchanged positions with the 'king' on the chessboard.

Wang Che changed position.

The 'chariot' guards the 'king'.

The screen switched again.

The sky turned white.

Huge gears rise up one after another, and the shocking mechanical creations cover the sky of the black and white kingdom!A dazzling 'sun' is rising.

The heart of the machine god.

The abyss furnace created by the kingdom of giants.

The mechanical armor was guarding in front of the fire, not moving an inch. Herman stared blankly at the dazzling fire, and the mechanical heart in the old man's body beat violently, like a pilgrimage.

"I can see that you are afraid, the messenger from the starry sky."

The giant princess raised her head, and there was no trace of hesitation or fear in her flaxen eyes: "You are using boring nonsense to cover up your panic."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! You bastards who blaspheme the black plague!"

The emissary holding the black chess stared at the rising fire, and his crazy and hateful words echoed in the room: "So, this is the 'king' you are guarding..."

"The mighty power of the starry sky will eventually destroy your dreams! The 'Heart of Mechanism' that blasphemes the starry sky shouldn't exist!!"

At the same time, it let out a sharp roar, and the messenger raised the black 'chariot' and 'bishop' at the same time, breaking the rules of the chessboard again outrageously and unreasonably!

The giant meteorite burning with poisonous fire locked the 'miracle' created by the kingdom of giants!
At the same time, the blond princess held up the White Queen.

"The will of giants will never disappear, and our technology will eventually be passed on!"

So under the charge of the abyss furnace core, the tower-like Star Destroyer Cannon was completely charged!

(End of this chapter)

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