I loaded the gods module

Chapter 172 Instructor

Chapter 172 Instructor
"Please... Excuse me, is this the interview place for Shenhai Company?"

The handicapped veteran pushed open the door. Woodrow held the letter of introduction given to him by the bard, and looked at the young man sitting behind the desk with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry, you've come to the right place."

The interviewer Corey raised his head, and he picked up a new form. The young man smiled: "After all, the whole building under our feet is the office space of Deep Sea Company."

"Please take a seat, my name is Corey, and I am your interviewer."

The young man in a bow tie picked up a pen: "I need to know your identity, experience, and the position you want to apply for."

Woodrow limped to the front of the seat, and during this period, the interviewer maintained a kind expression and shook hands with the veteran.

"Thank you, noble lord..." The other party's actions made Woodrow feel a little trembling.

In his opinion, these people who are meticulous in their appearance and appearance, and their clothes are clean and tidy, without exception, are all high-status nobles, and they are not the same as ordinary people.

"Don't be restrained, sir, and I'm no lord."

The interviewer Corey was rather embarrassed: "You have to know that before I became the company's interviewer, I was just a carpenter."

"Carpenter..." The veteran's expression became blank.

"That's right, a carpenter. Before Director Dean helped me, I was just a kid carrying wood."

Corey nodded calmly, and the young man laughed: "There is nothing to hide, sir, you see, the status between you and me is actually the same."

The interviewer spread his hands: "Besides, there has never been any talk about class status in Shenhai Company. This is a rule set by the manager."

Woodrow nodded blankly. At this moment, the rising sun cast warm colors into the room. For some reason, the veteran's nervous mood gradually calmed down.

Without a doubt, this is a room of inner peace.

Obviously, as the manager of the company, Roy also made rough regulations on the interview environment.

Handshakes, smiles, simple greetings, comfortable seats, suitable lighting, quiet environment...everything is just right, and Deep Sea Company has created a good and friendly atmosphere.

"Let's get to the point, sir, and please give me your letter of introduction."

Corey gave guidance, and the moment the young man saw the signature on the introduction letter, the interviewer's attitude became surprised.

"It's actually a letter of introduction from the person in charge of Angelo!"

The young man raised his head, looked at the veteran and exclaimed involuntarily: "You actually met that dragon lord!"

"What? A dragon?" Woodrow's heart stopped beating: "That bard is actually a dragon!?"

"Didn't expect it." The interviewer laughed, and Corey lowered his voice: "This is one of the legends of our deep sea company, it can't be spread..."

The old soldier nodded blankly. At this moment, Woodrow only felt that his experience last night was like a dream.

The wanderer with nothing suddenly becomes the lucky one who reaps the opportunity in the abyss in the folk tales...

Somewhat impractical.

"Well... Let me see, so you are a veteran who survived the natural disaster in the abyss..."

Corey looked at the person in charge's handwriting intently, and the interviewer muttered to himself: "My God...it's amazing..."

"It's nothing special, I... I'm just a weak mortal who managed to survive, Mr. Interviewer."

Woodrow smiled wryly, and he showed his mutilated palm: "You see, I also paid a terrible price for this."

"Judging from the description of the person in charge of Angelo, you are a hero with integrity, and your physical disability cannot cover up your glorious deeds, Mr. Woodrow."

The interviewer shook his head and said solemnly, "I believe that your lost family members will think the same way."

The moment he heard these words, the veteran only felt a sore nose, and some uncontrollable emotions emerged.

During his wandering in search of his family, he received too many cold eyes because of his physical disability. He wandered around like a wild dog, covering up his inner scars with humility and numbness.

But at this moment, it was just a simple sentence of approval, but it easily tore through the defense line in the veteran's heart.

"Thank you, Sir Interviewer..."

The old soldier's voice trembled slightly, and he rubbed his sore nose, looking a little embarrassed.

"Just call me Corey, Mr. Woodrow."

The young man reluctantly picked up the pen: "If Mentor Dean knows that I use my status as an interviewer to gain respect, I will be reprimanded and punished."

"By the way, the position suggested to you by the person in charge Angelo is...an instructor, so I won't conduct unnecessary entry tests."

The pen tip rustled on the paper, and the interviewer smiled: "I will help you complete your personal file. From now on, you are one of the employees of Deep Sea Company. Congratulations."

"Wait, what are you talking about? Instructor? No... no... how is this possible?"

Woodrow opened his mouth wide in astonishment: "As a homeless person with nothing, where do I get the qualifications to be an instructor?"

"Of course you have this qualification and ability."

The young man did not raise his head, and focused on completing the new employee's personal file: "After all, you are a mortal soldier, but you have the experience, courage, and actual combat experience to fight the monsters of the abyss head-on."

"For the company, you are a scarce talent."

The interviewer said seriously: "And your current job is to teach weak mortals how to fight against powerful opponents."

However, at this moment, Woodrow was not overwhelmed by the sudden joy and fortune.

The veteran fell silent instead.

"Interviewer... Corey, in fact, mortals cannot fight against those extraordinary monsters."

Woodrow stated his thoughts truthfully and solemnly: "Although I know some practical methods of using weapons and firearms, when facing unknown monsters, fleeing is always the first thing that mortals need to consider."

"Yeah, this is a rule that everyone knows, but..."

At this moment, the interviewer Corey's smile became more obvious: "What if people have 'weapons' that can easily fight and kill monsters?"

Under the puzzled eyes of the veteran, the young man came to the storage cabinet in the room and took out a silver cube.

"Light Chasing Rubik's Cube..."

Woodrow muttered to himself.

"That's right, the Rubik's Cube."

Corey nodded: "This is the key for weak mortals to fight against powerful monsters, and..."

The interviewer laughed: "This is also a key prop that can help you find lost relatives."

(End of this chapter)

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