I loaded the gods module

Chapter 184 A Beautiful Lie

Chapter 184 A Beautiful Lie
'The city renovation plan has passed the approval of the Great Council, and the plan has been successfully implemented by Prime Minister Alger. Citizens, our White Country has the best tomorrow! '

Alger was awakened by the noisy announcement broadcast.

The gray-haired giant prime minister rubbed his eyes. Since Alger did not belong to his own mansion, he simply lived in his own office.

At this moment, he sat up straight from the office chair, got up and came to the window sill, and opened the heavy curtains, and the colors of the morning suddenly crowded in.

The towering and solemn municipal building stands in the very center of the city, and the silver-white buildings with different styles are closely surrounded at the end of the line of sight.

"The Mechanical Research Institute issued an announcement that the development of the fourth-generation mechanical prosthetic body has been completed, and the auxiliary functions have been further improved. The appearance of the prosthetic body has been officially announced and will be officially launched tomorrow..."

The giant display screen embedded in the mechanical wall played the latest advertising information, one after another aircraft with extended light wings flew over the city, and the citizens rushed to their respective posts.

It's a perfect city.

as always.

"Today is the last day..."

While muttering to himself, Alger withdrew his deep eyes and turned his head. The next moment, the door of the office was pushed open.

The well-dressed public official bowed his head respectfully: "Master Prime Minister, according to your instructions, the vehicle to the speech center has been arranged for you."

"Then...let's go..."

Alger nodded. He simply adjusted his clothes, then left the municipal building surrounded by the crowd, and boarded the silver-white vehicle.

Soon, under the protection of the guards, he climbed onto the high podium. As the Supreme Prime Minister of the White Country who had just taken office, daily speeches were naturally one of Alger's jobs.

Bathed in the morning light, the gray-haired leader of the giant opened his eyes to see the vibrant city of white.

The audience is overcrowded, and the stage is full of attention.

After all, the urban renovation plan has passed his approval, and the citizens are looking forward to the bright future that the prime minister said, but for Alger, the rhetoric of urban planning is already familiar to him.

He even... has forgotten how many times he repeated this rhetoric...

It's just that before the Prime Minister delivered his speech, an accident happened suddenly!

A certain feeling of extreme cold and despair pinched Alger's heart instantly, he opened his eyes wide, and the next moment, the revelation from the Heart of Mechanism roared in his ears!

'warn!warn!Insufficient energy supply for the core power furnace!Backup power is being activated! '

In Alger's sight, the world suddenly blurred, and the sun suddenly lost its temperature. At the same time, tiny cracks appeared one after another in the glamorous city, and they spread like black swimming fish. Come, it spread to every corner of the White Country in the blink of an eye...

As for behind the crack...

It is a blank nothingness, there is nothing in it, there is no temperature in the dead universe and the cemetery.

Time stood still.

The smiling faces of the people and the aircraft in the sky were frozen in place, everything became bleak, and the colors of the White Country were being quickly swallowed and plundered by those tiny cracks.

The world became black and white, leaving Prime Minister Alger sadly looking at the devastated world, but the next moment, a revelation like the sound of heaven sounded from his ears again.

"The backup energy source has been activated, and the sandbox world is being restarted."

The voice of the giant princess lingered in Alger's ears.

She said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will... always protect you all the time."

For some reason, the princess's words have lost their emotion. Over the long years, her soul has already merged with the heart of the furnace.

But with the words of the giant princess, the dim sun is expanding!

The Heart of Mechanism above the sky of the Kingdom of White erupted with fiery and dazzling power!Under the light of the fire, those cold and pitch-black cracks were reluctantly closed, and the colors were returned to the world.

Time began to flow again.


Alger raised his head and found that the sun was dimmer than before.

The time left for giant civilization is running out.

"Liars! Liars! You are all liars! The urban renewal plan is impossible! Tomorrow will never come!"

The sudden shout pulled back Alger's thoughts.

Everyone saw a reporter holding a mechanical recorder suddenly go crazy. Regardless of everyone's obstruction, he yelled frantically at the prime minister on the high platform.

Alger squinted his eyes, and he saw an invisible crack embedded in the top of the reporter's head.

So, the reporter saw some truths that were buried by the administrators and should not be seen.

"Fake! Fake! Everything is fake! Everything in the White Country is all fake! Our civilization, our city, and even ourselves... are all fake!!"

But under the terrified eyes of everyone, the crazy reporter's figure instantly became blurred, and the old and rough wind and sand engulfed his body, leaving only a writhing dim phantom on the spot.

Alger closed his eyes, and he sighed slightly. The next moment, the giant guards with guns quickly distanced themselves from the citizens beside the phantom.

Strangely, that phantom had a strange twist, and a palpitating cold engulfed that lonely phantom again, and he froze in place, maintaining a gesture of waving his arms.

"So... I have been... living in a false reincarnation..."

In the end, desperate ravings that no one could hear escaped from his voice.

Silence fell, and his soul was frozen forever.

The White Country lost a citizen forever.

At this moment, the atmosphere among the citizens suddenly became noisy, and the emotion of fear spread.

"Please remain calm, citizens of the Kingdom of Giants!"

The next moment, the prime minister opened his eyes again: "Obviously, that citizen was infected with the 'petrification disease' originating from the abyss, and we deeply regret this..."

The calm expression of the old man calmed down the uneasy atmosphere at the scene, and the citizens gradually became quiet.

"You don't need to panic, this disease is not contagious, our guards will take all security measures..."


Alger quickly maintained the order on the scene. The gray-haired Prime Minister opened his arms, he was impassioned, and he weaved beautiful dreams towards all the ignorant souls imprisoned in the sandbox.

But... How long will the lie last?
As an administrator, Alger himself could not find the answer to this question.

(End of this chapter)

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