I am the only fairy in the world

Chapter 101 100. The poetry meeting is over, fly away!

Chapter 101 100. The poetry meeting is over, fly away!

"I don't want to, this kid still has such a literary talent?"

King Ning muttered, suddenly felt that Su Mu seemed to be much more pleasing to the eye.

of course.

He likes Su Mu's literary talent, but what he likes more is the deep affection contained in the poems - as the saying goes: "Writing expresses ambition, that's what it is."

"Alright, with this kid as my support, if it's an official in the future... Mingyue will also have an extra way out."

King Ning's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself.


"Okay! Okay! I see it clearly, as long as I get involved with Master Su, something good will happen..."

Huang's mother was thinking like this, and her face was full of joy.

As I said before, this 'Qixi Poetry Club' is just propaganda, aiming to make the 'Yaoguang Pavilion' famous.

That being the case, what else is more effective than the birth of an eternal masterpiece on the spot?

Ms. Huang can predict that all these things will happen after the poetry meeting: fairy calligraphy, beauties, jealousy, refining fairy treasures, famous articles handed down from generation to generation... All kinds of deeds will explode after the poetry meeting.

And the 'Yaoguang Pavilion', together with this 'Qixi Poetry Fair', will completely become famous, and everyone in the city knows it, and it is even easy for everyone to spread it to other regions.


All the people present were shocked and amazed by the song "Touching Fish·Yanqiu Ci", but the two parties involved were the most moved: Luo Mi and Li Mingyue.


Luo Mi was born in 'Yaoguang Pavilion', so she is proficient in poetry, poetry, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has extraordinary appreciation ability. Compared with other people, she can appreciate the unswerving affection in poetry.

The heart-shattering touch made her as cold as her. At this moment, her eyes were full of strong and unresolved affection, almost dripping water.

As for Li Mingyue, although her personality is innocent, pure and ignorant, but she was born in a palace, she has learned everything she should learn, and she is also proficient in poetry.

She naturally knew that this is an excellent poem, especially the phrase 'Ask the world, what is love?Directly teach life and death.

"Su Lang, I like it so much!"

As Li Mingyue said, she jumped over and gave Su Mu a big hug.


"All right."

Su Mu patted Li Mingyue's back, took Luo Mi's hand again, pouted: "Look, I'm going to give you the treasure, it's done."

The two daughters Luo Mi and Li Mingyue looked together.

I see:

[Wen Jian] The golden light of three feet and six feet in the sky, after a dozen breaths of stagnation, suddenly dissipated, and turned into a "wen qi" in the form of golden threads, flying out in strands and strands.

And this time-

The refinement of [Majestic Righteousness Ruler] and [Marriage Jade Pendant] has also come to an end.

this moment.

After gathering all kinds of rare treasures, absorbing the righteous energy between heaven and earth, as well as countless cultural energy, and then under the strange influence of the energy of the homeland, it was finally completed.

in the air.

The jade-colored long ruler on the left took shape first, it was about three feet long, the whole body was jade-colored, and shone with silver-white brilliance.

Looking at it, I just feel that all evil thoughts are exposed to the sun, and there is no place to be ashamed.

Home identification:

【Awesome Virtue Ruler·lv1】

[Introduction: Measure the righteousness of the world and fight the evil spirits in the world. 】

[Special effect 1: Break the law.Zibuyu has strange powers and chaotic spirits, but he can summon the "magnanimous righteousness" between the heaven and the earth, and break away the evil spells! 】

[Special effect 2: Resist evil.It can summon a 'halo of righteousness', and at the same time, it can boost one person or one piece of equipment, and the attack against evil things +50%! 】

[Special Effect 3: Mindfulness.Play the 'Light of Judgment', those who pass the appraisal will not be injured, and those who fail the appraisal will suffer mental backlash. 】


"There are three kinds of special effects in this 【Haoran Righteousness Ruler】?!"

Su Mu's eyes flashed: "The special effect of 'breaking spells' can destroy evil spells; the special effect of 'restraining evil' is the nemesis of evil spirits; and the special effect of 'jianxin' is equivalent to a powerful spiritual attack, which is even more magical. "

He thought about this in his heart, the outside world, but for a moment.


And at this moment, [Marriage Jade Pendant] was also completed.

On the right, there are five jade pendants in total of 'one master and four slaves', the size of a palm, and the color is sky blue, among them, the golden and red lines are interlaced, outlining the pattern of 'dynamic magpie'.

Home identification:

【Marriage Jade Pendant·lv1】

[Introduction: God-given marriage, forever united. 】

[Special Effect 1: Guardianship of Marriage.Wearing the master and slave jade pendant, when attacked, can consume the 'marriage culture energy', activate the 'marriage shield', defense +30! 】

[Special Effect 2: Marriage Hongshu.Those who wear the master and slave jade pendants can consume the 'marriage culture', condense the 'messaging magpie', ignore all obstacles, and convey the message. 】

[Special Effect 3: Marriage Magpie Bridge.Couples who really love each other can consume the 'marriage culture' to activate this special effect, gather the 'magpie bridge', and change its shape! 】


"Yes, this [Marriage Jade Pendant] also has three special effects."

Su Mu nodded secretly: "Marriage Guardian. This special effect can come with a +30 defense, to such a degree, it can ignore the attacks of first-class masters. Even Du Fangge, the top existence under such a master, does not have a magic weapon. If you can't break the defense, there is nothing you can do."

"Marriage Hongshu. This special effect can be used to send messages, so you won't get lost. And 'ignore all obstacles', this seems a bit powerful. In the future, it can be developed according to the situation..."

"Marriage Magpie Bridge. The last special effect seems to be only romantic and beautiful? It shouldn't be such a waste, but what does 'change form' mean?"

"Also, these three special effects all need to consume 'Marriage Wenqi', which is a little troublesome. Fortunately, after the previous "Moyuer Yanqiu Ci" was disassembled, there was still some 'wenqi' left."

Su Mu thought of this, and suddenly waved his hand.

Swish swish!
In the [Wen Jian], the remaining 'literary spirit' flew out and was submerged in the five pieces of [Marriage Jade Pendant] of 'One Master and Four Servants', making them shine brightly.


Su Mu thought.

[Majestic Righteousness Ruler], [Marriage Jade Pendant]'Lord Jade Pendant' flew towards him;

And the other four [marriage jade pendants] 'Cong Yupei' turned into four beams of light, flying towards the four daughters Luo Mi, Li Mingyue, Xia Yu and Xia He respectively.


"For me?" Luo Mi subconsciously caught it.


"Ah, what is this?"

Li Mingyue took the jade pendant and looked at it curiously.


"I have that too!"

"My lord has not forgotten us!"

The two daughters, Xia Yu and Xia He, also received the jade pendant Qiqi, with pleasant expressions on their faces.


And at the moment when Su Mu and Luo Mi's four daughters received the [Marriage Jade Pendant], the jade pendants in their respective hands all shone brightly.

Swish swish!
The light and shadow of magpies flew out from the jade pendants in the hands of the five people, flying continuously in the bright moon sky, and reflected in the mirror-like lake water.

Impressively, the third special effect of [Marriage Magpie Bridge] - Marriage Magpie Bridge was triggered.

I see:

Those light and shadow magpies, after flying for a while, suddenly fluttered their wings and converged, building a 'magpie bridge' between the four daughters of Luo Mi and Su Mu.

Luo Mi and Li Mingyue, around Su Mu, the magpie bridge is extremely short; while Sumu, Xia Yu and Xia He sisters are 50 meters long, and the "Magpie Bridge" spreads 50 meters, which is very spectacular.


"so beautiful!"

The four daughters of Luo Mi cried out in surprise when they saw the jade pendants flying out of their hands and the 'magpies of light and shadow' cruising around them.


Everyone in the field shouted after seeing this vision.

"What is this? A magpie made of light and shadow?"

"It's amazing! These 'magpies of light and shadow' all flew out from the jade pendant refined by Master Su."

"Look, they make a bridge!"

"It's so romantic!"


"White tofu... really knows how to play!"

Du Fangge looked at the light and shadow magpies all over the sky, shook his head and smiled, raised the gourd to drink, but poured it again and again, but found that there was no wine.

"Young master is really powerful, you can do anything..."

Han Shi thought in awe.


"Oh, my daughter was cheated away!"

King Ning looked at the happy smile on Li Mingyue's face. While he was happy for his daughter, he felt a little inexplicably sour.


"My lord, is this jade pendant for us?"

"I like it very much!"

At this moment, Xia Yu and Xia He, the twin sisters, ran over.

And as the two girls approached, the 'magpie bridge' built by the 'light and shadow magpie' also moved closer and merged.

"That's right! Girl Yu, Girl He, Mier, and Mingyue, all come to me, and I'll show you something fun."

As Su Mu said, with a thought, he put away the [Wenjian] and the [Hao Ran Zhengqi Ruler] in his hand, and immediately flicked his sleeves.

Glittering gold.

I see:

These 'Light and Shadow Magpies' flew forward one after another, collided together, turned into dots of golden particles, and finally condensed into a super-large magpie the size of a helicopter.



"Strange bird!"

"It's coming!"


The participants in the poetry meeting around screamed and got up, moving the tables and chairs, and there was chaos.

But immediately, they discovered that the wings of this giant bird passed through their bodies, and it seemed... unreal?


"Don't panic, it won't hurt you."

Su Mu apologized to these frightened people, and then said to Luo Mi's four daughters: "Come, come here, try to stand on the back of this magpie."

"Young master, isn't it illusory?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Sisters Xia Yu and Xia He asked.

However, after asking, their two daughters, Luo Mi and Li Mingyue, all tentatively stepped up.


A scene that shocked the four girls happened—they actually stood firmly on the back of the oversized magpie.

"To be precise: it is changeable."

Su Mu replied with a smile.

He, too, only realized this after activating the "marriage magpie bridge" special effect of [Marriage Jade Pendant].

It turns out that the so-called "changing form" of the special effect of "Marriage Magpie Bridge" refers to: consuming "marriage culture energy" to condense into a super-sized magpie, which can change in size and change from reality to reality.

"Stand still?"

Su Mu asked, and after getting an affirmative answer from the four women, his mind moved.


This super-sized magpie vibrated its wings, brought up a hurricane, carried five people on its back, and took off from the sky.

"Young master, fly!"

"Yeah, we're flying!"

"It's very interesting!"

"Su Lang, it's fun!"

The four girls felt that although they were on the back of this 'Super Large Magpie', they couldn't feel any bumps. They looked down with great interest, and their eyes were shining brightly.


The people below also exclaimed.

"Fly! Fly! Su Zhenren took the four women and really flew!"

Many people exclaimed.

After all, who didn't have a dream of flying when they were young?

"Carefree, free, soaring in the sky, how many people's dreams! Those four women, following Master Su, made it easy."

Someone sighed, with undisguised envy in his tone.

"Su Zhenren is handsome, talented, and has so many miraculous abilities... If only I could marry Su Zhenren."

Many women stare at the sky idiotically.

"That's right! Look at Su Zhenren, and then look at other men, and you won't even notice him."

"Who said no?"

A married lady complained: "If my husband can be half as good as Su Zhenren, no, [-]%, I will be satisfied."

"Oh, people are really incomparable!"


"Tsk tsk, the white tofu is gone, leaving behind a legend."

Du Fangge's ears twitched. Hearing the words of 'coveting sumu', he smiled, turned around, and said to Han Shi, "Retire, after watching this excitement, I should go too."

"There's no need to say goodbye, tell your young master for me: I will remember to pay the debt."

He said, waved his hands, and strode into the crowd.


Han Shi yelled, but failed to keep Du Fangge. Looking at the back of the other party leaving, he sighed, a little sad.

——After all, Du Fangge has a good temper. In the past two days, he has been cooking, teaching cooking, and martial arts. He is very good to him.

"Well, the young master flew away, where should I go? Go back to Wo Niu Mountain alone? No way! Let's go to 'Xianrenfang' and wait!"

Han Shi thought for a while and made a decision like this.


"This brat, just abducted Mingyue?!"

King Ning watched Su Mu and his party fly away, and then he suddenly realized from the shock.


He suddenly remembered something, and his face changed greatly: "It's already night, that kid, wouldn't he go home with the bright moon at night?"

"Oh, what is this all about!"

King Ning patted his forehead, feeling helpless for a while.

"My lord, do you want me to send someone to look for it?"

Li Mingyue's bodyguard 'Dark Star' suddenly appeared from nowhere.

"Looking for it? They are flying, where can I find it?"

King Ning thought for a while, then sighed: "Let's go, go back to the mansion, that kid knows the location of the mansion... Let's wait in the mansion!"


The "Chinese Valentine's Day Poetry Meeting" is over.

The participants, as well as those spectators by the Lake of Time, excitedly discussed the process of the 'Poetry Fair' and left in quick succession.

As they left, what happened at the 'Poetry Club' was also spread in Xining City.


"Did you go to the 'Qixi Poetry Fair'? Are there really 'Xianbao' and the beauties in "Song of Beauty"?"

"A lot of people who thought it was rumors asked people they knew."

"Really! Let me tell you, it's the 'Xianjia Calligraphy', and: that beauty looks like a fairy... But don't worry about it, that's Su Zhenren's woman, and..."


Such conversations happen more than once.

Even, not only the beauties in 'Xianbao' and "Song of Beauty".

At the "Poetry Club", other major events happened: the son of the county magistrate knelt down and kowtowed to apologize, competed with the son of the county magistrate for a daughter; added rewards for "spiritual fruit" and [Qiongye Yulu]; created [Wenjian]; made a famous article through the ages ; Rebuild two fairy treasures, and fly away with the four daughters...

All these piles, one by one, spread from the mouths of the participants, and the heat was also extremely high!
As a result, Su Mu's reputation really spread widely in Xining City.In just a few days, it was heard all over the city, and it tended to spread to other cities.


(End of this chapter)

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