I am the only fairy in the world

Chapter 108 107. I Know

Chapter 108 107. I Know

The lady was taken aback, and quickly stepped forward to hold Hu Yun, persuading him: "Using public weapons for private use, and being an automatic soldier without authorization, is a capital offense..."

Hu Yun shook off the woman, not bothering to explain: "I've made up my mind!"

In fact, he did this to avenge his son, which only accounted for a small half.

The more important reason is the sentence brought by Su Mu: "If he doesn't come to me, I will kill him, let him wash his neck and wait for death!" '

A person like Su Mu, if he utters such words, even for the sake of face, he will not stop dying, and there is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation.

That being the case, instead of waiting for 'the news of the conflict with Su Mu to spread', people hate dogs, be deprived of power, and commit suicide slowly...

Why not, take advantage of the power in hand and make him turn upside down!

If you fail, you will inevitably die, but if you can kill Su Mu, you will make a lot of money!

"I attracted the attention of that Su Zhenren, you guys... wish for good luck!"

Hu Yun took a deep look at the lady and his old son, and strode away without saying a word.


Not long after.

Hu Yun, the county lieutenant, issued a summons to the county soldiers.

"As a county lieutenant, we usually eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, and never take care of things. What is this fussing about today, why are we going crazy?"

"Who knows? But if you think about it, there must be nothing good!"

These soldiers, complaining one by one, gathered unwillingly.

This shows how unpopular Hu Yun is.

This is what he himself did.

——As the highest military officer in the county, Hu Yun took this position by relying on his wife's nepotism, that's all, the key is: he himself is still corrupt and accepts bribes, eats soldiers' salaries, drinks soldiers' blood...

It has become a half-open secret that he does not know how to restrain himself and collect money wantonly.

In such a situation, it's not that no one reported it, but the relationship between them was so deep that it was useless, and even the whistleblower was brutally retaliated against.

After a long time, which soldier has no resentment in his heart?

"I do know some inside information. Our county captain Hu, a disaster happened at home last night..."

"Oh, Uncle Yu, tell me in detail!"

Someone cheered.

Many people heard the words and looked at it with great interest.

It's really: the Hu family is unlucky, they are all happy to hear it!

The middle-aged soldier surnamed Yu was about to share the good news with Pao Ze, but at this moment, an urging curse came from the front, forcing them to gather.


Look at these lazy, reluctant big heads.

Hu Yun sighed in his heart: "Is it okay to rely on these people now? Well, in the past, it should be better for these mud legs..."

He regretted it in his heart, but at this time he was already on the verge of riding a tiger, so he could only coerce and lure him.

Hu Yun clapped his hands, let a few servants carrying boxes come forward, and said: "Soldiers will be paid first, half a year's allowance, this time it's the full amount!"

A large sum of shiny silver money was handed out, which made these soldiers all smile and were very happy.

Even though they were all slandering 'the sun is coming out from the west today' in their hearts, they dared to take it if Hu Yun dared to give it. Anyway, this is legitimate income, so what are you afraid of?

Pay the soldiers.

Hu Yun took advantage of the happiness of these big soldiers before talking about the business: "The court has an order to act urgently to eradicate Su Yaodao on Wo Niu Mountain. After the matter is completed, there will be rewards!"

He is "pulling the tiger's skin and making a big banner" while drawing a big cake.

Hu Yun had no choice but to do so.

If he told these big bosses the truth, in contrast to his behavior these years, it would be good for these people to catch him and make meritorious deeds, so why would he help?

As soon as the words came out.

A group of soldiers suddenly became lively.

"Lieutenant Hu County, did you say something wrong? How could Master Su be a demon?"

"I heard that Master Su is unpredictable, so it's hard to handle!"

"Does your lord have a warrant?"

Those with clever minds rolled their eyes and asked loudly.


face these doubts.

Hu Yun didn't change his face, and said: "Su Yaodao is a huge threat, so this is a secret operation, only passwords..."

"No warrant? I'm afraid this is not a private job?"

A soldier surnamed Yu sneered and said, "I heard that last night, at the Qixi Festival, the son of the lord family knelt down and kowtowed to Su Zhenren to apologize... Later, the son of the lord family..."

In this day and age, news travels slowly.

But at the Tanabata Poetry Conference and last night's "Xianrenfang", these breaking news are different. One night plus half the morning time is enough for many people to know.

For example: these soldiers have strokes, few of them know about them.

But this pawn surnamed Yu was only halfway through the conversation.

"Bewitching the army, courting death!"

Hu Yun drew his knife and slashed over.

The soldier surnamed Yu was panicked, but his reaction was not slow, and he dodged away.

"Dare to defy the government? Give it to me!"

Hu Yun was furious.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, this dog official is out of personal enmity and wants us to work for him..."

The soldier surnamed Yu retorted loudly.

Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and the other soldiers fell into hesitation.

Also at this time-

Relying on the weapon in his hand and his superior martial arts skills, Hu Yun stepped forward and killed the Yu soldier.

The other soldiers were shocked.

They didn't expect that this idiot county captain who was greedy for money and lust had such a decisive side.


Taking advantage of the prestige of beheading Yu's soldiers, Hu Yun said in a cold voice: "A reminder to everyone, some things should not be said indiscriminately. Although my son is the son of the magistrate of Yang County... Forget it, this is not you group of big soldiers. Should know."

He said deliberately ambiguously.

When the other soldiers heard this, they couldn't help thinking about it. After all, Hu Kuang was not the only one who was humiliated at the Qixi Festival last night, but also Yang Zhao...

They guessed in their hearts that this was probably a private job, the private job of the county magistrate Hu and county magistrate Yang.

On one side is the government office, the highest civil and military officer in the city, and on the other side is the not easy to mess with Su Zhenren, these big soldiers are in a dilemma.

Hu Yun didn't give them a chance to hesitate at all: "Okay, get ready to go, first follow me to the 'Weapons Division' to get weapons!"


Weapons Division.

"Lieutenant Hu, rare guest, who are you?"

"Take weapons, three thousand-man teams, full armor, bows and crossbows, and... divine ballistas!"

"Ah... County Captain Hu, do you have a warrant?"

"No, private work, me and Yangzhi County, you understand?"

"This...is not in compliance with the rules, I will be punished for this."

Hu Yun put the sword on the chief's neck: "Cooperate with me, and the benefits will be indispensable to you; otherwise... die!"

"Then... let's do it!"

Gudong, the head of the weapons department, swallowed his saliva, raised his hand, and shouted back, "Don't do anything, open the door for Lieutenant Hu!"

There are many secret whistles inside, as well as crossbow bolts ready to go, lurking again.


Not long after.

Hu Yun took three thousand county soldiers, fully armed, and left the "Weapons Division".

As for the illegal procedure?
With Hu Yun and his party overwhelmed, at this point, the "Weapon Division" can't control it if they want to!

Hu Yun led the three teams of thousands of people, leaving the city with a murderous look, and headed towards Wo Niu Mountain.


Hu Yun acted with such fanfare, so naturally he couldn't hide it from the major families in the city.


Hu family.

"It really makes no sense!"

When Yang Shenxing received the news from the people below and asked if he was colluding with Hu Yun, he was really angry: "I planned to gradually alienate the Hu family, but I didn't expect to be bitten by the Hu family before I even started! "

"Father, what should I do?"

Yang Zhao asked, "Should we send someone to stop County Captain Hu?"

"No need."

Yang Shenxing sneered: "Now, that Hu Yun is like a rabbit in a hurry, waiting for a desperate fight. If you send someone to stop him, he will definitely not listen!"

"Even, maybe, that thick-faced and dark-hearted person who will send us there is clicked."

He pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Let's just wait and see what happens! However, we can't make the Hu family feel better. Send me someone to detain the Hu family's mother and son."

"If Hu Yun succeeds by luck, let's forget about this matter; otherwise, hehe, let's use this to hand in a nomination certificate to Master Su!"

"it is good."

Yang Zhao agreed, and went down to do things. The moment he turned around, there was an imperceptible mirth in his eyes.

——After all, he still couldn't let go of what happened last night. In his opinion, Hu Yun and Su Mu's confrontation is excellent, and the best thing is: Hu Yun can completely wipe out Su Mu.


The same thing happened to other big families in the city. They made a decision by coincidence, and waited for the outcome.


Ning Wangfu.

"Daddy, shall we go out for an outing?"

"Where do you go for an outing?"

"Wolfing Niu Mountain."

"I knew it."

King Ning rubbed his forehead: "It's not true that you want to go outing, but it's true that you want to see your Su Lang... But my precious daughter, look at the weather, it's so hot at noon, is it really suitable?"


Li Mingyue stuck out her tongue: "Then in two days, when the weather is cooler... No, let's go again tomorrow morning when the weather is not hot, how about it?"

"not so good."

King Ning smiled wryly, and was about to say something.

At this time.

"My lord, something is wrong."

A servant came to report: "I just got the news: Lieutenant Hu led three thousand-man teams and left the city with armor, bows and crossbows...Looking at the direction, the target seems to be Wo Niu Mountain!"


King Ning frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said: "It seems that the Hu family is in a hurry!"

Nothing happened to him.

Li Mingyue turned pale with shock: "Father, please help Su Lang!"

"Mingyue, don't be impatient."

King Ning waved his hand.

He didn't think that Su Mu couldn't deal with Hu Yun and his party. Just based on the means of Su Mu he saw yesterday, he knew that even if Su Mu couldn't beat him, he could escape easily.

Li Mingyue calmed down and knew these things when she thought about them. She didn't see it at this time, and it was only because she cared about it that it made chaos.


At this moment, King Ning did not wake up his daughter, but asked: "Mingyue, do you really... have to save that Sumu?"

"It must be saved."

Li Mingyue's tone was affirmative.

"it is good."

King Ning looked solemn and nodded slowly.

He stood up, went inside, and after a while, came out again, holding a bright yellow scroll in his hand.

"Daddy, why does this look like an imperial decree?" Li Mingyue asked in surprise.

"What is image? This is the imperial decree."

King Ning twirled his beard, and said slowly: "This is the imperial decree given to me by the officials when I left Beijing. If the matter is urgent, I can ask myself to be the governor of Xining to control all major military and political affairs in the city."

"Take it and go save your Su Lang. Those soldiers will never dare to do anything after seeing the imperial decree, or even mutiny!"

"Hey, thank you daddy!"

Li Mingyue took the imperial edict and went out happily.

"This girl..."

King Ning looked at the back of Li Mingyue leaving in a hurry, smiled and shook his head slightly.

He is not worried, the safety of his own daughter is protected by the Dark Star, and the 'marriage jade pendant' presented by Su Mu last night, so self-protection is safe.

——The matter of the 'marriage jade pendant', after Li Mingyue returned to the mansion last night, King Ning had people test it out.

"My lord, will this break a taboo and arouse the jealousy of the officials?"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a fair complexion and a sharp voice appeared, obviously an eunuch.

That imperial decree was actually used to tie King Ning to death in Xining City when the Hu people invaded.

In other words: not grace, but malice.


King Ning sneered: "I don't need this imperial decree, my elder brother, isn't he afraid of me? Don't worry about that."

"At this moment, it is worthwhile to take this imperial decree to enhance the relationship between Mingyue and my 'to-be-son-in-law', and to earn a favor by the way."

"According to this old servant, that Su Daoist has already surpassed the limits of ordinary people. Perhaps, he may not be able to use it."

"Old Yu, you guessed wrong."

King Ning said with a smile: "My 'son-in-law-to-be' may not be afraid of the force of those people, but most likely he will be afraid of the impact of killing them."

"This is also Hu Yun's scheme... and my decree is here to help him."


Hu Yun led three thousand soldiers and marched all the way, and soon came to Wo Niu Mountain.

"My lord, are we really going to do something to Su Zhenren?"

"What real person? That's a demon, a bandit!"

Hu Yun cursed: "Keep this distance, set up the ballista, and prepare to fire!"

He has read the information on Su Mu, so he naturally knows that Su Mu's magic range is about [-] feet, so he naturally has to avoid it.

Ten giant cannons glowing with metallic luster were pushed forward.

This is the improved "God Ballista" of the trebuchet, which can fire stone bullets, and even ordinary houses will be blasted out of big holes with one shot.

In the special terrain, facing this thing, even a grandmaster would have to drink hatred.

"Ready, let go!"

Hu Yun gave an order.

But nothing happened.

These gunners looked at each other in blank dismay, no one acted as the leader, and none of them made a move.

"Are you going to fight against the imperial court?"

Hu Yun was furious, he came forward with a knife in his hand, and said with a grinning smile: "I am the supervisor, anyone who hesitates and does not act is a rebel, an enemy of the imperial court, and beheaded!"

Hear this.

These gunners started to move slowly.

"Three, two, one, let go!"

Following Hu Yun's order.

Boom boom boom!
There was a sound like thunder, and ten stone bullets flew away, crashing into the barrier of Su Mu's home.


Amidst the slight sound, a small crack opened in the hundreds of fences.

If Su Mu was here, he would definitely be able to see that in this round of salvo, the durability of the fence in the homeland had been reduced by as much as a hundred points.


(End of this chapter)

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