Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 435 Fishing step 1, pumping water!

Chapter 435 The first step in fishing, pumping water!

The Lingzhou Reservoir is a non-artificial reservoir, and the locals know that the Lingzhou Reservoir was caused by a major flood.

But saying this, many underwater experts will doubt it.

Because the reservoir looks like it is man-made no matter whether it is seated, water storage, irrigation, or even the formation of the dam.

For this, the locals are dismissive.

There is only one place of residence within a fifty-mile radius of the reservoir, and that is Jinguan Village. What kind of temperament are the people in Jinguan Village?In the words of the Chief of the Public Security Department of the Seventh District, the most perfect explanation for Jinguan Village is that troublesome people come out of poor mountains and rivers.

If you ask the people in Jinguan Village to do good deeds, they will probably call you a second stroke.

But if you want them to chop people up and make trouble, each of them is an expert.

Such a village, such a person, if you say let them build a dam, you are crazy.

This kind of person is almost as good as demolishing the dam.

But walking here, it is still hard to imagine, is this dam formed naturally?
Da Dao Wang Wu looked at the wide dam. The edge of the dam was built into a series of trapezoidal wedge-shaped steps visible to the naked eye. Looking down at a glance, it seemed to be a road leading to the water.

Wang Wu looked at the dam in front of him, rubbed his hands and said, "Old Zhang, I have an immature idea."

Zhang Xiaozhu looked at Wang Wu, "What do you think?"

Wang Wudao, "Or, we blow up the dam, drain all the water in the reservoir, and then enter Lingzhou City."

Lin Zonghui, the head of the third-bedroom house in Jinguan Village on one side, said angrily, "Impossible! I won't allow you to do this! This reservoir is filled with a hundred acres of fertile land in Jinguan Village, and the land is flooded. We How to live?"

When Lin Zonghui said this, Zhang Xiaozhu and Wang Wu laughed together.

"Haha, Director Lin said that they make a living by farming."

"That's a must, people can use golden kela to grow golden sweet potatoes!"

"Haha! Didn't the golden sweet potatoes be picked up in Lingzhou City?"

"It's their territory, you should respect their habits and don't tell the truth."

Facing the ridicule of Zhang Xiaozhuan and Wang Wu, for a moment, Lin Zonghui's face turned blue and red, as ugly as it could be.

Lin Zonghui gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay to blow it up, you want to keep the money that drowned the fields from growing."

Facing Lin Zonghui's request, Mr. Zhang said dismissively, "Tell me a number, and I'll give you a check later! A little money, and still putting on airs here, is it interesting?"

Lin Zonghui stopped talking.

On the sidelines, Wang Wu began to plan to find the weak location of the Lingzhou City Reservoir, and then launched a soul-stirring blast.

But Wang Wu walked around and didn't find the weak point of this dam. On the contrary, the dam is quite majestic, and it is not difficult to see from the details of the structure. It is guided by professionals, and it is strengthened every year.

Such a good level of construction can only explain one reason, the guy under the dam is very powerful!

Dao Wang Wu has seen a lot of great things in the world since he entered Buddhism. It seems that a place like a city has been drowned. If there is no electricity sneaking below, it is really unreasonable.

But the more this was the case, the more Wang Wucai felt that blowing up the dam was imperative.

The fact that such a dam can be built on the opposite side shows that the forces below are extraordinary. If the dam is not blown up at this time, if it goes down, won't it be dumped?
Lin Zonghui seemed to see the difficulty of the two of them, and said with a smile, "In my opinion, you can't blow up this dam, at least you can't blow it up now! Why don't we go straight down, and our golden sweet potatoes can't blow it up." They are all picked under the water, I know a very good waterway, why don't you go and see it together?"

Lin Zonghui kindly invited, and Zhang Xiaozhuan on the side said, "Okay! Go and have a look! Old Wang, don't look for it! It's useless."

Wang Wu said unbelievingly, "I'll take a look, you guys go first!"

Lin Zonghui looked at Da Dao Wang Wu's unbelief, he didn't care, and walked towards the low side of the dam with Zhang Xiaozhuan enthusiastically.

On the other side, Da Dao Wang Wu took out a dark silver mini detonator the size of a AA battery from his pocket.

The detonator is marked with the fourth generation entropy fusion technology.

The bottom of the detonator is densely written with instructions, one equivalent, three times to five times the father of the most powerful conventional bomb bomb in history, can be directional blasted, no need to guide, detonate with thoughts, safe and worry-free, guaranteed after-sales, absolutely safe - Bai Yu Beijing Research Department, Xu Ling.

Dao Wang Wu held a detonator the size of a dark silver battery, looked at the dam in front of him, frowned, and thought in his heart, can this thing blow up the dam?
If the explosion is unsuccessful and the person below is disturbed, wouldn't it be a mistake?
If the people below suddenly go crazy, wouldn't Third Master Zhang and himself be in danger?

But at this moment, several hundred meters away from Da Dao Wang Wu, there were two people standing on a boulder. They looked at Da Dao Wang Wu, who was walking on the dam, and muttered something in a low voice.

"Yang Yipin, this bald donkey is the legendary swordsman Wang Wu of the Four Great Heroes of the late Qing Dynasty? Are you sure?"

"Very sure, this person has sword skills. Legend has it that he has stepped into the fifth-rank realm of heaven and man. He has realized that with a sword in his heart, everything can be cut. Back then, he killed several foreign archbishops, and three vampire princes. The 32 great masters in the Qing Dynasty can be said to be unrivaled in the limelight!"

"It's so hanging, why was it killed later?"

"He was murdered by righteousness. This man's friends were bought by the Qing court, and so were the high-level Boxers. He was poisoned first, and then officers and soldiers were arranged to chase and kill him. Surrounded by tens of thousands of elite soldiers, even a fifth-level expert would have to kneel!"

"Then he is obviously not dead!"

"Because the person who arrested him was called Zhang Xiaozhuan."


The poor duo, standing on a stone, looked at Da Dao Wang Wu not far away, both of them had the idea of ​​seeing a monster.

Yang Yipong said, "According to your opinion, what should we do next?"

Wu Yiqiong said, "It's simple, go to the theater, this time, we are going to the theater, no matter how much trouble there is, it's all about my father and my mother's older generation, and Qi Tiezui!"

When talking about Qi Tiezui, Wu Yiqiong gritted his teeth angrily.

Yang Yipin hesitated, "You seem to hate Qi Tiezui very much, did you smash it? Did he blow up your windows?"

Wu Yiqiong said, "I want you to take care of it!"

Yang Yipin rubbed his palms, "Do you want to be beaten?"

Wu Yiqiong stopped for a moment before saying, "Actually, my mother liked Qi Tiezui, not my father, but Qi Tiezui didn't like my mother, and then my mother was willing to give it to my father for Qi Tiezui's sake. This is how things got into the current situation! My father is also a victim! The real instigator is Qi Tiezui!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Yipin's whole body became excited, and the fire of gossip was blazing, "Damn it, is it so explosive?"

Wu Yiqiong said, "This is my guess, and I don't know the details, so don't ask me any more, do you have a bit of cultivation in your appearance?"

Yang Yipin smiled and said, "Cultivation is for outsiders to see. You are my junior brother. Master Dao can beat you as he wants!"

At this moment, Yang Yiqiong and Wu Yiqiong were more than 100 meters behind him.

The priest and the general shouted in unison.

"Fuck, is it so explosive?"

"Sure enough, the people from the Nine Gates are really powerful, how the hell can they play!"

At this moment, the ground trembled abruptly, and the entire dam let out the roar of a terrifying beast.

It was like a roar from the depths of hell.


In the middle of the solid dam, a terrible crack opened, and the crack shattered violently, and the water in the reservoir rushed downstream.

The huge explosion sounded like thunder, hitting people's ears wave after wave. At this moment, Lin Zonghui was completely angry, "What are you doing! You actually blew up the dam! The ancestors will be angry!"

But Zhang Xiaozhu rubbed his numb ears, "Damn it, you lost a few detonators!"

Wang Wu on the side rubbed his bleeding nose in embarrassment, "Three, I lost all the three you gave me, I was worried that it wouldn't explode, who knew it would be so powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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