Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 521 Meteorite Copper Armor and Green Crow

"It's over!"

"It's really over!"

"If Baidi is demonized, wouldn't it be a dead end for me?"

Chen Ping's brain circuits are very clear, and his emotions are very calm. Now that Baidi is not alive or dead, if he stays here, he may be in danger.

Chen Ping didn't even think about it for a moment, he turned around and ran outside.

The speed is so fast that one suspects that he may not be a strategist, but an assassin.

Outside the big tree, Cao Shuangshuang was running out carrying a snakeskin bag.

"Get rich today!"

"Haha, so many Buddha treasures!"

"Sure enough, I have meat to eat with Baidi!"


A figure roared away in front of Cao Shuangshuang, Mr. Cao rubbed his head, "What just ran over? A big black mouse?"

The faster shadow came back, it was Chen Ping.

Chen Ping grabbed Cao Shuangshuang's shoulder, "Hurry up, run! The White Emperor is possessed!"

Cao Shuangshuang was puzzled, "What is a demon? Isn't Baidi himself a demon?"

Chen Ping gestured, "It's different, I'm afraid I won't be able to control the demon this time!"

Cao Shuangshuang looked at Erbi's eyes and said, "You mean that Baidi was taken away? No way, a zombie doesn't even have a soul, and his body is his only body. How can he be taken away?"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Ping suddenly felt that it seemed that what Cao Shuangshuang said made sense!
Well, where did a zombie come from to seize the house!
It's like a Nokia, you tell me that you can download APP?

This is not realistic at all!
Just as he was hesitating, a burst of purple flames roared out suddenly, burning and gushing along the tree hole that Chen Ping had escaped from!

Chen Ping and Cao Shuangshuang were caught off guard, and were thrown backwards by the hurricane of flames.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the entire Maji Temple burned.

In the Daxiong Palace, an armored troll god with a height of five feet and a mighty figure stepped out.

The entire body of this armor is filled with purple-golden flames. The exaggerated shape of the Jurchen clan makes the shoulders and the hem of the eight sides rustle.

And the weirdest thing is its body.

Inside the armor is not a person, but a mass of purple flames, which condense the facial features and limbs of a person. At a glance, the whole body is shining brightly, and the whole body is a flaming fierce spirit!
Cao Shuangshuang wiped off the sawdust, flames and ash on his face, and looked at the fierce flames of the armor like a giant spirit, "Fuck, this is one of Nurhachi's thirteen sets of armor? The bottom of the box that established the 300-year fortune of the Qing Dynasty Baby! It's so fucking spectacular! It's stunning!"

Chen Ping rubbed his waist, "It's not just shocking, it's killing people. I don't know what is fused with this thing. Now it makes Baidi not Baidi, and people are not human!"

Cao Shuangshuang screamed, "Damn it, the situation is not right, it seems to be overtaking us! Run, run!"

Chen Ping hurriedly ran out.

While the two were running wildly, a vicious spirit in the Snake Armor charged forward mightily from behind, and purple flames engulfed the heart-guard mirror. For a moment, Nuo Da's tree demon body was burned, and the entire Moji Temple was bathed in In Nuoda's flame storm.

Outside the Moji Temple, there was the faint sound of chanting scriptures.

"One flower, one world, one leaf, one Tathagata."

"The Tathagata speaks of the world, not the world, but the world."

"The heart-cleaning water vessel is always in front of you. But the life of the vessel with a turbid heart does not see the shadow of the Tathagata's dharmakaya."

"All appearances are illusory; all conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew or electricity, and they should be viewed as such."

Cao Shuangshuang and Chen Ping rushed outside the Moji Temple, but saw a coffin lying in front of the door. On top of the coffin sat a three-foot-tall zombie in purple battle armor. Black Xihai cold iron armor, with horns piercing the starry sky.

This, isn't this Baidi?

The White Emperor is here, so what is the White Emperor who just entered?
At the moment, Baidi is holding a Buddhist scripture, reciting the Buddhist scriptures devoutly.

It's just that a general, a demon, chanting Buddhist scriptures gives people a very weird feeling.

"Baidi." Chen Ping hurriedly said, "Inside, inside..."

Xu Ming raised his hand, "Needless to say, I know everything."

Cao Shuangshuang looked at the scripture in Baidi's hand, "Baidi, where did you get this scripture? It looks very valuable!"

At this moment, the mighty purple flame roared over.

The ten-foot-high terrifying demon rushed to the front in a hurry, and was about to tear everyone into pieces.

But Xu Ming sat on the coffin and didn't even get up.

The Snake Armor walked in front of Xu Ming, suddenly seemed out of control, the purple flames on his body began to dissipate crazily, and there were crackling sounds erupting from his body, as if it was the sound of burning corn and popping popcorn .

Looking at this scene, Chen Ping understood, "Your body has never entered, you used a mind body! Fuck, did you know from the beginning that this armor is an evil thing that will swallow the user's will?" ?”

Xu Ming didn't answer, but stood up, looked at the ten-foot-tall Snake Singing Armor, and walked closer step by step.

The Naming Snake Armor seemed to realize something, and retreated crazily.

But the more it retreats, the more excited the general will be.

Xu Ming laughed and said, "What are you afraid of?"

"Is the extraterrestrial demon also afraid of being swallowed?"

"It's just a little remnant of Heavenly Demon's will, how dare you act arrogantly in front of me?"

"This seat is a general who has even eaten the complete will of the demon!"

"Come on baby, crawl over and be my dog!"

Xu Ming said the last sentence, the Snake Snake Armor really fell to the ground with a thud, the Divine Sense inside the armor was crazily impacted, the facial features and body were twisted to the extreme, and the crazy appearance made people very worried whether it was going to Hang yourself up.

"Want to die? It's too late!"

The general's giant claws grabbed the armor, and then slid down, the rebellious, brutal and murderous temperament on the armor was instantly absorbed by Xu Ming's claws.

Xu Ming clenched his left paw tightly, and the purple flame in the paw gathered into a small bead.

Bead devoured frantically, trying to escape.

But Xu Ming just opened his mouth, swallowed it suddenly, and ate the purple flame beads.

Yes, eat it!
I ate it straight away!

Looking at this scene, Chen Ping was numb.

How is this different from what was written in the script?

After Xu Ming finished eating, he hiccupped, held the dim armor, and said unhurriedly, "Actually, I would like to thank Director Liu Chengfeng for his help."

"After drinking with me, Director Liu Chengfeng told me that if you want to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you must find thirteen sets of armor, and if you want to find thirteen sets of armor, you must find the person who forged the thirteen armors!"

"Back then, Nurhachi found a person to forge these thirteen sets of armor, and this person was called Qingwuzi."

Cao Shuangshuang scratched his head and said, "Qingwuzi, who is it?"

"I'm not too sure." Xu Ming said, "Then a friend said that he knew Qingwuzi and where Qingwuzi's tomb was! That friend also told me that Qingwuzi was good at making equipment with meteoric copper. After seeking longevity, they also went to open Qingwuzi's tomb back then, but unfortunately Qingwuzi's coffin disappeared in the end. Later, he searched for a long time, but he couldn't find it. He just knew that Qingwuzi was a shaman who was active in From the Jiajing period to the end of the Ming Dynasty, this person was especially good at shamanism, and had a deep relationship with many ethnic groups. Later, after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, this person disappeared, and he couldn’t say anything more.”

Cao Shuang said bluntly, "Friend? The friend Baidi talks about must be a master of Taoism!"

Xu Ming didn't speak.

After all, the level of Cao Shuangshuang's words is too low.

This person is actually none other than Zhang Qishan, the old nine sect.

And when Zhang Qishan told Xu Ming these things, Xu Ming also understood that Zhang Qishan was going to attack his ancestors, and he counted on himself as a foreign aid.

Just one thing, if I, Xu Ming, were to be a foreign aid, the battlefield would usually be destroyed.

Just like the current Moji Temple, the fire is raging, and it is estimated that nothing will be left behind.

If you want me to go to the Zhang family to do something, I'm afraid the Zhang family's ancestral grave will be lost!

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