Chapter 303 Money Touches Hearts (2 in 1)

The next day, Wuhundian began to inform the outside world that the rewards for the soul master competition had been changed from three ten thousand-year soul bones to three cuts of beloved relatives and friends, the soul bones of ancestors and the remains of mothers.

As soon as this news was conveyed, it was like a plate of cold water being poured into boiling oil, and it exploded instantly!

The Xingluo Royal Academy, Tiandou Royal Academy, and Tianshui Academy, teams that are confident in competing for the championship, just like the wolf saw the meat, Erha saw the sofa, and his eyes turned green.

As for those academies who went through the motions, they seemed to have been drugged, and began to gear up and eager to try.

After all, even if you can't win the championship, you can reach the finals and see what a 10-year-old soul bone looks like, it's enough to brag about for a lifetime.

In the hall of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School

"Tsk tsk tsk, the left arm bone of the 10-year-old Titan giant ape, and the right arm bone of the 10-year-old Azure Bull Python are a total of seven high-life soul bones. They are really generous. I want to go to the competition."

Bone Douluo looked at the blue newspaper on the table, and said very eagerly.

For these seven high-life spirit bones, even Bone Douluo has the urge to possess them, it would be false if he didn't want them.

However, Jian Douluo and Ning Fengzhi frowned more and more as they looked at the blue newspaper.

After a while, Jian Douluo took the lead and said, "Fengzhi, why do I feel like my heart is jumping?"

"It's like, the reward for the champion of the soul master competition is not 7 soul bones, but 7 bombs, if you don't pay attention, you will be blown to pieces!"

"Swordman, why do you say that? Don't you think the Spirit Hall can't give you this reward?" Bone Douluo said with some doubts.

"Wuhundian has the ability to give this reward, there is no doubt about it, it's just"

Ning Fengzhi frowned, a little worried.

"Just what? Fengzhi, don't talk halfway!"

Bone Douluo gave Ning Fengzhi a white look, and asked.

"It's just, Uncle Gu, did you think of this seed of life named Blue Silver Emperor and the 10 year old Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone?"

Ning Fengzhi's expression was extremely serious.

"The 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor? Could it be the one from back then?"

Bone Douluo was startled, as if he remembered something not very wonderful.

"That's right, it's the soul beast that was with Tang Hao back then! It's also the reason why the Haotian School was exterminated!"

Sword Douluo also looked solemn.

"The life seed and soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor actually fell into the hands of the Spirit Hall. It seems that there are still some things that we didn't know about back then."

Bone Douluo muttered to himself.

"The rewards of this soul master competition seem to be beautiful, but they are actually set up for Tang Hao and Tang San, father and son!"

"Besides, they have to jump if they don't want to jump in this round. You must know that this is Tang Hao's wife, Tang San's real mother."

Ning Fengzhi was silent for a while, and said this.

"I still can't figure it out, why Tang Hao fell in love with a piece of grass? Why can a piece of grass give birth to a child, and even give birth to Tang San?"

Bone Douluo said with a strange face.

"Don't say you can't figure it out, I can't figure it out either, Tang San and that 10-year soft-bone rabbit, isn't it the same thing?"

Jian Douluo said that he has no idea what the Haotianzong Tang family's obsession is. As a father, Tang Hao fell in love with a piece of grass, and as a son, Tang San fell in love with a rabbit.

Could it be that this is a unique hobby of the Tang family?
However, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo didn't hear about the previous Haotian Douluo. Tang Hao's father, Tang factually, did he also have this habit?

The words of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo made the corners of Ning Fengzhi's mouth twitch slightly, and Ning Fengzhi couldn't understand the Tang family's hobbies.

However, now is not the time to discuss this.
"Actually, what I can't figure out the most is why does Wuhundian need to do so much?"

"You know, Qian Chongling has met Tang San a long time ago, and with his strength, he must have discovered that Tang Hao was secretly protecting Tang San, so why didn't Qian Chongling kill the father and son directly?"

"On the contrary, do you want to use this method to invite you into the urn?"

Ning Fengzhi's face was gloomy and terrifying, he thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what Qian Chongling's purpose was for doing this.

Could it be that his thinking dimension is not at the same level as that of the boss?
Is Ning Fengzhi so bad?

"Feng Zhi, you'd better not call senior by his name directly, after all, senior is elusive, just in case he is behind you."

When Ning Fengzhi heard the words, his whole body trembled, and he suddenly turned his head to look, but there was nothing behind him, no one was there.

"Huh, Uncle Jian, people can scare people to death. The last time I met him at the Tiandou Auction, I didn't sleep well for several days!"

Ning Fengzhi glared at Jian Douluo, and cursed with a smile.

"Don't interrupt, then this matter, Fengzhi, do you have any ideas?" Bone Douluo asked.

"It's still the same sentence, all things that may involve the blood pope, stay away and wait and see what happens!"

Ning Fengzhi said very sincerely, anyway, he was lying flat.

"Then Rongrong is still in Shrek Academy, will Chiyu be hurt?"

Speaking of Ning Rongrong, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo's eyes revealed a trace of warm pampering.

"Rongrong will be fine, or the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will not have an accident before the end of the Soul Master Competition!"

Ning Fengzhi took a deep breath, and continued: "Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, after the soul master competition is over, it's time to decide whether thousands of lives in our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are dead or alive."

"Fengzhi, no matter what decision you make, Jianren and I will support you!"

"That's right, the three of us don't say we were born on the same day in the same year, we can also die on the same day in the same year!"

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo said separately.

On the other side, Shrek Academy

Yu Dashi held the Wuhun Daily made of blue silver grass in his left hand, and carried his right hand on his back. He walked like a dragon and a tiger, showing an unmistakable posture of a master.

Yu Dashi walked step by step in front of the four Shrek masters and the third undercover agent, and said, "I tell you a piece of good news, the reward for the champion of the soul master competition this time is a total of 7 soul bones over 7 years old and a plant of life. kind."

"Seven soul bones over 7 years old!"

The four Shrek masters and the third undercover agent exclaimed in surprise.

"The soul bones are the 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, and the 10-year-old soft bone rabbit's left leg bone." Yu Dashi said.

"10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone!"

When Xiao Wu heard this spirit bone, her red rabbit eyes were full of anticipation, imagining the scene of Tang San absorbing this spirit bone, leading her to break through the Spirit Hall and killing all directions.

However, Yu Dashi continued to say that there are still 10 years of soft bone rabbit left leg bones, 10 years of Titan giant ape left arm bones, and 10 years of sky blue bull python right arm bones, Xiao Wu's eyes turned red!
Naturally, this is not because of jealousy, but because of anger and resentment!

Take her mother's relics, as well as the relics of her two brothers, as rewards for the soul master contest!

This Wuhundian is simply insane!
Wait, did I overlook something?
Let me think, let me think.
Just when Xiao Wu was still thinking about what she had forgotten, Tang Xuanwei also looked confused, and then she came again from the soul torture
"System, what's going on here? When did Da Ming and Er Ming hang up, and how did they hang up?"

"One day the gorilla felt that there was something under the Lake of Life, so it went down to have a look, and there was only a left arm bone left." The system said nonsense calmly.

"What about Daming? Did he just jump in when he had nothing to do, and was eaten by a ferocious beast?" Tang Xuanwei's mouth twitched slightly, and she asked with black lines on her face.

"It's not that Da Ming was eaten by a ferocious beast, it came out to look for Xiao Wu, and then bumped into Wuhundian's hand, so the system doesn't need to talk about it!" The system continued to say seriously.

"In this way, my third brother's soul ring will be gone?" Tang Xuanwei asked.

"Well, it's gone."

"As for the lifeblood of the Blue Silver Emperor and the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor, it's also because there is a Titled Douluo in the Spirit Hall who has nothing to do. He accidentally found it in the back mountain of the Holy Soul Village, and then..."

"Host, isn't this very reasonable? It's in line with the development of the world."

The system asked Tang Xuanwei from the heart.

Is it reasonable?Is it in line with the development of the world?

Tang Xuanwei said that a reasonable dill is in line with the development of a ghost, but she dare not say it, otherwise she will be served by electric shock again! ! !

Tang Xuanwei didn't want to experience that sour feeling for a second time.

"System, didn't you say that the plot is developing smoothly? Hasn't this changed so much?"

Tang Xuanwei asked cautiously.

"Ah? Let me ask you, did Tang San successfully awaken his twin spirits?" the system asked.


"Let me continue to ask you, did Tang San successfully enter Shrek Academy?" The system continued to ask.


"Let me ask you again, did Tang San successfully obtain the Eight Spider Lances?" the system continued to ask.


"Is there anything wrong with the plot? You didn't ask whether the future plot is going well or not, is it my fault?" the system said.

".No, but Da Ming and Er Ming are dead, what about the three-cut soul ring?" Tang Xuanwei asked anxiously.

"You are the worst host I have ever brought!"

"How about this, the reward will give you another boost, win the champion of the soul master competition, and get their soul bones back, this system can help you condense their soul rings."

The system's words made Tang Xuanwei's dead heart alive again, and she quickly thanked the system.

At the same time, the three Shrek masters and the three undercover agents had already started discussing how to distribute these spirit bones.

Just like the champion of the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition, it is already in their pocket!

"By the way, what is that Blue Silver Emperor? What is its life seed? Teacher, can you tell me?" Tang San asked curiously.

Tang San had only heard of and seen the Blue Silver Grass when he was a child, although Su Yuntao said something about the Blue Silver Emperor and the Blue Silver Emperor when his martial spirit was awakened at the age of six, but Tang San didn't believe Su Yuntao's words at all.

This question got to Yu Dashi's dead end, he didn't even know what the Blue Silver Emperor was, judging from its seeds, it should be a grass, right?
A piece of grass can still have bones, can grow for 10 years, and become the Blue Silver Emperor, this is simply outrageous!

Yu Dashi thought about it, but he couldn't think of how to fool Tang San. Just when he was about to change the subject, someone answered the question for him.

"Blue Silver Emperor is another name for Blue Silver Grass after it has grown to 10 years, and it is also the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass family."

"Its vitality is extremely strong. Even after being hunted, there is a certain probability that it will leave seeds. After tens of thousands of years of growth, the Blue Silver Emperor may be resurrected."

"The Blue Silver Emperor's seed of life is of great help to plant-type soul masters. If the soul master of the Blue Silver Grass swallows the Blue Silver Emperor's seed of life, his martial soul will most likely evolve into a blue silver Emperor."

Other than Tang Dahammer, the only person present who knew the Blue Silver Emperor so well was Xiao Wu who was also in the form of a soul beast.

Xiao Wu explained this question clearly, and Yu Dashi's zombie showed a smile on his face, and said, "That's right, Xiao Wu, what you said is quite right."

"It seems that Xiaosan often took you to my room to look up my theories."

Yu Dashi's shameless words brought Xiao Wu an awkward yet polite smile.

At the same time, there was a deep and angry roar from the back mountain of Shrek Academy.

"Wuhundian, you are too deceitful!"

"The hatred of taking your wife, the hatred of destroying your family, one day, I will smash you all to the ground with the Clear Sky Hammer in my hand!"

Wearing a black robe and a big tattered hat, Tang Hao crushed the Wuhun Daily into a ball and threw it on the ground.

"Bang bang bang!"

Tang Hao summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, held it in his hand, and smashed it randomly at several big rocks, and the rocks and sand flew up with a whistling sound.

This Martial Soul Daily is obviously the same as the one in Yu Dashi's hand.

It was reported above that the rewards for this soul master competition were changed, and the merged competition of Shenfeng Academy and Blazing Academy and so on.

Then, Tang Hao saw the 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone and the seed of life.

He then understood that the Titled Douluo who broke the barrier of spirit power in the back mountain of Holy Soul Village was from the Wuhun Palace.

In other words, Ah Yin's soul bone and life root fell into the hands of Wuhundian.

Oh, by the way, there are also the soul bones used by his ancestors of the Haotian School.

But this is a small matter, his wife is the first.

You must know that the seed of life is the hope of Ah Yin's resurrection, if it is swallowed up, his wife will not be able to come back!
What if his son Tang San won the soul master contest and swallowed the seed of life, it would be even more frightening
What is this called, this is called, Tang San Swallows the Blue Silver Emperor Live!

One must know that the soul master of the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun has no great resistance to the Blue Silver Emperor's life seed.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, and his heart felt cold for a while!
Wuhundian's move is simply like shrimp and pig's heart!
If Tang San really swallowed the Blue Silver Emperor, if he found out the truth later, he would probably fall into evil immediately, right?
"No, I will definitely not let Wuhundian's treachery succeed, I must let Xiaosan know part of the truth!"

Ah Yin's Seed of Life cannot be moved, but since the Wuhun Hall took out Ah Yin's soul bones and the soul bones of his ancestors, he, Tang Hao, accepted them unceremoniously.

It's best for Tang San to win the championship, if he can't, then Haotian Douluo will grab it directly.

After Tang Hao made up his mind, he strode towards the training ground of Shrek Academy. He was going to teach Shrek Five Heroes and Three Undercover Agents.

(End of this chapter)

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