Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 307 Almost Exploded

Chapter 307 Almost Exploded

"Since you've made up your mind, Papa will help you find a ten thousand-year-old crypt spider. However, once you find that you can't hold on, Papa will interrupt your process of absorbing the spirit ring."

Seeing that Tang San couldn't be persuaded, Tang Hao could only say this.

As night fell, the Sunset Forest was silent, as if even the sound of insects had disappeared, but there were two figures in the Sunset Forest, walking unhurriedly, as if they were looking for something.

Suddenly, the two figures stopped in front of a cave.

"Little San, it seems that you are very lucky. There is a crypt spider in this cave, and it happens to be 1 years old."

Tang Hao looked at the pitch-black cave in front of him, and said to Tang San with a smile.

"That's it, please Papa to catch it out."

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Tang San also showed a smile on his face.

It was really not easy for the father and son to find a suitable soul beast for one night.

"Okay, little San, you wait here for Papa for a while, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Tang Hao entered the cave in a blink of an eye, and then let go of his mental power, and began to search for the trace of this crypt demon spider.

"Haha, I found it. This crypt spider is actually hiding under the dead leaves. If I didn't use my mental power to detect it, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to find it."

Tang Dachui looked at a small corner of the cave, where the crypt spider was sleeping soundly, and said with a smile.

After Tang Sledgehammer finished speaking, he took out his sledgehammer and swished it loudly.

With a few bang bang bang bangs, all eight legs of the crypt spider were removed, and its ferocious mouthparts were smashed, and its eyes were blinded.

Poor crypt spider, the beast sits at home, woe from heaven.

"Little San, kill it."

Tang Hao threw the stick-shaped crypt spider in front of Tang San, and said calmly.

"Damn, this spider's legs have been removed, its eyes have been smashed, and its mouth has been distorted. It's ugly!"

"You look so ugly, you are so ugly that it scares me, you already have a way to kill yourself!"

Seeing that this crypt demon spider was like a tattered wooden stick, Tang San felt disgusted in his heart.

Tang San summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, and with a look of incomparable disgust, smashed the Clear Sky Hammer on the head of the Pit Demon Spider.

In less than a moment, a faint black light began to be released from the Pit Demon Spider, condensing above its corpse.

The appearance of the spirit ring proves that this ten thousand year spirit beast has completely lost its life.

Tang San slowly raised his right hand, blue-purple light emerged from his palm, and the Blue Silver Grass summoned the Pit Demon Spider spirit ring.

The black spirit ring finally found a way to vent, and rushed towards Tang San's right hand like a sea of ​​rivers.

That black energy, like air currents, pervasively penetrated through Tang San's limbs, and immediately Tang San's body began to emit dense crackling sounds.


Tang San involuntarily uttered a miserable scream.

Different from the extremely smooth process of absorbing the Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring last time, this time the absorption of the Pit Demon Spider spirit ring exceeded the limit, but Tang San's whole body ached to death, and at the same time he felt a chill the chill.

The soul power of the Pit Demon Spider is not as domineering as that of the Man-faced Demon Spider, but it is full of a cold feeling. It is a kind of coldness that comes from the depths of the spirit, and it is the feeling that the spiritual world is invaded by the coldness.

"Not good, Xiaosan will soon be unable to hold on?"

On the surface, Tang San's body didn't change at all, but in Tang Hao's perception, Tang San's body was constantly expanding like a balloon, as if it might burst at any time.

Tang Hao was extremely anxious, but he didn't interrupt Tang San's process of absorbing the spirit ring right now.

"It's still close, Xiaosan, you have to persevere! You must not lose to the soul shock of the Pit Demon Spider."

With the passage of time, Tang Hao could clearly perceive that the energy contained in the soul ring of the Ten Thousand Year Pit Demon Spider was running out.

But Tang San's body also persevered to the limit, it can be said that now it is just to see which side's stamina will be stronger.

Whoever has more endurance will be the ultimate winner.

In Tang San's spiritual world
In the dark red and black spiritual world, an ordinary-looking young man and a huge magic spider looked at each other.

"Give up, just a fake soul sect wants to absorb the soul ring of ten thousand years, not to mention anything else, you won't be able to pass the soul shock."

This huge demon spider said to this ordinary young man with disdain.

"Give up, let me swallow you, we become one with each other, isn't that good?"

The devil spider continued to bewitch the young man.

"Don't waste your efforts. I have been a human being in two lifetimes, and my soul and spiritual power are extremely powerful. Your means are of no use to me at all."

"Crypt Demon Spider, disappear, and become the nourishment for my revenge!"

The young man suddenly opened his eyes, and a black light appeared in his left hand. In the black light was a big black hammer hundreds of meters high.

He held the big black hammer and smashed it directly on the head of the Pit Demon Spider.


A loud noise resounded in this space, and the big black hammer smashed the head of the crypt spider in an instant.

Tang San seemed to be still worried, and smashed it several times with the Clear Sky Hammer.

The resentment of the Pit Demon Spider before it died dissipated like this, and after this training, Tang San's mental strength also increased a little.

"Stupid, in my spiritual world, wasting power to confuse me is simply killing me!"

Seeing himself successfully resisting the soul shock, Tang San couldn't help laughing loudly.

real world
The morning dew wet the clothes of the two of them, and a scorching sun had risen from the east, hanging high in the sky.

Before I knew it, it was already the next morning.

"It seems that it really succeeded. The fourth soul ring of ten thousand years is really worthy of my son. It's so outstanding!"

Seeing that Tang San's body didn't continue to swell, and the spirit ring of the Pit Demon Spider had condensed on Tang San's body, Tang Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Another hour or two passed, at this time Tang San had successfully absorbed the ten thousand year spirit ring.

Tang Hao quickly asked: "Little San, how do you feel?"

Tang San smiled, and said: "I feel very good, when the time comes to advance to the soul king, you can consider absorbing nearly 2 year soul rings."

"Okay, great. By the way, what is your fourth soul skill?" Tang Hao asked.

"My fourth soul ability is Blue Silver Prison, its effect is exactly the same as my sister's fourth soul ability."

The corners of Tang San's mouth twitched slightly, as if thinking of something bad.

Tang Hao: "."

ps: Strengthen Tang San a little bit, give him some confidence, after all, the higher you climb, the closer you are to your destination, the more painful you will be when you fall, and the more uncomfortable you will be.

(End of this chapter)

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