Chapter 335

In the midst of this flash, emerald green vines suddenly gathered in front of Shao Si Ming, forming an emerald green round shield.

Zhu Zhuqing's sharp black claws grabbed the green round shield fiercely.


There was a violent impact sound, but the round shield was not damaged at all, but Zhu Zhuqing was shaken back several steps, his expression clouded.

Since the evolution of Martial Soul, even facing a defense-type soul master of the same level, she can knock the opponent out of combat ability with a single blow.

But in the face of Shao Si Ming, she used the strongest third soul skill alone, but she couldn't break even a single soul skill of the opponent.

"Stop playing, Xiao Si, and start implementing our plan. After all, our time is limited." Lu Lingqi said lightly.

"Plan? What plan?"

Tang San became vigilant subconsciously, but what Tang San responded to was Shao Si Ming's soul skill.

"Fifth soul skill: Ivy Flying Dragon!"

Under the flickering emerald green light, a giant wooden dragon composed of hundreds of vines appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

"Everyone be careful! Especially Rong Rong and Oscar, you should pay attention."

Tang San has wrapped the blue silver grass around the waists of the Shrek people, if his teammates can't dodge in time, he will use the blue silver grass to help them.

Mulong Yangtian let out a long howl, to Tang San's surprise, Mulong didn't attack their two supporters, but stretched out its dark green dragon claws to grab Zhu Zhuqing.

The seemingly slow wooden dragon was actually extremely fast, as if traveling through space, the speed that Zhu Zhuqing was proud of was not displayed at all at this time, and before she could react, she was caught by the dragon's claws.

"Damn it! The fourth soul skill: Instant Prison Shadow Kill"

Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly, the fourth soul ring of Wannian on her body glowed with black light, this was a sign of using the fourth soul ability, but the light on her fourth soul ring dimmed before the fourth soul ability was used down.

"This wooden dragon can actually absorb my soul and physical strength?"

Zhu Zhuqing's expression was livid, she planned to use the Instant Prison Shadow Killing Formation to forcibly destroy the wooden dragon, but unfortunately the plan died before it was carried out.

"Little cat, just stay quietly. Itachi, you can start your performance!" Shao Siming said.

Uchiha Itachi nodded, and the three Gouyu in the pair of blood-red pupils spun rapidly to form the shape of a big windmill.

"The third soul skill: magic - the art of hanging!"

"Da Shi said, don't look into his eyes, everyone close your eyes!"

Uchiha Itachi's and Tang San's words sounded almost at the same time.

All the members of the Shrek team closed their eyes according to what Tang San said at this moment.

As for Tang San, his pair of protruding ears swayed slightly, the skill of listening to sounds and distinguishing positions is not difficult for Tangmen disciples.




In less than a breath, Tang San felt his limbs being pinned by something, and an indescribable pain came from his limbs.

It was as if his entire soul was going to be torn apart by this pain, the piercing pain made Tang San wish he could dismantle his limbs, so as to relieve the pain on his body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Tang San still closed his eyes, he struggled crazily, but unfortunately his struggle was in vain, no matter how he tossed, his body seemed to be fixed in place.

"Why? Why did we get hit by your soul skill even if we didn't look into your eyes?"

Enjoying such wonderful treatment, as long as Tang San's mind is not full of rabbits and hidden weapons, he will guess that he has hit Uchiha Itachi's illusion.

Now that they were all hit, Tang San didn't choose to keep his eyes closed when he saw this, he opened them, and activated the Purple Demon Eye.

"How is it possible, everyone"

In Tang San's line of sight, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Tang Xuanwei, Xiao Wu, these four people were all floating in mid-air just like him.

The limbs of the five people were impaled by four wooden stakes full of barbs, and they floated in midair strangely like this.

The pain Tang San felt before was caused by the four barbed stakes.

"Who told you that my pupil technique needs to be activated through vision?"

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi coldly answered Tang San's words.

"Impossible, no matter how high the level of illusion is, it needs to be activated through one of the five senses!"

Tang San looked at Itachi Uchiha in horror, he didn't believe that there is an illusion that can be activated without using the five senses, and this silent illusion can also control his pain and vision.

Otherwise, the limbs of the five of them were nailed through by wooden stakes thicker than their arms, and their arms were not broken. Isn't this a hallucination?
As for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, unlike Tang San and the other Shrek Five Heroes, Oscar and Ning Rongrong had already been ordered by Shao Si to bind them into rice dumplings with eternal ivy and throw them to Zhu Zhuqing as companions.

"A frog at the bottom of a well dares to speak nonsense, the sky is as big as a fight!"

"The fourth soul skill: Yuedu!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang San suddenly noticed that the pair of blood-red pupils in Uchiha Itachi's eyes turned rapidly.
In the space world of Yuedu.
A round of blood-red setting sun hangs high in the sky, rendering the whole earth into a strange blood-red.

On the ground, five crosses stood abruptly, and five figures were firmly bound to the crosses.

Under the blood-red sunlight, the faces of five people were faintly visible, namely Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai, and Tang Xuanwei.

quack quack! ! !
A group of black crows flew up and down, each eye of the pitch-black crows had Sangouyu Sharingans, and landed around Tang San and the others, turning into Uchiha Itachis one by one.

Tang San tried his best to run the Purple Demon Eyes, wanting to find out what the so-called Yuedu was, but with his mental power, he couldn't tell the truth at all, he only saw Uchiha Itachi in black and white.

"What is this place? What is Yuedu?"

In desperation, Tang San asked Uchiha Itachi in front of him.

Uchiha Itachi didn't say a word, just silently pulled out a samurai sword, and lightly slashed Tang San's face

This small wound is just like a wound cut through the skin by a knife, but the pain from this wound is hundreds of times stronger than being nailed into the body by a wooden stake.

Such a weird injury immediately made Tang San scream, bead-sized beads of sweat rolled down like raindrops on his forehead.

"Welcome to the world of Yuedu. In this world, space and time, quality and five senses, everything is under my control. I will stab you with this knife for the next 72 hours."

Uchiha Itachi said flatly, while stabbing the knife into Tang San's apple kidney
Although the samurai sword pierced into Tang San's body, there wasn't a trace of blood flowing out, which seemed very strange.

Tang San looked at the samurai sword that stabbed his apple kidney, his eyes were gradually bloodshot, his hands tied to the cross involuntarily clenched, his fists were covered with veins.

Tang San was forcibly enduring this weird pain, but in the Yuedu world, the pain had already been intensified thousands of times by Uchiha Itachi.


Tang San's screams sounded.
"Puff! Puff! Puff!"


The sound of sharp blades cutting through flesh and blood and the extremely shrill screams intertwined in this space, composing a bloody symphony.

The indescribable pain made Tang San faint in just a moment.

At this moment, in Tang San's heart, he had already thrown the words "I will not let anyone who hurts Xiao Wu" to the beautiful country.

Didn't see it, did I get stabbed and fainted?
How to help Xiao Wu get revenge, I will talk about it when I wake up!

Time passed, maybe a few days, maybe a few hours, anyway, in Tang San's view, a long time passed.

Tang San opened his bloodshot eyes, what he saw was still the blood-red world, Xiao Wu and others were still tied to the cross.

No, no, there is not only one Xiao Wu, but two!
Tang San's pupils gradually dilated, and in his unbelievable eyes, the figures of Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and others tied to the cross gradually dispersed, becoming two!
"Are you awake? There are 72 hours, 71 minutes and 59 seconds left before the end of 59 hours!"

"I don't know how long you can last!"

There was no accident, what appeared in front of Tang San were two Uchiha Itachis, two Uchiha Itachis with samurai swords about to stab his apple kidney.

Tang San: I don't read much, don't lie to me, it's only been a second for so long?You pink eye, are you kidding me?

"Xiao Wu."

"Me alone."

"Whoever hurts Xiao Wu, I will never let go!"

Seeing that this ghost thing couldn't be solved at all, Tang San braced himself up and said that mantra.

It has to be said that Tang San's ruthlessness touched Uchiha Itachi slightly, so in order to repay Tang San, Uchiha Itachi...
Turned into a thousand!

A thousand Uchiha Itachi surrounded Tang San, looking for some special places to attack!
"Puff! Puff! Puff!"


The sound of sharp blades cutting through flesh and blood and the extremely shrill screams sounded again in this month's defiled space.
The so-called 72 hours are fleeting, and the picture returns to the real world.

In Shao Siming's green world, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Tang Xuanwei, the five of them, couldn't stop trembling, and just gave them a swaying glance.

Their eye sockets were sunken, they were panting heavily, and bean-sized sweat dripped from their foreheads one by one.

Only one person couldn't breathe, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Tang Xuanwei, they fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

"Xiao Wu."

Tang San supported his tired body, his whole body was on the verge of falling, his hands rested on the ground, after all he barely squatted down, he didn't faint on the ground like Xiao Wu and the others.

"What happened? Why did the red-eyed guy look at Tang San and the others, and Tang San and the others turned into such a ghostly look?"

Oscar, who was tied into rice dumplings, tilted his head and asked Ning Rongrong beside him.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask? But I heard from Papa that the illusion of the pink eye disease seems to be very powerful, maybe Tang San and the others just fell into the illusion?"

Ning Rongrong, who also didn't want to make rice dumplings, gave Oscar a blank look, and replied angrily.

"Fifth Soul Technique: Pupil Amaterasu!"

Uchiha Itachi closed his right eye, then opened it abruptly, his eyes flashed past Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Tang Xuanwei these five people.

The pitch-black flame, the black flame at the center of the sun, this is the strongest "physical" attack that is said to be absolutely impossible to dodge, and it is also known as the "firefly" that has never burned anyone to death.

The black flame with double titles ignited on Tang San's body with a bang, and following Uchiha Itachi's sight, it spread to Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai's bodies.


Tang San and the others let out heart-piercing screams, their bodies were burned so badly that they were deformed, a large piece of muscle was burned off, exposing thick white bones.

This situation lasted for several seconds until their screams gradually subsided.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar swallowed, and directly scolded Yu Dashi in their hearts, is this an opponent who can be beaten casually with their eyes closed?

Tang San and the others believed your nonsense and were burnt alive. Even if they can live like this now, they are still useless people.

"They have only one breath left now, and they might die in the next second. In this way, won't you be sentenced to disqualification for killing people?"

Zhu Zhuqing, who was still tied into rice dumplings, asked Lu Lingqi in a puzzled way.

The strength of the Galaxy Fleet is too high, even if they dispatch only one person at a time, it is still not something that the soul sect-based participating teams can resist.

The actual combat power of the Galaxy Fleet, based on Zhu Zhuqing's guess, is that everyone has the level of a high-level soul emperor, which is too strong.

Therefore, she didn't understand why the Galaxy Fleet would deal such a heavy blow to a mere Shrek team, so heavy that they would even lose their qualifications.

This is simply not worth the candle.

Soon Lu Lingqi answered Zhu Zhuqing's words, or it could be said that Shao Siming's soul skills answered Zhu Zhuqing's doubts.

"The fourth soul skill: Creation and regeneration!"

Emerald green light shone on the everlasting ivy, and five emerald green branches and leaves entwined Tang San and the others.

The branches and leaves were entwined for less than a second, Tang San's original clothes, skin, hair, and even the muscles and flesh on their faces grew rapidly, and quickly returned to their original shape.

ps: If you don't have clothes, it will be very embarrassing, don't pay attention to the details.

"This is."

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his own eyes.

This kind of resilience is simply unimaginable, it is simply immortal!

"This is the fourth soul skill of Shao Siming. The creation and regeneration of the eternal ivy can heal any injury in an instant, not to mention life and death, but flesh and bones are not a problem at all!" Lu Lingqi said lightly.

Zhu Zhuqing was silent, she seemed to know what the Galaxy Fleet was going to do, but Zhu Zhuqing didn't have the ability to stop it, or even if she had the ability to stop it, she didn't want to stop it.

All of this was Tang San's own fault, and they deserved it.

Tang San and the other five people all came to their senses after a short while after undergoing the treatment of creation and regeneration.

(End of this chapter)

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