Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 350 Yu Dashi went to the Pope Palace again

Chapter 350 Yu Dashi went to the Pope Palace again

However, although Yu Dashi thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to say more.

If you really want to say it, you will offend Xue Peng.

After all, the Clear Sky Hammer went up again, wouldn't the Golden Winged Roc occupying the position of the Clear Sky Hammer be erased.

"Sect Master Ning, then in the new Pope's decree, why is the pattern of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda more prominent?"

Yu Dashi glanced at the new Pope's decree, wondering if it was his illusion. Under the light of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex looked like a little snake suppressed by the pagoda.

Heavenly King Gaidihu, Pagoda Town River Demon?
"This, this is Wuhundian to mark who is the holder of the Pope's decree."

"In my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect's Pope's Decree, the light of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda will be more conspicuous. Similarly, the Pope's decrees of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School and the Rouge Building are the same."

"So, Da Shi, I have taken a certain risk in lending you the Pope's order." Ning Fengzhi laughed.

"So that's the case, time is urgent, so I'll take my leave first!" Yu Dashi said.

"Dashi, walk slowly, I'll see you off!" Ning Fengzhi laughed.

At the gate of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, Ning Fengzhi looked at Yu Dashi's receding figure, and there was a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

"Everything about Yu Dashi and Tang Hao, whether it's the seven-in-one or the twin martial souls, is all in the calculations of the seniors." The smile on Ning Fengzhi's face gradually subsided, and he said with some seriousness.

"Even Yu Dashi couldn't let go of his face, so he had to come to Qibao Liulizong to borrow the Pope's decree, which was also expected by the seniors." Sword Douluo Chenxin's words were also very dignified.

"If they knew that their struggles and efforts over and over again were nothing more than jumping from one small pit to another until they fell into a bottomless abyss, how would they feel?"

While Bone Douluo let out a long sigh, he was also rejoicing in his heart that Qian Chongling didn't target their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"I have a hunch that Shrek Academy and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect may not be spared by that time." Sword Douluo said with lingering fear.

"I can't help it. His Majesty Yong Yemian is best at doing things like destroying families and slaughtering sects without leaving any chickens or dogs behind."

"However, all of this has nothing to do with our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Uncle Jian, Uncle Gu, let's go back."

Ning Fengzhi's spring-like voice pulled Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo out of their sighs.

"Well, Fengzhi, let's go back and continue drinking tea."

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo said.

The scene changed, and Yu Dashi met Tang Dahui again in a small tavern in Tiandou City.

"Would Ning Fengzhi lend you the Pope's decree?"

Tang Dachui put down the wine glass in his hand and asked Yu Dashi.

"Although Sect Master Ning borrowed it, he also put forward the condition of getting a share of the pie."

Yu Dashi's tone was a little angry.

"Hehe, Dashi, although you are extremely wise, there are some things that you haven't seen through the nature of Fengzhi. Ning Fengzhi will make demands to be in line with his character."

Tang Dachui chuckled lightly and said lightly.

"Please make it clear, Haotian Mian." Yu Dashi asked.

"Ning Fengzhi is a kind person on the surface, and he often does some good deeds, but in fact they are all to promote the fame of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. He is a businessman by nature, and he won't do things that don't benefit him."

"The difference between a good man and a businessman is only one word, but they are very different. If he didn't make any demands, I would feel a little bit problematic."

Tang Dahammer said earnestly.

Tang Dachui's words made Yu Dashi fall into thinking, and he began to recall the things Ning Fengzhi did.

Build bridges and pave roads for small villages, support talented soul masters among the common people, and mediate the conflict between the empire and the sect
And so on, if you pay a few small golden soul coins, you can get dozens or even hundreds of times in return. The essence is for the development of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"You people from the upper three sects have such dirty hearts!"

After figuring it out, Yu Dashi complained fiercely in his heart.

Anyway, he has already been expelled from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, this sentence does not scold him himself.

"Dashi, let me see what the new papal decree looks like." Tang Dachui asked Yu Dashi who seemed to be enlightened.

"Okay, look at the idol." Yu Dashi came back to his senses, and quickly handed the Pope's decree to Tang Dahammer.

Tang Dahammer only glanced at it, and found that the pattern of the Clear Sky Hammer had disappeared and turned into a golden-winged roc, and the rest remained unchanged.

"Did Ning Fengzhi tell you why Wuhundian revises the Pope's Decree?" Tang Dachui returned the Pope's Decree to Yu Dashi and asked him.

The pattern of the Clear Sky Hammer on the Pope's Decree represents the recognition of the Clear Sky School by the Spirit Hall, and the recognition of the Clear Sky Hammer by the entire soul master world.

Therefore, for Tang Sledgehammer, the symbolic meaning of the Pope's decree is more important than the actual meaning. Anyway, he is holding the Pope's decree now and no one will ignore him.

Yu Dashi put the Pope's decree back into his arms, and told Tang Dachui all that Ning Fengzhi had said to him.

After Tang Dahammer listened to it, it split instantly!
What does it mean that Haotianzong is gone?
How did Haotianzong disappear? Don't you have any points in your Spirit Hall?

My Clear Sky School has thousands of lives, and your Wuhun Hall will kill you as soon as you say it, and after the killing, you will remove the Wuhun symbol of Haotian School from the Pope's order.

If you Wuhundian do this, won't your conscience hurt?Won't you stay up all night?

Also, I, Tang Sledgehammer, haven't died yet, and you guys are so eager to get rid of the Wuhun symbol of Haotianzong in Wuhundian.

Not to mention anything else, the rotten chrysanthemum and broken kid who were hammered by me, their martial souls can be listed in the Pope's decree, why can't my Clear Sky Hammer!

"Hmph, I, Tang Hao, will go to Wuhun City sooner or later, smash the Pope's Hall and the Shrine Hall with one hammer, and kick the head of the angel statue like a ball!" Tang Dahammer said domineeringly.

"Wuhundian has a small belly, it's hard to make a big deal, the future of the soul master world will belong to Xiaosan and Xiaowei!" Yu Dashi also said.

"Not much to say, time waits for no one, I will take you to Wuhun City now!"

After Tang Dachui finished speaking, he walked out of the tavern first.

Yu Dashi followed closely behind, and the two arrived outside Tiandou City one after the other.

"Dashi, hold my leg tightly. If it falls off by accident, then I won't care about it!" Tang Dahammer said lightly.

"Your Majesty Haotian, don't worry, I will hold your thigh tightly and will never let go."

After Yu Dashi finished speaking, he quickly squatted down, stretched out his hands and hugged Tang Hao's thigh tightly.


Tang Dachui gave Yu Dashi a very disgusted look, but for Tang San's sake, he still managed to use his soul power.

A moment later, Tang Dahammer's tall figure soared into the sky, and the two rushed towards Wuhun City.

Three days later, Yu Dashi held Tang Dahammer's thigh and came to Wuhun City again.

Yu Dashi came to the entrance of the Pope's Palace, looked at the majestic Pope's Palace, and couldn't help but think of the scene where he was scolded by a mere palace knight seven days ago.

It took three days to go back to Tiandou City, one day to go to Qibao Glazed Tile School, and another three days to come to Wuhun City.
"A mere doorkeeper for the Pope, how dare you be so arrogant, take jujube pills in the Wuhun Palace!"

Yu Dashi touched the Pope's order in his hand, and walked towards the Pope's Palace confidently.

Then, the familiar person, the familiar scene appeared again, the same Templar Knight, the same formula.
"Stop, the front is the important place of the Pope's Palace, the crowds are waiting. Why are you again?"

"You, a great soul master with a fake Pope's decree, still want to bluff and deceive like this? Are you out of your mind?"

The Templar Knight asked in a bewildered expression.

Yu Dashi directly threw a sign over this time, and then said flatly: "Open your dog eyes wide, take a good look, take a good look, what is this?"

"The order of the Pope," said the Templar Knight in surprise.

"Then I may go in."

The Templar Knight stepped aside and said, "Please."

"Nothing else?"

Yu Dashi asked slightly confused.

"Other? What else?"

When Yu Dashi did this, the Knights of the Temple Guard were also a little stunned.

"For example, kneeling down and bowing your head."

An aunt smile appeared on Yu Dashi's zombie face.

"Hehe, I'm still saying that seven days ago, one key is three yuan, ten yuan is three, do you deserve it?"

The Templar Knight also showed a very kind smile.

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

Yu Dashi let out a heck, and so did the Knights of the Palace Guard.

"Are you still going in? If you don't go in, get out of here!" The palace guard cast a disdainful glance at Yu Dashi, and asked lightly.

"Come in, why don't I go in."

Yu Dashi said, a little palace guard, when I see Bibi Dong, I will definitely let you go around.

Then, it's my turn to ask you.

One key is three yuan, three keys are ten yuan, do you deserve it?
After half an hour.

In the side hall of the Pope's Palace, Yu Dashi was sipping tea in the side hall, sitting there not knowing what he was thinking.

At the entrance of the side hall, there are several temple guards guarding it.

After the Templar Knights brought him here, they told him to wait for His Holiness the Pope to summon him, and then the Templar Knights left him alone.

Yu Dashi waited for half an hour.

As time passed slowly, Yu Dashi impatiently asked the Knights of the Temple not far away: "When will the Pope see me?"

"When the Pope wants to see you, he will naturally meet you, so you should stay here for now!" said the Templar Knight.

"I order you to report to the Pope immediately. I told her to come over immediately if I have something important to do." Yu Dashi said arrogantly.

As soon as the words fell, several cold eyes looked at Yu Dashi one after another.

One of the knights guarding the temple came over directly, and said murderously: "You are just a 29th-level great soul master, you can come here because of the Pope's order in your hand!"

"However, even if the title elder refuses to let the Pope come to see him, what are you!"

Yu Dashi blushed when he was told, turned into anger from embarrassment, he yelled sternly: "I am the one who holds the Pope's decree, and I can also be regarded as the honorary elder of Wuhun Temple, how dare you speak to me like that?"

"You are not only a level 29 trash, but also a trash with a bad mind."

"Seven days ago, His Majesty Gu Ge told you that the new papal decree can only be regarded as the honorary elder of the Wuhun Temple if it is in the hands of the suzerain of the upper three sects. Others who hold the papal decree are equivalent to a special guest. That's all."

The palace guard glanced at Yu Dashi and said with disdain.

"Are you another knight guarding the palace at the time?" Yu Dashi frowned and asked.

"That's right, I'm in the side hall now." The knight guarding the temple said.

Yu Dashi: "."

"If you want to see the Pope, then stay in the side hall and wait. If you don't want to wait, then please leave." The Templar Knight said.

Yu Dashi swallowed, sat back and said, "Okay, I'll wait in the side hall!"

Time passed, and soon most of the day passed, Yu Dashi, who drank tea but didn't eat anything, his stomach began to sing a different tune.

"I'm hungry, can you get me something to eat?"

Yu Dashi has been slapped in the face many times, and now he is very conscientious.

"You can go out and eat by yourself!"

The Templar Knight said calmly with a cold face.

"Okay, then I'll go eat by myself."

After Yu Dashi finished speaking, he was about to leave the side hall.

After all, he lived in Wuhundian for a period of time before, and he still knows where the canteen of Wuhundian is.

"You have gone. If the Pope doesn't see you when he comes out, then you don't want to see the Pope again."

At this moment, the indifferent voice of the Templar Knight sounded again.

Yu Dashi: "."

It is extremely normal for the Knights of the Temple. As the Pope of the Spirit Hall, how could Bibi Dong wait for a 29th-level great soul master? There is only reason for others to wait for her.

Yu Dashi rolled his dead fish eyes and returned to his seat helplessly.

There are only 23 days until the start of the promotion match.

Even if he Yu Dashi obtained from Bibi Dong the training method of twin martial souls and the method of increasing the lifespan of the soul ring, after he returns to Shrek Academy, there will be 20 days left.

In the 20 days, they not only need to study the opponents in the promotion competition, but also spare time for Tang San to cultivate the seven-in-one and Clear Sky Hammer spirit.

Time is already running out, if Yu Dashi leaves now, he doesn't know how long he will have to wait when he sees Bibi Dong next time.

Therefore, Yu Dashi could only wait silently for Tang San.

Time passed quickly, and it was gradually evening, and Yu Dashi was dizzy and dizzy from hunger.

At this time, the door of the side hall opened, and two beautiful maids walked in with several dishes in their hands and placed them in front of him.

One of the tall maids said to Yu Dashi: "The Pope will be here later, these are the delicacies specially ordered by the Pope from the Wuhun Hotel, and let us bring them to you."

The tangy smell of meat came, and Yu Dashi, who had been starving for a long time, started to gobble it up, and his mouth was full of oil.

These dishes are Braised Rabbit Heads, Spicy Rabbit Legs, Steamed Rabbit Ribs, and Rabbit Intestines
Wuhun Hotel's famous whole rabbit banquet!
(End of this chapter)

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