Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 356 One more person thumping in the pit

Chapter 356 Another Person Floating in the Pit

Compared to Tang Hao and the others' dumbfounded faces, Chen Shuang's eyes were full of little stars.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Qian usually looks gentle and gentle, and looks like a loving father, but he is so domineering when he moves his hands! ! !
This guy Chen Shuang has even fantasized that she will become a Titled Douluo a few years later, take her apprentice out to play, and then meet a short-sighted apprentice.
"Looking at the nine soul rings on this seat, this seat will give you a chance to reorganize your language!"

While Chen Shuang was still thinking about his future, Tang Hao and Tang San had already woken up from the shock.

Especially Tang Hao, who had the highest cultivation base, and the Blue Silver King, who had a cultivation base of 5000 years, both felt the deadly threat from that huge pitch-black ball of light.

If this blow hit, the entire Blue Silver Forest including them would probably evaporate from this continent in an instant.

"This Black Feather Douluo is so arrogant and inhuman. Even if he doesn't hit anyone with a coronal black flame, what should he do if he smashes flowers and plants? His strength is amazing. If Wuhundian plays like you, then Wuhundian eat jujube pills!"

Tang Hao complained about Qian Chongling frantically in his heart, but on the surface he didn't dare to say a word.

As for the performance of the Blue Silver King, it was even more sincere, it had already scolded itself severely in its heart.

If he hadn't been suspicious and obeyed the regulations to have Chen Shuang, who had a purer bloodline, as the next generation of Blue Silver Emperor, then this kind of shit wouldn't have happened.

Such a big coronal black flame, if it is really going to be smashed down, their Blue Silver Grass Clan can almost be directly removed from the soul beast map.

"Respected human beings, I was a little confused just now, and now I will help His Majesty awaken the blood." The Lanyin King said very sincerely.

The Blue Silver King said that it is not cowardly, but it is for the sake of the billions of subjects of the Blue Silver Grass Clan. They can be motherless children of the Blue Silver Grass Clan, but they cannot be exterminated.

At least it can't be in the hands of the Blue Silver King, because it was wiped out by a single thought of the Blue Silver King, and he can't afford to lose this person!

Yep, that's it.

"No, I don't agree. The boy in front of you, Blue Silver King, is the biological son of the previous generation of Blue Silver King."

As soon as the Blue Silver King finished speaking, Tang Hao's voice also sounded.

Tang Hao became impatient, he had to know that awakening the Blue Silver Emperor was the only way Tang San could barely solve the problem of twin spirit cultivation.

Once the Blue Silver King chooses to awaken Chen Shuang's bloodline, Tang San will not be able to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor during Chen Shuang's lifetime.

The Blue Silver Emperor will always be in the same line in this world, only when the previous generation of Blue Silver Emperor dies, will the next generation of Blue Silver Emperor appear.

If the Blue Silver Emperor could not be awakened, then Tang San's two spirits, whether it was the Blue Silver Grass or the Clear Sky Hammer, probably had a fifth spirit ring with a soul ring that was more than 1 years old, which was very reluctant.

The addition of a 1-year soul ring is because Tang San became a level 50 soul king, and his physical endurance has become stronger.

Even, if Tang San can cultivate to the level of Soul Emperor, his sixth spirit ring is estimated to be about 5000 years old.

This kind of result was obviously not acceptable to Tang Hao, so under great pressure, he objected.

It's a pity that the Blue Silver King didn't even look at Tang Hao. Although it wasn't a 10-year-old soul beast, it was still possible to tell who was strong and who was weak.

The Lanyin King gave Tang Hao a look, as if to say: "If you have the ability, if you beat that person floating in the sky, then I will immediately make that young man awaken his blood, or you will shut up."

The Blue Silver King's eyes indicated that Tang Hao couldn't understand, but he didn't wait for Tang Hao to say anything.
Its daybreak!
Then, a white and slender hand enlarged extremely rapidly in Tang Hao's pupils, as if the palm traveled through space, it pressed on Tang Hao's head in an instant.


There was only a loud noise, rocks splashed, and dust filled the air.

After a while, a breeze came and the dust gradually dispersed
Tang San and Lan Yinwang swallowed involuntarily, but they saw a young man in black with his waist slightly bent, his white and slender right hand pressed on the ground.

In Tang San's eyes, his invincible Clear Sky Douluo, his invincible Papa, Tang Hao's head was pushed into the ground with one hand, and his two thighs were still flopping outside.

Tang San shouted, summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, let out an inspiring cry, and rushed towards Qian Chongling.


The head was pushed into the soil, and there was one more person whose thighs were flapping outside.

"Lan Yin Wang, what are you still doing? Why don't you hurry up and help her awaken her blood, or are you confident that you can escape from my grasp?"

Instead of stepping on the bodies of Tang San and Tang Hao and his son, Qian Chongling stood up and said to Lan Yinwang.

"Immediately, immediately!!!"

As soon as the Blue Silver King finished speaking, an incomparably huge aura suddenly rose up. It didn't come from the Blue Silver King in front of him, but from the entire forest.

A faint blue brilliance emerges quietly from every blue silver grass. A single blue silver grass may be just a small blue light spot, but when the blue light from billions of blue silver grass condenses together, that It is a blue ocean.

Chen Shuang immediately felt that she had become the center of the ocean. Her body was like a huge swallowing mouth, frantically devouring the blue ocean rushing in from the outside world.

An unprecedented heat flow rose from the deepest part of the body. At this moment, Chen Shuang neither felt the impact and pressure brought by the huge energy, nor felt the expansion of the body.

When Chen Shuang was awakening his bloodline, he did not have the phantom of Ah Yin appear in the spiritual world like Tang San awakened his bloodline in the original book.

Perhaps, in the original book, the phantom of Ah Yin appeared in Tang San's spiritual world, perhaps because Ah Yin's seed of life was still being raised in the Holy Soul Village, and he felt that his son's blood was evolving, and Ah Yin's The figure will appear in Tang San's spiritual world.

It's a pity that Ah Yin's seed of life has been swallowed long ago, and there are no bones and dregs left. It doesn't exist if he wants to come out to make trouble.

At this time, the surface of Chen Shuang's skin had completely turned into a crystal blue, and countless blue and silver grasses emerged from her body, and those blue and silver grasses were surprisingly crystal clear.

"Great king, I have found your reincarnated body. She will replace you and continue to protect our Blue Silver Grass clan."

The blue liquid slid down from the corner of the Blue Silver King's eyes.

That's right, the Blue Silver King cried again.
The huge blue light continued to rush in, and Chen Shuang's body seemed to be immersed in a hot spring, without any pain, only the ultimate comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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