Chapter 366
The next day's match, Team Shrek VS Team Fenghuo, became a focus of the match, and the other focus was naturally the Galaxy Fleet VS Botany Academy team.

Under the eyes of everyone, today's first match, Team Shrek VS Team Fenghuo, began.

The Shrek Academy team thoroughly implemented their tactical arrangements, the first to appear was Dai Mubai who possessed the white tiger spirit and had a spirit power of level 43.

After Dai Mubai stepped onto the ring, his evil eyes stared straight at Huo Wushuang off the stage.

Before the game started, the smell of gunpowder had gradually become stronger.

At the same time, the first player from Team Fenghuo also appeared.

However, this person is neither Huo Wushuang, nor Huo Wu, nor Feng Xiaotian, but the soul sect whose martial soul is Martian.

Although this soul master has the cultivation base of the soul sect, it's a pity that he is an assistant in the Fenghuo team.

Can the assistant come out and fight others one-on-one?
At this scene, not only the other academies off the court who hadn't started the competition were very surprised, even Dai Mubai of the Shrek team was stunned.

"Team Fenghuo, are you going to send someone to give me my head? Even if you are also a soul sect, how many punches can you receive from me as a small support?"

Just when Dai Mubai was in a daze, the fourth spirit ring on this auxiliary spirit master's body suddenly lit up, and the flames instantly rose around him.

"The fourth soul skill: Skyfire Liaoyuan!"

This soul skill was not directed at Dai Mubai, but at the ring.

The red fire rain, like a torrential rain, poured down on the ring of the Fenghuo team.

The fiery red light filled this half of the arena with a fiery atmosphere.

Then, a strange scene appeared again, making everyone suspicious.

Because, after releasing this soul skill, the auxiliary soul master walked off the ring without looking back.

You know, stepping off the ring is tantamount to admitting defeat.

This represented the first match between the Shrek Academy team VS Fenghuo team, and the Shrek Academy team won without a fight.

Dai Mubai frowned tightly, unable to understand what the other party was doing.

Then, the second player of the Fenghuo team came out, still an auxiliary Soul Sect, and his martial spirit was Spark.

Like the first supporting Soul Sect that appeared on the stage, this Soul Sect was the fourth soul skill when it made a move. It also used it towards the ring, and then walked off the ring without looking back.
The referee not far below the ring wiped the sweat from his forehead, this was because the temperature on the ring had risen to a level that could affect the soul master's body.

The referees were like this, and Dai Mubai's sweat was even more obvious on the court.

Bead-sized drops of sweat slid down his cheeks, and his eyes narrowed slightly, with some confusion and bewilderment gleaming in them.

This situation gave him an ominous premonition, and he always felt that the other party's behavior was a little weird.

Sure enough, after the auxiliary Soul Sect went down, the Fenghuo team appeared on the stage was the agility attack department soul master of the fire crane martial soul.

Strangely, this fire crane spirit's agility attack system soul master did not attack Dai Mubai, but directly flew up.

A large amount of flames spewed out from his mouth, and the target of his attack was still this ring!
After a while, this Fire Crane Wuhun agility attack system soul master fell from the sky, his face was a little pale at this time, and then he walked off the ring again.

Just like that, Dai Mubai stood on the ring, won three consecutive victories without moving his body.

It's just that the more this happens, the more something is wrong with Shrek Academy.

After all, it is impossible for the Fenghuo team to give them three consecutive victories for nothing, which is not in line with common sense.

This inexplicable operation of the Fenghuo team also made the students of other colleges look confused.

Of course, the few people in the VIP room vaguely guessed the plan of Team Fenghuo.

"Sect Master Ning, what exactly does this Fenghuo team want to do? Are they going to give up?"

The Great Emperor Xue Ye asked Ning Fengzhi a question very professionally.

"If my guess is correct, the goal of the top three players in Team Fenghuo should be to create a special venue, a venue where fire attribute soul masters can display 200% of their strength."

"Next, it should be Huo Wu or Huo Wu."

Ning Fengzhi's originally slow and calm words came to an abrupt end
Because, the Fenghuo team was neither vice-captain Huo Wushuang nor Huo Wu, but their captain Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian let out a somewhat sharp long howl, a layer of faint blue light surged out from his body, the blue light surged, his body obviously changed.

Accompanied by the crackling sound of the bones, the muscles and bones swelled at the same time, and the figure became significantly larger.

The long hair on his head was also rendered blue, and the most peculiar thing was that a wolf's head protruded from his left shoulder.

The blue wolf head stared at Dai Mubai with serious eyes, a bit of chill continuously released from it.

Without the slightest hesitation, the second and third spirit rings on Feng Xiaotian's body lit up at the same time.

A pair of huge blue wings spread out from Feng Xiaotian's back, and at the same time, blue light and shadow gathered behind him, just like Gale Wind's two-headed wolf.

Under the backdrop of the huge and dazzling light and shadow, Feng Xiaotian soared into the sky, with just one flap of his wings on his back, with the help of the wind in the air, his body has already soared upwards, rising to a distance of 50 meters from the ground.

Feng Xiaotian spread his wings lightly in the air, stared at Dai Mubai below, and said indifferently: "Fifth soul skill: Wind condenses fire."

As soon as the voice fell, the light and shadow of the two-headed wolf behind him opened its bloody mouth, and the blue wind energy in the air and the rioting fire element on the ring formed two huge air currents respectively at this moment, and moved towards the two wolves of the two-headed wolf. Mouth gushing.

At this time, the originally blue wings behind Feng Xiaotian were covered with a layer of fiery red.

This is Feng Xiaotian's fifth soul skill, Wind Condensation and Fire Gathering. If he can absorb wind and fire elements at the same time, his attack, defense, and speed will increase by 200%, and he will add fire and wind attributes to his attacks. , then it can only be increased by 70%, and only the wind attribute is added.

"Self-created soul skill: Wind Fire Demon Wolf Eighteen Slashes in a row!"

Feng Xiaotian let out a long whistle, and his body fell from the sky like a meteor chasing the moon.

Speeding like lightning, in just a split second, Feng Xiaotian's figure appeared in front of Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai could even see that the edges of the wings were shining with blue-red light under the sunlight, the so-called Fenghuo Demon Wolf's Eighteenth Slash was obviously issued from these wings.

"The third soul skill: White Tiger Vajra Transformation, the second soul skill: White Tiger Shield!"

Dai Mubai felt the deadly threat from the wolf's wings, and subconsciously used the two soul skills.

(End of this chapter)

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