Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 384 Strange things happen every year, especially this year

Chapter 384 Strange things happen every year, especially this year

Bang bang bang!
At this moment, Feng Xiaotian fully utilized the advantages of the agility and assault systems.

His body whirled and writhed in the air, and shot down the seven green vine spears with perfect accuracy.

The moment the green vine spear was shot down, gusts of hurricanes generated by the collision surged from it and scattered in all directions.

And Feng Xiaotian's body shuttled through the gusts of hurricane, like a nimble goshawk, without being affected at all.

In the end, three green vine spears came whistling, Feng Xiaotian looked at the cracks on the wings of the pair of demon wolves behind him, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The material of the ivy spear and the ivy shield is the same.

Feng Xiaotian had already discovered this point when he knocked the first long spear into the air.

Unable to chop it into pieces, Feng Xiaotian could only take the next best thing and knock it into the air.

However, even if the Ivy Spear was knocked into the air, the counter-shock force generated when they collided with each other would shake out the cracks in the wings of his demon wolf.

Not only that, but what made Feng Xiaotian speechless was that the seven most flying Ivy spears had been condensed in the hands of the Ivy giant again.

Co-author, his supernatural expression just now has no effect at all.

As for the fire attribute field created by the three soul sects at the beginning, it was sucked dry when the green world appeared.

The wood sucked the flames dry, Feng Xiaotian said that strange things happen every year, especially this year.

This scene completely made Feng Xiaotian fall into helplessness.

Bang bang bang!
Feng Xiaotian showed the strength he had when he was a child, and finally shot down the last three green vine spears.

However, the wings of the demon wolf behind him were also densely packed with cracks.

"You only look at the Ivy Spear, but ignore the Ivy Wyvern I summoned?"

At this moment, Shao Si Ming's ethereal voice sounded again.

Hearing this, Feng Xiaotian was taken aback, and subconsciously looked up.

In the next second, a huge dragon claw magnified in his pupil.

The dragon claw slapped Feng Xiaotian's back fiercely, smashing his body from mid-air to the ground.


Feng Xiaotian's body fell heavily on the ground, leaving a deep pit several meters deep, surrounded by dense cracks.


Looking at Feng Xiaotian who was unconscious in the deep pit, Shao Si Ming said calmly.

As soon as the words were finished, several vines stretched out from the eternal ivy in Shao Siming's hand, and dragged Feng Xiaotian out of the deep pit, and placed him outside the ring.

Afterwards, a green light shrouded Feng Xiaotian's body, it was Shao Siming who used creation and regeneration on him.

After the treatment, Feng Xiaotian woke up immediately, he took a deep look at Shao Si Ming, and walked back to the Fenghuo team camp.

In this match, there is no doubt that Shao Siming won Feng Xiaotian with an absolute advantage.

The next player from the Fenghuo team was a Soul Sect.

But just as he came up, he was entangled by the everlasting ivy and thrown out before he could hold out for two rounds.

One minute later, another soul king of the Fenghuo team, Huo Wushuang, appeared in the arena.

Huo Wushuang's whole body was covered with a layer of fiery red scales, and a short horn protruding from the top of his head, about three inches long, was his martial spirit, possessed by the one-horned fire tyrannosaurus.

The first soul ring on Huo Wushuang's body lit up instantly, and the dark red layer on the scales on the surface of his body suddenly became crystal clear, like a layer of armor covering his body.

He clasped his hands together in front of his chest fiercely, a dark red light surged out of his palms, and instantly condensed into a palm-sized dark red ball of light.

In the next second, a dark red ball of light shot out and flew straight towards Shao Siming.


Seeing the moment before the two were about to collide, an emerald green dragon claw descended from the sky, directly scratching through the dark red ball of light.

"Kill him!"

As soon as Shao Siming finished speaking, the ten ivy giants instantly lined up and rushed towards Huo Wushuang with ivy spears in their hands.

"Second Soul Skill: Flame Fist!"

A scorching red glow lit up on Huo Wushuang's dragon claws. He first avoided the spear thrust of one of the ivy giants, and then slammed his fist hard on the ivy giant's face.

After taking Huo Wushuang's punch, the ivy giant naturally flew high and landed on the ground, splashing dust all over the sky.

However, in the next second, the ivy giant climbed up again as if nothing happened, and joined the ranks of besieging Huo Wushuang again.

Seeing this scene, Huo Wushuang's face turned green.

How can I fight this?

1 minute later.
In the arena of the promotion match, the sound of heavy and tired panting continued continuously.


Huo Wushuang bent down feebly, propped his hands on his knees, opened his mouth wide, greedily swallowing the cold air,
And around him, there are still those ten standing Ivy giants.

Under Shao Si Ming's command, the ten ivy giants surrounded Huo Wushuang with steady steps.

Huo Wushuang smiled wryly, gave up struggling, and let the four Ivy giants carry him out of the ring.

Under such circumstances, Huo Wu, the last member of the Fenghuo team, stepped onto the field.

"Last night, my grandfather told us that we will lose today's game. Even if I can use Fire Dance and Yaoyang, the result will be the same."

"So, they just ask us to play as hard as we can and not leave any regrets."

Huo Wu took a deep look at Shao Si Ming, and continued: "Although I am very unwilling, but when I saw Feng Xiaotian and my brother, they tried their best and couldn't hurt you, I have to admit one thing .”

Shao Si Ming asked lightly: "What is it?"

Huo Wu smiled wryly, and continued: "You are too powerful, so strong that you are desperate, as if you shouldn't have appeared in this world."

"Maybe." Shao Si Ming replied noncommittally.

After the inexplicable conversation between the two, neither did anything to each other.

I saw that the fourth soul ring on Huo Wu's body was emitting a bright light.

She raised one hand to the sky, and the fire elements traveling in the air kept gathering towards her palm,

As time went by, the ball of light in Huo Wu's hand gradually grew bigger, like a blazing sun!

"Fire Dance Shining Sun!"

Huo Wu let out a soft drink, and the ball of light in his hand blasted towards Shao Siming like a shooting star.

Huowu Yaoyang is Huowu's fourth soul skill, it is very powerful,
However, it consumes a lot of soul power, and it takes a long time to store it. Without teammates to recharge it, it can't be used at all.

Huo Wu was able to use Huo Wu Yaoyang here because Shao Si Ming had no intention of interrupting her at all.

And after using this move, Huo Wu's face was very pale, and she seemed powerless to fight anymore.

"Wan Ye Fei Hua Liu!"

As if in response to Huo Wu's determination, Shao Si Ming used his strongest tactic.

(End of this chapter)

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