Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 393 That Person Received the Lunch Box

Chapter 393 That Person Received the Lunch Box

"All swords are united!"

Qian Zhongling's words were as light as a whisper, but they were accurately transmitted to everyone's ears.

The sound was like fine lines, but it gave everyone a sense of fear like falling into an abyss.

Qian Zhongling held the sword in both hands, and then slashed forward.

call! ! !
In the grove here, following Qian Chongling's sword swing, Emperor Lin obviously felt an abnormal wind blowing over his body.

Lin Di looked down at his body, and found that apart from being blown by the wind, there seemed to be nothing else, let alone being injured.

"Jie Jie Jie, what are you doing? You still want to use this move to deal with the High Priest of Sea God Island? Are you out of your mind?"

The chaotic divine light on the Seven Star Longyuan Sword dissipated, and Qian Chongling took the fairly good quality sword back into the soul tool.

"Didn't you hear?"

Qian Zhongling grinned: "The pain of the body being cut into a blood mist, and the lamentation of the passing of life."

Whoohoo! ! !
The wind gradually howled and became harsh.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Xuanwei heard rustling sounds in her ears, like...
The sound of the wind blowing "dust and sand".

Tang Xuanwei's pupils gradually dilated, and an extremely terrifying scene appeared in front of her eyes.

Level 98 Glory Douluo Lindi, after Qian Chongling finished saying that, Lindi remained motionless as if he had been hit by a body-holding spell.

His body is dissipating bit by bit.

Under the blowing of the breeze, his body turned into extremely fine red and white light spots, which drifted away with the wind.

There were no screams, no blood, no broken bones, nothing, the whole person just disappeared out of thin air.

Lin Di, the peak Douluo at level 98, whom Tang Xuanwei placed high hopes on, just disappeared.

Live without people, die without corpses!
"What did you do? Where did Emperor Lin go?"

Tang Xuanwei looked at Qian Chongling, her eyes filled with disbelief.

"Where else can I go? I'll send him to see the Sea God, Tianzun."

Qian Zhongling still had a smile on his face, and said very plainly.

"It's impossible. Emperor Lin is a peak Douluo at level 98. Even a Peerless Douluo can't kill him with one move, let alone do it to this level." Tang Xuanwei snorted coldly.

"You also said that one Peerless Douluo can't do it, so what if there are [-] million Peerless Douluo?"

Qian Chongling still had a smile on his face, but his eyes terrified Tang Xuanwei.

Cutting Rongguang Douluo into hundreds of millions of light spots, it is really impossible to do it with the power of a Peerless Douluo alone.

However, if [-] million Peerless Douluo were to swing their swords at the same time in an instant, then it could be done.

What Qian Chongling did was to stop Ronghua Douluo's time and space with the Sword God's Domain.

Then, he transformed the sword he swung into hundreds of millions of swords.

In the end, the Sword God Realm was lifted, and the scene where Ronghua Douluo turned into billions of light spots appeared.

It's called Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One, but in fact, hundreds of millions of swords are cut out in an instant, and the bones are chopped off by you.

Seeing Tang Xuanwei panicked and terrified, Qian Chongling smiled lightly and said, "If he can make the next strike, then I will be very impressed with him."

"Because in the whole world, including God Realm, there are only five people who can take this sword!"

Then, Qian Chongling took a step forward and appeared in front of Tang Xuanwei in an instant. The smile on his mouth gradually turned into a ferocious laugh: "Then, Tang Xuanwei, no, to be precise, I should call you Tang Feng."

"So, Tang Feng, are you ready to go to the Infernal Purgatory to meet your dear papa Tang Xiao?"

"Get ready, in the finals of the soul master competition, have you watched the wonderful story of father dying and son laughing, one dead and two dead?"

Every time Qian Chongling uttered a word, his smile became more ferocious, and the tyranny in those eyes became more and more intense.

"How do you know my name? Where is the Infernal Purgatory? Isn't my daddy in the Clear Sky School? How could he appear in the Infernal Purgatory?"

Tang Xuanwei's voice was trembling. Looking at Qian Chongling's face, she suddenly felt powerless.

Tang Feng was the name of her predecessor, in another world.

This matter, in this world, no one knows, not even Tang San and Tang Hao.

You know, Tang San and her have a negative distance communication relationship.

No one so close to her knew her other identity, so how did Qian Chongling know?
Her papa, Tang Xiao, is the patriarch of the Clear Sky School, why didn't she stay in the Clear Sky School, instead she appeared in some Infernal Purgatory?
These mysteries one after another were like mountains pressing down on Tang Xuanwei, who couldn't breathe.

"Huh? You don't know about the Haotian School?"

Qian Zhongling's scarlet eyes took a deep look at Tang Xuanwei, and he seemed to understand something after a while.

"I understand. It seems that Tang Hao, Tang San and Tang Yuehua have protected you very well. They didn't even tell you about the Haotian School."

Qian Chongling's malicious smile made Tang Xuanwei shudder, but she still bit the bullet and asked, "What happened to Haotianzong?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully. After all, letting the enemy fall into despair is my favorite thing to do."

"About the Haotian School, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Seeing that Tang Xuanwei was silent, Qian Chongling's smile deepened, and he continued: "Then let me tell you the bad news first, 14 years ago, the year your family Sanjue was born, the Clear Sky School was destroyed by me. It’s gone, no chicken or dog will be left behind.”

"The good news is that those who died are basically the younger generation, and some of the older generation are still alive, including your papa Tang Xiao. It's a pity."

"What's the pity?" Tang Xuanwei asked anxiously, her pupils shrinking.

"Unfortunately, Tang Xiao lost an arm. I cut off this arm and gave it to his sister, your aunt, Tang Yuehua."

Qian Zhongling said lightly.

"Wuhundian, you are devoid of conscience, sooner or later I will wipe out all of your malignant tumors that plague the world of soul masters."

"Especially you, an old thing who is about to be buried in the ground. My mother will dance in front of your grave and burn the news of the destruction of the Wuhun Temple to you."

Tang Xuanwei's eyes widened with anger, her expression extremely ferocious.

"Oh, playing disco in front of my grave? Many people want to do this, but unfortunately they all died before me. I hope you can live longer than me."

"As for now, you should first think about how you will explain to him the biological reaction in your stomach after you meet Tang Xiao."

Qian Zhongling smiled faintly, turned around, and said to the two Contras: "Put her in the Infernal Purgatory, in the same room as Tang Xiao."

"As ordered!"

The two Contras said.

(End of this chapter)

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