Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 397 With Haotian's real body, I am fearless

Chapter 397 With Haotian's real body, I am fearless
"Uncle Ning, do you know where my sister will be locked up?"

As soon as these words came out, Tang San's mind immediately shifted from those "poor" nobles to his own sister.

"This is about the endless hell." Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

"What is the endless hell?" Tang San asked puzzled.

"As the strongest force on the continent, Wuhundian has established two prisons to detain soul masters who have committed serious crimes and ordinary criminals, etc."

"The first prison is an ordinary prison. It has no name. It is used to detain the soul emperor and those below the cultivation level of the soul emperor."

"The other is the Infernal Hell. It has four floors, which are used to imprison Soul Saints, Contras, Titled Douluo, and Super Douluo."

"The head guards on each floor have Title Douluo's cultivation, and the fourth floor has more than two Title Douluo guards."

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Tang San couldn't help being shocked.

He never imagined that the Spirit Hall would have such terrifying strength, and it would also guard the entire Soul Master Continent so closely.

"Could it be that my sister will be imprisoned in the endless hell?"

A picture suddenly appeared in Tang San's mind, that is, Tang Xuanwei's delicate body was tied to an iron pillar, and men in black beat her over and over again with whips.

"That's right, if my guess is not wrong, although Tang Xuanwei is only the Soul Sect, her identity is destined to imprison her in the Infernal Hell." Ning Fengzhi nodded.

"Uncle Ning, do you know where the Infernal Hell is?"

Hearing this news, Tang San became extremely anxious, and kept asking Ning Fengzhi about the situation in Infernal Hell.

"You want to rescue Tang Xuanwei?" Ning Fengzhi looked at Tang San suspiciously.

"Well, she is my younger sister after all." Tang San nodded.

"Actually, to be honest, I don't know the exact location of the Infernal Hell. I'm afraid only people in the Wuhun Temple know this location, and they must be above Contra." Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

"What! Even you don't know the exact location of Infernal Hell!" Tang San exclaimed.

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Tang San, and continued: "Well, I really don't know the exact location of the Infernal Hell, and I'm afraid that even your father can't do it if he forcibly breaks into the Infernal Hell."

Ning Fengzhi's words were indeed not fooling Tang San, he really didn't know.

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Tang San's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

"But don't worry, if you really want to save Tang Xuanwei, I have a way, but I don't know if it will work."

Seeing Tang San's disappointed expression, Ning Fengzhi suddenly spoke.

"What way, tell me quickly!"

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Tang San suddenly raised his head, his eyes fixed on Ning Fengzhi.

"It's very simple, exchange!" A smile appeared on the corner of Ning Fengzhi's mouth.

Tang San frowned and said: "Exchange? What exchange? What can I exchange for my sister?"

"You don't have it now, but after a while, you will have a chance to get something. As long as you are willing to exchange some of it for your sister, I think the Spirit Hall will agree." Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly.

Tang San's IQ was much stronger than Yu Dashi, who was as stupid as a pig.

After what Ning Fengzhi said, Tang San understood what Ning Fengzhi said.

The reward for the champion of this soul master competition: seven soul bones and the seed of life!
Use the soul bones of the 10-year-old Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, plus three soul bones inherited from the Haotian School, to exchange for Tang Xuanwei.

It has to be said that this method is indeed feasible.

As for Ah Yin's soul bone, Ah Yin's body, and Xiao Wu's mother's soul bone, there was no way to exchange them.

It can be said that Ning Fengzhi's proposal gave Tang San another reason to win the championship of the Soul Master Competition.

Tang San shouldn't have any way out, he can only fight hard.

Is this a struggle, is it an abyss, or is the sea as wide as the sky?

Then it is unknown.

Ning Fengzhi kept staring at Tang San, seeing the sudden look on Tang San's face, he already understood that Tang San understood what he meant.

Ning Fengzhi continued: "Tang San, since you understand, do you have confidence?"

"Uncle Ning, I have confidence, as long as I can save my sister, I am willing to pay any price, even my life." Tang San clenched his fists and said with a ruthless expression.

"Very good, it's good to have confidence. I'm worried that your courage will be broken by the Galaxy Fleet during the promotion match. You must know that it is a big taboo for military strategists to be timid before fighting."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Tang San's resolute face, with a "gratified" smile on his face.

"With Haotian's real body, I have nothing to fear!" Tang San replied confidently.

Ning Fengzhi and Tang San continued chatting for a while, and then they returned to their own residences respectively.

On the other side, Flender and the others also received the news from the Spirit Hall.

Three days later, the competition will officially begin.

Even though many participating academies are exhausted from the journey, with these three days of rest, it is enough for each academies to make adjustments.

The participating academies of the Star Luo Empire were arranged to rest on the other side of the Spirit City, and the Spirit Hall had invisibly divided the teams from the two empires into two camps.

Regarding this point, Xue Qinghe only responded with a sneer, but did not raise any objections.

For three days, everyone in Shrek Academy kept resting, spending all their time in meditation for cultivating soul power, trying to keep themselves in the best condition possible.

At the same time, Qian Chongling also made a series of arrangements for the Shrek team.

That is, to recommend the Shrek team to enter the top three.

How to recommend, send some weaker teams to the Shrek team, let them pass the level all the way, and finally reach the top three, and that's the end of the matter.

Ning Fengzhi has completed the task so well, then he must let the Shrek team see the hope of winning with Qian Chongling.

After all, the Shrek team was gutted in both the qualifiers and the promotion rounds, and without experiencing a few hearty victories, their confidence cannot be restored.

Waiting to see Tang San and the others, because they fought hard all the way, approaching their goal step by step, and their confidence gradually swelled.

A direct slap in the face crushed their confidence and made them fall from the clouds into the mud.

This is much more fun than eliminating the Shrek team from the very beginning.

After all, he is not some kind of devil in Qian Chongling, he must give others a little confidence.

What's more, if he didn't enter the top three, how could the big gift he prepared for Shrek Academy play the biggest role.

How could the five words of Shrek Academy be nailed to the pillar of shame forever, so that it would remain infamous for thousands of years.

PS: At 8:3 p.m., there are still 8 updates, and 3 chapters are owed, which will be paid off in [-] days.
(End of this chapter)

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