Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 400 You are wrong

Chapter 400 You Are Something Wrong (Addition 3)

As the saying goes, one family is happy, one family is sad, some people are happy, some people are worried.

The Shrek Academy team drew the Thunder Academy team, and the Thunder Team's strength is not very strong.

Therefore, the Shrek academy team can easily arrange for the upcoming events.

As for the Tianshui Academy team and the Fenghuo team, these two teams are more worried.

The Fenghuo team is okay, their opponent is the plant team that has been defeated by their own sky, and it is very easy.

Team Tianshui is facing the Galaxy Fleet.

Therefore, Shui Bing'er from Tianshui Academy summoned Feng Xiaotian from Fenghuo Academy and three others to the hotel where Tianshui Academy lived.

In the conference room of the hotel, they began to discuss how to face the Galactic Fleet tomorrow.

In the conference room of the hotel.

Sister Shui Binger, Xue Wu, and Feng Xiaotian sat on chairs beside the round table in the center of the meeting room.

Shui Binger frowned slightly, she looked at Huo Wu, and said directly: "Don't gossip, your opponent tomorrow is the plant team, there is no pressure at all, so there is no need to discuss it."

Huo Wu nodded, and said: "Indeed, the main topic of discussion today is how your Tianshui team will face the Galaxy Fleet."

The dominance of terror shown by the Galaxy Fleet in the qualifiers and promotion matches deeply shocked the hearts of every team.

It's really like a big mountain pressing on the hearts of every team.

From the qualifiers to the promotion rounds, each of them was one-on-seven, without exception.

As for the so-called Shrek team defeating the Galaxy Fleet?

Seven people including Tang San and Dai Mubai of the Shrek team are not enough to fight against one Lu Lingqi.

You said that the Shrek team can defeat the Galaxy Fleet, aren't you joking? Who would believe it?

"Feng Xiaotian, you guys fought against the commander of the Galactic Fleet in the Fenghuo Squadron. Can you initially judge her strength?"

Shui Bing'er asked Feng Xiaotian with a solemn expression.

"Well, with the help of the strength of the field and the continuous slash of wind and fire, I can fight even a level 65 soul emperor, but facing that young commander, I have no room to fight back."

Feng Xiaotian thought for a while, then heaved a long sigh.

"According to what you said, the strength of the young commander should be at the level of a high-level soul emperor, and the strength of Lu Lingqi, Uchiha Itachi, and Tokisaki Kurumi may not be weaker than the young commander. Xue, Xue Junlin, Chen Shuang."

Shui Bing'er was talking, but she didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere in the conference room gradually became heavy, and it was obvious that Shui Bing'er had judged that the Tianshui team was not the opponent of the Galaxy Fleet.

At this moment, a clear and gentle voice suddenly appeared in the conference room.

"Tomorrow's game, Bing'er, you don't have to think too much, just go full fire."

Hearing this voice, everyone looked sideways.

I saw a middle-aged woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful face standing at the door of the meeting room.

Beside the middle-aged beautiful woman is a thin middle-aged man.

When Shui Binger and Huo Wu saw these two, their pretty faces were full of smiles.

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu trotted a few steps, holding the arms of the middle-aged beautiful woman and the middle-aged man respectively.

The two girls said at the same time: "Grandma/Grandpa, why are you here?"

Obviously, these two middle-aged people are the deans of Tianshui Academy and Chihuo Academy, Shuiyuewu and Huobaoshou.

Shuiyuewu and Huobaoshou smiled, took each other's granddaughter's arms, and walked in together slowly.

Two pairs of grandparents and grandchildren, the four of them just sat down together not long ago.

Shui Yueer asked with some doubts: "Grandma, why did you tell Binger not to think too much? Can we win the Galaxy Fleet without thinking about it?"

Shuiyuewu smiled lightly and said, "Do you want to win the Galactic Fleet?"

"Of course, who wouldn't want a 10-year-old soul bone?"

Shui Binger and Xue Wu said in unison.

Shuiyuewu opened her red lips and said, "Your Seven Star Sword Formation is enough to defeat a single soul sage, how could it possibly defeat 4 soul sages and 3 soul emperors."

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

The eyes of Feng Xiaotian, Shui Binger and the others instantly widened!

Four soul saints!

Four soul saints!

This. How is this possible!

At this moment, everyone didn't believe what they heard, and turned their attention to Shuiyuewu

Feng Xiaotian even stuttered and exclaimed: "Four four. Four souls. Holy?"

"Grandma, this... This is absolutely impossible, the combat power of the soul saint level will appear in the soul master competition?"

Shui Binger's pretty face was full of disbelief.

"That's right. The requirement for the All-Continent Elite Soul Master Competition is to be under 25 years old. It is impossible to have a combat power of the Soul Sage level, let alone four in one go."

Shui Yue'er also opened her eyes wide, and said dumbfounded.

"Don't doubt, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my sources of information, and don't forget that Lu Lingqi is only the vice-captain of the Galaxy Fleet!"

Shuiyuewu smiled lightly, and said with some malicious intentions.

"Oh my God!!! Don't scare us, okay? Could it be that the captain of the Galactic Fleet is even more terrifying?"

Feng Xiaotian clutched his chest, looking frightened.

"Little God, I am very sorry to tell you that the captain of the Galaxy Fleet is named Qian Guangyue, who is trained as a Soul Emperor and possesses the combat power of a Contra."

At this moment, Huo Baoshou directly "stabbed" Feng Xiaotian's chest.

"Contra? Then why fight, I want to go back to Kamikaze Academy, how about Huo Wu?"

Feng Xiaotian said, I'm just doing badly now, and I don't want to work hard anymore.

Others don't know what Feng Xiaotian's temperament is, how can she not know about Huo Wu?

This guy, using the two words of second-hand goods, is very suitable to describe him.

Huo Wu gave Feng Xiaotian a blank look, and then her red eyes stared straight at Huo Baoshou without blinking.

"Good granddaughter, does grandpa have flowers on his face? Are you staring at grandpa like this?"

Huo Baoshou felt a little terrified when Huo Wu looked at him, he asked a little bit sincerely.

"There's something wrong with you!"

Huo Wu's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, exuding a hint of danger.

Hearing this, Shuiyuewu and Huo Baoshou thumped in their hearts, thinking: "The two of them won't reveal their secrets."

Huo Wu looked at her grandfather with a "murderous look", and asked, "Is there something you are hiding from us?"


Shuiyuewu and Huobaoshou said in unison.

"Huh, dare to say no, the captain of the Galaxy Fleet has never appeared once, how do you know her name and cultivation?"

Huo Wu squinted her eyes and said maliciously.

"Sister Huo Wu said so, I also remembered, grandma, where did you get the information about the Seven Stars team?"

Shui Bing'er also suddenly realized, and joined the ranks of forcing the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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