Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 521 Chapter 458-459

Chapter 521 Chapter 458-459 Sea God, the bastard
PS: Add updates to Hongchen Sword Hidden Officer and Bingxin Emperor.

With the wings disappearing, Ning Rongrong and Oscar directly fell into the sea water.

Seeing this scene, everyone hurriedly jumped into the sea and picked them up.

Said it was picked up, to be precise, it should be Tang San tied them up with the blue silver grass, so that the two of them would not sink to the bottom of the sea.

"Are you two okay!?" Everyone asked with concern.

"Cough, cough, it's okay, it's okay!"

Ning Rongrong and Oscar quickly waved their hands.

"Well, I said what should we do?"

Oscar scratched his head, looking very embarrassed.

Ning Rongrong echoed: "That's right, the two of us can fly, and the others can't swim either."

Tang San pondered for a while and said: "I have a way."

Hearing Tang San's words, everyone turned their attention to Tang San.

Tang San said lightly: "Although the Sea Demon is broken, there are still many wreckages. We can use these wreckages as a temporary stop."

"It's an idea, but we can't always be drifting on the sea." Dai Mubai raised his doubts.

Tang San said: "That's right, so we need to find a stop as soon as possible. This matter is left to Fatty and Brother Xue. The two have the ability to fly, so I can only let you find out if there are islands nearby."

"No problem! This matter is left to the two of us."

Xue Haizang and Ma Hongjun immediately agreed.

"Then it's hard work for you."

Tang San smiled, and said this to the two of them.

"It should be, we are companions, as it should be."

Xue Haizang laughed.

Next, Tang San used the Blue Silver Grass to pull a few relatively large pieces of wreckage, as a temporary stop.

Tang San first signaled Ning Rongrong and Oscar to stand on the wreckage, then said to Xue Haizang and Ma Hongjun: "Brother Xue, Fatty, let's put Brother Tianheng and Mubai down."

The two said softly: "Understood!"

After Xue Haizang and Ma Hongjun put Yu Tianheng and Dai Mubai down, they lightly vibrated the wings behind them, turned into a red light and a white light, and flew towards different directions.

Withdrawing his gaze from the distance, Tang San looked at Ning Rongrong and the others.

At this time, Ning Rongrong and the others were in a bad state, their faces pale.

It's no wonder that when he didn't sleep well, he was called up and almost died.

In this case, if the state is still good, then it is called a ghost.

Tang San took a deep breath, and said to Ning Rongrong and the others: "Let's rest here for a while, and then wait for them to come back."


Everyone nodded, each sat on a wreckage, and then closed their eyes to rest.

However, after experiencing such a catastrophe, who can calm down.

Soon, Dai Mubai said a little bored: "What kind of existence was that soul beast just now? It can still speak human words?"

"Yeah, it's just too appalling."

Oscar couldn't help but exclaimed.

"By the way, it was Sanjue who called us up at that time, do you know something about this soul beast?"

Ning Rongrong asked Tang San.

Tang San nodded and said: "Know a thing or two."

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Tang San told about Haider's matter.

When they knew that this soul beast was named the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and had a cultivation base of over 10 years, everyone was shocked.

Ning Rongrong stared at Tang San with wide eyes, and said: "Spirit beasts over 10 years old, are they real or not?"

For a 10-year soul beast, Ning Rongrong only saw Xiao Wu with his own eyes, and Xiao Wu was still without any cultivation.

As for other records about 10-year-old soul beasts, she had read them from ancient books.

This is the first time Ning Rongrong has seen a real 10-year soul beast.

Tang San nodded and said: "It's absolutely true, otherwise the combined strength of the seven of us wouldn't be its single enemy?"

Hearing Tang San's words, everyone fell into silence.

After a while, Dai Mubai asked Tang San: "By the way, is it true that spirit beasts will spit out human words when they reach 10 years?"

Dai Mubai was still very curious about this point.

Moreover, in Dai Mubai's opinion, only Tang San knew about this problem.

After all, Tang San is first of all a disciple of Yu Dashi, and secondly he is a rabbit who has lived for 10 years.

Therefore, regarding this issue, Tang San indeed has the most right to speak.

Tang San sighed and said: "Xiao Wu once told me that soul beasts can basically speak human words when they reach 10 years, and if they are more than 20 years old, they can also change into human form, possessing the same physical and mental abilities as humans. Appearance."

"I see!"

Everyone said suddenly.

Dividing line.
In the depths of the seabed of the Demonic Whale Sea is an extremely wide cave. The height of the cave reaches nearly a thousand meters, and the depth is several thousand meters. The entire cave is wide and deep.


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the cave, and then a clear female voice rang out: "Fool, are you sure you read it right?"

"Honey, I'm definitely not mistaken, that thing is definitely the heart of the Sea God, the inheritance token of that bastard Poseidon!"

The next moment, another thick male voice appeared in the cave.

If Tang San and the others were here, they would find that the owner of this voice was the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

And the wife of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is another Deep Sea Demon Whale, one with 80 years of cultivation, which can be called the Queen of the Deep Sea Demon Whale.

"Since the Seagod's Heart has appeared, it means that the Seagod's inheritance is about to appear." The Queen of the Deep Sea Demon Whale said.

"That's right, according to that old guy, the day when Sea God Island will be destroyed is not far away!" The voice of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was full of excitement.

But the Queen of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale said cautiously: "Fool, you should pay attention, the more you can't take it lightly at this time, don't ruin his plan."

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King smiled and said, "Of course I understand that. That old monster is too strong. I won't be so stupid as to offend him."

"Well, an enemy's enemy is a friend, and it's good if you understand this truth." The Queen of the Deep Sea Demon Whale said.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King nodded, and said, "That's right, we just need to wait patiently now. By the way, when will our child be born?"

"It's almost there, it's only in the past few years." The Queen of the Deep Sea Demon Whale said with a smile.

Hearing the words, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King also said excitedly: "Hahaha, that's great."

Dividing line.
On the other side, Tang San and the others were still eating and chatting.

About an hour later, Xue Haizang's figure suddenly descended from the sky, and he said excitedly, "Guys, there is a small island in the southeast!"

"That's great, Brother Xue, come down and rest for a while, we'll head to that small island after Fatty comes back."

Tang San was also very satisfied when he heard the news.

The moon is cloudy and sunny, and the sky is unpredictable.

That is to say, but these things are still a bit meaningless in the face of the world's correction power.

The ocean has given people the impression of mystery since ancient times. No one knows whether there are innumerable treasures hidden under the emerald-like sea surface, or a demon that chooses to devour people.

As the sun sets, the sky is still burning with an orange-red sunset glow, and the sea is also dyed golden yellow by this glow.

A medium-sized sea ship was like a sharp sword, splitting through the golden waves and heading towards Sea God Island at high speed.

On the ship's side, the "Seven Shrek Monsters" and an ordinary-looking young man lined up in a row of eight, looking into the distance.

After seven days, Tang San and the others finally set foot on the road to Sea God Island again.

And this brand new sea boat was naturally bought on the island.

Not long ago, they were attacked by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. Although they escaped by chance, the ship was broken.

In desperation, Xue Haizang and Ma Hongjun went separately to find the island so that they could replenish and repair.

Xue Haizang was lucky and found an island first.

They bought this ship on the island, and hired several helmsmen and a ship doctor.

"Teacher, are you really going to Sea God Island?"

The young man next to Tang San and the others suddenly spoke.

This young man's name is Jixiang, currently Tang San's apprentice, and also the ship's doctor.

Tang San nodded, and said: "Do you know the situation of Sea God Island?"

"Actually, I came from Sea God Island."

Ji Xiang's face showed a gloomy look, and he said in a dull tone.

Although Tang San has read the script, the description of the script is not so specific.

For example, for a small character like Ji Xiang, only one name appeared.

Jixiang is Tang San's apprentice, his status is very noble?
Stop making trouble, Yu Dashi is dead, so nothing is auspicious.

Therefore, Tang San looked at Ji Xiang in surprise, and asked him: "Huh? You came from Sea God Island?"

Ji Xiang nodded and said, "I was born on Sea God Island and lived there until I was ten years old."

"My parents are both from Sea God Island, but my innate soul power is zero. They can't understand this."

"Also, if you want to live on Sea God Island, you need to pass a test every time. Those who pass can stay on Sea God Island to continue worshiping Sea God. If they fail, they will be sent away."

"My innate soul power is zero, it is impossible to pass the test, so my parents sent me here last year."

Everyone didn't expect that Tang San randomly accepted an apprentice who came out of Sea God Island.

However, this is good news for them.

After experiencing the attack of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, everyone felt a sense of awe towards the sea.

And Sea God Island has such a reputation, if they can learn about the situation of Sea God Island in advance, it will be of great benefit to everyone.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Ji Xiang smiled and said, "Sea God Island can be said to be a special world of soul masters, or it can also be said to be the world of sea soul masters."

"Just like land soul masters believe in the Wuhun Temple, sea soul masters also have their own beliefs, and sea soul masters believe in the sea god."

Jixiang's words aroused everyone's interest, so no one interrupted him and listened carefully to his narration.

"Every sea soul master believes that the sea god is real, he controls everything in the sea, and he is the ancestor of the sea soul master."

"It is precisely because of the blessing of the sea god that sea soul masters can possess great power and the ability to be invincible at the same level in the ocean."

"On the mainland, not every soul master believes in the Spirit Hall, but in the hearts of sea soul masters, the sea god is their only belief, and no soul master dares to blaspheme the sea god."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai smiled and said: "That's right, not every soul master on the mainland believes in the Spirit Hall, and many soul masters think that the Spirit Hall is a cancer that needs to be destroyed The presence."

Jixiang nodded noncommittally, and continued: "Sea God Island is the holy land of Sea God, and it is also a place where Sea God is enshrined. As the messengers of Sea God, they will lead the most powerful sea soul masters to the Sea God. The island is dedicated to Lord Sea God."

Speaking of this, Ji Xiang took a deep look at Tang San and the others, and said: "Whether it is a mainland soul master, Sea God Sea God Sea Spirit Master, they all need to pass the test when they arrive on Sea God Island, and this test is directly given by Lord Sea God."

"God? Are there really gods in this world?"

Yu Tianheng asked pointedly.

Ji Xiang said very solemnly: "Lord Seagod is real, and most of the soul masters on Seagod Island have seen Lord Seagod manifest with their own eyes."

Oscar frowned, and asked, "Is the Seagod's manifestation a test?"

Among the "Shrek Seven Monsters", apart from Tang San who knew the script, the rest really didn't know what was going on in Sea God Island.

Even if they encountered the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and saw the dialogue and confrontation between the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and the blue figure, they still couldn't determine what that blue figure was or what was on Sea God Island.

Ji Xiang shook his head and said: "No, the test is done through the Great Priest. The Grand Priest is called the servant of the Lord Sea God, who will protect the authority of the Lord Sea God and exercise the rights of the Lord Sea God throughout his life."

Ning Rongrong asked somewhat puzzled: "In the final analysis, is it a test from a high-level soul master?"

When Ji Xiang heard this, his expression was a little weird, and he said, "I really can't describe the actual situation. Only those who really participated in the test can understand what it is."

"Teacher, you are all soul masters from outside, so you must accept the test directly. If you fail, you will be expelled immediately, and if you succeed, you will not be allowed to leave Sea God Island for life."

After glancing at everyone, Ji Xiang continued, "So, I don't recommend that teachers go to Sea God Island for training. Not only is it difficult, you will die if you don't pay attention, and you won't be able to leave Sea God Island if you succeed."

Hearing this, Tang San smiled faintly, and said: "Sea God Island, we must do it! Jixiang, we can only thank you for your kindness."

Are you kidding, if you don't go to Sea God Island, what will happen to my Sea God Nine Tests?
Without the test of the gods, how can I restore the talent of my twin martial souls?

How will his beloved relatives and friends, flesh and blood brothers, be resurrected?

Looking at Tang San's calm and firm gaze, Jixiang sighed, but remained silent.

Although he hadn't known Tang San for a long time, he knew that things Tang San decided would basically not be easily changed.

(End of this chapter)

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