In March 1997, the whole country mourned the death of the beloved old chief.Although it was extended for a month, he still left.

For three days in a row, there were no entertainment programs on TV in the Republic, and the heavy news was broadcast over and over again. On newspapers, radio, TV, etc., there was only one important news, the old man's life story and achievements Albert was transmitted over and over again.

Although no state funeral was held, the national flags of various government agencies, schools, and embassies and consulates abroad were lowered at half-mast to express condolences.Governments, political parties and organizations around the world have sent messages of condolence expressing their sympathy and regret.

The central government positions it as: an outstanding leader, an outstanding proletarian revolutionist, a military strategist, a politician, and a diplomat, who is one of the main builders and leaders of the People's Liberation Army and the Republic. . . . . . .As a politician, this is a very high evaluation.

The international community has made various remarks. "Time" said that he changed the world, and his achievements are unprecedented.Former U.S. national security adviser Brzezinski called him a leader with world vision.The British Prime Minister commented that he was an outstanding leader who shaped modern China, and the king of a leading state in Southeast Asia considered him a hero of the people of the whole country. . . . . . .In any case, it cannot be overestimated how high it is given.He is such a great character, an outstanding leader full of wisdom and courage, courage and broad-mindedness, even his opponents have to admire him.

The entire Republic, from the vast grasslands and the frozen Beijiang River in the north to the dense forests and vast beaches in the south, from the misty deserts and snow-covered plateaus in the west to the river outlets and rural cities in the east, everyone mourns and weeps for it.The people express their mourning and grief in various forms. The people's eyes are discerning, and they all know that today's hard-won good life is due to the profound wisdom and eagle-like vastness of this deceased old man. His vision is that he has transformed the country from poverty and backwardness to relative prosperity and tranquility, and will also move towards greater prosperity and revitalization, because he has pointed out the path for the people of the country for the next half century.

Chen Kangjie left Xishan late at night, and when he returned to the hotel where he was staying, he felt dizzy in his head and his whole body was weak.This kind of sudden grief made him unable to recover for a while. Even though he knew the result a long time ago, he still didn't want to believe it was real. How much he hoped that this was just a dream, a sad It's just a nightmare.

Cheng Dazi fell on his back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Chen Kangjie's eyes were dull and his body was motionless, as if he could see the stars in the sky through the roof. Gexing will always pay attention to the development and trend of this nation, and he will give constructive tips at critical moments.

Xiong Ziqiang opened the door to bring him food, and Chen Kangjie didn't have a drop of rice all day long.However, after calling for a long time, Chen Kangjie couldn't answer. Xiong Ziqiang could only see clear tears overflowing from the corner of his eyes, soaking into the bed sheet along his temples.

After waiting for a long time, Chen Kangjie got up with a grunt and asked for two bottles of liquor.At this moment, Chen Kangjie wanted to drink, and the stronger the better, but Xiong Ziqiang could only get him two bottles of Moutai.

Without any appetizers and no one to accompany him, Chen Kangjie sat alone facing the window, gazing at the dark and infinite night, drinking for himself, half an hour later, the two bottles of wine bottomed out, and Chen Kangjie was also very drunk It was because Xiong Ziqiang was worried that he would come in to investigate when he was unconscious, so he took him to bed and rested.

Chen Kangjie had never drank so much alcohol, especially liquor.Tonight, he especially needs alcohol to anesthetize his body and nerves. Only in this way, his mind will not be cranky, and it will not be so painful and sad. He is very tired, but he can't sleep, and there is always that person in the depths of his soul. An old man who is not a relative but also a relative.

Chen Kangjie couldn't leave the capital for the past few days. He wanted to attend the old man's memorial ceremony, and he also wanted to attend some activities.Knowing the truth about Chen Kangjie's stay in Beijing, Chen Qigang not only did not urge Chen Kangjie to go back, but instead supported him very much.

During this time, in accordance with the old man's will, the body was dissected and the corneas were donated.

On April 1997, 4, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. The cremated ashes of the old man will be scattered to the vast sea of ​​the motherland.Chen Kangjie, relatives of the old man and Zhao Zhibang participated in this solemn and memorable ceremony.

In the early years, the old man once said, "If you dare to stand up to the tide of the times, a drop in the ocean will last forever." Perhaps this is the reason why he asked to integrate himself with the ocean during his lifetime.

Under the solemn guard of naval ships, a white official ship left the port and sailed to the depths of the ocean.The warm sea breeze whips up shimmering waves.Standing at the bow of the boat in black and wearing sunglasses, Chen Kangjie thought to himself that in such a soft spring breeze, he should be happy to be able to merge with the boundless blue waves, because he himself is as vast and profound as the ocean.

Flocks of fresh fish are chasing the waves not far from the boat. In the blue sky, under the white clouds floating like cotton candy, groups of seagulls are circling and soaring above the boat. , Mouth can not stop tweeting sweet singing.They are like a well-organized guard of honor, welcoming and singing a member of the general to join.

A crisp whistle whistled, and the ceremony officially began.The relatives of the old man grabbed the white ashes from the opened black jar, tearfully, and scattered them into the blue sea reluctantly and affectionately.Chen Kangjie walked over, stretched out one hand to support the trembling old lady, and also participated in the last act of sending the old man off with the other hand.

Originally, Chen Kangjie couldn't do this unless he was a close relative, but the old lady agreed. She said that the old man had explained it before her death.

. . . . . . .

Due to the death of the old chief, this year's two sessions were postponed for a month. On April 4, representatives of the two sessions from all over the country arrived in Beijing one after another. Chen Qigang also came to the capital as a representative of the National People's Congress.

During the two sessions, Chen Kangjie also had to stay in the capital, because at the fifth session of the eighth CPPCC, he will be officially added as a member of the CPPCC National Committee. Considering his specific situation, he does not need to participate in many group discussions, but at least the two sessions He will participate in and observe the two opening ceremonies.

After meeting with Chen Qigang at the Qianzhou Building of the Qianzhou Office in Beijing, Chen Kangjie learned that this was the last time he would attend a meeting in Beijing as a representative of Qianzhou Province.His appointment has been confirmed, and it will be issued and announced after the two sessions. In other words, he will have to take up the post in Eastern Guangdong Province immediately after the session.

"Your godfather will also come later." After finishing his business, Chen Qigang handed Chen Kangjie a bag of tea and asked him to make tea, he said casually.

"Which province is the godfather a representative of the National People's Congress?" Chen Kangjie took the tea bag, stopped and asked suspiciously.

Since He Baoguo was also in the midst of a job transfer, and Chen Kangjie hadn't returned some time ago, he didn't know if his job had already been transferred, so he asked this question.

"He..." Chen Qi just said a word, and the doorbell rang "Ding Dong, Ding Dong".

Chen Kangjie glanced at his father, walked over the sofa to the door, opened the door and saw Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo standing at the door.

"Hello, Uncle Huang, hello, Uncle Tan, please come in, please come in", as a junior, Chen Kangjie hurriedly said hello and greeted politely.

"Hehe, you're here too, what are you holding in your hand?" Huang Zhenhua laughed heartily, refreshed, and asked kindly, pointing at Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, maybe my father knew that the two leaders were coming for inspection, so he asked me to make tea quickly. No, your two leaders came here before the tea was brewed," Chen Kangjie replied cleverly with a smile.

"You are a big celebrity who can really talk," Tan Changguo pointed at Chen Kangjie and teased him comfortably.

Hearing Chen Kangjie's words, Chen Qigang had already stood up, and when the two big men entered the door, he had already greeted them respectfully.

It stands to reason that the two big leaders can just call if they have something to do.But because Chen Qigang was about to be transferred away, there was no affiliation at that time, and the two bosses seemed close to the people. It was understandable to take the initiative to go to each room to care about the members of the delegation. Besides, they knew in advance that Chen Kangjie was here, so they were abrupt. behavior appears to be normal.

After the three of them sat down, Chen Kangjie quickly brewed a cup of top green bud green tea for each of them.

With these people in the officialdom, it is rare to have that kind of rambling chat. Sure enough, after a few chats, the topic was brought up to their work again.

"Xiaojie, don't forget to visit me when you come to the capital." Huang Zhenhua patted Chen Kangjie on the shoulder and said kindly.

"Huh? Uncle Huang has been promoted?"

"You, Uncle Huang, will serve as a State Councilor after the two sessions," Tan Changguo explained on his behalf.

What Chen Kangjie heard before was that he might become the vice premier, but he didn't expect Huang Zhenhua to be promoted to a state councilor.Although the State Councilor does not have a clear area of ​​responsibility, but like the Deputy Prime Minister, they are all deputy state-level leaders. They are one of the members of the State Council and the executive meeting of the State Council. It is to assist the prime minister in his work, often entrusted by the prime minister or the executive meeting, to be responsible for certain aspects of work or major special tasks.For example, under normal circumstances, the diplomatic work of the Republic will be led and responsible by a State Councilor, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs will directly accept the leadership.

"Congratulations, congratulations, Uncle Huang has joined the Central Committee to work, don't forget to continue to care about us." Chen Kangjie was indeed happy for Huang Zhenhua, but the two of them still couldn't get rid of their casual way of speaking.

"Don't just talk about me, you are now a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and you must play your role in participating in and discussing state affairs." Huang Zhenhua's eyes flickered, and he said encouragingly to Chen Kangjie, then turned to look at Chen Qigang, "Comrade Qigang, You are also about to go to a new job, although the distance is a bit far, but you still need to contact more if you can get in touch."

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