The two sessions in 1997 was Chen Kangjie's first personal involvement in politics. Since the list announced in advance did not include his name, it did not cause much disturbance. Moreover, he only participated in the opening ceremonies of the CPPCC and the National People's Congress, and listened to the government work report. , all the way in and out is through a special passage, and he is sitting in the corner, so the reporters didn't notice his existence.It can be said that Chen Kangjie participated in his first political show in obscurity, and he did not even attend the real supplementary process in person.

At this time, the reporters could smell it, but unfortunately, Chen Kangjie could no longer be found.

The next day, news of Chen Kangjie becoming a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was included in the news of the major media.

Chen Kangjie had just joined political activities, but firstly he had no proposals, and secondly, the old chief had just left, so he didn't have much thought to care about these, and he didn't participate in the daily deliberations and seminars.

Some time ago, the crew in the United States made several phone calls to urge him. If the movie "Titanic" is to be released this year, it must start shooting immediately. Chen Kangjie asked them to build a location on Santa Monica Beach first. He will go to the United States after the two sessions.

On April 4, the two sessions closed. On April 16, after Chen Kangjie and Chen Qigang attended a brief farewell party, the father and son set off together.Chen Kangjie was regarded as accompanying his father to take office, and he transferred from Pengcheng to Hong Kong by the way.After Chen Qigang settles down, his family will come with him, including Chen Jing, who has to transfer schools.Chen Kangjie doesn't need it. He will take the college entrance examination soon, so he doesn't need to worry about transferring schools.

It has been several years since he visited this symbolic city of reform and opening up. When he stepped here again, Chen Kangjie obviously felt that there were many tall buildings and buildings. In the city, construction sites were everywhere, showing a scene of prosperity.

A deputy director of the Organization Department of the Eastern Guangdong Provincial Party Committee sent Chen Qigang to the municipal Party committee, while Chen Kangjie wandered around by himself.He knew that it was impossible for his father to have time today, so he had to get to know the members of the team first, and he was basically sure that there would be a welcome dinner tonight, so there was no time for him.

Chen Kangjie and the others had previously acquired several large plots of land in Pengcheng, in the north, west and east, and the urban area was not left behind.He took this opportunity to wander around.

At the beginning, these lands were obtained at a very low price. Now the price has naturally increased a lot, but it has not yet reached the level of sky-high prices ten years later.In a simple calculation, these four lands alone have already made Chen Kangjie a lot of money.

Qian Degui drove the car, and first sent Chen Kangjie to the two lands in the north that belonged to Hualong Town, but not far from the pass, and had a look first. There have been two large industrial areas here, one of which is mainly electronic. It is mainly based on the industry, and now more than 100 enterprises have settled in. There are more than [-] factory buildings, plus six eight-story staff dormitory buildings. The environment is very good, with trees and green grass. In the big square, there is a pool in the center of the square, and there are many migrant workers and girls playing in the water after work.

The other industrial area is smaller, and most of the packaging companies and handicraft companies operate in it, but the environment is not bad.

The piece of land near the sea, which is nearly 92 kilometers away from the city to the east, is completely mountainous, with a drop of tens of meters. In 1700, Pengcheng City felt that the land was worthless, so it sold it to Chen Kangjie at a low price. It was much cheaper than the two lands built in the industrial zone, and the area was also very large, covering two mountains, which was even rarer. What's more, there is a large beach with a length of [-] meters. When Chen Kangjie wanted this place, he first set his sights on this rare beach.

At that time, Chen Kangjie did not have the funds for in-depth development, but when he had money, he handed it over to Dong Siying.She first invested nearly 2 million yuan to renovate the beach and improve the facilities. At the same time, she built a trapezoidal five-star Mengting Hotel next to it, and built a villa in the protruding part near the coastal cliffs, which was requested by Chen Kangjie. .

It will be open to visitors in two months.At first, Dong Siying planned to operate this beach for a fee, but after Chen Qigang took office, Chen Kangjie changed his mind. He planned to open the beach for free, which was a great gift from his father to ordinary citizens after he took office.

Regarding Chen Kangjie's suggestion, Dong Siying unequivocally opposed it from the very beginning, saying that it would affect the company's profitability. Later, Chen Kangjie spent half an hour on the phone to convince her.There are two reasons for Chen Kangjie. First, most of the beaches abroad are free, and the main income of the merchants is to provide services. Second, there are still very few tourists here. Only free can gather enough popularity. If there is a fee, it will Scares a lot of people off.Third, how far services can be provided can greatly increase benefits, such as water skiing cableways, jet skis, ATVs, water parachutes, entertainment areas, barbecue areas, rental and sales tents, etc. Fees may bring better results.

Chen Kangjie's suggestion worked really well. After Chen Qigang presided over the opening ceremony, the scenic spot received more than 5 tourists every day, and more than [-] visitors on weekends, which was extremely crowded.Although there are no tickets sold, relying on diversified operations, there are as few as hundreds of thousands of income per day, and as many as over one million.Later, Dong Siying and the others built an economical hotel and a restaurant street by the road, and the increase in income was even more objective.More importantly, it has added a good leisure place for Pengcheng citizens and made a greater contribution to the local tourism industry.

When Chen Kangjie arrived here, the workers were sweating and busy entering the sprint stage. Since they had not greeted in advance, the group of them could not enter the inside to visit.I can only take a look at it from a distance through the iron fence.

Here, Chen Kangjie came to play before he was reborn, but it was built with government investment at that time, and the service was not very good.

Chen Kangjie didn't plan to look at the land in the east, but the people below reported that it was still vacant, but just planted some lychee trees randomly, and turned it into a big lychee garden.That's fine, Chen Kangjie will make good use of it in the future.

As for the 40 square meters of land in the Tianfu District of the urban area, three modern office buildings have been built, each with a height of more than 45 floors, and the investment is as high as 92 billion yuan. It can be put into use, and it is under renovation at this time.Xie Yourong is responsible for all these.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Kangjie and Chen Qigang entered the Lianhuashan Park, which had not yet been officially opened. According to the plan, the park under construction would not open to the public until June 6, accompanied by Pu Yan, Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee.

This is a public and private itinerary.On the one hand, Chen Qigang can be regarded as an inspection job. On the other hand, a bronze statue of the old chieftain with a height of more than 6 meters has just been erected on the top of the mountain.

Maybe Chen Qigang had introduced him in advance. When Pu Yan saw Chen Kangjie, he didn't look too surprised, but during the conversation, Chen Kangjie could still feel his restlessness, and his bright eyes always flashed to Chen Kangjie.

With Pu Yan around, it is easy to enter this unopened urban park, he can do it with just one phone call.What's rare is that he didn't mobilize the crowd, and didn't allow other people to come and accompany him, but the three of them and Chen Kangjie's bodyguards followed up the mountain from a distance.

Spring in the southern country is very obvious. Once inside, you can clearly feel the breath of spring. The flowers are colorful and charming. The trees that have just been planted for a short time are already lush and green. The flowers and green trees complement each other, making people linger and forget to return.It is very difficult for Chen Kangjie and Chen Qigang to take this kind of leisurely walk at the same time, and today is considered a special case.

Arriving at the top of the mountain that is not too high, the warm and bright sunlight has penetrated the clouds and shone down dazzlingly.Standing on the marble fence next to the small square on the top of the mountain, the entire thriving city is completely presented in front of your eyes. At a glance, it is colorful and clean, with row upon row of buildings and prosperity everywhere, which makes people feel spontaneously. A sense of pride, I really want to say a few words of praise.

"The scene here is completely different from when I inspected it with the chief five years ago." Chen Kangjie stretched out his right hand and put it on the Emei to block the glare of the sun, and exclaimed.When he turned around and saw the tall and heroic figure of the old man walking forward, he felt a little sad, and lowered his voice, "It's a pity, the old man can't see it with his own eyes."

"Xiaojie, I can see that the old chief is paying attention to every inch of the window he designated every day. Under his guidance, we will achieve greater achievements." Chen Qigang withdrew his gaze and raised his head. , narrowing his eyes slightly to stare at the shining bronze statue of the old man, he patted Chen Kangjie on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

When Pu Yan heard that the Chen family had such a relationship with the old man, he was a little surprised and then recovered, standing beside Chen Qigang and nodding in agreement: "Yes, yes."

No matter who Pu Yan belonged to before, after getting along with him today, he has basically decided his side.

"Dad, the land for the three buildings under construction here was sold to us by the city government at that time. At the beginning, there was no money and no move. The construction started in 95, and it will be put into use in the middle of this year." Chen Kangjie pointed to the three majestic buildings whose appearance had been fixed and introduced them to Chen Qigang.

"That should be a high-end office building. Are you planning to rent it out?" Chen Qigang asked with interest because he was already in charge.

"Yes, I plan to rent it to small and medium-sized high-tech enterprises, and the rent will not be too high," Chen Kangjie replied casually.

Hearing Chen Kangjie's words, Chen Qigang pondered for a long time, and then he said thoughtfully: "If you say that...then you can cooperate with the Science and Technology Bureau, and the government will give you some policies... .It can be regarded as a project to support high-tech enterprises".

Chen Qigang still remembered the move that Chen Kangjie gave him. As soon as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, his brain became active. It seems that he did not think about it a while ago.

"Hehe, why not? I'll tell Brother Ouyang later, I believe it's not a big problem." Chen Kangjie smiled heartily and quickly cooperated.

. . . . . .

Several people admired it for a long time on the mountain, and finally took the flowers that Xiong Ziqiang and the others had prepared.After paying homage to the bronze statue by presenting flowers and bowing, a group of people walked down the mountain. Chen Kangjie went to Hong Kong by himself, and Chen Qigang went to make his official inspection. People are already waiting on the kite square at the foot of the mountain.

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