rebirth of change

Chapter 1025 No bail

While doing all kinds of work outside to rescue Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie was being questioned round after round.Since Chen Kangjie is a celebrity, in order to preserve his reputation, neither Jon Gordon nor Fan Wenxuan disclosed this matter to the media. They felt that once the media reported it, it would have a relatively negative effect on Chen Kangjie's positive image. .

The location is no longer Charles’s office, but a special interrogation room on the third floor, surrounded by walls painted black, without windows, some with only a strong chandelier, the door is iron, and there is no key at all. Just can't get out.A row of steel fences completely separates Chen Kangjie from the interrogators. In other words, this is a small detention room.

The fbi did not use violent interrogation, nor did it adopt the method of fatigue interrogation, but after about an hour, someone would come in and repeat the questions they had asked before.Chen Kangjie had only one attitude, he didn't say a word, and asked them whatever they wanted.

Those people probably didn't think about prying their mouths away from Chen Kangjie, but this tireless way made Chen Kangjie very annoyed, and there was no way to rest normally, intermittently.

Through their questions, Chen Kangjie knew the reason why they doubted him.First, Chen Kangjie was present at the scene when the explosion occurred. Second, the fingerprints of John Jimmy and the others were found on the power system, and John Jimmy and the others were also arrested and confessed that they accepted Chen Kangjie. Instructions were given to disrupt the power supply at the time, and that's when there was an explosion.Third, of course, the police haven't caught the real culprit yet, so the blame can be placed on Chen Kangjie's head. In other words, he is a bit of a scapegoat, but this just happens to cater to the needs of some people.

Chen Kangjie, who was staying in the detention room, looked calm on the surface and was not much affected.In fact, his mind has never been calm, a hodgepodge of all kinds of thoughts came out, like a pot of boiling water, with all kinds of things boiling in it.

Brother Xiong and the others must have nothing good to eat. This is basically certain. The FBI will definitely use various methods on them, just hoping to get a confession that is not good for him, Chen Kangjie thought to himself uneasily.Can they hold on?It should be possible, but what if it can't?Wouldn't he be ruined?

Also, John Jimmy and the others, how could they say it out as soon as they were asked?Are they reliable?I really don't know.But if they are unreliable, there are many ways to discredit me. After all, every time I come to the United States, they will be close to me. There are a lot of opportunities. Besides, I treat them with the utmost benevolence, and I have no place to feel sorry for them.

There is also whether people outside know their situation, whether they have taken measures, or what measures they have taken. These are all thoughts that pop up naturally in Chen Kangjie's mind from time to time, and they have no definite answer.

Chen Kangjie didn't quite remember how long he had spent in it.His concept of time was completely messed up by those guys, and he couldn't see the sun.Anyway, now Chen Kangjie has lost a lot of suave and suave temperament. Apart from maintaining his basic decent clothes, his mental state is indeed much worse.However, if you observe carefully, you can still see that his eyes are always shining with a sharp light of determination and unyielding.

. . . . . .

"Okay, let's have a meeting." In the conference room of Miramax Company, Fan Wenxuan sat at the top and said to the dozen or so people sitting around the conference table.

Fan Wenxuan's face looked tired. In the past two days, in order to deal with the sudden incident of Chen Kangjie's arrest, he was really exhausted.But at this time, he still showed the ability of a strong woman, his face was expressionless when he spoke, and his red eyes tried to make it shine calmly.

There are twelve people attending the meeting today, including Fan Wenxuan, Jon Gordon, Li Li, Liu Deyi, and a team of eight lawyers led by John Baker.Among the eight lawyers, seven were male, all of whom were white, but there was a female black lawyer among them, which stood out very conspicuously.

In the legal profession in the United States, the ratio of men to women is about [-] to [-], and the proportion of black lawyers is about [-]%.That is, there will only be one black female lawyer among [-] lawyers. Such a rare number is not surprising.

"Everyone, let's report on the progress you have made. Long has been arrested for almost 48 hours. We must have an explanation. Long should not accept this unfair secret investigation anymore." Fan Wenxuan lifted her body from the chair Straighten up on your back and try to look as energetic as possible.

"We have learned through relevant procedures that Long and his entourage are being detained in the Los Angeles Federal Building, where the FBI's Los Angeles branch is located. According to our understanding, the case they are involved in is the bombing that occurred in the Atlanta Olympic Park during the Olympic Games last year , we should be able to meet Long himself this afternoon. We have prepared the relevant documents and plan to apply for bail first." John Baker, in his forties, in a suit and leather shoes, took out a stack of documents from his briefcase and put them on the conference table , said briefly.

"I consulted with the Ministry of Justice immediately after the incident, and they said they did not understand the situation and had not received a report," Jon Gordon continued with his hands on the table, "So far, the media has not heard the news , We have blocked the news to the smallest extent. Regarding the crew in charge of Long, I have put Scott Greenstein in charge temporarily, and we have not explained the reason why Long has not arrived yet."

"Okay, we will handle the internal affairs of the company ourselves. Mr. John Baker, I hope to see Long come back today, no matter how much money it costs, the first task at this stage is to ensure the safety and freedom of Long, and we will do it later." I will sue the FBI for abuse of power," Fan Wenxuan said to Jon Gordon, then turned her head to John Baker and said with emphasis.

"Monica Xiaojie, we will do our best for this. First of all, there is a premise, that is, to see if Long and his subordinates have said anything unfavorable during this period. If not, it will be easier to handle. But there is one thing you Don't worry, the eight of us not only provide services to Long himself, but also provide help to other people in custody. With the intervention of lawyers, they will face much less pressure. If we go through the normal judicial process, we will I am confident that I can win," John Baker said without leaking.

In the United States, lawyers belong to the most elite group of people, especially well-known lawyers. They not only have high incomes, but also know how to deal with details.

"Liu Deyi, pay attention to cooperating with the lawyers. After all, you are the only witness here." Fan Wenxuan turned around and told Liu Deyi on the other side.

"President Fan, I know, I have already explained all the details I saw without reservation." Liu Deyi's eyeballs were bloodshot. He must have not only failed to rest well in the past two days, but also suffered a lot of pressure.

He was Chen Kangjie's assistant, and he was the only one who saw the situation that day, so he was naturally referred to for many things.

. . . . . .

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the lawyer team led by John Baker arrived at the Federal Building in Los Angeles. John Baker and the black female lawyer served for Chen Kangjie as representatives of the two firms, and the other six lawyers went to meet his subordinates separately. .

Perhaps out of concern for face, the place to meet Chen Kangjie was arranged in Charles' office.

When Chen Kangjie, who was in poor mental condition, was escorted in, his eyes lit up instantly when he saw the two lawyers for the first time.

The two lawyers and Charles thought that Chen Kangjie showed such a slightly excited expression because he thought he could go out.Charles snorted coldly for this, with a look of disdain on his face.

"Mr. Charles, we are here to release Long on bail. We are willing to pay a bail of 1000 million US dollars." John Baker stood up from the sofa, first smiled gently at Chen Kangjie, and then directly proposed to Charles requirements.

"No," Charles shook his head confidently.

"Why not? It's been 48 hours. You haven't found any obvious evidence that our client is guilty. According to the relevant laws, we can be released on bail." John Baker retorted unhappily when he was immediately rejected when he spoke up. .

"This case is an important case established by the Ministry of Justice. Do you know how bad the impact was when the explosion occurred during the Olympic Games? We have been ordered to solve this case. So far, Long is the most suspected case, although there is no key evidence or testimony yet. , but this kind of suspicion still cannot be erased." Charles seemed to have expected this kind of situation a long time ago, and the reasons he gave were obvious.

"This is unfair. Long's mental condition is very poor. I suspect that you have adopted illegal interrogation measures. We must release Long on bail and go to the hospital for examination." The black female lawyer stood up and walked to Chen Kangjie's room. Behind him, he said with full vigor.

"Humph", Charles, a white man, looked at the other party completely with squinting eyes, without the least respect, and a voice of indifference came out of his nasal cavity, "You can ask Long, has he been tortured to extract a confession? Has he been treated inhumanly? ?”.

The eyes of the two lawyers focused on Chen Kangjie at the same time, expecting him to give an affirmative answer, so that they could talk easily.Chen Kangjie also wanted to slander Charles, but he couldn't, because all the rooms where he was interrogated were equipped with cameras. Those things could prove that he hadn't been subjected to those things. If he lied, he would put himself in a difficult situation.

"No, they behaved reluctantly to me," Chen Kangjie said coldly and truthfully with a sullen face.

"How? We won't do that. You can't get bail, but according to the law, your lawyer can meet with him every day, but remember to call and make an appointment in advance," Charles said proudly. The smell of ridicule is very strong.

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