For Chen Kangjie's open-mindedness and tolerance, John Jimmy and his companions were very moved. They all had cold expressions, but looked at Chen Kangjie with burning eyes, and their entire eye sockets were full of gratitude and excitement.

If Chen Kangjie's performance was to yell at them, or to remain silent, then the four of them would not have such emotional fluctuations, because when they were in the army, they had always faced those two ways of treating them. Either yell rudely or look at you coldly, which is also the logic of Americans to a certain extent.

But Chen Kangjie is an oriental at heart, so he has an oriental way of expressing warmth and subtlety, which instead has an emotional impact on John Jimmy and the others.

"Jie Shao...".

"Hehe, okay, okay, sit down", Chen Kangjie pressed his hands with a warm smile, and greeted the four of them to sit down, "Let me introduce someone to you", as he said, Chen Kangjie pointed to Liu Deyi next to him, "This is Darin, he is my assistant. This time we have less suffering, thanks to his wisdom. In the future, we will communicate more with each other at work, and I will issue some requests through him in the future. Come on, If you don't care much, let's have a toast, and I will thank you."

Among those who welcomed Chen Kangjie and the others back, only Liu Deyi attended tonight's dinner.

Of course, this is due to Liu Deyi's close staff, and more importantly, after Chen Kangjie listened to Fan Wenxuan's report on the plane back, he looked at Liu Deyi with admiration.It can be said that this incident can be regarded as Liu Deyi's vote of honor, and he has truly entered the circle that Chen Kangjie can trust.

Liu Deyi's idea this time not only showed his wisdom, but also reflected his boldness.This is what Chen Kangjie appreciates. Liu Deyi was also Chen Kangjie's assistant before, but they kept a certain distance and couldn't really get into his surroundings. However, from this moment on, he is a real assistant, otherwise Chen Kangjie would not I will not introduce him to everyone again with such solemnity.Especially the emphatic sentence, the meaning is already obvious, that is, sometimes what Liu Deyi said was what he said, Chen Kangjie.

Liu Deyi still seemed a little shy, and the gesture of holding the wine glass was still cautious.He felt the subtle change in Chen Kangjie's attitude towards him. In fact, the fact that he was able to sit down beside Chen Kangjie already explained the problem.

Perhaps it was because of the need to release and vent, this dinner, with exquisite dishes and mellow wine, everyone ate very late, and several of them fell to the ground after getting drunk.Even with a certain degree of self-control, Chen Kangjie was still dizzy. Fortunately, he called home as soon as he came back to report his safety, so he didn't have to think about other things when he was drunk.

Due to time constraints, Chen Kangjie only called home, and he didn't have time to contact other friends urgently.Naturally, he first accepted the scolding on the phone, and Ma Fangqin cried and laughed at the same time.

As the saying goes, a mother who travels thousands of miles is worried, no matter how old the son grows up or how great he has achieved, in the hearts of parents, he will always be the most concerned existence.

Chen Kangjie listened with a smile all the time, and what Ma Fangqin scolded was actually his achievements that his family was most proud of before.The logic is that it is precisely because of these that Chen Kangjie is envied by others, plotted against by others, and angered by others.

This is our very interesting oriental thinking, just like a child working hard for his career, if there is no accident, the parents are gratified and proud, but assuming that one day the child is exhausted or otherwise, the parents, especially the mother He will use this as an argument, "You disobedient guy, mother doesn't want your money or your rice at all, and doesn't expect you to be a big official. When will you grow up? When will you be able to make people feel at ease? . . . . . . . . . ” , similar words may appear at any time.

This reflects precisely the purest love of mothers. Their greatest expectation and luxury for their children is actually peace and safety. Compared with this, other parts seem insignificant.It's just that when things are going well, parents generally don't show it.

When Ma Fangqin was almost done venting, Chen Kangjie coaxed and lied for a long time before finally passing this level.This is also an important reason why Chen Kangjie didn't call other people anymore. He was worried that other people who cared about him would be nagging again.

Dizzy and fell asleep, Chen Kangjie didn't wake up until the bright sunlight came in through the window in the morning. <'s morning news, the content is related to him.

According to the news, after a series of news releases yesterday, especially after Chen Kangjie appeared on TV in person, the protests and demonstrations that permeated the country for many days finally subsided. Last night, these people regarded the protests as a carnival. Many cities A large number of cheerful crowds gathered in the central square of the city. On the one hand, they celebrated the release of Chen Kangjie, and on the other hand, they also celebrated their victory.As for Streisand's interview with Chen Kangjie, it was adopted and broadcast by hundreds of TV media around the world.

It was mentioned in the news that the government has stated that, except for a small number of those who may be involved in the murder, most of the demonstrators detained will be released.However, the entire social environment may take another two days to fully recover, because there are still many places on the street that need to be cleaned up, especially those smashed vehicles and burned objects and parts.

During the broadcast, the anchor used a table to list a set of data reflected in the wave of protests triggered by him.

According to the estimates of the police department, nearly 258 million people directly participated in this wave of protests across the United States, and 117 cities were affected.The number of demonstrators around the world is 447 million according to incomplete statistics. In China alone, 24 people went to multiple embassies and consulates in the United States.Solidarity demonstrations with more than 5000 people took place in many cities.These two countries are closely related to Chen Kangjie, one is his homeland and the other is the place where the incident happened, so the protesting crowd accounted for the majority.

There were more than 2400 arson attacks across the United States, and 5482 shops were burned and looted, one-sixth of which occurred in Los Angeles.The number of destroyed vehicles was as high as 39940, and one-sixth of them happened in Los Angeles.Intra-city traffic and commerce in many cities have been severely affected, and property losses have been severe. <My own estimate, the direct loss will be as high as 1 million US dollars. If the fluctuations caused by the financial market are added, the loss will definitely exceed 1800 billion US dollars.

The United States is a country with a well-developed insurance industry. In the event of direct property loss, at least the insurance company will accompany it. However, those insurance companies estimate that they will vomit blood this time.

And the loss of personnel is even more sad.In order to quell the incident, the government invested nearly 40 military police and arrested more than 5 people.In three days, more than 1700 people died in the protests, including 69 military and police officers, and more than 9400 people were injured in hospital.These were not all made by ordinary fans of Chen Kangjie. The police also admitted that many of the people they captured were gangster backgrounds or unemployed youths. .

This is the government's return for showing kindness to Chen Kangjie, because if all the violence is due to Chen Kangjie, it will undoubtedly have an invisible and vicious impact on his image in a certain aspect.

It is no exaggeration to say that this originally small incident, due to the overlapping and collision of multiple factors, took a very short time, but it became the largest, largest and most serious protest conflict in American history.

Surrounding the wave of protests caused by Chen Kangjie and quickly subsided, the visible part will quickly subside, but the discussions and disputes about it will continue for a long time, and even leave a heavy mark in the history of the United States .It's just that the content of the discussion may break away from the incident itself and enter deeper parts, such as racial discrimination, ethnic compatibility, law enforcement civilization, and so on.

In fact, this is also the case. Even after many years, this matter will still be mentioned by American society and media, especially when ethnic minorities are recruited unfairly and cause protests.

Naturally, problems in this area will not be eliminated in a short period of time, but the protests caused by similar uncertainties are unlikely to have the same scale as this time.

Chen Kangjie can't change the disagreement between the largest white population in American society and the minority ethnic groups with a small population.However, he has improved the status of Asians, especially Chinese Americans, in American society to a certain extent.On the one hand, Chen Kangjie brought them a sense of pride and honor. On the other hand, Asians and Chinese are relatively strong in creating wealth. Their hard work, diligence and wisdom have won them a good reputation. And social foundation, with such an essential foundation, it is possible for Chen Kangjie's performance to be promoted.

For Chen Kangjie's annual donation of 5000 million US dollars, the news expressed high praise. They believed that this reflected Chen Kangjie's excellent social quality and excellent sense of social responsibility.When reporters were interviewing some lobsters, many people were so excited that they shed tears of satisfaction, and their hearts were filled with a deep sense of happiness and satisfaction.

After turning off the TV, Chen Kangjie did not immediately put on his sports clothes and go out to exercise, but sat silently for a long time. Groups of shocking data and cute characters impacted his heart that has always been relatively firm. It took half a day to calm down.

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