Ordinary people can't even notice that the original 46-second piece of music was completed in just 40 seconds. The bright five-star red flag and the brand-new Bauhinia flag fluttered in Hong Kong in the first second on July 7st. over the sky.

After the continuous warm applause subsided, Wei Zhonghua delivered a passionate speech. He spoke highly of the historical significance of Hong Kong's return and the great achievements and outstanding wisdom of the old chief minister in the historical process of Hong Kong's return.

Wei Zhonghua, who is older than Prince Charles, looks full of spirit, with a loud and thick voice.This is the difference between the two moods, and it is the atmosphere that should exist in the alternation of the old and the new.

When Wei Zhonghua's historic speech is over, the British party should leave.From now on, this place no longer belongs to them. They have changed from hosts to guests, and they are still guests who are not in the mood to stay without an order to evict them. Besides, there are a series of important activities behind the host, so there is no time to entertain them.

Since it is the reunification, there will be a new administration of Hong Kong.After the British left, the main leaders of the Chinese side also took a break one after another. After the venue was decorated, the inauguration ceremony of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government will continue immediately. This is another highlight of the evening. Only a new government will be formed and inaugurated Only in this way can it be regarded that Hong Kong has completely completed the transition from the old to the new.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government consists of five major parts. The first part is the Chief Executive and the various administrative departments under his leadership, such as the Department of Justice, the Department of Finance, the Police Force, the Home Affairs Bureau, the Security Bureau, the Education Bureau, etc. They comprehensively exercise the special administrative region's Executive power is a bit like the cabinet.The second group of people is the members of the Executive Council. They are composed of the chief executive, officials from other departments, members of parliament, and people from the community.The third part is the legislative body, mainly the Legislative Council. They formulate various laws and regulations in Hong Kong on the basis of the Basic Law.The fourth part is the judiciary in Hong Kong, which is reflected in the court system in Hong Kong. They have their own district courts and the court of final appeal to ensure the independence of the judiciary.The last part is that there are many public institutions in Hong Kong. These public institutions play a special and important role in Hong Kong, such as the Fair Education Committee, the Housing Authority, the Antiquities Advisory Committee, the Election Management Committee, the Transportation Advisory Committee and the Broadcasting Authority. Engineers Registration Authority, Tourism Development Bureau and Arts Development Bureau, Airport Authority and other bureau organizations.

The establishment of Hong Kong's government institutions highlights the particularity of Hong Kong, and also reflects that Hong Kong's social development is very mature and comprehensive.

The establishment of the SAR government was announced by Wei Zhonghua. The Prime Minister supervised the oath taking of the chief executive and key officials. The new chief executive supervised the swearing-in ceremony of members of the Executive Council, members of the Legislative Council and court judges.

The whole ceremony is simple and solemn, and the Chinese people will find it refreshing, because there is no such oath ceremony in the mainland.Afterwards, the prime minister and the new chief executive delivered important speeches. Both of them expressed their confidence in the future of Hong Kong from the different angles and heights of history and reality, the country and Hong Kong.

The inauguration and swearing-in ceremony ended in just ten minutes, and Chen Kangjie participated and witnessed it from beginning to end.Amidst the excitement and warm applause of thousands of guests, the main hall of the convention and exhibition center began to close.

Wei Liang originally wanted to leave with Chen Kangjie, but just after the ceremony, Chen Kangjie was called away by the staff around Wei Zhonghua, and the two had no time to agree on how to meet later.

"Your performance is very good, and thanks to you, otherwise we would lose face on such a sacred occasion. I thank you on behalf of the government," Wei Zhonghua praised directly as soon as we met.

Chen Kangjie knew that this must mean that he reminded the military band to speed up the time, if not for this, Wei Zhonghua would not have said that.

"This is what it should be. I am also Chinese, and I am still present. If it is really embarrassing, I will inevitably have my share," Chen Kangjie replied standing in front of Wei Zhonghua and the Prime Minister.

"Hehe, I've learned not to be arrogant or impatient. It's good. It's right to ask you to come together this time. We're going back to the hotel where we're staying for supper. Do you want to come together?" Out of joy, Wei Zhonghua actually invited Chen Kangjie.

It's already past one o'clock at night, and everyone has been busy for several hours, and everyone is a little tired.It's just that no fatigue can be seen on the faces of everyone, and the joy and excitement tonight has diluted everyone's tiredness.

"I won't go, thank you all the leaders, I still want to go around the street." Chen Kangjie declined the request of the leader, mainly because he felt that eating supper with a group of old guys, no matter how good his appetite is, he would not be able to taste it.

"It's good to be young, and you still have the energy to go to the streets at such a late hour," the Prime Minister said with a smile from the side.

"In today's special environment, anyone who is a Chinese must be in high spirits. If I am not worried about causing unnecessary troubles to the local area, I would also like to go to the streets and go among the citizens. Maybe that will allow us to understand the real Hong Kong better." , Wei Zhonghua's eyes flickered, and he said to Chen Kangjie energetically.

"The citizens will definitely welcome the Chief Executive to come into their midst," the new chief executive, who stood aside and accompanied him all the time, continued with a smile.

"Mr. President, are you not afraid of causing trouble for yourself? If the secretary goes, I'm afraid you will be scolded to death by tens of thousands of policemen in Hong Kong tomorrow," Chen Kangjie joked with a smile.

This is seeking truth from facts, how can the safety of the supreme chief be so casual, and even though the streets are happy at this time, the situation is also complicated.Even with the escort of Zhongnanhai bodyguards, the Hong Kong police have to take full action to improve the level of security.

When Chen Kangjie came to the bottom parking lot from the special passage, Wei Liang didn't know where to go, only Ouyang Zhenhua was still waiting for him.

"Jie Shao, should we go back and rest or...?" After getting into the car, Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"Do you have a raincoat?" Chen Kangjie asked back.

"Raincoat? Young Master Jie, we can drive to the door, what are we doing with the raincoat?" Ouyang Zhenhua didn't understand what Chen Kangjie meant.

"Let's also go among the masses. Now there are a large number of People's Liberation Army stationed there. It's raining so hard outside. How can we do without raincoats?"

"There is no raincoat, but there is an umbrella behind the car," Ouyang Zhenhua said shaking his head.

"Brother, I didn't change my face today. Umbrellas are not acceptable. I only have a raincoat and a bag all over my head. In addition, the night rain is hazy. Who would know who I am?" Chen Kangjie was still talking about Wei Zhonghua just now, but in fact he wanted to It is also very troublesome to go among the people.

"Oh...wait a minute, maybe the security guards have raincoats in their car." After speaking, Ouyang Zhenhua didn't get out of the car, but picked up the phone on the car to make a call.

A minute later, the car door opened, and Dong Mingshu passed two blue raincoats in from the door.

After solving the problem of raincoats, the convoy set off. They detoured from Hong Kong Island to Sha Tin, Kowloon. This is the area through which many troops stationed in Hong Kong will pass.

There is heavy rain in the sky, and the Buddha God wants to clean up Hong Kong, which has returned to the motherland, through a heavy rain, and start its own history anew.

When the vehicle passed through the tunnel and landed in Kowloon, Chen Kangjie was attracted back by the sound of a sailing siren.In the haze of mist and rain, a luxury cruise ship is honking its whistle and setting sail. From a distance, only the lights on the bow and the top of the hull can be seen.

The port where the cruise ship berthed was deserted, only a few Chinese diplomats saw him off out of diplomatic etiquette, and all the crowd went to meet the PLA.

"That should be the British Royal Cruise Ship 'Britannia', on which the Crown Prince and his entourage are aboard," Chen Kangjie guessed.

"This is a farewell to them. I hope they will go and never come back." Ouyang Zhenhua opened the car window, looked back and said back.

"Hehe, your Majesty the Crown Prince may think more clearly than you about this issue. But, if they are guests, we still welcome them. We must have the mind of a big country, but they can no longer give orders." Chen Kangjie smiled emotionally said.

The endless rain seems to be shedding tears for the British. Their glory is gone forever. The return of Hong Kong as a symbolic event indicates that Britain can only return to the second-rate power.

When Chen Kangjie and the others detoured from the back street to the Fanling Highway in Shatin, they arrived at Wonderful.

A train of wheeled armored vehicles happened to be coming from north to south. Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua put on raincoats and opened the door to rush out. Some of Xiong Ziqiang, who was in charge of security, stopped the vehicle, and others quickly followed with umbrellas.

In the drifting heavy rain, no one recognized Chen Kangjie, who was wearing a raincoat like an ordinary person. Besides, no one cared about what was behind him. The local residents on the third floor and the third floor were staring at the moving vehicles and the motionless vehicles exposed in the rain. Excellent soldier.

The arrival of the garrison in Hong Kong this time is the first time that Hong Kong citizens have come into contact with the People's Liberation Army.These carefully selected soldiers did not disappoint them. They did show the demeanor of a mighty and civilized teacher.

When Xiong Ziqiang and the others saw their comrades-in-arms crossing the Pengcheng River and coming here to perform duties, their feelings were different.When did you feel the most proud as a soldier?Absolutely when they are cheered and supported by the people, it is an honor in itself that so many citizens can give them a welcome reception along the road. From the raised faces of the soldiers on the military vehicles, we can see their pride and pride. The emotional infection made Xiong Ziqiang and the former soldiers able to empathize with them.

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