rebirth of change

Chapter 1062 Chen Kangjie's Encouragement

"You are the most knowledgeable young man I have ever met, no wonder you are loved by the people of the two countries and the world," Obama praised sincerely.

"Haha, in fact, we are all young people, and you are very popular, especially in the future," Chen Kangjie laughed.

At this time, Obaniu was only 36 years old. It can be said that he is a middle-aged man, or he can be said that he is a young man. At this time, he really does not have the temperament and demeanor of a mature politician from his face and behavior. .

Perhaps because of the praise, Chen Kangjie bluntly revealed part of the future history.

"Huh? Especially in the future? Long, what does this mean?" Aobaniu looked serious, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he stared at Chen Kangjie with puzzled eyes.

Even Rahil's body leaning against the back of the chair couldn't help but lift up slightly, and after looking at her husband, her eyes fell on Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie also knew that he was overjoyed and revealed part of the secret. Fortunately, he didn't say anything explicitly, just hinted.

After spinning his mind for a few times, Chen Kangjie said calmly, "Yes, you can become a senator at the age of 36. You have already been said to be a promising young talent. Do you stop here? Hehe, If you move forward, of course more people will like it."

"Going forward, you can only become a minister. In the cabinet, there are almost no black cabinet members. Hehe, that seems unlikely." Obama said self-deprecatingly. In his smile, he couldn't hide The loss and a little inferiority are still revealed.

Chen Kangjie was stunned for a moment. Doesn't the future Mr. President have grand ideals at this moment?But it's a little impossible. Don't the textbooks say that almost every great man has determined his future ideals when he was young?

Immediately, Chen Kangjie figured it out again. This black man was born in a bad environment. He could be said to be a gangster when he was young. He skipped school, smoked marijuana and cocaine, fought and so on. These are the reasons why he ran for president The deeds that were revealed at that time, he himself mentioned it in his book without any shyness. Speaking of it this way, he was really not a good young man at that time.

However, Chen Kangjie still doesn't quite believe that he, who has changed his past and started to emerge politically, really has no great ideals at all, so he plans to try again.

"Mr. Obama, you can become the fifth senator in the history of the United States, so what is impossible?" Chen Kangjie said.

"Hehe, did you know that among the senators, more than half of the senators can't pronounce my name?" Although Obaniu said it openly with a smile, everyone could feel the indifference in his heart.

It was the first time for Chen Kangjie to know that this young and promising black man was so "miserable" among the senators. Now he completely believed that Obama really didn't have the ambition to compete for the big position at this time.

However, the overt or covert discriminatory treatment encountered by the blacks represented by Obanniu should be regarded as a kind of spiritual wealth for him.The energy released after being suppressed should be quite amazing. Moreover, Auba Niu was able to speak out without hesitation. In addition to showing that he regards Chen Kangjie as a personal friend, it also implies that his mentality remains stable. the meaning of.

At such a time, Chen Kangjie intends to give him some encouragement. Although he is not yet able to reach the peak of power in one step, he has to fight for a few more years with high morale. At least he must be re-elected as a senator and continue to expand One's own political influence can only be won in one go when one's own capital and strength have accumulated to a certain extent.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. I believe, no, I firmly believe that one day people all over the world will be able to pronounce your name clearly. The society has developed to this day, and there are already many opportunities for us. The American society is still relatively small. To be fair, as long as you work hard, as long as you continue to struggle, any situation will arise. This is the American dream you advocate. I am a yellow man. You know, if it was in the past, it would be difficult for me to enter the United States with my skin color. In the mainstream society, Bruce Lee was a special case back then, but he also lived in the United States, and I lived completely on the other side of the ocean. However, I still broke through the waves and came here, and was welcomed by many people. Maybe it's out of feeling, anyway, I believe you can do it," Chen Kangjie said passionately, patting the edge of the sofa.

Aobaniu and his wife were taken aback by what Chen Kangjie said, but their eyes were bright, and what they shot out was scorching light.

At this time, Auba Niu's heart was boiling, and it had been a long, long time since anyone had said anything similar to him.In fact, he is a man full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit, otherwise he would not be able to graduate from a prestigious school, and he even ran for a senator with only one hundred seats, which is not much more difficult than running for governor.

But to be honest, all Obama could think of before was to become a senator. If he couldn’t do it, he would open his own law firm or consulting company. He really didn’t have any bigger ideas. I dare not even think about it, this is determined by the social environment in the United States.In the history of the United States for hundreds of years, it has been extremely difficult for a black man to be a senator or a senator. If he said that he wanted to be the president of the United States, others would probably say he was crazy.

Fortunately, the current social environment has been loosened. Next, several black members will appear in the U.S. cabinet, and the role of the president of the United States in many movies is also played by black people. This seems to be implying something.

If it is said that Aobaniu had many ideas before that he dared not think about, then after chatting with Chen Kangjie today, he has the courage, and his closed consciousness has also loosened a little.Chen Kangjie, as an oriental person, can break into American society and gain widespread love and respect. What else is impossible?

"I still remember the piece of Chinese calligraphy that Long gave you, which says to carry forward the past and open up the future," Rahil reminded.

"Yes, yes, yes, long, thank you for your encouragement. I also feel like old friends at first sight. I hope that I will not disappoint you too much in the future." Aobaniu became emotional and radiant.

"That's definitely not the case. If you need my help, just ask. From now on, Lahier and I will be regarded as colleagues, so we are not outsiders." Chen Kangjie looked at Auba Niu, then turned to Rahil and said .

"Long, speaking of work, where do you plan to headquarter your long fund? Hong Kong?" Rahil asked.

"No, that would be cruel. If it were in Hong Kong, wouldn't you want to live apart? Ha ha, I don't want to affect your love life because of work. I decided to set it up in the United States. You can choose the place of registration. Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York, if it doesn’t work, Washington is fine,” Chen Kangjie said thoughtfully.

In fact, the main reason why Chen Kangjie set up the first foundation named after himself in the United States is not really for the sake of their relationship, but for its usefulness.In addition, it is much more convenient to raise funds and raise funds for charities in the United States. The foundation is named after Chen Kangjie, and he also contributes, but he does not object to more social funds joining in.

"Thank you, thank you for your thoughtful consideration. I think...then let's set it up in Los Angeles. You stay in Los Angeles most of the time when you come to the United States. It's so convenient to communicate with you and report on work." Chen Kangjie was friendly and conniving, so he proposed to set it in Chicago or Washington, which would indeed be convenient for the couple, but not so convenient for Chen Kangjie.

This is the way of being a human being. When you want to win more for yourself, maybe you will lose more in the end.On the contrary, maybe you lose some, and the reward you get may be even greater.Rahil's proposal won more favor and trust from Chen Kangjie, which also created good conditions for him to carry out his work.

"Okay, I respect your suggestion, anyway, it is very convenient to travel from Los Angeles to Washington and Chicago, Mr. Obanniu, what do you think?".

"Oh, good, very good, this is a matter of your work, and I can't get in the mouth." Aobaniu shrugged and said, this is the independent culture of the United States. Whether it is a child or a husband and wife, everyone upholds independence. The principle of doing things and being in the world, this kind of thinking appeared in their education and life when they were very young.

The next day, Chen Kangjie left Chicago with Auba Niu and his wife, Auba Niu returned to Washington, and Lahil returned to Los Angeles with Chen Kangjie. Lahil was going to deal with the establishment of the Long Fund. From this day on, she officially took office The president of Long Foundation, it didn't take long for this foundation to develop into the world's largest artist charitable foundation.

In addition to the 5000 million US dollars in compensation from the FBI, Chen Kangjie invested in the first batch of funds, and an additional 5000 million US dollars was allocated. In this way, Rachel suddenly changed from a professional lawyer to a person in charge of hundreds of millions of dollars. Charity at the helm.

There are only two requirements from Chen Kangjie to Rahil. One is that the flow of funds should be clear. In addition to funding "lobsters", the purpose is what they said before to promote the progress of human career.Another requirement is to spend at least $[-] million a year.This puts high demands on Rachel. It is not only necessary to spend a lot of money, but also to use the money well. The difficulty is not small.

On the fourth night after Chen Kangjie returned to Los Angeles from Chicago, Liu Deyi knocked on the door and entered his room with a stack of documents.

"Jie Shao, I want to report two things to you. Feiyang Entertainment has received more than a dozen advertising invitations from companies, all of which are large international companies. Will you accept it or not? In addition... Qianzhou Gongshang University notified the media that you will study at their school, and they also showed the volunteer form you filled out. People can clearly see that the first volunteer you filled out was indeed theirs. Qianzhou University only released It’s my second choice. It’s just that you said that the major column of the report has been covered up, how to deal with this matter?”.

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