"Thank you for your concern for me. I will try my best not to affect my teachers and classmates. As for your question about whether my university studies will affect my work, it is probably difficult to avoid this problem in a realistic way. , there will be some impact more or less, but I will try my best to produce some good works to repay everyone. In terms of sports competitions, I said before that I should not participate in other competitions except the Olympic Games. It is not important to say that other games are not important, but that I really can't spare more time, and I can't be in training every day like a professional athlete," Chen Kangjie replied eloquently.

"Long, hello, I'm a reporter from Southern Entertainment. What I want to ask is, so far, you haven't revealed your love affair. Have you never been in love until now? Will you have such a relationship during college?" considerations?", a wretched male reporter wearing glasses asked.

The sensitivity of this question is quite high. For the first part, Chen Kangjie plans to skip it directly, because no matter whether he answers yes or no, he will be in trouble.

"It's difficult to draw a line in the matter of love. When it comes, it will definitely come. For every young person, love is very yearning. As for me, if I really meet I don't mind if it's a suitable fate," Chen Kangjie replied ambiguously.

"Because of time constraints, the reporters can only ask one more question," Principal Yu limited the number of questions to five, which was planned before.

Hearing that there was only one last question, the reporters were inexplicably excited. Except for the photographers, everyone raised their hands and stretched their arms as far as possible.

However, sometimes the harder you work, the greater your chances. Yu Weimin finally ordered a delicate and dexterous girl.

"Kongli wow (hello), long, I'm your loyal fan, I'm very happy to meet you here in person today, I'm very excited", the Japanese girl who looked a little kawaii stood up and politely She bowed and then expressed her emotion.

Chen Kangjie who was standing on top could only smile and nod to her in return.

"My question is, will the school give you special treatment? When do you plan to hold a concert in Japan? There are tens of millions of fans in Japan, and we are all looking forward to you." After calming down, The Japanese female reporter with her hair tied up asked her own question.

"Wow, Kongli, can you tell me which media organization you belong to?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer right away, but asked with concern.

The reporters who asked questions at the press conference usually wanted to report the news organization they were working for. Maybe this female reporter was too excited and even forgot.When Chen Kangjie encounters someone asking a question in English, he will answer in English, and when the other person asks a question in Japanese, he will answer in Japanese accordingly. This alone can make other people admire.

"Private Mason (sorry), I'm Mai from Japan's tbs TV station," the female reporter hurriedly stood up and bowed apologetically.

"Oh, Miss Mai, thank you for loving me. I also know that I have many fans in Japan, but I have no plans to hold a concert at the moment. If I do, I will definitely take Japan into consideration. As for Will the school give me some special treatment during my schooling? I think there may be some, hehe, for example, at present, there are more than 2 students in the school, but the principal only accompanies me to hold a press conference with you." Chen Kangjie's answer was very tactful, he answered both questions, and he answered in such a way that the person who asked the question felt comfortable, but in fact, he didn't tell everyone the clear answer they wanted to know.

The five questions have been asked. Although the enthusiasm of the reporters is still high, neither Chen Kangjie nor Yu Weimin accepted the continued interview.After the security personnel blocked the reporters, Chen Kangjie left first.

This time Chen Kangjie is making a public appearance, so the team is still very luxurious, and all four cars are imported.

When the luxury car went around a small hill and was going to continue to come out from the side door, they finally saw many student fans surrounding the road, and the school security was trying their best to maintain order.

All the students knew that Chen Kangjie would come to the school when the term started, so everyone has been carefully observing every bit of the special features of the campus these two days.

Although Chen Kangjie's luxury convoy entered through the back door, some students still saw it. At first they were not sure that it was Chen Kangjie's convoy, but when they wanted to follow the convoy, they were stopped by the security guards and they were not allowed to approach the big school. They were almost certain that Chen Kangjie must be here, and only when Chen Kangjie came would there be such a big battle. Otherwise, even if a rich businessman sent his children to report to school, there would be such a big battle. Treated.

After making this judgment, the first few students they saw were unwilling to leave. Not only were they unwilling to leave, but they also told the news to the passing classmates. Within hours, hundreds of people had already gathered here.

If Chen Kangjie had been seen coming in through the main entrance, there would be at least a few thousand people now, and even more students would gather through the back entrance.Entering and exiting through the side door, this is a good plan. There are the fewest students coming and going here. Generally, there is nothing to do, and students are not likely to come here.Because there are no shops or houses outside the side door, it is just a remote forest road.

Seeing the convoy appearing in front of them, the students were very excited. No matter they were men or women, they shouted Chen Kangjie's name excitedly, and at the same time wanted to break through the security personnel's block and get close to the car.

In order not to add unnecessary trouble, Chen Kangjie did not get out of the car, nor did he roll down the window to greet the students, but just told the convoy to slow down a little so as not to bump into the students who suddenly ran out.

Just as the convoy was slowing down, a reporter behind was carrying a camera or panting and ran over with a camera.In this way, the students were [-]% sure that Chen Kangjie was in the car, their strength became stronger, their shouts became louder, and their emotions became more excited.They kept compressing the space on the road, and the school security guards tried their best to resist it, but they still seemed a little powerless.

There was no way, Dong Mingshu and Pang Hui in the first car had to open the door and jump out while the car was driving, and ran to the Mercedes-Benz in which Chen Kangjie was riding. Tan Jun and ** in the car behind also took the same action , Wearing suits and sunglasses, they pushed back any students who tried to get close.

The convoy never stopped, and the four of them trotted along with the convoy until they passed through the crowd and the crowd had been left behind, then they opened the door and pedaled away in motion, which made people feel a bit like Zhongnanhai bodyguards color.

After staying in the special suite of Mengting Hotel for one night, Chen Kangjie got up early in the morning on September 9th, changed into a plain student attire, and after changing his appearance, he planned to go to the Technology and Business University alone for a formal report.

"Master Jie, are you really going this way?" Looking at Chen Kangjie, who was holding a suitcase, wearing ordinary slacks and a T-shirt, and whose appearance has changed drastically, Xiong Ziqiang couldn't help but ask after looking at him.

"Then what else can I do? Ordinary students, come on, go and do your own things, even if you are not here, I can still protect myself, not to mention that no one can recognize who I am now." .

After two days of registration, there are not many freshmen who have not yet arrived. However, the campus of the Technology and Business University is still very lively. The arrival of thousands of freshmen has added a fresh atmosphere to the campus.

Even though everyone is about the same age and body shape, old students and new students can still be recognized at a glance.The old students seem casual and plain, but the curious eyes of the freshmen will betray them immediately.What's more, many of them are accompanied by their parents, either visiting the campus to familiarize themselves with the situation, or shopping in stores inside and outside the campus to replenish their daily necessities.

When Chen Kangjie took a taxi and arrived at the main gate of the school, the banners and booths for receiving freshmen from various departments and colleges had already been spread out, and the entire wide road near the school gate was covered under the shade of trees on both sides.

Seeing Chen Kangjie take out the suitcase from the trunk of the taxi, two boys wearing red hats and receiving cards for new students came over immediately.

"Hello, are you a freshman registration?".

"Yes," Chen Kangjie glanced at the school gate and replied with a smile.

"Oh, welcome, which department are you?"

"Department of International Economics and Trade", Chen Kangjie stretched the trolley of the suitcase, he thought that the two brothers would help him or take him to report.

Unexpectedly, when he turned his face, he found that neither of them was looking at him, but looking towards the direction behind him.

Chen Kangjie followed their gazes and saw a beautiful girl in a red skirt getting off a Tengfei car accompanied by a middle-aged woman.

"Hey, brother, I'm sorry, we are not from the same department, you can go in by yourself, the reception point of your department is on the left", one of the two freshman receptionists said this to Chen Kangjie, and then elbowed Chen Kangjie. He glanced at his partner, and before Chen Kangjie could reply, the two of them had already trotted towards the beautiful girl.

For these guys, Chen Kangjie can only laugh and cry, he can understand their mentality, and it was similar when he was in college.

These boys are so keen on receiving freshmen, and most of them don't have girlfriends. Their purpose is to get to know the beauties who enter the school as soon as possible, so that they will invisibly increase a lot of opportunities for themselves.

In addition to being full of scholars and the sound of books, the university campus is also a comfortable nest of love and love.

Chen Kangjie shook his head, dragged his suitcase, and followed the instructions of the man, stepped into the school gate and walked towards the reception points on the left.

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