rebirth of change

Chapter 1070 Roommate

Chen Kangjie looked at Wang Jiawen's back, shook his head, and walked down the stairs with his luggage, looking for his dormitory.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie is not particularly unfamiliar with this university. After descending dozens of winding steps, he saw the four standard apartment buildings. Chen Kangjie did not ask the passing students along the way, anyway, the building numbers are marked in front of the buildings. .

The four standard apartments are not completely adjacent to each other. There is a ridge more than two meters high between Building No. [-], Building No. [-] and Building No. [-], No. [-]. This is all due to the uneven terrain in the area where the school is located. Even the whole university is not level, it goes up and down, and there are four small hills covered with woods in the middle.In order to consider the unique scenery, the school did not flatten the four hills, and tried its best to preserve the natural vegetation on them.

Chen Kangjie walked around and finally found the No. [-] standard apartment building with the gate facing the square in front of the library.

Not only are there students coming in and out at the door of the apartment building, but you can also see some parents. This is also the particularity of the freshmen's start of school. After these few days, outsiders can't come in and out casually, especially the opposite sex.

Chen Kangjie graciously led the salute and walked into the door of the apartment. Before going up the stairs, he saw Dong Mingshu and ** sitting in the security room by the door. Both of them were arranged here as goalkeepers to ensure Chen Kangjie's safety. of.Under normal circumstances, the guards of the boys' apartment are either the old man or the old woman, but for Chen Kangjie's arrival, the school has made some adjustments, and all the gatekeepers of the standard apartment building have been changed, so that Dong Mingshu and ** will not appear abrupt.

Chen Kangjie didn't say hello to them, he pretended not to know them, and after glancing at them, he climbed the stairs mentally.His dormitory is in Room [-] on the fourth floor, with good lighting. From the balcony, he can have a panoramic view of the square in front of the library.In terms of scenery, Room [-] is the best. Outside the window is the towering forest, which is quiet and fresh, but it will bring unnecessary hidden dangers to Chen Kangjie's safety, so he was arranged in Room [-]. two.

The standard in a standard apartment is indeed not low. The floors are made of marble, and even the stairs are made of floor tiles. There will be cleaners in charge of cleaning.

After turning around three times, Chen Kangjie finally came to the door of Room [-] where he was going to live. Before he opened the door and entered, he could hear voices and laughter coming from inside through the crack of the door.

To be polite, Chen Kangjie gently knocked on the door three times.

"Screak", the wooden door was pulled open, and the person who opened the door was a thin boy with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. The eyes behind the glasses were very small. If he laughed, he might just stay behind. One is sewn.

"Hello, thank you," Chen Kangjie greeted first.

"Hello, my name is Ge Zihao." The other party obviously didn't expect Chen Kangjie to greet him so maturely first, he was stunned for a while before replying with restraint, and let Chen Kangjie enter the door.

After entering the door, Chen Kangjie realized that it was really lively inside. There were actually eight people in the small room, and now including him, there are nine people.

Two people sat on the bed near the door on the right hand side, two people sat on the bed near the window, two people sat on the bed near the door on the left side, one person sat near the window, and he and Ge Zihao were standing at the door .

Chen Kangjie could tell at a glance that except for three of these eight people who were his roommates, the other five should be their parents.

The first time they met, so far Chen Kangjie only knew Ge Zihao who opened the door for him, he was not a human being, but Chen Kangjie still greeted them warmly, "Hello".

But this time the response he got was just a few smiles and nods, maybe others really didn't get used to this kind of politeness for a while.

The No. [-] bed by the window on the left belongs to Chen Kangjie. He was carrying his luggage and was about to go there when the fat middle-aged man sitting on the bed with his back raised knocked on the bed board and said to him, "Student, this bed is yours. right?"

"See if this works. We'll change the bed with you. The bed Wenjie has always slept in is by the window. If it's not by the window, his rest will be affected." Before Chen Kangjie could answer, he asked again Pointing to the bed near the door on the left, he said to Chen Kangjie, on that bed sat a handsome boy and a slightly graceful woman.

"Uncle, isn't this very good?" Only at this time did Chen Kangjie have a chance to speak.

"Student, you are roommates from now on, and you should help each other. What's wrong with that? At worst, we won't give you some money." After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, the graceful woman stood up with one hand on her hip and said.

I have to say that Chen Kangjie's No. [-] bed and the No. [-] bed opposite are the best in location, close to windows and balconies, and have the best light.Not only is the light not very good near the door, but they have to open the door when someone comes, which is a little effort.The bed to be exchanged with Chen Kangjie was No. [-], which was the worst in the room. If the door was opened, they would live behind the door.Moreover, beds No. [-] and No. [-] can see the TV installed on the door when lying on the bed.

It might be better if this Wenjie's mother didn't mention money.But when she mentioned money, Chen Kangjie became upset.

The two elders may have seen that Chen Kangjie came to school alone, so they made such an unreasonable request.But they also don't think about it, which family will be really difficult for students who can live in a standard apartment?They need to be bought with money.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, if I don't sleep by the window, I won't be able to rest well," Chen Kangjie politely and firmly refused.

"Dad, Mom, you guys are... don't you sleep the same wherever you sleep?" Maybe it was the vulgarity towards his parents that made him feel ashamed, the roommate named Wen Jie stood up in embarrassment and frowned and said.

"You child... I don't know..." Wen Jie's father, who was sitting on Chen Kangjie's bed, stood up, pointed at Wen Jie and said angrily.

"Old Chen, I think that's the way it is. The school has school rules. This classmate's bed is number one. It's really inappropriate for you to do this." The thin man sitting on the third bed stood up. , stretched out his hand in front of Wenjie and his son and said.

For this good old man, Wen Jie's father just sighed, and his mother glanced at him, and whispered softly, "Your son got a good bed, and of course he won't hurt his back when he stands and talks."Her voice was really weak, except for Chen Kangjie, no one could hear what she was saying.

Ge Zihao and his mother were watching from the sidelines, and the fat, round boy sitting on the third bed looked at Chen Kangjie with a smile.

"This classmate, what's your name?", the thin, well-behaved man pretended not to see the displeasure of Wen Jie's parents, and asked Chen Kangjie kindly.

"Uncle, my name is Chen Wen." He still had a good impression of this man, Chen Kangjie, and replied politely.

"Oh, that's a coincidence. All three of us are surnamed Chen. My child's name is Chen Jundong. That is Chen Wenjie. There is only one character difference between your name." Chen Jundong's father seems to be a very harmonious person at ordinary times. A single sentence brought the relationship between the three closer, and also played a role in easing the atmosphere of the scene.

"Hello, Chen Wen, I'm from the School of Business." Chen Jundong stood up and extended his hand to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie also stretched out his right hand, "I am from the Department of Economics and Economics."

In order to do a good job of cross-disciplinarity, so that students can maintain a broader perspective and learn more knowledge outside the discipline, the University of Technology and Business does not allow students from the same department or the same department to live together, but completely separates the students to live, so that the students Can learn from the directors of other majors in the communication.

"Our family's Zihao is a marketing professional." It seems that Ge Zihao is a bit introverted. He should have said this himself, but it turned out that his mother helped him to say it.

Chen Kangjie nodded to Ge Zihao's mother, as another private greeting.

"Old Chen, look, everyone is in the same family, and the children have to continue to get along, so don't mind too much, the conditions of this dormitory are also very good, the lighting and ventilation are very good, besides, the children are all grown up... ..." The only thing left was that the relationship between Chen Wenjie's family and Chen Kangjie was still a little stiff, and Chen Jundong's father helped him in a timely manner.

Maybe it was for the sake of his family, or maybe it was because of Chen Wenjie's scorching gaze and considering his future relationship, Chen Wenjie's father softened first.Although he didn't say anything, he gave Chen Kangjie's bed to him after all, and went back to Chen Wenjie's bed and sat down.

"Four young men, you can walk together and live under the same roof. It's fate. You must get along with each other in the future, learn and promote each other, and spend your college time well..." Seeing that the atmosphere subsided, Chen Jundong's father continued to say some words of encouragement, which was more conducive to the relaxation and harmony of the relationship.

Chen Kangjie, Chen Jundong and Ge Zihao all nodded in response to Chen Jundong's father's words. Only Chen Wenjie looked up at Chen Kangjie and then lowered his head.

Because of Chen Jundong's father, Chen Kangjie Aiwu and Wu felt the best about Chen Jundong among the three roommates.

Seeing that there was only a board on his bed, Chen Kangjie realized that he hadn't brought any sheets and bedding. After putting down his luggage, he went out to buy sheets and have some lunch. These things can be bought in the shops and restaurants in the school.Anyway, he was not very comfortable staying in the dormitory, so he took this opportunity to walk around the campus and get acquainted with the situation.

In the afternoon, Chen Kangjie returned to the dormitory with the sheets and quilts. The parents of the three of them all went back by train or plane, and the school life and how to get along with them were completely the responsibility of the four young people.

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