rebirth of change

Chapter 1083 Inspection of Christmas Island

At this time, the Golden Week holiday system has not yet been implemented, so Chen Kangjie only has three days of vacation, and he will stay in Hong Kong for two days. On the last day, he will personally inspect Christmas Island.

In order to save time, Chen Kangjie left Hong Kong at night, so that he could use the night time to rest on the plane.Ouyang Zhenhua was the only one who accompanied Chen Kangjie on the inspection, and the others were busy with their own business.

When the first ray of brilliant morning light appeared on the east sea, Chen Kangjie's special plane had already flown over Christmas Island. At this time, the Indian Ocean was quiet and beautiful, and groups of seabirds were chirping and circling at low altitude after waking up to look for food.

After some repairs, the airport on Christmas Island has taken on a brand new look. The weeds on the runway have been removed, and bird barriers and navigation lights have been erected, so that the airport has the ability to take off and land at night. All of this benefits The efficiency is so fast only with the help of an engineering company with a military background.

With the brief bump after the tire touched the ground, everyone on board woke up from the haze.After sliding nearly 600 meters on the runway, it stopped smoothly.

Zheng Jun knew in advance that Chen Kangjie and the others were coming, so he had already made preparations to welcome them. When the cabin door opened, six cars happened to stop at the cabin door.The difference from welcoming distinguished guests in the past is that there are only three sedans in the six vehicles, and the other three are military jeeps, with two soldiers with guns standing on them and standing on each of them-maybe they have no military status, but no matter whether they are dressed or dressed Stance weapons are no different from soldiers.

Chen Kangjie bowed his head and took the lead to step out of the cabin door. Zheng Jun in military uniform took a step forward and saluted a standard military salute. Using a beckon that was both a military salute and an ordinary one, the right hand was raised, but it was not placed at the temple.Chen Kangjie learned this from the older generation of political leaders. They saw on TV that they did similar gestures when receiving soldiers.

Looking at the armed guards on the jeep and the guards standing in front of the three cars, jumping over them, and the twelve naval straight-eight transport helicopters parked in the distance lined up neatly, Chen Kangjie suddenly had a feeling It feels like being a warlord, and the land under his feet happens to belong to him, and there are hundreds of troops stationed on it, and these troops are all under his command. From his point of view, the blood of others may also surge , creating an instant illusion of looking down on the world.

"Young Master Jie, you are finally here," Zheng Jun stretched out his thick palm to hold Chen Kangjie's hand, and said sonorously.

"It seems that you have done a good job here, and it looks a bit better." Chen Kangjie watched the changes in the airport environment with his eyes focused, sighed, and then stared at Zheng Jun's military uniform, "Doesn't most people like to be ordered by the king abroad?" Is there something you can't bear? It's so free."

"That's good, but we also lack a backbone," Zheng Jun said sincerely.

After Ouyang Zhenhua came out from the cabin, Zheng Jun stepped forward to salute and shake hands to say hello.When Xiong Ziqiang and the others came out again, the atmosphere became much more enthusiastic. As former comrades-in-arms and subordinates, seeing Zheng Jun in a neat army uniform, besides envy, he couldn't help but make fun of him.

Zheng Jun's military uniforms don't have national symbols, epaulettes or armbands, just like ordinary mercenaries.

After boarding the car to meet them, the convoy drove towards the outside of the airport.Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua took the second car, and Zheng Jun sat in the co-pilot to explain the changes along the way to Chen Kangjie and the others.

Compared with the first time, Chen Kangjie did find that Christmas Island has changed a lot this time. The exit of the airport is not as dilapidated as last time, it has been renovated, and there are guards guarding it with guns.At present, the Christmas Island Airport has been designated as a military restricted area, and ordinary people cannot approach it casually.

The small road at the gate of the airport is no longer potholed. It has been paved with fresh asphalt. It is not only smooth, but also very spacious. Even large trucks can easily pass through it.

In just a few minutes, the convoy arrived at the only street on the northeast island. Since it was not even 06:30, the street was deserted and the islanders were still sleeping. It would take an hour before they arrived. Will get up, eat breakfast, and then go about the work of the day.

The convoy drove towards the far east, and did not stop until the building where the Christmas Island Phosphate Mining Co., Ltd. headquarters was originally located.Since the company was acquired, this place has become the headquarters of the garrison on the island, and Zheng Jun's daily office is here.

The open space behind the building has been organized into two basketball courts for the entertainment and exercise of the resident personnel. On the southeast side of the playground, three eight-story reinforced concrete buildings have been erected, which are the dormitories of these soldiers. , in order to catch up with the construction period, under the condition of sufficient funds, the construction party only took three months to complete the construction and use.

"Jie Shao, President Ouyang, do you want to take a rest first?" After getting off the car, Zheng Jun asked with concern.

"No need, we've all slept on the plane, time is limited, I can only stay here for one day, and I'll go back to China tonight, and sleep again at night," Chen Kangjie replied with a wave of his hand.

"Old Zheng, let's go to your office. Master Jie is squeezed out of time today. Let him take a good look at the island. At the same time, if you need to ask for instructions, you should seize this time." Ouyang Zhen Hua Bang said.

"Well, let's have a cup of tea in my office first, and I will give a detailed work report." After speaking, Zheng Junyan stretched out his right hand and invited Chen Kangjie and the others into the building.

Zheng Jun's office is on the fourth floor, which happened to be William Lanark's office.It’s just that after entering the door, there is no trace of the businessman inside. It is like a general’s office. The place where the bookcase was placed before has become a huge Southeast Asian military map. A miniature of Christmas Island.Even the color of the curtains has become black, training uniforms and gun holsters are hung on the wall at the door, and a Toyo sword is placed on the side of the desk, full of martial spirit.

After sitting down on the sofa opposite the desk, a guard came in to serve tea. Since it was the first time he saw Chen Kangjie, the guard took a few extra glances.

"Brother Zheng, why didn't you see the old veterans this time, they are all newcomers?" After the guards pushed them out, Chen Kangjie asked curiously.

"Those people have been divided into squad leaders, platoon leaders and company commanders. As the first batch of backbones, they have fought together and are absolutely trustworthy. Therefore, they are indispensable for the key positions at present." Zheng Zheng Jun replied.

"Oh, so that's the case. How is the current situation on the island? How are the original residents resettled?" Chen Kangjie asked again.

"When we arrived, there were not many foreigners left," Zheng Jun replied, glancing at Ouyang Zhenhua.

"After the Christmas Island Phosphate Mining Co., Ltd. was acquired, those who came from abroad lost their jobs. Through coercion and inducement, and many of them wanted to leave this difficult and backward island, most of them lost their jobs. After leaving, those who stayed on the island were Malays except for the Chinese, and there were not as many Malays as before. Some people who received our huge subsidies chose to return to Malaya to develop,” Ouyang Zhenhua helped explain .

"At present, there are only three white people on the island, one is the owner of a restaurant in Dunedin by the sea, and the other two are left to serve us. They mainly help with our foreign language problems, but you can rest assured that these two are strictly inspected. After all, they didn’t dare to go back to Australia because they hid here because they were being chased for debts,” Zheng Jun continued.

The owner of Dunedin, Chen Kangjie, has met and accepted his services.

"Why is that New Zealand old man unwilling to leave?" Chen Kangjie asked curiously.

"Ah? Oh, you mean the restaurant owner?" Zheng Jun didn't realize for a while who Chen Kangjie was asking. He realized that he was asking about 60 when he realized that the two people he left behind were not old men. Year-old Dunedin boss.

Chen Kangjie nodded.

"He said he liked it here and didn't plan to leave. He has no children and plans to be buried here after his death."

"Tourists are no longer accepted here, does he still have business?".

"Hehe, yes, and the business is not bad. Our people are regular customers there now. In order to cater to us, a small bar has been added there. Now more than 500 of us have become the highest-income group on the island. It can be said that the island The residents here are now being supported by us, that is to say, Jie Shao, you are supporting them," Zheng Jun said gratifiedly.

"Oh, tell me in detail," Chen Kangjie smiled and encouraged Zheng Jun to continue.

"Although they have lost their biggest source of income, we people here have to eat and drink, which provides a space for consumption. Currently, it is the Chinese who directly provide us with services. For example, our quilt cleaning is entrusted to several The laundry established by the Chinese was completed, and the restaurant and tobacco shop on that street had better business than before. The fishermen who used to fish still continued their previous work, but most of the fish were sold to us and those restaurants. Many Malays The people provided entertainment services... There are now two small nightclubs on the island, which are opened by the Malays..." After speaking, Zheng Jun's voice became softer.

"Hehe, what is there to be ashamed of? These people are old men. They are men, so they will have physical needs. It is better for someone to provide services than for the brothers to be suffocated. We just need to strengthen sanitation and management. Don't worry. It’s better if you get sick.” Of course, Chen Kangjie knew what Zheng Jun meant, not only was he not surprised, but he also said it reasonably.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he found that Ouyang Zhenhua and Zheng Jun were staring at him intently.

"Are you looking at me like this? Isn't it like this around all US military bases stationed abroad? I think it's quite humane. I don't want my brothers to be in prison. Once they are released, they will see sows." Their eyes are shining, and they can't wait to pounce on them."

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