Chapter 11 A Man Should Be Self-Reliant (This chapter is free)

Chen Kangjie studies and lives carefree like this every day.In the next two days, He Wanrong and He Wanrong finished composing the rest of "Broad Sea and Sky", "About Winter", and "I Only Want to Love One Person in My Life".

He Wanrong was shocked to numb to this perverted guy.She had already determined that Chen Kangjie was a music genius who taught himself without a teacher, and she also lured him to study music in college.For the second-grade kid, Teacher He, he started to recruit peers for himself, and he really thinks highly of our Chen Kangjie.

He Wanrong would talk about these things with her mother every day when she came home from get off work.As a result, Zhao Yuexiang became more and more interested in Chen Kangjie, and wanted to meet this little genius as soon as possible.No, this Sunday, Chen Kangjie got up early in the morning after exercising, and after breakfast, he dressed neatly and went to Mr. He's house as a guest.

Fortunately, He Wanrong's home is just behind the Mining Bureau, and it is only two kilometers away from Chen Kangjie's home. In his previous life, Chen Kangjie often went here to play when he was in elementary school, and the road is very familiar.He Wanrong originally proposed to pick him up at Chen Kangjie's house by bicycle, but Chen Kangjie declined.

They made an appointment to meet at the gate of the Mining Bureau at 9 o'clock, and it was actually He Wanrong who picked him up here.

He Wanrong smiled and pulled Chen Kangjie into the house, only to see Zhao Yuexiang sitting on the sofa watching TV alone.Chen Kangjie respectfully and politely bowed to Zhao Yuexiang, "Hello Aunt Zhao".

On the way home with He Wanrong, Chen Kangjie had already inquired about the situation of her home so as not to be impolite when they met later.

Seeing such a humble, polite, cute and handsome little boy, Zhao Yuexiang immediately fell in love with him.Hastily and happily pulled Chen Kangjie to sit down on the sofa, handed over fruit and grabbed a handful of candies and stuffed them into Chen Kangjie's trouser pocket.Chen Kangjie couldn't help smiling, Zhao Yuexiang was so hospitable, it made Chen Kangjie shy.

"Hehe, Xiaojie, it's rare to see you shy, don't be shy when you arrive at my sister's house, just treat it as your own home"

Seeing Chen Kangjie's embarrassment, He Wanrong did not forget to tease him.

After teasing Chen Kangjie, He Wanrong turned her head and asked Zhao Yuexiang: "Mom, where is my father? Won't he be busy again?"

Zhao Yuexiang still hugged Chen Kangjie lovingly, and said perfunctorily without turning her head: "No, I'm writing in the study".

He Wanrong skipped into the study, trying to pull He Baoguo out to introduce Chen Kangjie to him.

Zhao Yuexiang and Chen Kangjie were left in the living room. Zhao Yuexiang asked several questions with concern. After the initial embarrassment, Chen Kangjie returned to normal, and answered one by one slowly. Occasionally, some sentences were deliberately humorous, which made Zhao Yuexiang laugh. laughing out loud.

Hearing his wife laughing happily, and his daughter coming in to invite him, He Baoguo also put down his brush and walked out with his daughter's "support".

He Baoguo knew about Chen Kangjie. That day after He Wanrong mentioned a talented student to Zhao Yuexiang, the two mothers and daughters at the dinner table gave Ji Liguala a promotion for him.But he didn't care too much. First, he thought it was not real, and second, it was a love song, which was not very popular for a cadre like him.But today my daughter brought her home, and I also saw how this 'baby' little guy made his precious daughter always talk about it.

When Chen Kangjian saw He Baoguo, he stood up and bowed neither humble nor overbearing to say hello, "Hello, Uncle He".He Baoguo was quite satisfied with his first impression, at least he was polite.

"You are Xiaojie, right? Teacher He always praises you as a genius at home. You are amazing."

He Baoguo sat down and said with a smile.He Wanrong passed a cup of tea to He Baoguo, and also poured a cup of soda for Chen Kangjie.

"Uncle He, that's Sister He's ridiculous praise. What kind of genius am I? I'm just fooling around." Outside of class, Chen Kangjie didn't want to make the relationship too complicated, so he was called Sister He Wanrong.

Hearing that this little guy is not proud, but also knows how to be humble, calm and relaxed, and also knows how to get close, his good impression is a little bit more.

"Father, you don't know that even our music teacher may not be able to do the songs written by Xiaojie. Isn't this a genius?"

Hearing Chen Kangjie's modesty, He Wanrong quit. If the music can be created by fooling around, then the music department should be closed.

"Sister He, don't praise me anymore, if you praise me again, I might really be proud," Chen Kangjie joked in a self-deprecating way.

Hearing that Chen Kangjie could still make jokes like this, He Baoguo's family laughed, thinking that this little guy might be really not simple, he spoke and behaved well, and he was generous and handsome, especially Zhao Yuexiang liked it very much.

"Xiaojie, you like music so much, can you compose a song for Uncle He to listen to now?" He Baoguo was skeptical of Chen Kangjie, so he wanted to take a face-to-face exam to test the authenticity.

Hearing her father's school exam, He Wanrong really quit this time, and said angrily to He Baoguo, "Father, you think it's so easy to create, and many people haven't created a song in a few years. Isn't it difficult for you to force others?" No matter how talented Xiaojie is, he’s not as good as you.”

"Old He, if you were asked to write a poem right away, would you be able to write it? Really."

Zhao Yuexiang was also dissatisfied with He Baoguo's request.

In this kind of atmosphere, He Baoguo also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue. It was a bit too much to ask a child in the second grade, so he was a little embarrassed.

But Chen Kangjie didn't think so. During the chat with Zhao Yuexiang just now, Chen Kangjie heard that He Baoguo was the deputy director of the Mining Bureau, so he also wanted to make a good impression on him and get closer so that he could have a better understanding of his father's work. help.

When Chen Kangjie looked up, he happened to see a picture of "A man should be self-improvement" on the wall, which should have been written by He Baoguo himself, and immediately thought of the classic "A man should be self-improvement".

So Chen Kangjie got up and walked to the center of the living room, bowed slightly to He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang, and said loudly: "Since Uncle He wants to hear Xiaojie sing, Xiaojie will try Uncle He to sing. If it is not good, please forgive Uncle He and Aunt Zhao."

What Chen Kangjie was talking about was not creation, but singing, which had a different meaning. He turned He Baoguo's sophistication into a family-style way for the elders to tease the younger generation. This was not only to take care of He Baoguo's face, but also to leave room for himself.

The family of three did not expect Chen Kangjie to really stand up to sing, and they were all a little surprised, but they all thought that he was going to sing a ready-made song or a song that had already been composed.So He Wanrong first asked, "Xiaojie, did you sing that song?"

Who knew that Chen Kangjie's answer surprised everyone again.

"Then I will sing a song named after Uncle He's painting, called "A Man Should Be Self-Strengthening""

Chen Kangjie pointed to the words and replied proudly.

Hearing what he said, the three members of the He family were also full of expectations. What kind of song is this "A Man Should Be Self-improvement"?

Chen Kangjie rhymed the spirit, and sang loudly:

arrogant and arrogant

Hot blood beats red sun

Courage is like iron and bone is like steel

The mind is a hundred thousand feet long

swear to be a good man

Be a good man and be self-improvement every day

Hot-blooded man beats the red sun

Let Haitian gather energy for me

To open up the world for my ideals

(bibo high)

Look at the blue sky again

That is, a man should be self-reliant

Step forward and stand tall, everyone be a pillar

Use my hundred points of heat to shine a thousand points of light

be a good guy

hot blood heat

heat wins red sun

Chen Kangjie hadn't finished singing, the four of them were all excited, especially He Baoguo, this song was exciting, the style of the song was high-pitched, the words were exquisite, there was an ancient style, like poetry.Although Chen Kangjie's voice is still immature, but the flaws are not concealed. This song is very classic, and no one can stop its brilliance.

After Chen Kangjie finished singing, He Baoguo's family was so shocked that they were tongue-tied for a minute and blushed.He Baoguo will be the first to come back to his senses.

"Good, good, good"

After applauding three times in a row, He Wanrong and Zhao Yuexiang also applauded quickly.

"This kid, why is he so smart? He has created such a beautiful and passionate song in such a short time. What a genius!"

Zhao Yuexiang stood up and lovingly touched Chen Kangjie's head and said, Chen Kangjie blushed a little when he heard this little genius's praise, after all it was plagiarism, no matter how thick Chen Kangjie was, he would feel a little ashamed.

He Baoguo changed his attitude towards Chen Kangjie after listening to this song, he patted the sofa next to him and said to Chen Kangjie with a smile: "Xiaojie, come, come and sit with Uncle He."

Chen Kangjie sat down with a shy face.

"Xiaojie, do you know how the saying that a man should be self-improvement comes from?"

He Baoguo asked kindly.

Zhao Yuexiang and He Wanrong did not express any objection to He Baoguo's school entrance examination this time, and they both wanted to know how this clever little guy would deal with it.

"Uncle He, I heard my father tell a poem called "Prodigy Poems", which was written by Wang Zhu, a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty. The poem is "Being a Tian Shelang in the morning, and going to the Tianzitang in the evening; there is no kind of love, and a man should strive for self-improvement", It is said that children from poor families can become pillars if they work hard, and a good man should work hard. Uncle He, I don’t know if I’m right?”

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