rebirth of change

Chapter 1115 External Reinforcements

Of course, Yang Dazhuang didn't intend to blow up that bridge, and there was no need for that, but it was not difficult to create something on that bridge, anyway, as long as it could stop vehicles from passing and ensure that the enemy would not walk from that side.

Since it was Yang Dazhuang's suggestion, the last task was given to him.

The location of the ambush was determined to be between Cilaza and Dahuang. Ten kilometers away from the small town of Cilaza, there was a dense jungle. The terrain here was flat, but the main road passed through the jungle. It couldn't be better, and it's relatively close to the sea, only about [-] kilometers away, so it's easy to evacuate after finishing.

When the planning was finished, Zheng Jun left to make preliminary preparations, while Chen Kangjie had other things to do.

Chen Kangjie is not fighting alone, he also has external reinforcements.Since the last negotiation with Hassan Dilo, the independent armed forces in the country of Thousand Islands have developed rapidly, especially the Bandazi forces in Sumatra in the west and the separatist forces in Timor Island in the east. They continue to protest The pursuit of their own political ideals through a combination of political activities and armed struggle has caused many unstable situations even in Kalimantan.This time the main leaders attended a memorial ceremony in Malang City. The government took an action against guerrillas in Kalimantan Island a week ago. It failed, resulting in the death of more than 130 people. Lang sent.

The government forces were exhausted by these separatist forces, and their casualties were increasing.They couldn't figure out why these forces that had been suppressed suddenly seemed to be rejuvenated, and their strength was greatly enhanced. Not only were there more and more members, but their weapons and equipment were also getting better and better. Some kind of connection, every time the government forces take a certain action, they will be harassed and attacked by several places at the same time, making them care about one thing and lose sight of another.

Chen Kangjie called Hassan Dilo to ask him to provide some support, take some offensive stance, and share the pressure they were under.

"Under the impact of the financial crisis, the government is under the most pressure. The people's hearts are moving, and the opposition is also planning big moves. If you want to be independent, you must grasp this once-in-a-lifetime reality. Otherwise, you will be far from Go away independently," Chen Kangjie seduced Hassan Dilo on the phone.

This is the first time that Chen Kangjie has contacted Hassan Dilo after meeting him. Before, he just asked someone to pay the money on time and it was over. He never asked for it, and on the surface he didn't care about the progress of their struggle.

"We also have a grasp of the domestic situation, but the government's strength is still strong. At this time, I'm afraid...".

"Being afraid of wolves and fearing tigers in the future can only achieve nothing in the end. The strength of the government you see is only the surface of a paper tiger. They are currently in trouble at home and abroad, but they are at their weakest when someone in the government wants to seize power and the people are full of resentment. If you can combine other If several departments act together, the probability of success is as high as 80.00%. In the face of this financial crisis with heavy losses, the collapse of the government is inevitable. If you don’t seize the opportunity for negotiation when the new government comes to power, when will you wait? Don't let my investment go to waste, if you guys can't do big things, then maybe I'll find someone else who can do big things," Chen Kangjie said in a threatening tone after helping with the analysis.

In fact, there are more than a dozen independent armed forces in the Thousand Islands Kingdom. Chen Kangjie can choose Hassan Dilo, and of course he can choose other people. As long as he has money, he will have power and followers.It is not impossible to even support newcomers from within Bandazi.Of course, there would be too little time, but Chen Kangjie had to let Hassan Dilo know the pressure, otherwise he might really think that Chen Kangjie was being taken advantage of.

"We want to achieve great things more than you, but we are just being cautious. After all, this is not a child's play. If we fail, we will go back to the past," Hassan Dilo said neither softly nor hard.

"I'm a businessman. If you invest and pay, you have to get a return. After this period of time, I gave you a lot of money every month, but I never asked about the progress. It doesn't mean that I don't care, but the timing ahead is for Mature, you need to accumulate strength. But now a great opportunity is in front of you, and you already have considerable strength, how can you miss it? If you don’t do it, where will I get rewards? I have been studying this business, and you have failed , my loss will also be great. If I know that I will fail, I will not let you do it recklessly. However, now is the most suitable time, which is once in a thousand years. If you take a step back, even if you really fail, I will actually lose. Yes, because all of this was originally given to you by me. How can you do big things if you don’t take risks? I dare to take risks when I do business, but you are obedient,” Chen Kangjie said more and more.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Hassan Dilo didn't speak for a while, he was indeed hesitant.

"Mr. Chen, I admit that what you said is very reasonable. I want to know, what if we really fail?" After a long silence, Hassan Dilo spoke.

Chen Kangjie sneered in his heart, he is really a villain, he just wants to benefit, but he beat around the bush like this.Its purpose is nothing more than to hope that Chen Kangjie can stand up and cover the bottom line, and he hesitates, more than sinister, but lacks a grand style.

"If I fail, I will double the compensation, but it must be said first, the movement must be loud, the offensive must be fierce, and if you want to be independent, you must win a base. With a base, you have a bargaining chip, understand? And Several places need to be linked to form a momentum.”

"This is for sure, otherwise there is no chance of winning. But to do such a big thing, the hands are a little nervous."

"You will receive 5000 million US dollars in a while, and tomorrow you can gradually advance. Let me tell you clearly, I am in Megawatt Island now, and the country of Thousand Islands is completely in a power vacuum. The president is abroad, the military is far away from the capital, and I The bribed information clearly told me that the struggle within the government has reached a fever pitch. I am not an idiot, if not, I would not encourage you to take action. You just need to remember to fulfill your promise when things are done.” Said slowly.

"Really?" Hassan Dilo's voice became excited.

"Of course it is true. Do you engage in independent struggles and care about high-level developments from time to time?".

"I care, how can I not care, it's just that I am in Europe, and the news I get is a bit slow."

"I think you can return to your country to lead your people's struggle. Long-term exile is not a good thing. Your roots are in Bandazi. Don't mess around for a long time. If someone else ascends to the throne, it will not be worth the loss. If you don't go back to the country, the people You will feel that you are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and you must be aware of the reason why there are talented people from generation to generation. Only by controlling the situation in your own hands can you feel at ease," Chen Kangjie said meaningfully.

What Chen Kangjie said was not groundless.Do you think he doesn't care about anything if he really gives the money?That really made him an idiot.In fact, he has been following the independence struggle of Bandazi and Timor Island.In Bandazi, Hassan Dilo is not in the country. Although he sends blood to the leading forces every month, there are already three generals under him who are going to become bigger. Now he returns to the country, relying on his prestige and treachery, Still under control.If time passes, when the time comes to reward meritorious deeds, perhaps Hassan Dilo will really have nothing to do with him.

This is why Chen Kangjie said just now that he can find great things to do.It's just that relatively speaking, although Hassan Dilo is a bit dark, he also lacks some courage.But it is relatively easier to deal with this kind of person, at least he still regards himself as a politician, unlike those young generals who not only don't pay much attention to their reputation, but may even run wild like a wild horse .

Chen Kangjie's words may have really made Hassan Dilo feel a sense of crisis, and perhaps inspired his few remaining lofty ambitions.

"It makes sense, Mr. Chen, what you said is right, okay, I will follow you this time, if it succeeds, you and I will be happy, if it fails, I will live in seclusion for the rest of my life, no longer care about political affairs", haha Sandilo said suddenly and forcefully.

"This is the Mr. Dillo that I admire. You may not be sure. In the near future, you will become the father of the nation and be praised by the people from generation to generation. Even if you don't leave your name in history, you have to bow to your ideals and values ​​in your life. Hard work. Hahaha", Chen Kangjie laughed heartily after finishing speaking.

After hanging up the phone, Hassan Dilo was still silent in the beautiful vision of the "Father of the Nation" that Chen Kangjie said. As long as he is a political figure, no one does not expect himself to be such a person. These two words mean nothing to ordinary people. A simple appellation, but for politicians, especially those who hope to found a country, it has a certain magical attraction.As long as his confidence is not dead, as long as his consciousness is still clear, these two words can give him extremely powerful power.

When the longing was over, the power that was generated made him act immediately. On the one hand, he contacted several other independent armed forces. Since those armed forces have received the favor of Hassan Dilo, he still has some influence on them.Most of the money donated by Chen Kangjie was obtained by Bandazi, and some were used to fund independence struggles in Timor Island and other places.

On the other hand, Hassan Dilo gave instructions to his domestic subordinates and was ready to return home at any time.He believes that although some of his subordinates have ulterior motives, as long as he returns to the country with the 5000 million US dollars given by Chen Kangjie, he will be able to divide them and gather them around him.Moreover, he has been in charge of Bandazi's political work for independence, and he still has a lot of prestige among ordinary people. Combining the two, if Bandazi really becomes independent, he, Hassan Delo, will be the first president His name will be left in history textbooks in the future.

Chen Kangjie believed that under the attack of internal and external forces, the government of the Thousand Islands Country would definitely not be able to withstand the pressure. Changes in the sky were inevitable, but it was not easy for the situation to develop in the direction he wanted.

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