A group of sergeants were tied up and stood in the yard of the villa, each with their heads downcast, looking at the camouflage enemies who were guarding them with mournful eyes.

Chen Kangjie invited Chopari to come out to appreciate his achievements. He was still holding himself to be a general with his son just now. Chen Kangjie just wanted to use this method to destroy his last bit of confidence.

In the casino, Qiao Pali was eaten to death by Chen Kangjie, and in the actual struggle, Chen Kangjie also wanted to eat him to death.

Chowpari staggered around in the courtyard under the pressure. Seeing the army soldiers who were still bleeding and lying in the corner, his face turned green and then pale, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden.Although he lived in the upper class and his son was an out-and-out soldier, it was the first time he had seen such a tragic massacre, and what was especially uncomfortable was that these people died in his own villa.

When Qiaopari was escorted to Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie's image in his eyes was equivalent to a devil.The young man who was immature and gentle many years ago no longer exists. Standing in front of him is a resolute and ruthless butcher, who could kill someone at any time with every move of his hand.

"Mr. Chopari, in fact, I have no grievances with you. We both love peace. I believe you don't want to see killings. It's just that all this needs to be resolved by soldiers and politicians, and we can't do anything." Chen Kangjie took off Army cap, standing full face in front of Chopari.

"You are not from our country. I don't know what our country's internal affairs have to do with you. Actually, you don't have to get involved in it," Chopari said, calming down, looking at Chen Kangjie with cloudy eyes.

"Now the world has become one, and the huge earth has become a global village. How could it have nothing to do with me? In the country of a thousand islands, I have my interests, and I have suffered heavy losses. Naturally, I have to find someone to compensate. If your son doesn't help, I will become a pauper," Chen Kangjie said nonsense.

"Are you a mercenary hired by the opposition? With your reputation, it shouldn't be, and with your worth, it's even more impossible. No one can afford you. But... without their help, so many of you People don't seem to be able to get in." Qiaopari had gambled money with Chen Kangjie, so he knew his general situation, but there were many things that he couldn't figure out.

"What it is like, you will understand when you see your son. The people behind me just want to talk to him, hoping that he can stand up. In this case, maybe your glory and wealth can still be maintained." Since the other party If you think he is a member of the opposition, then he will neither oppose nor admit it, so he will simply fight.

Soldiers who, deception also.If you really want to win, don't play the way of a gentleman.Like Song Xianggong, although he thinks he upholds benevolence and righteousness, and adheres to the ancient teachings such as "don't push people into danger, don't force people into misfortune", "no drums can't be ranked", "don't capture two hairs", "a gentleman will not be seriously injured", but in Even though he had the upper hand, he lost the battle and was seriously injured and died in the end.He can only become the laughing stock of the crowd and history.

Chen Kangjie never thought of himself as a gentleman, and naturally he didn't talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality. As long as he could win, as long as he could achieve his goal, he didn't mind using conspiracy and conspiracy.This is in line with the reality of social struggle, and it is also in line with his consistent style of work, not to mention that this is still in the situation of facing foreign enemies and benefiting the nation.

"Really?" Chopari was overjoyed, and Chen Kangjie's words gave him a window. After the excitement, he asked without losing his mind: "Who wants to see my son, and where is he?" .

"He's not here, we need to discuss it with your son," Chen Kangjie said foolishly.

No matter how you say it, Qiaopari is also an old man who has lived for decades. He has seen a lot of things in the world.But as long as his brain is slowed down, he can capture and identify, otherwise, he would have lived in vain for so many years.To be able to educate a general's son and become in-laws with the president is not easy.

"You don't have to lie to my old man anymore, it's useless, I don't know your real purpose, but I won't let my son fall into your hands easily," Chopari raised his brows and let go It seems like a different person, and it feels like returning to the full confidence that Chen Kangjie knew six years ago.

"Hehe, hehe", Chen Kangjie laughed heartily as if he suddenly thought of something funny, "Even if he didn't think about you, wouldn't he also think about the safety of those family members? Losing the lives of the whole family for one person? That little boy upstairs is your grandson, right? He's pretty handsome."

"You...you won't be so cruel, right?" Chopari's face turned pale as if his throat was being pinched.

"That's not certain. Political struggles are like this. When there is no way to talk or no agreement, anything will happen. Politics has always been a game of life and death. Isn't your son planning to let others die now? Have you ever thought about the word 'cruel'?" Chen Kangjie stopped smiling and said unhurriedly.

"You... If you dare to mess around, my son will never spare you." The more calm Chen Kangjie became, the more worried Chopari became.

At this time, Qiaopari suddenly flashed the scene of playing against Chen Kangjie at the gambling table in his mind. At that time, Chen Kangjie was also so calm, so casual and indifferent and supercilious. As a result, he lost completely.

It's just that he has been pampered for many years, and has worked hard in the upper class. Chopari is not a person who just bows his head and admits defeat. At the very least, he still needs to struggle, at least he must be worthy of his own face.

As soon as Qiaopari's words fell, Chen Kangjie pulled out the pistol equipped with a silencer at lightning speed. Without turning his head, he turned his hands sideways and raised his hands flat, and "jumped" at the row of prisoners more than ten meters away. Just one shot.

Chopari was so surprised that he followed Chen Kangjie's gestures. A prisoner standing on the far left had a blood hole between his eyebrows, his eyes were still wide open, his body shook twice, and then he fell straight backwards. .

When Qiaopari looked back, Chen Kangjie's gun had already been holstered.Chen Kangjie hadn't practiced with a spear before. His shot was completely blinded by intuition. In addition, those people were not far away from him, so it had such a surprise effect.If Chen Kangjie really wanted to change to 50 meters away and let Chen Kangjie aim head-on, it would probably be difficult to achieve the current result.

Chen Kangjie's ruthlessness completely shocked Chopari, and he was stunned for a long time without recovering.The corpses just now made him terrified, but now a living young man died in front of him like this, which made him inexplicably afraid.Just like when we talk about a thing and experience it in person, the feeling is very different.

Those who saw their companions died as victims for no apparent reason felt like being teased and wanted to explode, but under the muzzle of the black hole, their veins exploded and they could only grit their teeth to hold back, otherwise anyone might die become the next lamb.

Chen Kangjie's speed and actions surprised Xiong Ziqiang behind him. This was the first time that Chen Kangjie took such extreme measures against a defenseless and defenseless person.

"I don't need your son to spare us, because if you don't see him today, you won't see that day either. I don't want your grandson to stand there next. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. I believe you understand this Reason," Chen Kangjie said coldly in an unquestionable tone.

Chen Kangjie did it as a last resort. He didn't have time to chatter with Chopari. If Prabowo wasn't brought over as soon as possible to deal with him, he wouldn't be hurt much, but the casualties of other Chinese would be great. Those who protect the Chinese The security risk is also greatly increased.

From noon on the [-]th, premeditated riots against Chinese broke out in the capital of the Thousand Islands and major surrounding cities.No matter how prepared Chen Kangjie was, no matter how many measures he took, it was impossible to avoid all misfortunes.

Fortunately, the previous work of Ouyang Zhenhua has achieved results, and there is a project in almost every Chinese gathering area or its surrounding areas.Just when those Chinese were desperate in panic and suffering, these projects opened the door to them, like a safe haven in a storm, and embraced them with open arms.This has greatly reduced the loss of life and spirit of the Chinese.

Of course, their property loss is inevitable, and hundreds of attacks and injuries in the early stage cannot be avoided. The security guards who arranged for protection can't run to the street with weapons. They can only hold their positions and wait outside. The environment has clearly improved.

In the capital of the Thousand Islands, Ouyang Zhenhua arranged five projects. For example, a food processing factory that had just started to accept more than 1000 people. The high walls and large iron gates blocked the hundreds of mobs outside.

It's just that they are also in a dangerous vortex. Inside, these people consume a lot of food and water every day, and some of the injured need medical treatment.This is an invisible burden. Even if they had stored a lot of materials before, they did not expect so many people to flock in to seek shelter.On the outside, the thugs are still trying to use various methods to launch an attack. They throw stones, throw Molotov cocktails, etc., and the security guards in the factory only have 80 to [-] people. It is a heavy task to defend the east and west, and resettle the terrified Chinese. Every day they pass, their combat effectiveness is weakened by a layer.

Chen Kangjie didn't have the front line of those big cities, but he was reborn and he was very aware of the serious destructive power.According to incomplete statistics, before rebirth, there were tens of thousands of Chinese who suffered heavy losses in this tragedy. There were more than 5000 cases of rape or gang rape against Chinese women, and the death toll was calculated in units of thousands.In the photos and video images that have been circulated, the degree of misery is unbearable to witness.

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