Chapter 110 Three Start Action

After a connecting flight in Frankfurt, Chen Kangjie and his party of nine finally arrived in Moscow and stayed at the Volga Hotel.At this time, many of the poor people from China also lived in the Volga Hotel or its surroundings, so Chen Kangjie and the others were not very conspicuous.

After a night's rest, Chen Kangjie asked Ouyang Zhenhua to call people to a foothold found by the previous advance personnel. It was a simple log cabin villa in the suburbs of Moscow, which would not attract attention. Moreover, they were separated Batch to go.

On the eve of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, many people with backgrounds emigrated to Europe, so it was not difficult for the people sent by Ouyang Zhenhua to find several remote villas in the suburbs.As long as they have cash in hand, those people are eager to sell, the price is not only cheap, basically everything can be done in a short time.

Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua were the last to arrive, and Xiong Ziqiang and other three bodyguards were naturally there too. When they arrived, more than 30 people had gathered in the cabin.

Chen Kangjie smiled and greeted the people he knew. In fact, he knew very few people, except for the people around Ouyang Zhenhua, who was Han Geng who had just arrived from the Cayman Islands. This time Han Geng brought six people. He was in Cayman The archipelago, Fiji and the Virgin Islands each registered two companies. Most of the capital operations this time required the identities of these companies, and he brought six people with only two Chinese and four Americans.

These four Americans were financial experts selected by Ouyang Zhenhua long ago, and they were assigned to Han Geng this time.In fact, sometimes Americans are easier to use than Chinese. Americans are the most pragmatic and practical interests. As long as they are given enough benefits, they will help you with anything. Moreover, they are relatively trustworthy. This is a mature contract with the United States. socially related.Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't completely expect them to be bound by faith. He should know that they knew, and Chen Kangjie wouldn't disclose what they shouldn't. The key information was still only in the hands of a few reliable people.

Chen Kangjie believed that Ouyang Zhenhua and Han Geng, since they were able to bring them here, they should be trustworthy and they had thoroughly investigated them.

"Everyone be quiet. Let me say a few words first. Master Jie planned and presided over this action plan. The others, including me, are all office workers. Next, Master Jie can tell us a few words." These people all know Ouyang Zhen Hua, only a small number of people knew Chen Kangjie, so Ouyang Zhenhua had to say something clearly to avoid trouble, and after he finished speaking, he invited Chen Kang to the front.

"Everyone, those who can stand here are trustworthy. I won't say much else. Everyone is here for money. What I can assure you is that as long as this operation is completed, everyone here will become a Multi-millionaires, I mean US dollars." At this point, most people became excited. They knew that this was a big operation, but they didn't know what it was. They didn't explain it. Now they know that they will get so much money. , think this trip is worth it.

"Of course, this task requires everyone's close cooperation, otherwise it will be in vain. Moreover, some people need to live incognito for several years after the task is completed, and some people will work for a long time, and even stay. However, those who can stay in the end will get high salaries. I hope that everyone will strictly follow the plan for the sake of rich money. In the end, how much each person can get. After the task is completed, according to your completion and contribution Regardless of the specific distribution, in short, the minimum will not be less than tens of millions of dollars, so the wealth is in everyone's hands, the specific plan, let President Ouyang tell you, Brother Qiang, take the two of them outside to guard."

Three or four people had been arranged to guard secretly around the villa before, but Chen Kang Jiesheng was cautious and ordered Xiong Ziqiang to take the two bodyguards of Ouyang Zhenhua out to guard, anyway, there is no big mistake in being careful.

Chen Kangjie's main purpose this time is to lure them. Although he knows that these people have been selected, but to increase everyone's enthusiasm, he still puts out the huge benefits they will get first.In addition to the nine people who came with Chen Kangjie, the six people brought by Han Geng, and the 22 people sent by Ouyang Zhenhua to understand the situation, there are 37 people in total. Police bodyguards, plus four security guards out of the 12 people sent in advance, seven of them are responsible for protection, and the remaining 7 people, including Chen Kangjie, have a specific division of labor. Chen Kangjie's division of labor is to interview with Phil Kopuski , communicate in detail about the exchange.The rest of the people were divided into several groups to exchange rubles on the black market that they 'touched' clearly before. Three groups specialized in exchanging rubles into dollars. Finally, there were two groups that borrowed wantonly through some bank relationships established before. Among them, some people completed the first After the first phase of the mission, the Soviet Union will be evacuated, and those who stay will be divided into two groups. One group will transfer the investigated experts and technical materials, as well as large machinery.In the end, a group of people will be selected to invest in acquisitions.

The whole plan is interlocking and needs to be well coordinated. It took Ouyang Zhenhua about half an hour to break down the task and explain it clearly. This was completed after Ouyang Zhenhua spent two nights deliberating according to Chen Kangjie's plan. Chen Kangjie I saw it, and thought it was feasible.

After the general tasks were assigned, Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie left several team leaders behind, and the rest left carefully in batches.In fact, it is more about task assignment than pre-war mobilization, because Ouyang Zhenhua can only tell everyone general information and arrangements.

These remaining group leaders are more completely reliable, they will learn more detailed details and arrangements, and share the secret tasks and funds of their own group.Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie and the group leaders discussed until dark before leaving.

After the team leaders had clarified their tasks and precautions, Ouyang Zhenhua distributed one billion US dollars to each team. Of course, it would not be cash, but some bank accounts.In the end, these people also left in batches. Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua took their three bodyguards and finally left the cabin. Of course, there were two more people staying in the cabin. This is still a stronghold, similar to Ouyang Zhen. Hua and the others arranged five of them before, and all of them were used by people from different groups.

Although the two police bodyguards didn't know what the specific mission was, they heard Chen Kangjie's words just now, and they could get at least tens of millions of dollars. This is a huge sum of money. They can live a leisurely life when they go back to Hong Kong. But during this period, the protection task must be completed first. If something happened to Ouyang Zhenhua, they probably wouldn't get even a penny, let alone tens of millions of dollars.

Xiong Ziqiang's face was as calm as ever. He knew that if he followed Chen Kangjie, he would not be short of money. He now has 100 million US dollars, so he was not so excited when he heard that he might also get 1000 million US dollars. Big, but he knew that this time it must be a big move, otherwise Jie Shao would not be able to share hundreds of millions of dollars with everyone. Xiong Ziqiang already felt that Jie Shao was the real boss, and Ouyang Zhenhua was just standing in front.For him, the most important mission is to protect Chen Kangjie from accidents.

After the few people returned to the hotel, they also pretended to sell some clothes these days. Of course, they would not be setting up a street stall, which would be too conspicuous. These are clothes and trousers that Chen Kangjie asked Ouyang Zhenhua to get in advance. They also acted as bad guys, and others also had some formal identities.Then, like a well-earned tourist, I wandered around all day, leaving footprints in various places of interest in Moscow.

"The exchange of the group below is already in progress. I didn't expect the black market in the Soviet Union to be so big. I heard that there are hundreds of millions of dollars to billions of dollars in transactions every day. I have already contacted Philkopsky. I will have a small one in the evening. We met in the car, we rented the car from a rental company," Ouyang Zhenhua whispered to Chen Kangjie in his room one afternoon.

During this period of time, Ouyang Zhenhua was running outside, one was to understand the situation of each group, and the other was to find an opportunity to contact Philkopski.

"Okay, when the time comes, the two of us will go, and the others will not go. It will be safe if there are fewer people." The fewer people Kopusky had, the better.

In the evening, Chen Kangjie got into the Volga car driven by Ouyang Zhenhua, took a few laps in the urban area, and stopped at the side of the road next to Vodoski Park. Like an underground party, Chen Kangjie's philosophy is that it is better to be careful .

"This car is really bad," Ouyang Zhenhua complained to Volga.

"Hehe, it's normal. The Soviet Union's cars are not well-known at all. Their money is spent on warships, missiles, and aircraft. How can there be too much money spent on civilian products? This is an important reason for the end of the Soviet Union. The reason is that the economy is not competitive.” Chen Kangjie laughed and teased the Soviet Union. Chen Kangjie knew that although there were many reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the lack of emphasis on the production of civilian products was one of them. is the driving reason, but Chen Kangjie believes that economic reasons are fundamental.

"You told me before that the Soviet Union would be doomed, but I didn't quite believe it. This time I came to the Soviet Union. My personal experience is that the Soviet Union is not doomed. That doesn't make sense." Ouyang Zhenhua came to the Soviet Union this time and found that he was In the past, ordinary clothes could be exchanged for tens of hundreds of dollars, but in Hong Kong, at most tens of Hong Kong dollars, this is not because the Soviet Union was rich, but because of the extreme lack of materials.

In the Soviet Union during this period, corruption was rampant. As long as you have money, you can buy policemen, prosecutors, bankers, congressmen, etc. at will, and the army resells arms. There are even female policemen who work as prostitutes for money. The prices are extremely high. The stock market and foreign exchange markets are unstable. In such a social environment, as long as there is a little push, the entire Soviet Union will collapse.

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