Chen Jundong became more nervous and unnatural all of a sudden, his eyes didn't know whether to look at Chen Kangjie or elsewhere, his facial muscles squirmed uncontrollably, and he couldn't speak.

"Oh, I see, okay, okay, it's no big deal, everyone eats their own food." The smart Chen Kangjie immediately thought of something, and smiled and lifted the glass jug to share watermelon juice with everyone, diverting everyone's attention.

"Chen Wen, what do you understand? What charades are you playing? You understand. Ge Zihao and I still don't understand. Let's explain clearly." Not only did Chen Wenjie's attention not be diverted, but he wanted to know even more. .

"Tch, why are you asking so much, use your brain," Chen Kangjie put a glass of watermelon juice in front of Chen Wenjie, and said angrily.

"Wow, this watermelon juice is mixed with water, it's so weak." Ge Zihao was a little more clever. Chen Kangjie's reminder and Chen Jundong's embarrassing performance made him understand. Cooperate with Chen Kangjie.

"This is a free gift, of course you have to add some water, otherwise the boss will have to lose money, even a watermelon may not be so juicy." Chen Wenjie felt that Ge Zihao's expression was exaggerated, and he seemed to be fussy, and said to him with a stare .

"Yeah, that's not bad. The boss is very good at doing business. Everyone has classes from Monday to Thursday, and they don't have so much time to come out in the evening. Therefore, this kind of promotion method is used. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be When the business is at its best, he will remove the promotion, so that he can maintain a good business every day, I admire this boss," Chen Kangjie commented after leaning on the chair, taking a sip of his cup.

"Needless to say, the owners of these stores are almost all students of our school, people who study business, if they don't have some brains and means, how can they do it?" Chen Wenjie proudly broke the news.

"Wow, the investment in this store is at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. The classmate who runs this store has a good family background," Ge Zihao said enviously.

"I heard that people only use a few thousand yuan of capital, first to speculate in stocks, and then do this when they make money. Speaking of which, I also want to practice it in the future. My parents often say that doing business is hard and earning a lot of money. Money is not easy, so I don't see hard work and difficulty," Chen Wenjie said.I don't know if he thought of the key to the question and stopped asking, or if his attention was really diverted.

It seems that Chen Wenjie really regards doing business as a very simple matter. So far he has only seen the success and bright side, but he should not have seen the other side full of hardships and pains.Knowing is easier than doing, it is easy to see other people doing it, but often doing it yourself will feel different, because the difficulty is often hidden, and people's observation perspective is often to ignore it instinctively, so there will be many Obviously unprofitable behavior will still be followed by others.

Whether in the stock market or the real estate market, there are too many of them.But from another point of view, if there are no such people, then who would the smart businessmen make money from? The theory of evolution that big fish eat small fish will always repeat the standard of "survival of the fittest".

"I'm not very optimistic about your business, especially the catering business. I don't dare to promise anything else. If you do catering, I dare to buy you and you will lose money. Jundong, don't you think so?" Chen Kangjie said to Chen Wenjie, He also pulled Chen Jundong in at the right time.

"You look down on my ability so much? Are you underestimating me? Am I that bad?" People who are not favored are often unconvinced, not to mention Chen Wenjie who has always been pampered.

"Wenjie, I believe that Chen Wenzhen didn't mean to look down on or underestimate you, but... If you really want to do catering business, I think you will definitely lose money. It's not a question of ability, but that you can't bear the hardships Ah. I have an aunt who runs a hot pot restaurant. Now she is more relaxed. In the beginning, she took care of everything, and it was really trivial. Just cleaning up the pile of bowls and a few large baskets of vegetables, basically Don’t even think about closing the door until one or two o’clock in the night. You really can’t do it!” Chen Jundong also felt that he was a little allergic just now, and when Chen Kangjie pulled it, he really joined in. Anyway, this topic is very important for young people. It's quite attractive.

"How is it? Heroes see the same thing," Chen Kangjie proudly raised his neck.

"But I think they are very relaxed. Besides, at worst, I spend money on my lover to do it. Just like here, the waiters are all work-study students."

"Brother, you are a big hand. When you go to the restaurant to eat, you enjoy it. When did you go to the back kitchen? If, as you said, you hire someone to do everything, you may lose even more. I am afraid that you will end up with no place. Cry," Chen Kangjie laughed, and then saw a girl wearing an apron walking towards them with two iron plates, "Oh, our food is here, try to see if it tastes really good."

"Eat what you ordered by yourself, don't compete with us, I ordered this squid." Chen Wenjie was quick, and now he pulled a plate in front of him. It seems to be taken away.

"Cut, do I need to grab it? At worst, I'll just go and get it. Look at your pettiness." Knowing that Chen Wenjie's words were directed at him, Chen Jundong picked up a skewer of roasted tofu that had changed color.

"Hehe, why don't you express it to replenish it? Otherwise, we have a lot of fish and meat, and you really can only mix vegetables with tofu." Chen Wenjie didn't care about Chen Jundong's sarcasm, and he could still laugh.

Chen Jundong was right when he thought about it. They were all big fish and big meat, so why did he only eat vegetables.Putting down the tofu in his hand, he stood up and went out, planning to choose a few more serial numbers.

As soon as Chen Jundong left his seat and took a few steps, Chen Wenjie leaned over and lowered his head, and said in a low voice: "Tell me, among those two men, which one pried Chen Jundong's horse? The one on the left or the one on the right?".

"Damn, I thought you didn't realize it." Chen Kangjie approached and said.

"You really think I'm so stupid. If I didn't see it, why would I send him away and ask you guys? If it weren't for that, Chen Jundong wouldn't be so obedient." Chen Wenjie glared at Chen Kangjie, then turned to look at Chen Jundong Looking back, he turned his head and said dissatisfied.

"I'm not sure which one it is, but it must be one of them," Ge Zihao said hesitantly, chewing the food in his mouth.

"You know what to eat. If you say it, it means you didn't say it. An idiot knows it." Chen Wenjie pointed to Ge Zihao.

"The one on the left, if you don't see it, you should be able to hear it. Isn't he talking about his trip to Hong Kong? His gestures are full of grandeur." Chen Kangjie glanced in the direction of the four people, Smiled embarrassingly.

Chen Kangjie had already keenly noticed that the four people over there were mostly the guy on the left who was talking, and the other three acted as listeners, occasionally asking or flattering them. From this, it can be deduced that it must be the guy on the left.

"Well, it's true, tell me, should we help that boy Chen Jundong? Since Valentine's Day, I haven't heard him mention that girl very much," Chen Wenjie said suddenly.

"Hey, don't mess around. It's normal for young people to compete for girlfriends. Besides, how can you help? Do you beat him up in the past or throw him at him? Maybe Chen Jundong will still be mad at you." Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand to block Chen Wenjie suggestion.

"I think it's true. It's better to have one thing more than one thing less. It should belong to whoever it is. It's not okay to act rashly. He's a local rich man." Ge Zihao's words were entirely out of cowardice.

"Go, go, look at your potential, you are in a dormitory, brother. I... I didn't say to do it blatantly. If it's not bright, why not do something dark?" After using Ge Zihao's timidity to highlight his arrogance, Chen Wenjie also became cautious. After all, Ge Zihao reminded him that he is not easy to mess with.

"Dark? Are you going to shoot bricks behind the scenes? Hehe, okay, we support you, and I will watch for you, mouse, you... you find tools for him, um, that's it, when are you going? ", Chen Kangjie laughed.

" are really bad friends", Chen Wenjie was a little speechless being ridiculed by Chen Kangjie.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't intend to ridicule Chen Wenjie, but he really didn't want him to mess around. Just from Chen Jundong's description, he knew that that guy was not a good guy. Poor ass.

"Why are you chatting so vigorously?" Suddenly, Chen Jundong appeared behind Chen Kangjie.

"Oh,'s nothing...just to praise the delicious barbecue here, right? Hehe", Chen Wenjie, who was face to face with Chen Jundong, hesitated to come up with an excuse, with a smirk on his face. Laughing emoticon.

"But the food in front of you and Chen Wen didn't move." Chen Jundong's eyes swept across Chen Wenjie's face and landed on the iron plate in front of her.

"Hehe, we didn't eat, but didn't you see that Ge Zihao ate a lot? We are waiting for you to come and listen to Ge Zihao's judgment." Chen Kangjie said awkwardly, and at the same time gave Chen Wenjie a look , Blaming him for not making excuses.

"Hehe, it's really good, it's really good, but the headless fish has a lot of spines, you should pay attention later." Ge Zihao's acting skills are good, and he immediately accepted Chen Kangjie's words.

"Weird", Chen Jundong pointed to the three of them and said, before sitting down.

But as soon as he sat down, his face changed.

"What's wrong?" Chen Kangjie asked strangely.

"Someone is coming behind you. It seems that if we don't go, they will come to you." Chen Wenjie said and pointed behind Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie turned his head and indeed saw a handsome guy walking towards them triumphantly.

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