For several days in succession, everything was safe and sound. Chen Kangjie attended class as usual, and paid attention to the follow-up development of the situation in the Thousand Islands Kingdom in his spare time. No one came to trouble him, not even Chen Jundong.

The situation in the country of Thousand Islands is developing in a violent and positive way.

It is said to be violent because the struggle within the government has intensified, and the military has also been involved.Those in power and the opposition are accusing each other every day, and the capital has even declared a state of emergency.At the same time, the armed separatist struggle in Bandazi and Timor Island has turned from darkness to light. They not only intensified their attacks on local government agencies, checkpoints, police stations, and garrison bases, but even launched independence protests in several cities. large-scale demonstrations.

These demonstrations were undoubtedly suppressed and destroyed by government forces, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties.

The government's suppression not only failed to eliminate the hidden dangers, but also made the local residents' resentment towards the government sharply increase, and their desire for independence grew stronger and stronger.Hassan Dilo and political separatist leaders in Timor Island are expressing their opinions and opinions to the public through underground radio stations and various channels every day, asking everyone to unite and respond to the government's brutal suppression and violation of human rights.

This series of events has caused the social security situation in the country of Thousand Islands to deteriorate sharply.Although the number of organized attacks against the Chinese has been greatly reduced, the overall social order is obviously hard to restore. There are many cases of robbery, arson and murder every day. For these cases, the police have neither the strength nor the intention to detect them. To put it bluntly, they didn't know where the suspect was arrested and whether the court would sentence him, so they just let it go.Moreover, some of the murders are obviously related to political struggles, so how can a simple criminal investigation be enough.

It is said that the situation is developing in a positive direction because after the situation was revealed, especially after Chen Kangjie expressed his critical views, the international community really paid attention.

Both the U.S. government and the European authorities, forced by value recognition and public opinion, have expressed critical views on those in power in the Thousand Islands country, which is no longer calling for restraint.International human rights organizations and the United Nations also sent people to the country of Thousand Islands to assess and investigate the situation.The Chinese government asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs to summon the consul of the Thousand Islands in China, sternly demanding that the local government do a good job in protecting the safety and rights of Chinese and overseas Chinese, and told them that the Chinese government is gathering strength and can send ships to evacuate the relatives of overseas Chinese at any time.

In terms of news reports, it has also become a one-sided situation, almost all of which are critical of the government of the country of the thousand islands.These add up to a lot of pressure on Huto. It can be said that in the face of internal and external difficulties, his regime is already in jeopardy.

These journalists not only sent people to the capital of the thousand-island country, but also set their sights on Bandazi and Timor Island, and even Hassan Dilo and other leaders of several separatist forces appeared on major Western media. They can use this power to fully explain their political views, the political demands of the local people, and reasonable solutions to the situation at home and abroad.

When it comes to solutions, their plan is simple, either allow them to be independent, or use a referendum to rule.

For independents, this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.The authorities really can't control them, everyone is busy with their own political and economic interests.They fought fiercely there, but they did not see the military sending support and taking large-scale extermination operations.There is no way around this. The top military officials are currently in a state of semi-chaos, and they don't have the energy to launch a campaign of suppression.The military is weighing which side to lean on and who to support. They also have interests. Minister of Defense Kanla wants to stand out, but the president is on guard against him. Some of the officers below were bought by Harpy. He didn't dare to act rashly.

With the intervention of the international community, the life of the local overseas Chinese will be better.They cannot return home for the time being, and no one has stated that they will be compensated. However, at least the project base can send people out to purchase some daily necessities. The threat of food and water shortages is sometimes more serious than the threat of knives and guns.

On May 29th, Friday, there were no classes in the afternoon, but there were several lectures on campus. Chen Kangjie chose to listen to a lecture on "Where to Go: State-owned Enterprise Reform" hosted by the Yangtze River Society. Member of the Yangtze River Society.

The lecture was held in the No. 20 auditorium of the school, and there were no empty seats. The professor who gave the lecture first talked about the production process of state-owned enterprises and the contributions they have made. Through his own investigation of more than [-] state-owned enterprises, he analyzed the management drawbacks and problems of state-owned enterprises. The difficulties faced, combined with the current economic situation, put forward solutions.

The reform of state-owned enterprises is a hot topic in society at present and has attracted the attention of the whole people.In addition, the influence of the Yangtze River Society has begun to take shape in the past two years, so not only the students cheered, but also many teachers came to learn.

The solution proposed by the professor is nothing new to Chen Kangjie. It is nothing more than establishing a modern enterprise system, focusing on the large and letting go of the small, letting go of competition, stripping off the socialization of state-owned enterprises, and turning them into pure social management entities.However, one of his views is quite new, that is, to reduce subsidies to state-owned enterprises instead of increasing them.The reason is that increasing subsidies will make competition unfair and weaken the enthusiasm of state-owned enterprises to compete.Moreover, those officials who shut down the state-owned enterprises will not be able to transfer to the government. They will be laid off like all workers and face the baptism of the economic tide.In this regard, he suggested that the government introduce some kind of system to safeguard constraints.

Chen Kangjie applauds and supports this new idea, even though it is unlikely that it will be adopted by the government and implemented.To put it bluntly, this is to remove the administration of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Don't let them feel that even if the company loses money or goes bankrupt, they can take care of it.Only when they are forced to say that the enterprise is truly a job, will they try their best to expand their business, instead of looking for another place if there is no food here like the official.

Of course, the professor is also broad-minded.He put forward the idea that failure should be allowed. Even state-owned enterprises should be the same as ordinary private enterprises. Not every enterprise will succeed. consciousness.

The lecture was very exciting, and it was past five o'clock when the lecture was over, and the professor also signed his book of the same name for sale.The completion and distribution of this book was funded by the Yangtze River Society, so the price is not high, only 11 yuan.This is a model explored by the Yangtze River Society to expand its influence. It is to fund some far-sighted scholars so that they can express their views and spread them to as many audiences as possible.

Before rebirth, Chen Kangjie once bought a similar book with a price tag of 22 yuan.Obviously, this is because the price has been greatly reduced, and more people will definitely buy it, which will allow more people to discuss and accept the ideas and viewpoints recognized by the Yangtze River Society.

After Chen Kangjie returned to China, Wei Zhonghua called him. Although he didn't call him explicitly, he obviously didn't like what he said in the interview in Hong Kong. His speech pushed the government into an embarrassing situation.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie, pretending to be confused, you don't understand the criticism, and you take it as a trivial matter, and say that you can't bear to speak out out of anger, there is no other purpose, and you don't even think about the consequences.

Just as the students gathered around the professor and asked to sign the books they bought, Chen Kangjie walked out of the auditorium by himself.Tomorrow there is no class on Saturday, and it is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival, so Chen Kangjie will go to He Baoguo tonight and celebrate the festival together tomorrow.

If it was normal, Chen Kangjie would not need to bring gifts when he went to He Baoguo, but for the holidays tomorrow, he planned to buy something casually in the mall on the way there, which was kind of fun anyway.

"Chen Wen, why are you going? Aren't you going back to the dormitory tonight?" Just as he walked down the steps, Chen Jundong chased him out from behind.

"Yeah, tomorrow is the holiday, I won't be with you, I'm going to a relative's house, and I won't be back until Sunday night."

"I'm about to go to the bank outside the school. Let's go. I'll go out with you." Chen Jundong put his hands on Chen Kangjie's shoulders. After what happened that day, the relationship between the two became closer.

"Well, okay." There was a Tengfei car waiting for him not far to the left of the school gate. Since Chen Jundong left the school together, Chen Kangjie could only accompany him to the bank and then take the bus on the other side.

The two walked all the way, chatting about the content of the lecture just now, and after a while, they came outside the school. Chen Jundong went to the Agricultural Bank diagonally opposite to do his business, while Chen Kangjie continued to move forward, taking out his phone to make a call.

"Brother Tan, please wait for me at the three-way intersection in Yingpo. I will take a bus by myself."

"Jie Shao, what's the matter? Where are you? We'll drive over to pick you up. Are you at the Wanjiang bus station?"

"No need, come out with a roommate, and he will do something by the way. I don't really want him to see it, so let's wait for me over there."

Chen Kangjie was walking and making calls all the way, but he didn't realize that two people followed him. Just as he finished the call and was about to put his phone in his pocket, three people also appeared at the intersection in front of him.Everyone has weird hairstyles, and they all wear short-sleeved T-shirts, showing clear tattoos on their arms, and their pants are all jeans, and two of them still have cigarettes in their mouths.These people are afraid that others will not know that they are gangsters

"Stop," one of the three yelled with one hand on his hip.

After Chen Kangjie installed the phone, he glanced at the other party slowly, and said leisurely, "Is there something wrong?"

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