As soon as he heard that Chen Jundong was arrested, Chen Kangjie realized that he had something to do with it. He must have slapped Yao Shaoqiang hard that day, and the other party took retaliatory measures. Otherwise, this kind of thing would not have happened.

"Yes, I didn't come back last night," Ge Zihao replied sadly.

"Tell me, how did this happen? Who caught it?" Chen Kangjie frowned, calmed down, and asked on Ge Zihao's bed.

"It was arrested by people from the Wanjiang Police Station. We didn't eat yesterday. They detained Chen Jundong, and the two of us followed behind. We saw them being taken to the Wanjiang Police Station. We wanted to go in and ask about the situation, but the other party refused. Let me in... Later I wanted to tell you about the situation, but I couldn't get through to you because the phone was turned off," Chen Wenjie narrated.

Chen Kangjie took out his mobile phone from his purse and saw that it was indeed turned off, "Sorry, the mobile phone is out of battery, did you tell the school?".

It's not that Chen Kangjie's cell phone was out of battery. He turned it off when he entered He Baoguo. He didn't want to use his cell phone to talk about work with people outside.It's just that when he left his house, Chen Kangjie forgot to turn on the phone.I haven't used my mobile phone for a long time, but instead of the habit before rebirth, I turn on my mobile phone from time to time to see if there are any orders or text messages.

"Yesterday and today are both weekends and the Dragon Boat Festival. The school leaders and teachers are on vacation. We went to the security department, but they said it happened outside the school and it was not their fault. Moreover, it was taken by the police station. Go, let us go through the normal legal procedures. Where is the legal procedure? We were at a loss in what to do, so we were depressed in the dormitory, Chen Wen, you have relatives in the local area, can you do anything?", Chen Wenjie scratched his head In the middle of the narration, he slapped the table angrily and cursed, and finally pinned his hopes on Chen Kangjie.

Ge Zihao and Chen Wenjie had no relatives in the local area, and Chen Kangjie almost went to relatives' homes every weekend, and Chen Kangjie was not considered a shabby person, so the relatives should have something to do with it anyway, which is why they first went to the relatives' house after the incident. The first thing I thought of was the reason for calling Chen Kangjie.

"I can think of a way to do this. I'll go to my relatives for help and inquire first. The two of you are waiting for news from me in the dormitory." Chen Kangjie obliged to stand up.

Such a thing is not difficult for Chen Kangjie, he has many friends in the provincial capital.It's just that on the surface he still needs to hide himself.

Coming down from the dormitory, Chen Kangjie first went to the duty room downstairs, where both Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu were there.

"Young Master Jie, I see that your complexion is not good, what's the matter?" Dong Mingshu asked as soon as Chen Kangjie entered the door.

"Chen Jundong, who slept on the bed opposite me, was arrested by the police station. I want to help. What about Tan Jun and the others? Did they go to the dormitory to rest?" Chen Kangjie didn't go in completely, and stood at the door.

"They went back to take a shower, and they will replace us in a while," Pang Hui said.

"Then I'll go find them, which of you two will go with me?".

"Why don't we all go with you?" Pang Hui stood up from his chair.

"Then don't you have to be on duty?"

"Hey, you're not here, what shift are you still on? If it doesn't work, I'll call Qian Degui to help him, and I'll call him right away." The carefree Pang Hui said, grabbing the gray landline in front of him to make a call.

Chen Kangjie withdrew and walked out first. As soon as he walked more than 20 meters, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu followed from behind.In addition to calling Qian Degui to take over, Pang Hui notified Tan Jun and the others first, and at the same time took off their security uniforms and changed into his own casual clothes.

When he came to the apartment in Wanjiang Community, his naked hair was wet, but Tan Jun didn't change much. It seemed that he received a call from Pang Hui before he had time to take a shower.

Chen Kangjie sat down on the sofa in the living room, and asked, "How is the investigation of the investigation the day before yesterday?".

"I have the general situation, and I wanted to report to you some time." Tan Jun and ** sat on Chen Kangjie's left, and Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu sat on his right. Tan Jun knew that Chen Kangjie was asking him, so he replied.

"Tell me," Chen Kangjie said with a deadpan expression and a difficult tone.

"Yao Shaoqiang came to build the city three years ago with the transfer of his father's work. His father is currently the deputy director of the Public Security Department, ranking fourth in the provincial department. He is in charge of legal system, publicity and public security management. One was when he was the secretary of the political and legal committee in Huicheng, and the other was when he was just in the first year of Zhucheng. From Huicheng to Zhucheng, Yao Shaoqiang started his own business. At first, he made laser video halls and ice rinks, but Now two bars have been opened, a bathing city, and a nightclub is about to open, near the south gate. This person is involved with some gangsters involved in Zhucheng. Yao Yaowu was punished because he was in Yao Shaoqiang during the surprise inspection. Drugs were found in the bar. However, because of Yao Yaowu’s relationship, Yao Shaoqiang has nothing to do, and he has a close relationship with many officials’ children and wealthy businessmen’s children in Zhucheng, so they have been living in peace recently,” Tan Jun calmly said. Introduced.

It's not bad to get so much information in just one day.

Chen Kangjie nodded in satisfaction, and asked again: "Does Yao Shaoqiang have any major cases in his hands?".

"According to the available information, there shouldn't be any. Beatings and riots do happen from time to time, but they are not particularly serious. His special relationship with black and white makes it difficult for anyone to trouble him. Moreover, this person is not courageous. It’s too big, but it’s cunning. When encountering a tougher opponent, he either avoids it or seeks help from people in the system,” Tan Jun added.

"Do you know the relationship between him and a man named Li Yue?" Chen Kangjie's question began to be targeted.

"Li Yue? Oh, the one you had a dispute with a few days ago, right? The relationship between the two of them is average, but the nightclub that is about to open seems to be the house of Li Yue's family. Maybe they are a partnership." Tan Jun analyzed speculatively.

"So it turns out, it seems that my roommate was arrested because of the two of them working together," Chen Kangjie said.

"Jie Shao, you don't intend to come out and get your roommate out, do you?" Pang Hui asked cautiously from the side.

"This is inappropriate. Young Master Jie can't come forward by himself. If Young Master Jie goes by himself, apart from exposing his identity, it is impossible to get Chen Jundong out smoothly. Are we going to grab it by force? That is very inappropriate," Tan said. Jun said.

"Jie Shao, you might as well call Vice Governor He, and he will definitely settle the matter with the phone call," Dong Mingshu suggested.

"Is it necessary to ask the executive deputy governor to get someone from the police station? That's really esteeming them," Chen Kangjie said thoughtfully.

Chen Kangjie was looking for someone who would be more suitable. If he wanted to, he could directly go to Tan Changguo, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.It's just that it's obviously inappropriate, and the city will be full of wind and rain at that time. He also thought about looking for Yao Zhe. He is now the deputy secretary of the provincial city committee, the deputy mayor, and he is also the director of the high-tech city management committee and a department-level cadre.It is said that due to the outstanding work effect of the high-tech city, he will soon be promoted to the rank of deputy minister.It can be said that Yao Zhe is the lowest-level official that Chen Kangjie is familiar with in the provincial capital. Although Yao Zhe doesn't care about the political and legal system, I believe it will be easy for him to do this.

It's just that Chen Kangjie is still weighing it up. He feels that Yao Zhe is too tall to come forward, not to mention that he is at the threshold of rising, so it is difficult to find such a thing for him to do.

Suddenly, Chen Kangjie thought of the most suitable person, Yu Weimin from Technology and Business University, he was the leader of Chen Kangjie and the others, and it was most appropriate to come forward to handle this matter.The most urgent task is not to settle accounts with the other party, but to get Chen Jundong out first. Chen Kangjie understands that if he goes inside, he will suffer, so let's reduce his suffering first.

After thinking about the candidate, Chen Kangjie started to act.Yu Weimin had given him a phone number before, but it was his office. Chen Kangjie called, but no one answered, so he had to call He Baoguo again.

Some doubts about Chen Kangjie looking for He Baoguo's phone number at Yu Weimin's home, Chen Kangjie could only lie and say that he wanted to complain to the dormitory management office in the school.

He Baoguo believed Chen Kangjie's lies, and asked his secretary to check the phone number of Principal Yu's home for him.

Yu Weimin who was about to have dinner was very surprised when he received a call from Chen Kangjie. He never thought that Chen Kangjie would look for him like this. Worrying about Chen Kangjie's troubles is no joke.

So after Chen Kangjie said his name, Yu Weimin was a little scared, he was worried that Chen Kangjie would tell bad news.

"Principal Yu, I have to ask you for a favor anyway. My classmate Chen Jundong in the dormitory was arrested by the Wanjiang Police Station for some reason. He hasn't returned since yesterday. You are the top leader of the school, so I ask you for help. I hope You can rescue him first." Chen Kangjie didn't make any detours, and went straight to the point.

Hearing that it was such a thing, Yu Weimin was relieved a lot, but he was still very cautious, "Did he do something wrong? Otherwise, the police station would not arrest him for no reason."

"Chen Jundong is unlikely to break the law, I guarantee this. No matter what, please get him out first, and then I will explain the truth to you. I originally wanted to talk to Secretary Tan and Governor Situ Yes, but after thinking about it, I still feel that I should look for you first, otherwise the city will be full of wind and rain, and it will also affect the reputation of our school." Kang Jie's words obviously have two meanings. On the one hand, this matter is for him. It's not difficult. On the other hand, I don't want to let the higher-ups know for the time being. It's best to solve it by myself.

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