rebirth of change

Chapter 1139 We met

After Chen Kangjie's persuasion, coupled with Chen Jundong's unwillingness and anger, he finally gritted his teeth and agreed.After resting in peace for one night, Chen Jundong didn't go to school the next day. He called his classmates to ask for leave and then wrote materials in the dormitory. The lunch and dinner were brought back from the cafeteria by Chen Kangjie and the others. The point of making comments is to describe the darkness of the police and the abuse of power.

After finishing writing, Ge Zihao went to the post office to send it to the capital by express mail, and the rest was to wait for the news.

After resting for a day, his mental state recovered a lot. On Tuesday, Chen Jundong went to class.

While calling Zhao Gang and Li Kunlun, Chen Kangjie asked Pang Hui to investigate the whole story of Chen Jundong's arrest and the relationship between Wanjiang Police Station and Yao Shaoqiang.

If Chen Kangjie hadn't communicated in private, he could be almost 100% sure that Chen Jundong's letter would have gone nowhere.Although his case is typical, it is not a big deal after all, and CCTV hardly pays attention to it.

The reason why Chen Kangjie wants to expose this incident is not only to express his anger for Chen Jundong, but also to do some work against the prevalence of this abuse of police force.In any case, Chen Kangjie is now a representative of the National People's Congress, and it is his duty to urge justice in the law enforcement and prevent some abuse of power.

Two days later, Chen Jundong, who was sitting in the dormitory doing his homework, received a call from CCTV.For the past two days, he went to the classroom to attend classes. For some reason, the news that he was arrested by the police station spread to the class. Many students made him lose face with their caring tone.But one thing is good, he hasn't met Li Yue in the past two days.

"Hello, are you Chen Jundong's classmate?" The woman on the phone spoke very standard Mandarin and had a gentle tone.

"Hello, I am," Chen Jundong said suspiciously.

"I am a reporter from CCTV Focus Interview. We have received your letter. Regarding your reaction, we would like to check with you. Is it true? There must be no exaggeration or radical remarks in it." Be careful, CCTV will do this kind of work before the interview, lest someone maliciously tricks, and losing face will be a small problem at that time, the key is that the impact will be extremely bad.

Hearing that it was a call from CCTV, Chen Jundong's heart skipped a beat immediately. He was really excited and excited. Of course, he was also nervous and surprised.The time was too short, the material was sent out, and the response was received immediately, which was beyond Chen Jundong's expectation, and it was similar to winning a lottery.

"Did you hear me?" Chen Jundong didn't hear his voice for several seconds, and the other party added.

"Oh, I heard, I heard, I'm sorry, I can hear..." Chen Jundong's voice raised a little, and the combination of various complex emotions made him a little incoherent.

Chen Jundong's strangeness attracted both Ge Zihao and Chen Wenjie, and Chen Kangjie knew in advance that there would be a call, so he slipped to the library early so that he would not have to pretend to be excited together.

"Chen Jundong, what's the matter? Where did you call?" Ge Zihao and Chen Wenjie put down their buddies and walked to Chen Jundong's side.

Chen Jundong covered the microphone with a smile, and whispered excitedly like a thief: "A call from the focus interview".

"What? Really? So fast! Damn..." Chen Wenjie was even more astonished than Chen Jundong. When he realized that he had spoken rudely, he quickly retracted his neck and covered his mouth, for fear that the other party on the phone would hear it.

Chen Jundong and Ge Zihao pointed at Chen Wenjie cautiously while laughing, while maintaining communication with the other party on the phone, "It's all true, I just experienced it, and I still remember it vividly, I can't possibly lie about this kind of thing." .

"Okay, if that's the case, then you should prepare. Tomorrow we will send the program team to interview on the spot. You should prepare yourself." The other party was just going through the motions. Chen Jundong is too serious.

"Prepare? What should I prepare?" Chen Jundong's mind had a clear short circuit.

"'s nothing, I'm going to describe the incident clearly, let's discuss the details after we meet."

In most cases, making preparations is a casual remark without any specific or practical meaning.It's just to show solemnity, and usually the person who answers the phone will say "Yes, yes, sure, sure".Uncharacteristically, Chen Jundong asked the question seriously, but the caller didn't know how to answer it specifically.

After making the phone call excitedly, Chen Jundong was immediately held in the arms of the uncontrollable Chen Wenjie and Ge Zihao. The call was really timely and they were so excited.

The three wobbled for a while before stopping.

"Where's Chen Wen? Tell him the good news right away," Chen Wenjie felt that he was missing someone, and asked the other two.

"It seems to be going to the library. I remember when he went out he said he was going to read a book," Ge Zihao replied.

"I'll call him," Chen Jundong turned around and picked up the phone.

However, Chen Kangjie's phone couldn't get through and was turned off.

At this time, Chen Kangjie was indeed in the library. In order not to show off and influence others too much, he turned off his mobile phone.Sitting in the No. [-] reading room with [-] kinds of magazines, holding a copy of "Harvard Business Review" and reading it quietly.

The magazine was in English, and there was an article describing the era of Internet technology that attracted him, but just as he was reading it with gusto, a fresh scent from his right hand entered his nose.

Chen Kangjie casually turned his head to look, his brain froze for a moment, it turned out to be Su Yu.

Wearing a gray T-shirt, Su Yu tilted his head and looked at Chen Kangjie. His hair was draped behind his head, and his eyes were soft and quiet. It didn't match the image of Little Pepper at all. Seeing that his arms with sleeves exposed are pink and tender, it feels even more unreal.

Maybe it was because Chen Kangjie felt embarrassed, and Chen Kangjie himself felt a little rude, so the two looked away at the same time.Chen Kangjie continued to look at the magazine in front of him, while Su Yu unfolded a copy of "Youth Digest" in front of him.

Now Chen Kangjie couldn't read a single word, he was constantly thinking about it.Why did Su Yu run to sit beside him?Did she recognize herself?Chen Kangjie secretly recollected and evaluated Su Yu's eyes just now, that kind of eyes did not seem to be inadvertently ignoring strangers, nor did they seem to be communicating and arbitrary towards acquaintances.Chen Kangjie couldn't hold back, but fortunately, he was quite kind, at least not like a cold-hearted confrontation aimed at the enemy.

Chen Kangjie glanced to the right slightly out of the corner of his eye, and found that Su Yu had his head buried, a strand of hair hanging from his ear, and there was a kind of beauty of streams dotted with strange peaks and valleys.

Chen Kangjie didn't dare to look too much, so he quickly looked back, he noticed that Su Yu's eyes were moving, and he didn't want her to notice that he was peeking at her.

After evening, there will always be many students gathered in the school library. Although the reading room on the second floor where Chen Kangjie is located can accommodate 500 people reading at the same time, it is not small, but each spacious table that can accommodate 20 people still sits on both sides. full of students.

When he was not in the mood to read the article, Chen Kangjie was extremely sensitive. When he raised his head a little, he could see several enthusiastic eyes drifting towards him. It's a man.Their focus is obviously on Su Yu next to them. It seems that as long as girls are good-looking, they will be attractive to men no matter where they go, even in the library where they should study hard.

Chen Kangjie was making a trade-off right now, that is, should he recognize Su Yu or not.If they recognize each other, no matter it is by virtue of Chen Kangjie's current fame or the merits of past heroes who saved the beauty, the two will become good friends.

To be honest, at this time, Chen Kangjie didn't have any friends of the opposite sex in this university, and he had a pretty good relationship with the female students in his class, but those were not considered friends, at least they didn't have much space and topics to communicate in private.

But Su Yu is different, they have fought together many years ago, at least there will be a lot of topics for reminiscing about the past.

It's just that Chen Kangjie also has some concerns. He is worried that once this hole is opened, his identity will not be preserved. In that case, he will never have a peaceful life.After thinking about it for a while, Chen Kangjie still decided not to say anything, unless Su Yu had already recognized it.What's more, even if we want to be friends, we can use a new identity.It doesn't have to rely on fame and past achievements, it would seem inferior.

After making up his mind, Chen Kangjie let out a sigh of relief, and became much calmer, and everything went with the flow.

Chen Kangjie insisted that after reading the article, Su Yu didn't do anything special. He felt that he might be too sensitive. Meeting Su Yu at close range here was just a coincidence, and it didn't mean anything.

After closing the magazine, Chen Kangjie pushed aside the chair and stood up, put the magazine back in its original place, turned around and walked out of the reading room.It was almost time, and Chen Kangjie wanted to go back to the dormitory to see if anyone had called from the capital.

Walking down the marble-paved steps, passing through the glass-roofed hall on the first floor, and just descending to the second step outside the library, Chen Kangjie heard a crisp "Hello" from behind.

Turning around curiously, Chen Kangjie saw Su Yu walking out of the hall quickly.

Now Chen Kangjie was more confused than before, "Are you calling me?".He still pretended not to know Su Yu.

"Is your surname Chen?" Su Yu stopped three steps away from Chen Kangjie and asked shyly.

"Hehe, haha", Chen Kangjie felt amused and guilty and laughed. By the way, his laughter could cover up his guilt and surprise, "How do you know my surname is Chen?".

Listening to Chen Kangjie's reply that the surname is Chen, Su Yu couldn't hide her joy and excitement between looking around, and took another step forward, crossing her hands behind her back, swaying her waist uncontrollably, and told Chen Kangjie happily: " We met."

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