rebirth of change

Chapter 1154 New Element Album

On June 1998, 26, Friday, Chen Kangjie was different from the past. He had no classes in the afternoon, but he did not go to He Baoguo, nor did he go to his office in the New World Center or his villa by the lake.

At 02:30 noon, when the sun was the hottest and most dazzling, Chen Kangjie appeared in the VIP room of the second terminal of Zhucheng Airport wearing sunglasses.He will go to Mingzhu today to visit Fan Xuexi who goes to school there.

According to the plan, he only had a lot of free time during the summer vacation.But the summer vacation is often his busiest time, and he has a lot of things to do. No, before his vacation, Calabi, as far away as West Africa, has sent two invitation messages, inviting him to visit Zha during the summer vacation.

In addition, during his summer vacation, he has a series of work arrangements, such as inspecting the country of thousands of islands, filming the new album mv, and may even officially visit Japan and so on.

Faced with this series of intensive arrangements, he had no choice but to advance the previous arrangements.

In the past month or so, Chen Kangjie has just completed the recording of his new album.In order to cooperate with Chen Kangjie's working hours, the recording team personally went to Zhucheng to work for half a month.In the album, Chen Kangjie plagiarized two Japanese songs, one "bealive" by Yuki Koyanagi, and one "Age of Youth 1, 2, 3" by Little Good Morning.

The choice of these two songs is not only because of the popularity of these two songs, which once won the first and second sales in Japan's pop song charts, but also because these two songs are very youthful.Perhaps because of their similar ages, Yuki Koyanagi at this time and Little Good Morning, who has not yet formed a band, are both about the same age as Chen Kangjie at present, so the description of the song is quite in line with the present.

One of these two songs is unrestrained and dynamic, and the other is tender and high-pitched. Although their original singers are girls, Chen Kangjie decided to add some new elements to them.It is to make a subtle blend of the two songs, adding a little softness to the bold and unrestrained dynamics, and adding some popular dynamics to the high-pitched tenderness.

Both songs sold over one million copies in Japan when they were first released.Chen Kangjie believes that the results performed by himself will not be worse than that, and even coupled with his global fame and influence, sales will explode even more.

Another important reason why Chen Kangjie chose these two songs is that they are very suitable for the young audience, especially the student group.This group of people is what Chen Kangjie wants to firmly grasp and occupy.This group of people is the future of this country. If they can be made to have a more extreme favorable opinion of themselves, then it may be of great help to reverse the ideological tendency of this country's future.

For Korean songs, Chen Kangjie first chose "i yah!" (Chinese name "Children!") from Hot's fourth album. In the year's most popular song voting, won the No.1999 position.This song strongly criticizes the social reality that children's sacred rights are violated in some African countries. It is necessary to release such a song before Chen Kangjie is about to set foot on that ancient African territory.Not only can it completely occupy the South Korean youth market, but it can also show its philanthropic heart.

The music of "i yah!" is based on disco style, and incorporates hip-hop style and some popular elements, which is very in line with the aesthetic and liking standards of young people.When Chen Kangjie plans to go to Africa, if possible, he will film another MV, and at the same time do some promotional activities to add extra points to his image.

For another Korean song, Chen Kangjie chose Li Xiuying's "????? – ???" (even if it is a thousand years), which is a very lyrical and sad love song.Chen Kangjie only listened to this song a few times on the bus before his rebirth. At that time, he couldn't understand the lyrics. On the contrary, he learned Korean after his rebirth to understand the meaning of the lyrics.The lyrics at the beginning are catchy, ?????????????? (all day, I pray for you), ??????????? Right),?????????????? melancholy.But it is very exciting, and it digs out the emotional resonance deep in everyone's heart.

In this album, Chen Kangjie only used half of the English songs, and the other half were non-English. Apart from the four Japanese and Korean songs, Chen Kangjie also tried Arabic songs for the first time.

Due to cultural, economic and religious reasons, people often feel that there will be no popular songs related to love in the Arab world except for traditional music.In fact, with the development of modern society, the further integration of culture, especially the sweep of internationalization.The Arab world is also advancing with the times, and they have also emerged a batch of very classic pop songs.Or due to language factors, people are less able to reach.

This must be thanks to the rapid development of the Internet, which has closely connected the entire century into one city. People can communicate their respective cultures in different ways through this bridge.Considering the market, TV stations or radio stations generally do not introduce Arabic music, and publishers are unlikely to release those albums in non-Arabic regions.However, the Internet makes up for these shortcomings. On all music stations, especially video stations, you can see the classic music works that have been washed by the waves and sanded by those pioneers.

Chen Kangjie accidentally enjoyed several Arabic songs on the Internet that are comparable to Western classic pop music.It's really unforgettable, with a strong ethnic flavor, but without losing a heavy sense of modernity.

In this album, he also added two such songs, hoping to increase the public's understanding of Arabic culture and to bring the friendly relationship between Chinese culture and Arabic culture closer.

The first song Chen Kangjie added was the love song "wana_wayak" in the Arabian desert. There are two versions of this song for men and women.The melody has largely departed from the Arabic classical taste.Although it shows the life of wealthy upper-class Arabs, its story can be accepted by almost everyone.

In order to interpret this song well, Chen Kangjie also plans to shoot the mv.This is impossible. With the progress of the times, people are not only satisfied with the enjoyment of the eardrums, but also pursue the visual impact. Only in this way can a better promotion effect be achieved.In this regard, Jackson is the best performer, his singing and dancing, the immediate visual impact on the audience around the world, so that everyone was completely brought into it in a refreshing way.Slowly, the rhythm of the song melted into the hearts of the audience.

Chen Kangjie can be confident that those songs will be popular even if he doesn't shoot the MV, however, he can't be so arrogant all the time.The relationship between fans and singers is actually a consumer relationship. If the owner cannot meet the needs of consumers as much as possible, then in an era where new artists are produced every day, singers will only become more and more marginalized.Of course, that kind of situation is still far away from Chen Kangjie, but he also has to take precautions.Not only must we take precautions, but we must also be at the forefront of the times as much as possible in order to keep our position.

The second Arabic song, Chen Kangjie chose "?????????????" (Hold me in the palm of your hand), this song is the most popular Arabic song in China, It is very similar to the classic Hong Kong duet song "I don't think I love you enough" released in 00. It has long been mistaken by domestic audiences for the name "arabic yadikar Walking in the Arabian Sand Sea", which is actually a mistranslation.

The original singer of this song is Hamid Shaeri (????????????????????????????????????????????? An important representative, one of the most important figures in the history of Arab pop music in North Africa, is the founder of al jeel.The co-female singer is Nelly Zidane (??????????) of Egypt.

The lyrics of "Hold Me in the Palm of Your Hand" are extremely delicate and beautiful, and the tune is sad and lingering, erratic but true.The biggest problem for Chen Kangjie in interpreting Arabic songs is not the language, but their unique vibrato.He has been learning Arabic by himself for four years, and there is no problem with the basic language, but Chen Kangjie is facing difficulties in singing.On the one hand, it is necessary to change the male and female duet into a solo (in fact, he really wants to find someone to sing in duet, but unfortunately it is too difficult to find a female singer of the same age who can sing well and can speak Arabic), and the second is to solve the technical problem of vibrato.

Chen Kangjie's whims not only caused problems for himself, but also for the production team.Both jeff casey and safta jeffery don't understand Japanese and Korean, let alone Arabic, so during the whole recording stage, they were often dumbfounded.In the past, they were basically exposed to English songs, and the most important ones were Latin or Spanish songs. How could they have thought that Chen Kangjie would be so unique this time. One album integrated four languages, which made them admire At the same time, I am ashamed.

In the end, most of the cases turned into Chen Kangjie groping and looking for feelings by himself.It is also for this reason that the album that could be completed in a few days in the past took a full two weeks this time.Chen Kangjie has played the two songs "wana_wayak" and "Hold Me in the Palm of Your Hand" no less than [-] times.For an oriental person, it is not so difficult even for a genius like him to deduce that kind of song into an Arabic flavor completely across cultures.

But it's not bad, he finally finished it, he's not sure if he can surpass the original singer, but he did try his best.The remaining post-production is really Jeff Casey's business, and the time to market will be delayed compared to before.

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