rebirth of change

Chapter 1161 It's None of My Business

Chen Kangjie's further ridicule and humiliation made Da Mushu unable to control the embarrassment in his heart anymore.Huo Ran vigorously lifted the table in front of him, and the drinks and snacks on the table instantly bounced into the air towards Chen Kangjie and Fan Xuexi.

Chen Kangjie had already guarded against this move, supported his shoulder with one hand, and pulled the back of the chair with the other. Fan Xuexi, who was sitting on the chair, retreated easily and erratically. After three steps, Chen Kangjie had already stood in front of her.

Fan Xuexi slapped her heart in horror, her face turned from red to white.She didn't encounter any dirt on her body, and she was not harmed. She was completely frightened.

The unlucky ones are Ding Mingxia and Kou Min, they didn't reach out quickly, and they didn't have flower protectors like Chen Kangjie.After the big tree was activated, they had no time to move or retreat, so the soup, melon and fruit shells and half of the cups were dumped on their predecessors, and the white shirts were immediately stained and embarrassed.

Others did not expect that the bickering would turn into an armed conflict in an instant, and everyone retreated one after another to prevent themselves from being harmed.

Seeing that his violent blow had no effect on Chen Kangjie, Da Mushu was furious and couldn't hold back his face at all.Stepping on the mess in front of him, he was about to rush towards Chen Kangjie, seeing that Quan Wuxing was inevitable.

However, Chen Kangjie never thought that he would fight this guy in front of so many people. On the one hand, he had to take into account Fan Xuexi's face and influence. More importantly, Chen Kangjie could not reveal his identity. Some people bring a lot of associations.

Just when Da Mushu took two steps forward on the mess in front of him, Chen Kangjie looked down, he was looking for room for maneuver.However, he keenly saw that there was a broken glass base next to his right foot.

Staring at the foot of the big wooden tree, trying to figure out his next step, Chen Kangjie tapped his toes lightly, and the sharp glass base on the top slid lightly against the floor.

Although there were lights in the dance hall at this time, not all the lights were turned on, and there were so many people around, no one noticed Chen Kangjie's movement in the dark space on the ground.

"Ouch, ah," the big tree stepped on it heavily, and immediately burst into a mournful and long roar, and with the roar, the whole body also bent down.

"It's none of my business. I didn't touch him. You all saw it." Chen Kangjie put on an innocent look, raised his hand, and took a half step back.

"Da Mu-jun, what's the matter? What's the matter?" Da Mushu's partner rushed up when he realized something was wrong, supported Da Mushu, and asked eagerly.

When such a temporary change occurred, the people who watched the excitement did not retreat this time, and stepped forward to find out.

The music has stopped and the lights have been turned on.Everyone saw that the right foot of Damushu, who was clenching his teeth and dripping with sweat, was tightly inserted by a piece of glass, and blood donation dripped down with the sole of the shoe.

Seeing the blood, many people's expressions changed.Everyone knows it was an accident, however, if someone gets hurt, that's another story.

Da Mushu's two friends supported him, and one of them wanted to pull out his shoe and the glass, but when his hand touched the heel of his shoe, he screamed like a pig being killed.

Many girls were not frightened by the bright red blood, but numb by the miserable howling of the big tree.

"Send someone to call the doctor in the infirmary, who will go? Or make a phone call", perhaps out of fellowship, a Japanese student immediately shouted.

"It's already been called by someone, hold on first, don't move him," Guo Xiaodong pushed aside the crowd and squatted down.

The departmental student union is the organizer of this dance, and Guo Xiaodong, as the chairman of the student union, is the actual front-line leader. The department head has already disappeared as soon as the dance started.If something like this happened now, if he was held accountable, he, Guo Xiaodong, would also have to bear part of it.

After inspecting Damushu's wound, Guo Xiaodong raised his head, staring at Chen Kangjie with sharp eyes: "You are responsible for this matter."

"Why? Why should he be responsible? He did it himself and stepped on the glass." Before Chen Kangjie could express his opinion, Fan Xuexi, who was hiding behind him, jumped out, very dissatisfied with Guo Xiaodong's shirk of responsibility.

"If it weren't for his provocation, it wouldn't have happened. He wasn't a student of our department in the first place, but he appeared here just to make trouble. Otherwise, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. He was only five years old from Japan to Mingzhu. God, do you still have a grudge with him?" Guo Xiaodong stood up on his knees and said solemnly.

"Exaggerated words, nonsense, it is obvious that the wicked will be rewarded, how can they wrong others indiscriminately", Fan Xuexi's cheeks were puffed up, her brows were raised, and her charming eyes, which were not small at first, opened even wider, as if she wanted to eat people lioness.

Chen Kangjie was brought in by her. According to Guo Xiaodong, isn't it also her responsibility?This is not what she cares about the most. What she can't bear the most is that under the watchful eyes of everyone, everyone can see that it is Da Mushu who stepped on the shards of glass that he broke. How can anyone else be blamed? .Besides, Chen Kangjie's identity is sensitive. If he is forced to be involved, wouldn't it be possible that his identity will be revealed, which will have a great adverse effect on him. This is what Fan Xuexi does not want to see, and he must do his best to protect it .

"Yeah, Chairman Guo, it doesn't make sense for you to say that. We all saw him fall by himself without moving his hands. You are trying to add a crime." There are still many righteous people beside him, especially It was those domestic students who joined in with each other, defending Chen Kangjie one after another.

"What's the use of you getting angry with me? Of course I also saw that he didn't do anything. Could it be that I will deliberately deal with Xuexi's friend? It's just that they also had a quarrel, and he is a foreigner who has just arrived here. Could it be that as the party involved, there will be no responsibility?" Seeing that imposing a crime is not an option, Guo Xiaodong is worthy of being the chairman of the student union, he still has basic adaptability and eloquence, he immediately softened his tone and said emotionally.

Guo Xiaodong's words sounded reasonable, but in the final analysis, Chen Kangjie was not to be relied on. It's just that everyone didn't have the time to analyze carefully at this time, and they felt that Chen Kangjie had to pay a certain amount of responsibility.

At this moment, two doctors from the school's infirmary and three from the security department rushed in through the door.

Two doctors squatted down and quickly treated Damushu's wound. Amid Damushu's screams, the glass was pulled out, and his delicate sheepskin shoes were taken off. People could clean and see that Damushu's sole wound was more than an inch long. It was long, bloody, and the skin was rolled up, which was very terrifying.

The two doctors took out a strand of gauze and simply wrapped the wound. "Come here, two classmates, help carry him to the infirmary. The wound needs to be cleaned further, and then medicine and stitches will be applied."

Guo Xiaodong immediately arranged for two male classmates and Da Mushu's friend to put him on a table under the doctor's guidance and carry him out sideways.

The big tree is removed, and the next thing is to deal with the responsibility.

"Who is on the other side of the conflict?" the leading security guard Jiu Jiu stood up and asked solemnly.

If these security guards were in the community or other units, few of them would be so aggressive.However, it is different in college. Most of them deal with gentle and polite college students, so they are full of confidence and develop a disdainful temper.

"I", Chen Kangjie saw Guo Xiaodong roll his eyes, knowing that he would confess himself, so he might as well admit it first.So he stood up and answered in a low voice.

"Hey, it's none of your business, why did you volunteer?" Fan Xuexi grabbed Chen Kangjie's arm, so anxious that tears would come out.

"Student, it's a good thing to be brave enough to take on the responsibility. Do you want him to be submissive?" the leading security guard scolded Fan Xuexi, with the face of a teacher.

In fact, many students regard the school staff as teachers, at least except for the cleaners.Regardless of whether you think so in your heart or not, anyway, you often call it this way.So these security guards have gradually regarded themselves as engineers who educate people.

"I'm worried that you wronged him."

"How could we wrong someone? It's what it should be. It's not a trivial matter. It's an incident of hurting people, and the injured are still foreigners."

"It's okay, so many people saw that I didn't do anything, I believe there will be justice, don't worry," Chen Kangjie patted Fan Xuexi's shoulder to comfort him.

"In that case, let's go to the security department to investigate with us. Don't continue your dance, organize it, let's break up." The security guard put his right hand on Chen Kangjie's shoulder and waved to everyone.

Without any resistance, Chen Kangjie followed the three security guards to the security room at the west gate of the school.In the security room, when they learned that Chen Kangjie was not a student of the school, the security guards suddenly turned their friendly faces. Although they didn't do anything, they had already become stern.

"Needless to say so much, how are you going to deal with it? I heard it just now, but I didn't do anything, it was entirely his own fault," Chen Kangjie asked impatiently while sitting on the yellow wooden chair, bored.

"Don't be arrogant, let me tell you, you have to deal with it. You are called indirect injury. If it is serious, you will go to jail." The security leader who brought him just now threatened, "You can't leave now, you have to What do you think after the student's injury is treated? At least, you can't run away with the medical expenses, and it's up to him to pursue other responsibilities. The chairman of their student union just now confirmed that the conflict was provoked by you, and you should scold others first. Hmph, is this how your teacher taught you? You have no manners at all, don’t you know that this is a disgrace to our country?”.

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