rebirth of change

Chapter 1163 Asking for Drugs

Chen Kangjie was really depressed. Why would this kind of thing be handled in the hands of the police? No wonder people often say that foreigners are first-class people in China. As long as they are involved, the advantage will be inexplicably tilted towards them. It is because the common people in the country do not have the basic national treatment.

Now that it was determined that it was Chen Kangjie's problem, he didn't bother to talk to him, as long as his identity was checked, he had to deal with it immediately.

As he grows older, Chen Kangjie's hotness has subsided a lot.If it was changed to before, he would have turned his face unceremoniously, regardless of whether he was in the public security organ or not.

After he threw the fake ID card on his body to the two policemen, they went out to investigate, leaving him alone in the room and ignoring him.

At that time, the popularity of the Internet was still very low, and most government departments were not yet able to talk about office automation, and it was impossible to check the government's information files clearly on the computer.Therefore, in order to find out the identity of a person, the assistance of the local public security organs is needed.

According to the jurisdiction indicated on Chen Kangjie's ID card, the police handling the case called the Zhucheng Public Security Bureau.Our country's household registration management regulations are that as long as a student is admitted to a university in another city, the corresponding household registration of the student will automatically be transferred to the location of the school.

At the same time, in the public security system, everyone recognizes each other as a brother unit, and they are generally very cooperative in their work, just like handling a case. If the police in place a go to place b to investigate or arrest, in general, the public security organs in place b will cooperate, because this kind of Cooperate and ask for help, maybe one day it will be reversed, and the whole country will play a game of chess.For the effort of raising a finger, he will not refuse.The reply from Zhucheng is to wait for 10 minutes, and then reply after checking.

The two policemen did not come back either. They were waiting outside, while Chen Kangjie was waiting inside.

The entrance of this police station is a road that is only nearly 20 meters wide including the sidewalk.Both sides of the street are full of sycamore trees. In this midsummer season, the sycamore trees are dense and lush, and the light from the street lamps overhead is blocked by more than half, making the road look quite dark.

This street has faded out of the city center, and there are not many shops on the side of the road. It is already eleven o'clock, and those sparse shops are all closed, and only one or two pedestrians can be seen on the side of the road occasionally.Although Mingzhu is the largest city in China, its prosperity is just in its infancy now. It is far less bright than ten years later, and its internationalization has just entered the shallow waters.

Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful, only the summer insects on the treetops were still chirping, and two cars were parked on the side of the road at the entrance of the police station. All the surroundings indicated that everything was as usual.All of a sudden, a bright and dazzling car headlight beam pierced the street, and then there was the sound of a car roaring. The speed of the car was very fast, as if something big was about to happen.The tranquility of midnight was broken.

"Creak" "creak", accompanied by the sound of emergency brakes, three black cars with license plates starting with "Ming ac" stopped steadily at the door of this small police station one by one.

"Why are they here?" Tan Jun's puzzled voice came from the driving position of a car that had been parked on the side of the road.

"National Security Bureau of Mingzhu City, why did they appear here, could it be..." Pang Hui's voice sounded beside him.

"It must be for Master Jie, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence. The police inside must have checked the identity of Master Jie, otherwise they would not have attracted people from the National Security Bureau. Master Jie's ID card is a As long as someone checks it, it will alert the national security department," Tan Jun said in a low voice, staring outside.

"Jie Shao should actually allow us to save him. If we do this, it will make things worse," Pang Hui muttered.

"If he wants to leave, why should you save him? Those few people can trap him? He can let people investigate him with peace of mind. There should be his intentions. We can't speculate on his thoughts with common sense," Tan Jun said calmly.

When the doors were opened, four people got out of each car. These people were all wearing casual clothes, some were in suits, some were in jackets, and they looked similar to ordinary people.But if you pay attention, you will feel that there are subtle differences.Their figures are relatively tall and straight, with bulging waists. Most importantly, their eyes are sharp. Even at night, if you look directly at him, you will feel that he is also staring at you.

A man in a suit explained a few words to his accomplice, leaving two guarding the door to watch the car, while the other nine followed him into the gate of the police station.

The security room at the door saw that they didn't go to the guard room to board the plane, and didn't say anything, so they planned to come out to stop them.However, he didn't ask anything, and was caught by them as a guide.

These people bluntly said that they wanted to find the director, but the director had already returned home from get off work.They roll call to find the instructor on duty.

In the trainer's office on the second floor, the leader showed his ID, which was no different from a police officer's ID.However, after the trainer read it, his complexion immediately sank. The reason was that the issuing unit in the certificate was not the Ministry of Public Security, but the Ministry of Security, which was at the same level as them but had much more special powers.

There was no extra politeness for the visitor. After showing his ID, he bluntly stated the purpose of coming, "You have arrested a man named Chen Wen here, and we will take him away."

"I'll take you to find it, I'll take you to it," the trainer didn't ask any more questions, and acted extremely well-behaved and cooperative.

Chen Kangjie was staring at the night outside the iron window and meditating, when suddenly the sound of bang bang leather shoes brought him back to his thoughts.

With a "squeak", the door of his room was pushed open, and a group of people he didn't know came in, followed by three policemen, two of whom were the ones who interrogated Chen Kangjie just now. At this time, they lowered their heads lazily. , peeking at Chen Kangjie from time to time.

"Sir, please come with us," the visitor said straight to the point when he saw Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie stood up slowly, as if he had known these people would come a long time ago, not surprised at all, "Don't you guys investigate why I was arrested here?".

"If you need to investigate, we can tell you the results of the investigation tomorrow, but now we have to take you out," the visitor replied.

"Forget it, there is no need to investigate," Chen Kangjie pondered a little, then said.

The visitor handed Chen Kangjie's ID back to him with both hands, "Please".

As soon as he walked out of the room where Chen Kangjie was interrogated, the leader turned around and said solemnly to the instructor: "This matter must not be circulated or discussed. Just pretend that you have never seen us. Otherwise, you will be dealt with as a crime of undermining national security."

"Understood, understood", the trainer hurriedly nodded, and the two policemen nodded repeatedly.

As a member of the police system, they are not very clear about the operation of the Ministry of Security, but they do understand one thing, that is, the crime of "undermining national security" is not low, and it is not a joke. of.They even heard rumors that some people disappeared inexplicably because of this crime, no one was alive, no dead body was seen, and there was no smell at all.

Apart from cursing themselves for being unlucky, the three of them now speculated about the identity of this so-called "Chen Wen".It's just guessing in their hearts, they have given serious warnings, they don't dare to have other thoughts, they don't think that they just say something casually, maybe they will still stare at them secretly .

Chen Kangjie put on his coat, followed the group out, and got into the car in the middle.

The car started and drove away from east to west.

"Captain, there are two cars following behind, do you want to ask the brothers behind to check?" After the car drove 300 meters, the co-pilot in front of Chen Kangjie said alertly.

"Don't be nervous, they are my people." Before the captain next to Chen Kangjie could speak, Chen Kangjie spoke first.

The captain glanced back, and calmly said to Chen Kangjie, "Sir, where are you going now? We'll take you there."

"Put me down at the intersection ahead, I'll take their car."

The captain did not object to Chen Kangjie's request, but just patted the back of the seat in the driving seat, then took out a small card from the pocket on the left jacket and handed it to Chen Kangjie, "This is my phone number, in Mingzhu, if you need any help, You can call me."

Chen Kangjie took it, and looked under the streetlight by the window. There was only a name, a phone number, and no other signs on it.

"Thank you, Brother Yu," said Chen Kangjie and returned the phone number to this person named Yu Xing, "I have written down the number."

Yu Xing's eyes lit up, and then silently took the phone card.At this time the car has stopped at a fork in the road.

Chen Kangjie opened the door to get out of the car, but he stopped halfway through.

"Mr. Chen, is there anything else?" Yu Xing asked strangely.

Chen Kangjie turned his head with a smile, "Brother Yu, you said just now that you can come to you when you encounter problems, do you mean you can come to you for anything?".

Yu Xing was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "I'm not that capable, but you can find me for general matters."

"Then I want to ask you one thing now, I wonder if you can do it?".

"What's the matter?".

"I want [-] grams of heroin, can you help find it?" Chen Kangjie asked with a playful smile.

"What? Drugs? Do you take drugs?" Yu Xing was very surprised, he never thought that Chen Kangjie's request would be like this.

"Hehe, how could I take drugs? You think too much, I'm just useful, don't worry, I'm not a drug dealer, I'll pay you back after two days, I won't use it to endanger the society," Chen Kangjie said with a light smile.

"Well, if that's the case, tomorrow, you call me tomorrow, and I'll give it to you," Yu Xing agreed hesitantly.Drugs are very sensitive things, even people from the National Security Bureau can't mess around, but thinking of Chen Kangjie's special status, Yu Xing is relieved, this kind of person who is protected by the state, is it possible that he really asks the authority to sell drugs? ?

"Thank you." Chen Kangjie waved happily, then turned and closed the car door, and walked leisurely towards Pang Hui and the others who were parked behind.

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