rebirth of change

Chapter 1180 Creating Contradiction

Seeing that they could not get any more useful information, Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang could only return.The two quietly hid from the roof of the building. Chen Kangjie also thought of going to the east to investigate the situation of the Americans. Naturally, Xiong Ziqiang didn't know why Chen Kangjie turned to the west in the opposite direction, but he could only obey.

It's a pity that the originally clear night sky was covered by dark clouds in the second half of the night, and the moon, which was bright not long ago, shyly hid behind the thick clouds.It was dark for a while, and Chen Kangjie couldn't find the residence of the Americans. It felt like everything, and nothing like it. It was a large area of ​​darkness, basically invisible to the naked eye, and it was really impossible to distinguish what he was facing Things.

It didn't take long for the light rain to fall, and Chen Kangjie and the others could only regretfully go back to their residence.As soon as I entered the door, the light rain outside turned into a torrent, like a reservoir in the sky, crackling, and the leaves, ground, and walls were crazily swept away by the raindrops, and, accompanied by a strong wind, whistling wheezing.

In the tropical rain forest area near the equator, due to the influence of various monsoon marine climates, the weather is unpredictable and the rain is abundant, which provides rich elements and nutrients for the growth of animals and plants on land, thus creating a lush tropical climate all year round. rainforest.

If Chen Kangjie went out just now because he was bored and couldn't sleep, then at this moment he couldn't sleep because of excitement, worry and noise.He is now "sorrowful when the rain hits the banana leaves, and dreams are left behind when viewed from a distance in the mist. Traveling far and alone, sailing thousands of miles, facing the chaotic world, I feel sad for thousands of years."

Listening to the rustling rain outside the window, Chen Kangjie was planning to deal with the new situation in which Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway.

For Chen Kangjie, this is a formidable enemy.In the world, it seems that as long as there is a little trouble, the Americans will basically get involved. By controlling key areas and hotspots, it is easy to realize the status of the United States as the only superpower in the world.

So what use is Bandazi to the United States?Chen Kangjie had to think comprehensively from multiple perspectives, including geopolitics.As a pragmatic country, economic interests are generally considered first, but what benefits can Bandazi bring to the United States?The market here is small. Although it has a population of 400 million, its purchasing power is less than a quarter of that of the Lion City, which has a population of more than 200 million. If it can be sold, it is the oil and gas resources here.However, with the development of the new economy, the demand for oil and gas resources in the United States is declining. Besides, there is a large oil gathering area in the Middle East. The United States itself has abundant oil reserves in the country, the Gulf of Mexico and other places. Moreover, if The United States has invested heavily in the development of oil and gas resources here. To transport these products back to China, they have to pass through the South China Sea. This is a bit risky for them.

Does the United States want to seek a military base in Bandazi?Containing the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea?But Chen Kangjie analyzed it carefully, and it didn't look alike.At least for now, not only will the United States not want to contain Tianzhu, but it will even encourage and support it. This is in line with the strategic interests of the United States.Because in the understanding and thinking of the United States, they do not regard Tianzhu as a threat at all, and they firmly believe that this religious problem is serious, and a country with complicated national characteristics cannot constitute a threat to their national interests. Instead, they hope that this country can rise up to China. play a diversionary role.This is why no matter how many weapons this country buys, even including strategic weapons such as aircraft carriers, the United States will not criticize Tianzhu, and almost ignore it. But if China makes a little something, the United States will They will shout threats, and often magnify a small point infinitely, as if they understand China and will call them at home tomorrow.It can be seen from this that the United States feels that the country that can challenge them in the future is China. As for Russia, which inherited most of the power of the Soviet Union, it is no longer what it used to be. Even if its military strength is not weak, it is not very advanced. With a clear eye, Lao Mei knows that a big country without a strong economic support will not survive in the long run, and it is a paper tiger.

Although Tianzhu has just conducted its third nuclear test, and the United States has imposed sanctions on the two countries that conducted nuclear tests in South Asia, but he is familiar with the history of the next ten years, and he knows that this is all temporary. To contain China, they cannot do without Tianzhu, a big country in South Asia, will soon have all these sanctions lifted, and instead, the two countries will deepen cooperation.

Although the United States has formed alliances or quasi-alliances with Japan, South Korea, Baodao, Sulu and other Western Pacific countries, these countries have a common feature with China, that is, they do not have land borders.Therefore, the United States really needs a country that borders China by land to stand up and fight.Among the dozen or so countries bordering China, most of them are small backward countries, and the only ones that can really play that role are Russia and Tianzhu, one north and one south.

As Russia, which once challenged the hegemony of the old United States, the old United States can't make up its mind. Even China and Russia will unite to resist the pressure of the United States. Then Tianzhu, which still has a territorial dispute of 12.5 square kilometers with China became the best choice.

From this analysis, the United States will not want to contain the Indian Ocean. If they want to deal with the direction of the South China Sea, then they already have a Changi base in the Strait of Malacca. This base not only has aircraft, warships, but also docks various submarines and aircraft carriers, which is enough for the United States to enter and exit. South China Sea needs.Chen Kangjie also ruled out the idea that the United States needs to set up a military base here.

If neither economic interests nor military interests exist, then only political interests can satisfy the needs of the United States.

"Political interests" "Political interests", Chen Kangjie lay on the bed, resting his hands on his head and muttering silently. Suddenly, a thunderstorm rolled down from outside accompanied by lightning that pierced the night sky.Surprised, Chen Kangjie had a sudden shock, and he immediately caught the intention of the Americans.

Among the passages to the sea surrounding China, there is only one country that the United States has not yet settled, and that is the country of a thousand islands.The country of the thousand islands is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, and the relationship between the United States and Muslim countries is always somewhat discordant, the most typical being the relationship with Iraq and Iran, so the country of the thousand islands is more or less guarded against the United States of.Moreover, the country of the Thousand Islands is an advocating country of the Non-Aligned Movement. The preparatory meeting for the first summit meeting of non-aligned countries and governments in 1961 was initiated by the country of the Thousand Islands and four other Asian and African countries. Five conditions for participating in the Conference of Non-Aligned Countries: 1. Pursuing an independent foreign policy based on peaceful coexistence and non-alignment; 2. Supporting the national independence movement; 3. Not participating in the Great Military Alliance; No military bases are provided to foreign countries.

It can be said that as long as the country of Thousand Islands abides by these regulations, it is impossible for them to stand with the United States to contain China, because it will not provide military bases for the US military, nor will it participate in the alliance led by the United States, nor will the two sides There are bilateral military agreements.If these are not available, then the demand in the United States will only be in vain.This is also the key reason why the United States has only been able to maintain appropriate and good diplomatic relations with the country of the Thousand Islands without being too close.

There's also a Thousand Islands roleplaying issue that prevents him from getting too close to America.As the largest country in ASEAN, if it wants to play an important and key role within ASEAN, it must make its own diplomacy independent. If it leans too much towards the US, it will lose some ASEAN countries to a certain extent. Trust, thereby affecting its influence and appeal in this region.

After Chen Kangjie thought about these issues, he knew what the US side wanted to do.They must have wanted to use Banda Qi as a bargaining chip to induce and force the country of the thousand islands to stand with them, to block the main channel of the South China Sea from the south, and to achieve the strategic purpose of containing China.

The United States will not really support Bandaqi's independence, but it will not allow the country of the thousand islands to suppress Bandaqi's living space too much.If the country of the Thousand Islands really goes all out to attack with arms, the United States will definitely hype up sensational news such as genocide by the government of the Thousand Islands on international occasions, and then take sanctions.

In other words, the United States does not really want to support Bandazi at all, or treats it as another treasure island, a tool to implement its national interests.

Although he figured this out, what should Chen Kangjie do?To analyze these with Hassan Roddy?To try to convince him?Obviously impossible, let’s not talk about whether it can play a role and achieve the goal. Hassan Roddy asked him how he knew the US government was involved. He couldn’t answer. He couldn’t tell the truth that he had spied on him !

Chen Kangjie tried to find a better and gentle solution, but no matter how he thought about it, there were big loopholes, and it was very difficult to implement.In the end, Chen Kangjie only got one result, which was to first destroy the contact and cooperation between the United States and Hassan Roddy.

If you want to achieve this goal, the best time is now.As long as the representative of the United States can be killed, it will not only cut off their connection, but also create conflicts between them, so that they cannot really come together.

The more Chen Kangjie thought about it, the more he thought about this move. He must make a good move, not leave a tail behind, and hit the target with one hit.

The rain outside the window stopped at some point, the dark clouds dispersed, and a cool breeze came in from the skylight. It seemed that tomorrow would be another sunny day, and Chen Kangjie's mind became clearer under the nourishment of the fresh air .

The sky was about to turn pale, so Chen Kangjie got up from the bed, pushed Xiong Ziqiang's door open, and woke him up, asking him to contact Samidov and John Jimmy immediately. maintain unilateral contact.

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