Chen Kangjie would be rude to refuse, not only because it contained rat meat.Eating rat meat is nothing new. Not only Africans know how to eat it. In fact, in China, some restaurants in Eastern Guangdong Province, which is famous for its most daring food, also serve this kind of food.Moreover, Chen Kangjie saw it once, and it was still eaten raw, but what he ate was the newly born rat cubs, made a dip in water, wrapped the rat cubs in the dipped water, stuffed them into his mouth and chewed.That time I participated in a dinner before rebirth, and saw that the locals ate very well, but Chen Kangjie still didn't taste it in the end.What the local old man brought him was roasted, but Chen Kangjie still couldn't eat it, not to mention that the clay pot was full of dirt, even the old man's dark fingers with long nails had been embedded in it. It's okay not to vomit, but if he chooses to eat instant noodles, he will not eat this kind of food that lacks the most basic hygiene requirements.

Just when Karabi paid Chen Kangjie to leave the capital for charity, the President and the Minister of Defense were also urging Babu to withdraw troops from Kolwezi and Elizabethville. When their withdrawal was completed, Xie Yourong and Mei Jincheng would take a The voter came over for a more specific and detailed discussion, and by the way did on-the-spot investigation and planning.They are currently making active preparations in Hong Kong. According to Chen Kangjie’s feedback, it is estimated that if all the investment is involved, it will involve at least 300 billion US dollars, of which only one-third will be actually used for the project, and one-third will be used for the project. It will be used for infrastructure construction, repairing railways, ports and airports, etc., and one third will be used for the development of cascade power stations.These are only preliminary, and as the process progresses, additional investment may be even greater in the future.

This time, Chen Kangjie will not do everything on his own. Some of the business will be transferred to domestic companies, which can be regarded as helping them go out and enter the international market.

In a few days, when Xie Yourong and the others arrive and Chen Kangjie makes an introduction and explanation, he will go to Anguila, and Karabi will go with him.The current Anguilla government also overthrew its predecessor to come to power through the turmoil in the domestic situation, and the Karabi and his sons have maintained a relatively good alliance with them.

At the beginning, Calabi was still concerned and sensitive about Chen Kangjie’s idea of ​​contacting Anguila. With the follow-up frank and in-depth communication, especially after learning from Chen Kangjie that there will be no problem with the funds and that they will give priority to the needs of the country. , Calabi and their attitudes changed.On the contrary, they see this as a good opportunity to further deepen the alliance partnership with the current government of Anguila. Now that Anguila is also very short of money, how can President Anguila treat them badly if he introduces such a generous benefactor to them? Father and son grateful?

If the cooperation can be carried out smoothly, it will undoubtedly be a win-win and multi-win situation. Chen Kangjie has obtained rich benefits in return, and China has strengthened its influence in West Africa, which will benefit cooperation with other African countries, especially sub-Saharan Africa. Countries deepen cooperation and partnerships.In this way, China not only guarantees the urgent need for resources for rapid economic development to a certain extent, but also opens up a product sales market for domestic enterprises with hundreds of millions of people.As for Zhaguo and Anguila, while ensuring the stability of the regime, they can also use the fruits of economic development to benefit the people, thereby bringing about the country's civilization progress and social prosperity.

Everything was conceived very well, and Chen Kangjie also felt that the trip went smoothly. Not only did Zhaguo's cooperation intention be reached, but he also had confidence in Anguila's cooperation.And apart from a little accident caused by the crocodile attack, there was no conflict during this trip, and everything seemed to be going well.

Chen Kangjie thought to himself, under heavy protection, Xiong Ziqiang and the others would probably be disappointed.This time it was very difficult for Chen Kangjie to become a "troubleshooter". No matter where he went, he would be protected by the local army, and even if he wanted to cause trouble, he couldn't find a way.

But things about the evil sect are so hard to explain clearly, and sometimes things that seem impossible are really amazing.It's like a joke: On a sunny morning, a farmer goes to a pub to drink.The bartender served him a glass of whiskey. Seeing that the farmer was depressed and there was only one customer in the bar, the bar chatted with the farmer curiously.

"The weather is so good today. Look, there is no one in the bar except you and me. Even if you drink to your heart's content, the guests only visit at night. People in the town are either going out with their families or reuniting at home. How can you come here for a boring drink? ?”, the bartender sat opposite the farmer and asked curiously.

The farmer sighed, took a sip from his wine glass, and said quietly, "You don't know, some things are unclear."

"There's no one here anyway, so what's unclear? Just tell me."

Farmer Youyou glanced at the bartender, took another sip of wine, "Then I'll tell you something! I woke up early this morning and went to the stable to milk some fresh milk for my girlfriend's breakfast...".

"That's good, what's there to be depressed about?"

"You don't know, some things are really unclear."

"Then keep talking," the bartender encouraged.

The farmer took a sip of his wine, "When I put the bucket under the tripe, I just squeezed it twice, and the cow's left front leg kicked the bucket over."

"Haha, you're not very lucky today, but it's not like you're here for a boring drink." The bartender laughed.

"It's nothing, some things are unclear," the farmer glanced at the bartender and said depressedly.

"Sorry, keep talking, what happened next? You couldn't explain clearly," the bar closed his mouth after finishing speaking, waiting for the farmer to continue.

The farmer picked up his glass and took a sip, "The cow kicked the barrel down, so I thought of a way to take a rope from the wall of the stable and tie his leg to the post."

"Since I can help you, you can continue to milk the cow with peace of mind."

"It's not that easy, I thought so, but when I put the bucket under the cow, I only squeezed it twice, and the cow's right front leg kicked the bucket over again," the farmer Youyou continued.

"Hehe, you're really unlucky," the bar laughed again.

"Oh, this is not bad luck. There are some things that I can't explain at all," the farmer said melancholy, and drank the wine in the glass in front of him in one gulp.

The bartender was very happy when someone was talking with him, and quickly refilled another glass for him, "This glass is my treat, so you go on and say, what is it that you can't explain?".

"Since the right front leg can also kick the barrel, I continued to use the previous method and took another rope from the wall of the stable to tie its leg to the post on the other side."

"Both legs are tied, this time there should be no problem, you can milk the milk with confidence," the bartender echoed.

"It's not that easy." The farmer took a sip of the whiskey that the bartender gave for free. "I put the bucket under the cow again. It was the same. After only two kicks, the cow's left hind leg kicked my bucket over again." .

"Hey, your cow is really naughty. It seems that it deliberately prevents you from drinking fresh milk."

"Oh, some things are unclear!" the farmer sighed.

"Isn't it just a cow kicking the barrel? What's not clear? You can find another rope to tie up its left hind leg, won't it be over?" The bartender is smart and will draw inferences.

"That's what I did. I took the rope from the wall and tied his left hind leg to the post, but I really can't explain some things!" The farmer didn't have any relaxed expression, His face was still gloomy and gloomy.

"Where do so many come from? Is it unclear? Is there an accident later?" the bartender asked suspiciously.

The farmer gulped down another gulp of wine, and shook his head helplessly, "I put the bucket under the cow's body again, bent down and squeezed it twice, and the cow's only untethered right hind foot kicked the bucket down again."

"Damn it, the best milk cow! I understand your unlucky situation. If it were me, I would be quite depressed too," the bartender said empathetically.

"Oh, some things are unclear!", the farmer continued to repeat the sentence he said at the beginning.

"It can only be said that you are unlucky to the extreme. There is nothing unclear." The bartender was a little annoyed at the farmer who always said that in a mysterious way. Learn more, and then tie up the last leg of the cow?".

The farmer gulped down the remaining half of the wine in the wine glass, shook his head, "This is the only way, I tied that leg up with a rope."

"That's right. The four legs of the cow are tightly bound and they can't move. Now you can milk the cow as you want. What's the point? Hurry up and make breakfast!" ", the bar said impatiently.

"Oh, some things are not clear!", the farmer still repeated this sentence depressed.

Feeling that there is more to the story, the bartender brought another glass of wine to the farmer, "Say, talk, keep talking, I really want to know what is unclear, I don't believe there is such a thing."

The farmer put the wine glass in front of himself, picked it up and took a sip hazily, "I can't move my four legs, and I thought I could milk the cow as I wanted, but... when I put the bucket under the tripe, it was too After two squeezes, the cow's long tail actually whipped down and knocked the bucket over."

"What? That's okay too? Damn, God cow!" The bartender didn't expect such a situation, and he was also surprised.

"Oh, there are some things that I just can't explain clearly," the farmer still sighed.

"Hehe, so what's next? How can I say it's not clear?" The bar felt that the cow did have "special abilities", but in his opinion there was nothing unclear.

The farmer played with the wine glass in his hand, "What can I do? I don't believe in evil, so I can only tie the tail of the ox. But when I lifted the tail of the ox, I realized that the rope was used up."

"Then what should I do?"

"With an idea, I untied the belt on my waist with the other hand, intending to use it to fasten the ox tail, but my pants fell off at the same time as the belt was pulled out, and at this girlfriend walked in ".


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