The sudden burst of gunfire resounded throughout Leopoldville. Just as Chen Kangjie and the others gained the advantage and were about to end the battle, several troop trucks rumbled up behind the enemy on Lumumba Avenue. .

As soon as these trucks approached the battlefield, someone on board opened fire in the direction of Chen Kangjie and the others, and the energy was so intense that Chen Kangjie and the others were caught off guard.

The few lucky survivors lying on the ground saw a large number of active forces coming from their own side, and their morale was high immediately. They stood up one by one, took up their rifles and shot bravely, and at the same time walked forward with heavy footsteps.

For Chen Kangjie and the others, the situation at this time is very critical, and they cannot run away. If they turn around and run, they will only become targets for others. Basically, there is no big problem with the people who hit and escape.On the other hand, you may not be able to dodge too well. The ammunition capacity of the pistol is not much. Everyone has consumed a few bullets. The ammunition is obviously insufficient. , will undoubtedly be wiped out one by one, even if one shot can kill half of the opponent's reinforcements, it will end in failure.People flock to them, they are the fish on the chopping board—to be slaughtered.

Xiong Ziqiang once served as the supreme commander on Christmas Island for two months, and has developed a lot of thinking from the perspective of the overall situation.In a moment of life and death, he immediately found a way to relieve it.

Since he and Tan Jun hid behind to protect Chen Kangjie most of the time, they only consumed one bullet each. Currently, the two of them had the most ammunition.What he has to do now is to stop the opponent from advancing, and he must stop the opponent at a distance of 30 meters.

"Tan Jun, the two of us are under less pressure now. We must prevent each other from approaching, especially the convoy. If the convoy comes ten meters away from us, we are finished. We both attack at the same time. You deal with the sidewalk. I will deal with those four cars." Across Chen Kangjie, Xiong Ziqiang immediately assigned a tactical task.

At this time, there was no room for much consideration, and Xiong Ziqiang had special prestige in the team, so Tan Jun immediately nodded in agreement.

In three seconds, the two found their shooting positions and directions. Tan Jun was on the right and Chen Kangjie was on the left. At the same time, they quickly stood up from behind the flower bed.

Tan Jun raised his gun and fired directly at an extremely fast speed, just like conducting rapid-fire training in a training hall. "Papa papa papa" fired five bullets in a row, which was extremely coherent. It was like using a pistol as a machine gun, but the difference was that when the machine gun fired a shuttle of bullets, if you moved the muzzle, Many bullets were empty, and the fired bullets formed a line, but the enemies were not densely arranged in a line.Tan Jun used the pistol to dodge this very well. The five bullets he fired were all fired, and all four people on the opposite side were hit. The one who walked first was shot twice. Upturned.

At such a close distance, the opponent is standing upright again. For Tan Jun who came out of the security bureau, such a result can only be regarded as a pass. If he misses, it will be insulting to his dignity.

Just as Tan Jun fired the second bullet, the pistol held in Xiong Ziqiang's right hand also rang.There was such a short time lag because his body needed to sprint out onto the road and the target of the shot was a moving car.

At the doors on both sides of the cab of each troop truck stood a gunman holding a submachine gun, and the powerful vitality was shot out by these gunmen.

However, Xiong Ziqiang is not targeting them. Xiong Ziqiang is so adventurous because he knows that even if all the gunmen with submachine guns between the doors are killed, it will not help their situation. After all, the vehicles will continue to approach , and more soldiers will jump down behind the body.Besides, it was unlikely that he would use seven bullets to eliminate eight enemies while he was in motion.

Therefore, the focus of Xiong Ziqiang's shooting is the position of the driver's cab of the four vehicles, so that only four points need to be attacked, and these four points are relatively conspicuous.If the driver of the car is killed, it will have a chaotic effect, and may be able to block the opponent's progress.

Xiong Ziqiang's risk is the greatest. To achieve the effect of quickly killing the other driver, he cannot hide and hide. The best angle is on the road.To fire several high-quality shots in succession on the road, he would risk being shot down in a pool of blood.It's just that he didn't care too much in a hurry, in order to increase the chance of survival, he had to take such a risk.

These military vehicles are all ordinary trucks, which do not have bulletproof effect at all. If it is the Humvee used by the United States later, then Xiong Ziqiang can only end up with hatred.

Immediately after the four snatches were fired with "papapapapa", bullets were fired at the conspicuous position where Xiong Ziqiang was.

Hearing the "whoosh" sound of bullets piercing through the air, some bullets even brushed against his ears and flew back, but Xiong Ziqiang was not afraid, nor did he care about being afraid.His current mission and purpose are extremely simple, that is, not to annihilate the entire army here, especially Chen Kangjie cannot fall here.

Xiong Ziqiang's actions are a bit similar to the meaning of exchanging his life. He always remembers his mother's explanation and Chen Kangjie's friendship, so he always has a belief in his bones, that is, to save his own life and try his best to keep Chen Kangjie's comprehensiveness , this is his highest mission and task.

Xiong Ziqiang finally emptied all the bullets in the pistol, but at the last moment when the bullet ejected from the chamber, he was shot, and a bullet hit his left chest.Accompanied by blood splashes, Xiong Ziqiang's body was pushed backwards by the impact of the bullet, and finally fell heavily on the road two meters away.

Seeing this scene, Chen Kangjie's eye sockets were about to burst, and he rushed out desperately to check and cover.

Tan Jun grabbed Chen Kangjie by the collar from behind and held him tightly. At the same time, a bullet grazed his cheek.Chen Kangjie only felt a burning pain on his face, and when he reached out to touch it, his hand was covered with blood.Tan Jun was frightened immediately, he thought Chen Kangjie had been shot.

Tan Jun's refusal to let Chen Kangjie go out was entirely out of instinct.He knew that Chen Kangjie's kung fu was very good. If he was unarmed, he was even better than them. Ten or eight enemies would have nothing to do with him.But under this hail of bullets, flesh and blood have almost no possibility of resisting the invincible hot weapons.

After examining Chen Kangjie's face carefully, Tan Jun found that Chen Kangjie's cheek was scratched by the bullet, and there was no bullet hole, so he was relieved.Chen Kangjie himself was actually in a cold sweat from the lingering fear. He didn't have a gun in his hand. The reason why he acted so bravely when he saw Xiong Ziqiang being shot and fell to the ground was that he really regarded Xiong Ziqiang as his big brother deep in his heart. look at it.As he said at the beginning, he didn't regard these guards around him as bodyguards, at least Xiong Ziqiang and the others were regarded more as brothers.

Seeing his dear brother die on the spot, he was so sad that he would not think about it, it was a natural conditioned reflex.Now that he has passed through the gate of hell, the chill on his back actually calms him down. He cannot show the courage of a man at this moment. He must protect himself. Only by protecting himself can he take revenge. If not, his death will only be in vain. .

Xiong Ziqiang's shot was valuable. He fired seven shots and hit three drivers, two of whom died suddenly on the spot.Without the driver, the vehicle was like a wild horse running wild. The three unbalanced trucks crashed into each other quickly, and the truck with the driver intact was forced to hit by the three out-of-balance trucks. Street trees along the road.

The loss of control of the vehicle immediately caused a brief misfire. The shooter standing at the door was the first to suffer. Several were thrown off by the violently twisted body, and one of them was still caught under the wheel in the chaos.When the vehicles collided with each other, the shooters at the two doors were caught in the body, and it seemed that they would not survive.

As for the soldiers sitting in the back compartment, they rolled into a ball in the compartment before getting out of the car, feeling dizzy, and many of those sitting in the innermost compartment were injured under the squeeze.

If you want to get out of danger, the best opportunity is now this gap. If you can't use this short time to get out of the battlefield, once the soldiers in the cars behind get out of the cars, the consequences will be disastrous.The vehicles collided, but there was no explosion or fire, and the opponent was able to react quickly.

"Master Jie, let's go." Tan Jun obviously saw this opportunity, grabbed Chen Kangjie's arm, and started running ahead of time.

As for the others, it was not what Tan Jun wanted to consider at this moment. Besides, if other people saw that the two of them had started to escape, they would cover up and back out.

However, Chen Kangjie did not turn around and run, but broke free from Tan Jun's arm and ran towards the place where Xiong Ziqiang fell to the ground.Knowing what Chen Kangjie was thinking, Tan Jun immediately followed him, raised his gun with his right hand to block Chen Kangjie's front, and helped him pull the unconscious Xiong Ziqiang up with his left hand.Soon John Jimmy and Chris rushed over, and they also dutifully blocked their bodies in front of Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie couldn't control Xiong Ziqiang's life and death at this time, but he couldn't leave him behind, so after pulling Xiong Ziqiang onto his shoulders, he picked him up and ran away.The others covered behind and followed.

But just after running more than ten meters, another seven or eight military vehicles drove up from the opposite side.Seeing the military vehicles approaching with the strong headlights on, Chen Kangjie sighed coldly in his heart, attacking back and forth, there was no escape, is he going to die here tonight?

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