rebirth of change

Chapter 1197 Originated from Misunderstanding

Xiong Ziqiang did not sacrifice, but the situation is indeed very bad.Pang Hui panted heavily due to sadness, which really shocked Chen Kangjie.

When Chen Kangjie ran outside the operating room, the two doctors in charge of treatment and other accompanying staff were standing together in frustration.

Chen Kangjie grabbed the doctor's shoulder and asked anxiously for a long time before he understood what the problem was and Xiong Ziqiang's real danger.

Xiong Ziqiang's luck was both good and bad. He was lucky because the bullet missed his heart. If it had, he would never have been able to reach the hospital.It is said that he was unlucky because the bullet hit his heart and entered the chest cavity, and the injury was very deep. Several doctors only helped to temporarily stop the bleeding and disinfect the wound. Due to the limitations of technical level and medical equipment, They tried several times but failed to get the bullet out.

"We can't move too much, because if we are not careful, the heart will be damaged, and the patient will face death immediately," said the black doctor who seemed to be in his 50s with his head down.

"Is his condition stable now?" Chen Kangjie asked eagerly.

"It's very unstable. He had a high fever just now. According to our experience, if the bullet cannot be taken out, he may not survive for three days."

"Carabi, help me, give me a plane, I have to transport him away as soon as possible." Hearing that Xiong Ziqiang would not live for three days, a line of hot tears flowed from Chen Kangjie's eyes, and he held Karabi with both hands. Bi's arm, said in a pleading voice.

"No problem, I can requisition an airplane for you right away, but where do you plan to fly to?" Karabi was very straightforward and agreed without hesitation.

"Go wherever you can get treatment", Chen Kangjie's mind is also in chaos now, he doesn't have a clear destination, he just hopes to leave this place as soon as possible.

"Sir...I'm afraid it won't work," the doctor hesitated and murmured.

"Why? Why not?" Chen Kangjie's rhetorical question almost yelled out.Rationally, it is not the fault of these doctors that Xiong Ziqiang cannot be treated, but emotionally, Chen Kangjie still cannot accept their "incompetence" at this time.

"Because he can't stand the bumps and large-scale movement now, his current physical characteristics are very fragile, and the take-off and landing of the plane and the transportation of the car may kill him... and the way he moved after the injury was not right. At that time he He can only be carried away with a stretcher, and the curling and squeezing of his body has already caused him one injury.” The doctor knew that saying this might not be worth the loss, but out of the doctor’s vocation and conscience, even if it might offend others, he still hesitated Take the courage to speak up.

Chen Kangjie was speechless. He didn't know if Xiong Ziqiang was still alive at the time. In that emergency situation, there was no way there would be a stretcher. He just had an idea to take him away as soon as possible, and he couldn't lose the "body" to the enemy. hands.However, it was such an urgent action that caused greater harm to Xiong Ziqiang. Even though he knew that it was a temporary measure of last resort, Chen Kangjie still blamed himself and felt guilty.

The conversation was in French, and none of Chen Kangjie's subordinates could understand, so there was not even a single person to comfort him. The pain deep in his heart could only be carried by himself.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was devastated and said nothing, the others became even more uncertain, especially Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu, who had followed Xiong Ziqiang for the longest time, and their tears had never been shed.

"Jie Shao, is the captain dying? Huh? Is it?" Dong Mingshu asked in tears.

"No, no, don't worry, I will definitely save him." Chen Kangjie comforted him through gritted teeth, and then turned to the two so-called incompetent doctors, "You must do your best to take good care of him, and within four days, he will not Whatever happens, as long as it can be done, I will be deeply grateful to you.”

"We will do our best," the doctor replied solemnly.

Next, Chen Kangjie told John Jimmy to take a few people to take care of the other wounded in the hospital, so that the other wounded could be well healed, and he himself left with Liu Deyi and Samidov.He had to find a way to fight for the opportunity of these three or four days.

Back at the Presidential Palace, Chen Kangjie immediately called Ouyang Zhenhua. Before in Caiyun Province, they had called for medical assistance remotely, but this time the distance was dozens of times farther than that time, and the difficulty was also greater. too much.

Fortunately, Leopoldville was eight hours later than Hong Kong's time difference. It was midnight on Chen Kangjie's side, and a busy day had already begun on Hong Kong's side.Ouyang Zhenhua was originally going to inspect the project of the Hong Kong headquarters today, but when he was halfway there, he told the team to turn around and go to the University of Hong Kong School of Medicine when he received a call from Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie's phone call was very urgent, and he was asked to send a group of medical experts to Leopoldville within two days. If it was just transporting experts, then it would be fine.The real difficulty is to bring a batch of the most advanced surgical equipment. It is very difficult to find a batch of usable equipment temporarily and disassemble it for installation.

If you go to other hospitals, it is not easy to take the equipment away immediately when others are treating patients. Several large hospitals in Hong Kong are usually busy.So the first thing he thought of was the medical school of the University of Hong Kong.

Driven by Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua himself donated [-] million Hong Kong dollars to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong for the purchase of medical equipment, so that they not only have a set of equipment for treating patients, but also a set of equipment for teaching. Ouyang Zhenhua is He rushed to the set of teaching equipment, because he paid for this set, including multiple sets of detection and treatment equipment for major surgery.

Although the things were donated by him, under normal circumstances he couldn't just take them away.However, after finding the dean to explain the situation and stating that he would donate a larger amount of teaching funds, the dean immediately agreed and cooperated with him to disassemble the equipment and pack it into boxes.At the same time, the director also agreed to Ouyang Zhenhua's request to borrow medical experts.For now, starting from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong is the fastest way Ouyang Zhenhua can find. As for the money, it doesn't matter how much it is.

In order to rescue in time, Ouyang Zhenhua first used his own special plane to send ten medical experts away. As for the equipment, due to the difficulty of temporary disassembly, it had to be delayed for 22 hours and delivered by Cathay Pacific's cargo charter plane.

In order to save Xiong Ziqiang, Chen Kangjie mobilized the greatest force to carry out a thousand-mile rescue.Because the distance is too far, there is no direct air route between Hong Kong and Leopoldville, so we have to find a place for refueling and transit. Finally, with the cooperation of the domestic and foreign departments of foreign affairs and the government of Zambia, the place for refueling on the way was selected by the Pakistan Railway. In the southern port city of Krachi, the transfer point is Addis Ababa. Leopoldville can only be reached after two jumps in the middle.

Maybe in the eyes of others, there is no need to mobilize the teachers so much for a subordinate, but in Chen Kangjie's heart, saving Xiong Ziqiang is tantamount to saving himself, because Xiong Ziqiang is to save everyone, and more strictly speaking, it is for his escape. would be so risky.So no matter how much the cost is, he will not hesitate.

The top doctors from Hong Kong arrived at the site in only 29 hours, but the equipment took more than 45 hours.Fortunately, this two-step approach was adopted. After the Hong Kong experts came, they greatly revised the previous treatment methods of Dr. Zhaguo. In the words of a professor of surgery surnamed Jing, if they hadn't arrived in time, Xiong Ziqiang would have died at all. In less than [-] hours, Dr. Zhaguo adopted radical maintenance methods. Although Xiong Ziqiang's physical characteristics may look better in the short term, over time, the antibodies in his body will be weakened, which will make even the They are also helpless.

In order to save Xiong Ziqiang, Karabi and his father really helped a lot. While quickly quelling the turmoil in the capital, they also had to deploy heavy troops to ensure the safety and smooth flow of the airport and the main roads in the city, thus creating a favorable situation. Conditions, and because of this, they lost the best chance to go out of the city to hunt down Babu.

After thirteen hours of continuous surgery, Xiong Ziqiang was temporarily out of danger.Chen Kangjie hadn't slept for three days and three nights. After receiving this good news, he fell down and fell asleep on a certain bed in the hospital with peace of mind.

When Chen Kangjie woke up, it was already more than ten hours later when the sun was shining brightly in the afternoon.

"Long, are you awake?" Seeing Chen Kangjie waking up, Karabi hurriedly threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and asked with concern.

"Why are you here? You should be busy with many things." Chen Kangjie raised the pillow and put it on the iron railing of the hospital bed, leaning lazily on it.

"I just came here too. I saw you fell asleep, so I stood there for a while. Maybe...the really busy work will come later." Karabi pulled a wooden chair and sat in front of Chen Kangjie's bed, and said dejectedly.

"How do you say that?" Chen Kangjie asked alertly.

Karabi did not answer Chen Kangjie's question directly, but took a deep breath, and said helplessly, "I asked your subordinates about the situation. In fact, everything happened because of a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Where did the misunderstanding come from?" Chen Kangjie sat up straight. In his mind, making such a big commotion could only be a conspiracy, how could it be a misunderstanding.

"I learned about the process of that day... In fact, our local right fist hit the left palm, not provocative, but a happy expression of gratitude. As for the middle finger, it is different from many countries. It does not mean insulting, which means The only thing, as for the final key, is your thumbs up, in most countries, that is praise and praise, but here, it is extremely insulting, a bit similar to... yours' Fuck off '... that's the way it is," Calabi said, making himself a little amused, but unable to laugh at the aftermath.

Chen Kangjie, on the other hand, sat on the bed blankly in disbelief, motionless.

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